Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Darkest Hour | Eternal Empire & Friends

Jehlan Beidi



Location: Kalidan
Lightsaber / Robes / Ballroom Mask

Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran I Michael Barran Michael Barran


Slowly I began to detach myself from this circle of irritant civilians, falling back into the shadows of this gala, moving quickly to put distance between myself and Miss Horne and her party. When I felt assured that my escape birthed no followers to drag me back into that hellish conversational prison, I turned my attention to the musicians. Strolling to the upbeat music, snatching a glass filled with a brownish liquid along my route, I stood listening to the rhymical tunes drown out the loud voices in the background. I have always found music to be a soothsayer of sorts, a guru with lessons in harmony.

Whilst I stood there letting the songs lull me into a world of fantastical dreams and memories, the reverie was suddenly interrupted by another familiar voice; a voice I had not heard in years. Unlike the voice possessed by one Miss Horne, this voice was a pleasant sound to hear, and as I turned toward the keeper of the male voice speaking to me from behind, I flashed a smile of acknowledgment.

"Well, it seems they'll let anyone in this convocation," I said extending my hand out to one of the very few friends I had in this galaxy. Cassius Marshes was once a military officer in the Galactic Alliance when I was but a fledging Jedi Padawan, close in age, we bonded quickly over our first mission together; and over the years remained close friends until I left the Jedi Order, and through channels of rumors, heard, he too, left the military life behind. Over the years, we had lost connection with one and another; but now as Fate rears her dome for the second time tonight, she had sought to bring friends together over drinks and reminiscing about the old glory days.

"Obviously if they let the likes of someone of your stature roam freely, then I believe I should seek out better company," Cassius replied whilst embracing my outstretched hand. "It is good to see you, old friend. Tell me, Jehlan, what has become of you over these past few years? Please, tell me you have abandoned your search for her?"

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: To attend on the Ball
Location: Imperial Opera, Arcenon, Kalidan
Equipment: Noble attire || The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway | Jehlan Beidi | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Ingrid continued her conversation with Lord Barran as others entered the room. It seemed that the Empress was not the last to arrive. Otherwise, in any other case, the woman would have been the first to arrive, but she could not do that here. But back to the conversation and the war; she agreed that war was always present on the doorstep of empires. While many other states have risen and fallen since the Eternal Empire returned to Kalidan, war has always been eternal. It was the main gain for most companies. War always improves technology and industry. It also had many good effects despite the horrors.

"I could say the same, Lord Barran. The Sith Order and the Galactic Alliance are now in what was once part of the Eternal Empire. It is possible they will soon reach Kalidan..." she told him.

She nodded at the second part, and it was a great opportunity for her to invite him to Terraris. The place, the HPI Consortium's home world, was so far away from everything that not many people went there except for the trade. True, the people of the planet didn't mind so much that they had no tourists. The people of Terraris were pretty much on their own, just like the clans and tribes on Nelvaan back in the day, from which they eventually moved to their new home, where they could live much more as they pleased.

"If you like, you and your delegation should visit Terraris, Lord Barran. I'm sure you would find the planet fascinating." she offered to him.

As he continued to talk, somewhat wistfully and somewhat sadly, she had a feeling that he had not seen her home for a long time. True, the red-haired woman had never been to Galidraan, but she had distant relatives and connections there, so she had some knowledge of what the planet, or planets, were like, for there were several in the system. She was very much in touch with that, she knew what it was like to be away from home. Or even choosing a new home, it was never easy. She knew that what she was about to ask him would be rather sensitive and painful for him.

"What keeps you from your homeland, Lord Barran?" she asked him.

Because she was diplomatic, there was now compassion and genuine curiosity in her cold voice. She'd been quite busy lately, mostly with business, so gossip and such had been stored in her biochip, but she hadn't always had time to read it. The only ones she paid attention to, and MANIAC always brought up, were the ones concerning the Eternal Empire or Terraris Command or the HPI Consortium. Even that was a huge amount of data. Which is why she asked this now, cautiously and compassionately.

"Forgive me, my Lord, if I have offended or hurt you. Of course, if you don't want to, you don't have to answer my question." she told him.


Alor of Clan Cadera, Headmistress of the Bounty Hunters' Guild

Objective: Solve the problem
Location: Ruins, Kalidan
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Beskar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Edward Ashcard Edward Ashcard | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Skyler Wren | Open
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Under my helmet I raised my eyebrows, I don't know why four people would have been so many, but the man knew. I nodded to him, and MANIAC recorded the data on which channel to connect to on MEIPOC's network to hold what the man asked. I usually used HPI's network, but here in the Eternal Empire it was EENet that I had to use. Luckily they are compatible with each other thanks to the fact that they are made by the same company.

"Roger that!" I said briefly to the man before heading off to the other team.

After that I arrived at the other team. I was pleased to hear that one of them was indeed Mandalorian. The best was always when you could fight a fellow vod somewhere. At least then I knew I had a competent person on the battlefield with me. It's true, I didn't really know much about the Clan Wren house, because I never really had any contact with them. Nor with any Mandalorian faction. We were rather independent, looking after ourselves and not joining any of the factions who were constantly at war with each other. We should have been united... but that was not part of it.

"We are delighted to meet Skyler Wren, of Clan Wren. Always a pleasure to fight with a vod! It's a pleasure to get to know your peers." I told him... them.

After the introductions, I listened to the conversation and the plan while they thought about my proposal. Meanwhile, I also had a rather bad feeling, as if I was being watched from the ruins. The feeling gave me the creeps, I never liked that. I never liked fighting with something I didn't understand. Animals, beasts, droids are one thing, but when Space Wizards summoned different things, well, that was just not okay. Meanwhile, of course, I listened to what the others were saying and nodded. I couldn't have agreed more with Skyler.

"I agree, the satellites do not sense any life signs from inside, but clearly we are not alone. And unfortunately, I don't think there are droids in there... more likely undead... or monsters of some sort. Do you have any experience with such creatures?" I asked them.

Unfortunately, I had experience, from the time when I was a simple bounty hunter, or even a verdika. It's another matter that I haven't liked fighting them any more since then. But we couldn't wait any longer, we had to go slowly, before they rushed us, whatever they were.

"It would be best to get going." I suggested.


Objective: The Darkness
Location: Southern Hemisphere — Ruin Outskirts
Tag: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Edward absorbed Vandrim's words carefully as Team Veritas inched towards the ruins. Secretly, he had hoped that their foes were massive. Uncaring horrors that Edward and his team could blast apart as they came into view, but that was not the case. He gripped his slugthrower firmly, but not too tightly. He was not one to shoot at shadows or to dodge away from strange winds, but it dawned on Edward's mind that might be the very thing that the scenario required.

"Stay sharp, expect contract shortly," Edward stated over his comlink.

Edward and his team scanned both high and now as they climbed down the rubble to get closer to the ruins. Many of the soldiers checked their bayonets over and over again. They wanted to be comforted by the presence of their last line of defence, but even the well-disciplined Eternal soldiers grew uneasy as the sound of the wind became sinister.

Edward looked towards Vandrim for confirmation, for until he saw what they were up against, Edward was still as clueless as he had been up at the camp. A strangely cold wind hit the team and one of the soldiers, who had been holding his blaster too tight, misfired. As the bolts provided short-lived illumination, the air filled with a terrible howl. There was no time to discipline the soldier.

Edward turned to Vandrim and shook his head slightly, "It's time, is it not, Vandrim?"


Jehlan Beidi



Location: Kalidan
Lightsaber / Robes / Ballroom Mask
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim I Michael Barran Michael Barran I Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran


It didn't take long for my old friend to strike the chords of my heart strings. He knew me better than I knew myself, curse my eyes for betraying me. "You know very well, Cassius, that I will never give up on her. She was my responsibility, and I failed her, horribly."

Her name is Vosca Araluu, and she was my Padawan; the only Padawan I ever had. In fact, the only person I mentored. She was brash. like myself at her age, and full of energy. Oh, the energy she possessed! She was a human from the Outer Rim planet of Bastion, and like most, had a fractured past that haunted her early days at the Temple on Coruscant. I plucked her from the ranks of her class when she was only thirteen, and from there I sculpted her to become a fine Jedi. Alas, the cruelty of Fate would not be denied.

"Jehlan, it's been almost, what, ten years now? Either she is dead, or she is truly lost to the voids."

"She is not dead! Do not speak as if you can lobby such a judgment upon her," I said, my words harsher than I meant. I knew my friend was trying to help me, but he couldn't possibly understand. She was like a daughter to me. Our Master - Padawan relationship was a bond instantly formed, and through the short years it strengthened. "I know you mean well, Cassius, but you where there. You bore witness to those series of events, don't stand here and tell me you haven't thought about Vosca, that there is hope she can yet still be alive."

It has always been difficult to piece together what happened on that fateful day. Just a routine patrol, she and I, along with Cassius' patrol unit. What happened, how it happened, nobody could ever agree upon. Even the various testimonies given to the Jedi Council from the survivors regarding the loss of Padawan Araluu where sketchy and hobbled with glaring holes. What is known, she and along with some of the military personnel disappeared into what only could be a plasma-like hole, after we were ambushed by a group whom we believed we were there to give relief aid too.

"And you know Jehlan, I spent hours with you and others searching for her and the other lost men. A day doesn't go by that I don't think of Vosca. She was always like a warm sunshine ray of hope, bringing smiles and laughter to anyone she touched. But I am sorry, old friend, but I cannot agree with you that she or the others are alive.

"But let's not dwell on the dark times, let us focus on new beginnings,"
Cassius remarked, raising his glass to the air. "To Voska Araluu."

"To Padawan Voska Araluu," I pronounced, knowing one day I would find her.

And it was shortly after that I walked away from the Jedi Order...forever.


Skyler Wren




Location: Southern Hemisphere - Entering City
Salvage and Exterminate

"I've fought a lot of things in my life, vod, but never something that should remain dead. There is a wickedness to such things," I said, stealing a glance back toward the ruins, "But you are right, we should go."

Skyler led the others from his cadre, whilst he studied the pink female Mando as she led them to another encampment. She walked with an air of confidence, yet there was a sadness in her steps; perhaps she had lost someone close and dear to her, or perhaps she was exiled from their core worlds as some who didn't align politically with the ruling faction had done in the past, and the thought of home weighed heavy on her. Everyone carried their own personal prisons with them.

Skyler, and those other Mando's employed by him, were considered outsiders in the eyes of some back home. They had forgone the traditions of wearing the beskar'gam, and rarely had many dealings with others, but yet, to his surprise; this girl in pink accepted him without question, in spite his armor held no traditions or metals from the Mandalorian culture. If there was time, he would ask her of such things.

Occasionally, as they walked, he would turn around and examine the ruins; mostly to implore his sense of sight to locate anything, living or dead, stalking them from behind. Through his helmet's comlink, a familiar voice chimed in.
"Skyler, it's Rune back at camp. The sensors picked up some kind of anomaly in the ruins. I mean it was there one second, gone the next. What's your status?" After a few minutes, Skyler explained the new plan and they would stay in contact, also he was sending everyone but Rrroyk back to the camp. He wanted the muscle of the Wookie with him.

"There's something skulking in the ruins," he whispered to
Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , "Whatever it is, it's daring us to play it's game."

Objective: Ball
Location: Opera, Kalidan
Tag: Michael Barran Michael Barran Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran

The Last time Cannaugh had been this uncomfortable, a jedi witch had been holding a lightsaber in threat against the Imperator. Right now Cannaugh would take the lightsaber. It wasn't that Cannaugh didn't enjoy a good party. It was just that this hardly would be considered a party where he was from. It was stiff. It was formal. No chance a drunken brawl would break out. Although on second thought Cannaugh supposed he should be grateful for the latter. It could make protecting his charge awkward.

Which reminded him what was important. The Emperor's safety not his own comfort. Personally Cannaugh would rather he be locked up in a concrete bunker, but then he would be a man worth following if he spent all his time cowering in a steel concrete box. Besides there forces were more mobile than not these days so at best Cannaugh would have to make do with a Star Destroyer.

Cannaugh sighed which he supposed was why diplomatic events such as this one were important. Building friendships, contacts, alliance and of course sizing up enemies. All of it was in the game of international politics. Cannaugh couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it. Whether anything of any worth was actually conducted at these events.

Right now the Emperor was exchanging barbs or atleast courtesies- it was hard to tell- with the Empress from the fallen Eternal Empire. Cannaugh supposed that made sense, both of their empires had fallen on hard times and were trying to claw there way back up to the galactic stage. Though in Cannaugh's opinion his Empire was doing it much more gracefully.

Still he kept his opinion to himself. Playing the loyal aide and bodyguard remaining silent while his eyes scanned the room for threats. It all seemed pretty tame. So tame it was hardly a party, but he reminded himself he should probably be grateful for that even while he was disdainful of it. Although the Emperor made a good show of enjoying himself.

Cannaugh waited a little bored while trying to remain the keen edge he needed to be in order to protect his Emperor. Although he doubted the Eternal Empress would directly attack his Emperor in such a public setting. Even the Sith would hesitate before making such a public declaration to the Galaxy. Regardless it was his job to scan for threats. As soon as this was over the better.
4th Post







Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Jehlan Beidi




Not good.... The Sith have no right to encroach on the Eternals.
An' for that matter, no right to encroach on anyone, let alone the people of Kalidan.

Bastards, the Sith an' the Jedi alike.
'Bastards, the lot o' them.'

Despite the facts the Lord Imperator stated and those that stated similar circumstances from the Eternal Empress' perspective, there was also a strange comfort in knowing that his allies were undergoing similar ordeals, foreseeing what such predicaments could do to strengthen L'lerim's armies in the long-run. From vital battle-experience, prestige and technological advancement, to the battle-philosophies, soldiering traditions of intermeshing disciplines old and new, Barran had seen first hand what the Eternal Host could achieve in the latter-half of the previous century, already assuring Kalidan's presence as a strong allied element in the years that were still yet to pass.

Even with the offer of a luxurious visit to Terraris, even with the bright chandeliers gleaming overhead, Michael could sense the grit of longevity in the host-faction's people; a will to live like none the Tattered Regent had ever known, distinct enough to stand out as a realm apart from the norms and two-toned conventions of the Galaxy, and it was this understanding that assured the old Woad the most of the Eternals' long-game survivability. As even during the toughest battles of the previous century, in the burning heart of war's crucible, (and at it's absolute worst) the Eternals never shook under impact, never once buckling under the weight of the Galaxy's worst evils.

'I'd like that.'

Smiling in good grace, even with the otherwise-difficult question considered, Barran found himself chuckling the tension away as he replied,'No-no! Its perfectly fine, Ingrid. Heh! Believe me, you're not intruding. Of course not, you're a trusted confidant, an' that should mean you have more access to these matters than most.', dispelling any and all concerns of the chance offences were taken by the curiosity. L'lerim herself was known to be a more-than-knowledgeable source of information on niche Goidelic lore, and in the effort to feed that growing suppository of Galidraan histories, the Tattered Regent would never be so callous as to suddenly deny the Eternal Empress of her long-standing intel stream from the Regency.

'An' to answer the question.... Only timing, only the cadence of a three-step plan could hinder my way home to Galidraan. But as you might've guessed, I have been blessed with the renowned second-wind my father inherited from his own parentage, and with it - the right to fight my way home again.... As the Stormchaser would.'

Though the old Woad held a kindly mask of serene calm, the excitement was always poorly hidden in the eyes of a Barran, one of the many features Michael had inherited from his father, an excitement of which the Tattered Regent found himself indulging in a brief expression of wheezing, joyous mirth. Michael was on the starting-line of a very distinct path after all, on the verge of the Stormchaser's pilgrimage, and in silent prompt for Galloway and L'lerim to draw to conspiratorially-near closeness, Barran himself felt an inward tug that discouraged him from declaring it outright. A small nudge to keep the Tattered Regent from giving in to that excitement, a brash hubris that spelled death for men of whom Barran considered to be better than most in matters of self-control.

'First, the goal is to survive the Carlaci onslaught.... Second, I then make a beeline for Serenno with those who make it out, an' there.... Decide whether I want Galidraan or Bastion more, but I'm beginning to believe I want the former a little more as my third stage. We'll see how the wind blows when we reach that rickety bridge, but I remain confident I'll make the right choice when the time comes.'


5th Post







Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Jehlan Beidi




We were giants, now we're guests for the pity of grander realms.
Gracious though Kalidan has been, welcoming though this realm is now....

I can't help but feel like they know we're just shadows of our former selves.

Looking up to the Holoscreens above the bottle-racks, set behind the barkeep's workstation to avoid neck-craning complaints from the patrons, the Galactic news-stations were all saying the same things, more or less. On one hand, the rising stars of Carlac and Kalidan looked set to make their presences felt in the earlier half of the 10th Century, but on the other - the reports all told of the waning moons of Archais and Nirauan alike.

'I like this coffee by the way, though I think I'll just order a local soda-brand for the next while.'

With a courteous nod to confirm the order, the barkeep reached into one of the refrigerators beneath the counter, replying,'Here! I usually drink one of these after a workout, every part as cold here as they should be too.', before he placed a filled glass of the fizzy liquid next to the Dreamer's half-full coffee cup. Then after receiving a kindly tip for the initiative shown, the barkeep nodded once more and asked,'Any good news for Novania, sir?', making conversation before his own eyes were tempted to gaze on the Holoscreens above. Receiving a rueful chuckle in response, the barkeep decided it best not to press the matter this time, but a calm hand of mild acquiescence met him next, allaying any concerns that might have resulted of his curiosity.

'Sadly not.... Well - not tonight, at least-'


~=Siyarr, what the feth have you just deployed me into?=~
~=If you get me killed, so help me Surr'Huwal - I will haunt you for the rest of your days!=~

'Aaaaah, chit.... I can't relax at all these days.'

Vandrim had been more than capable in his initiation trials, both in Old-Tongue fluency and and in the speed of incantations, even acquitting himself as an early-inherent of Combat Intuition with sword and rifle alike, and despite the fact Mardimson was still yet to be tested where it mattered, the impatience still belied itself in the faith Mitharranson still placed in the lad. The only downside in the earlier days of the Ferryman's military tenure, the only thing getting in the way was the reality that Vandrim couldn't place the same faith in Siyarr in turn, maintaining an unhealthy distrust to both the Senator and the deposed Priest-King alike, and showing no sign of alleviating by that point of their working partnership.

'Damnit.... Laras, I'll be needing my mask after all!'
Quickly, though sluggishly, the young white-eyed soldier arose from his barstool with as much freedom as his formal uniform allowed, reaching into the briefcase Siyarr's security-detail had brought in with them. The mild inebriation, however, was still enough for the lad to fail the keycode sequence on the first two tries, but on the third, the famed purple-and-gold mask of Arr'Huwal was finally unlocked with a static hiss as the case itself handled the rest. Raising the mask on it's platform from it's previously-airtight containment, giving Siyarr time enough to cross the room and lift it for (what Siyarr was hoping would be-) a brief span of time.

It seemed like that short spell was all the Dreamer needed, but he wouldn't know until the mask was firmly resting on his face, though the Ceremonial Dagger was firmly in hand by then, ready for near-silent incantation.


~=In answer.... Nothing your predessecors haven't harried before you.=~

~=Now steel yourself! Show me what Rukkaya saw from the Firmament!=~

~=Melarria's brothers will both be watching.=~




Tags: Edward Ashcard Edward Ashcard Skyler Wren Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera



'Indeed.... Let us fight for the sunrise, my friend!'
Putting on his Deathseer mask, unsheathing his Ceremonial Dagger and Songsteel Cavalry-Sabre in staggered succession, the young Deathseer would prepare his soul for the impending clash, incanting to bring metal, casketwood and glyph alike into reflective, glowing life. The nameless knife, a mere tool, though it was more a reflection of the self for Vardim that the sword was at the time, though time itself would change the Ferryman's heart and thoughts toward a sword he named,"Tool", in a comedic twist of coincidental irony. Not that the wielder was in much of a mood for mirth that night, but the small comforts of convention still brought warmth to Mardimson's bones, staving off the shivers in the midst of frozen, snowy polar winds.

'Ameniamman, maribad! Laskamidad - HAR SURR'HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!'
"Guided Heart, hearken! Awaken - for Surr'Huwal!"

Beating on his chest like an ancient, primal fury of the abyss, howling in reply to the fell creatures that awaited, Vandrim's warcry would be joined by many others of the Novanian element, even joining with wild, tribal ululations - and all of which seemed to echo throughout the space beyond the search-party's reach.

If the hidden threat would send shivers down mortal spines, Vandrim was already resolved to retort in kind, adamant in his desire to make the opposition flinch, even if it was only fated to be a brief hesitation. Every moment counted here, and would continue to matter for as long as the first and second lines persisted in taking the fight to their unseen threat. The unnatural, the otherworldly, as frightening as powerful as such things always had been, would not be permitted to stand as insults to Nature itself, the only true force of nature to which the Novanian tribes adhered, thus the Ferryman's choice would consequently make itself.

As was often the case with Shamans of Mardimson's ilk.

'Alright then, Ashcard.... Lead the way, your six is covered.'



Jehlan Beidi



Location: Kalidan
Lightsaber / Robes / Ballroom Mask
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim I Michael Barran Michael Barran I Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran


With our drinks refreshed, Cassius and I moved around the massive ballroom, occasionally commenting on the artworks, the hideous masks some of the patrons employed for tonight's event, or the gossips surrounding some of the couples; the latter of these trios coming from sources Cassius himself heard. For my companion, and longtime friend, was more versed in the politics of those more inclined to the fancier aspects of life. Me, I was versed in the words and symbols found in texts, tomes, and the like, and of the course, the Force. The shadow of our previous topic still loomed over us like a festering storm cloud, ready to dispel its droplets once more, drenching us back into that discussion. Though, neither one of us wanted to endure such a torrential downpour on such a monumental reunion.

It was I who broke the silence that was growing between us after our last romp of humorous jabs at young couple's disposition in the manufacturing business. According to Cassius, the couple jointly owned the company yet could not agree on a direction that would bring fortunes to a rather dismal banking account.
"Tell me, Cassius, what have you been doing since retirement? Judging by your physique, clearly you are keeping yourself occupied. But please, do tell? You must be here in the Empire's territory for a reason." I caught a glimpse in the shifting of his body weight, a sign that he was disturbed by my question. Cassius, even back in our younger days together, always bore a noticeable shift when posed a question that made him feel uneased.

Finding his voice, he said in an almost hushing tone,
"I cannot divulge to you the details of whom I am employed under, but I have reason to be here at their request. You see, old friend, there is a certain individual masking, and no pun intended, around as someone else at tonight's gala. They are wearing the skins of another person, a person who has great influence on matters of a financial importance.

"This individual, we suspect, seeks to disrupt trade agreements, contracts, and quite possibly financial institutions here with the Empire and other planetary governments. He must not be allowed to continue."
I stared at my friend in shock as we continued our orbital revolution of the ballroom. If there was an individual here in Empire territory, then he must be thwarted at once.

"Cassius, you must allow me to assist you in this matter," I said grabbing his shoulder and directing him to a corner away from prying ears. "I will not inquire about your employer but if what you just told me about this person has any truth to their motives, then this directly effects the Empire; and that, my old friend, involves me. You are a guest here, and as such, your resources in this manner to uproot this imposter is sorely limited. I, on the other hand, have unlimited resources at my disposal."

Cassius shot me smile as he extended his hand, "It'll be just like old times, Jehlan."


Alor of Clan Cadera, Headmistress of the Bounty Hunters' Guild

Objective: Solve the problem
Location: Ruins, Kalidan
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Beskar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Edward Ashcard Edward Ashcard | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Skyler Wren | Open
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


<"If we're lucky, they can be killed just as easily as any living one. If not... you'll have to figure it out on the spot, though wounding their heads usually works. But often it's also if you manage to shoot their limbs off so they can't walk any further."> I quickly gave the boy and his team a lesson.

Fire, which usually worked against Space Wizards, was not something I wanted to recommend, because in many cases it was useless and the undead would just keep coming until they burned up and could do serious damage. However, the head always works, as do the limbs. Without legs or arms, nothing can attack or move or shoot us. In animals, likewise limbs or the head. But still, I hate fighting undead, especially since you never know if they are intelligent or not. If they are, that's an even bigger problem. But I think I'll get to these "small" details when we get to the point where we meet these creatures. We might get lucky and I don't want the boy and his companions to suffer from nightmares especially since we might not even encounter something like I would say.

As we moved forward, I started to feel worse and worse. It was as if we were walking into more and more darkness. Both figuratively and literally. The darkness that the ruins cast on the "alleys" and "streets" was even darker, mainly due to the fact that there were clouds in the sky, so that even the starlight did not reach them. I would have liked to be very, very far away from this place. I, the brave Mandalorian Alor. For this very reason, I did not speak out because it would have brought shame to my entire clan. Sometimes I felt I was taking on too much with all this. But I was there, I didn't run away screaming, so I think I deserved a red mark for that. At Skyler's words, I turned to her and nodded.

<"I totally agree and something has been watching us since we came in. I can feel them watching us..."> I replied back quietly.

It wasn't a Force thing, though I was not being a Force User nor Force Sensitive; it was more like if you've been a warrior for a long time and spent a lot of time hunting or on the battlefield, you can feel it. You can feel if you're being watched and hunted. That was exactly the feeling, and I hated it when I was the prey and not the hunter. The last time I felt that way was Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr , and I could only hope that bastard hadn't come back from the Netherworld. I wondered for a moment which way to go, then spoke.

<"In the middle, in the depths of the ruins, the biggest building, that's where there was the most movement. Maybe we can find a clue there. Let's go that way."> I suggested to the young man.

In fact, whether he agreed with me or not, that was my main goal. I didn't know which way the other team was going to go first, I hoped they would go that way too, because if we meet there it can only be good. In any case, with weapons in hand, I started forward, while something seemed to be moving in the shadows, in the darkness, following us...

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: To attend on the Ball
Location: Imperial Opera, Arcenon, Kalidan
Equipment: Noble attire || The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway | Jehlan Beidi | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


"I agree profoundly." she replied.

But unfortunately, there was nothing to be done about it; she knew full well that the Eternal Empire in its present form could not develop as fast and as rapidly as the Sith Empire. They had few planets to face their enemies, and in their current form they were more concerned with keeping secrets and operating in secret. She knew that they could switch to expansion, if necessary, but it would mean major redeployments. Here, of course, she meant not only the Sith, but also the Galactic Alliance. They may have overtly shown that they were on the same side and helping them, as they did against the Maw, but they were also covertly as despised as any of the main Force User factions.

A faint smile appeared on Ingrid's lips when he accepted her invitation to Terraris. The planet had been terraformed and turned into an industrial citadel by the HPI and the clans in just a few decades. The planet was the headquarters of the HPI Consortium, and the whole planet also had a rather cold climate. The HPI Metropolis was similar to Coruscant, but the rest of the planet was quite unique. The redhead always felt a slight sense of pride when she thought of that planet. It was a masterpiece of clan and company cooperation. A place that could never be taken from them. Although she considered Kalidan her home, it was partly standing, partly built by Tacitus, not just Ingrid.

"Then, if you like, my Lord, we can go to Terraris together after this evening. Since you are in this region, it is easiest." she offered him.

They then moved on to the more sensitive subject of the man's home. Of course, she said that if he didn't want to talk about it, he didn't have to, but it seemed that the Tattered Regent did want to talk about it. She listened carefully to what was said for that very reason. The redheaded woman knew this, there was always something that came first, especially when duties were paramount. She was like that, she even put the Empire before her family. She knew very well that this was not right, but she had been brought up to believe that this was the way it should be. There was always one person in the generations who was like that. But she knew that this wasn't necessarily a good thing and that there were other, better ways. But Ingrid was old enough not to be able to change that.

"You are like your late father; you take on too much. If you take my advice, Lord Michael. Don't let your duties keep you from your home. Fight for it, simultaneously with your other plans. Failure of the other plans would never cause you and your family the pain of not being able to reach your home. Your children, grandchildren, and future descendants would be forever grateful if you could reclaim the ancestral world of their bloodline." she told him.

True, Ingrid thought that he would not take the advice anyway, and neither would she. But she had to tell him anyway. For the galaxy to move forward everyone had to break some kind of circle, if it was such a small thing, it was such a small thing... she had bigger ambitions than that, to destroy the Force...


Objective: The Darkness
Location: Southern Hemisphere — The Ruins

Tag: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Edward and Team Veritas carefully breached the threshold of the ruins as they pushed a small pile of rubble out of the way. Some among them were happy to have made it inside without being attacked, but those thoughts did not last long as they were greeted by the cold and uncaring architecture inside the ruins. Edward gave a sign and several of the soldiers deployed glow sticks into what they could see was a grand entrance hall. The deep red light of the glow sticks did not do much to improve the mood. Even the most disciplined soldiers could only deal with the intensity of expecting contact for so long.

Edward's wayward thoughts were focused on the Novanian element that was following behind his team. Edward found their primal fury surprising, but Edward was happy for them to be like that instead of being a group of meek scholars. He wiped stone dust off his helmet as he scanned the room. His eyes moved from shadow to shadow as they seemed to subtly pulse in size and shape.

Everything changed with a scream as one of the Blackwatch agent collapsed onto the floor as his left arm sailed off in an arc. It had looked like a shadow had darted towards the agent. Edward had been looking ahead, so the rest of the team had shot first. As he turned his body and aimed his SMG, he saw what was bounding from wall to wall.

A shadowy beast, sleek and powerful, with segmented limbs. In the moments it took him to take aim, he was unable to tell if he was looking at two or three pairs of limbs, but it was clear that the front pair had the shape of curved blades. A dull pain entered his head as he looked at the shadow's blurry form. It gazed back at him with a group of dull orange eyes as it launched itself off a wall.

Another agent died as the shadow's "blades" passed through armour like it was nothing. Team Veritas' blaster bolts were accurate, but through the soft blur it was impossible to tell if the shadow was dodging around them or if they merely had no effect.

Edward opened fire and a stream of high velocity titanium core slugs raced towards their target. Holes appeared in the shadow as the slugs passed through it. Edward was unsure if he had injured it or if it had the ability to change its own shape at will. The shadow best's eyes snapped towards him, and he prepared to fire off another volley to test if the eyes were as incorporeal as the rest of its body seemed.

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5th Post







Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Jehlan Beidi




Never thought I'd need it, not even in the midst of recovery.
but after seeing the realm being cannibalised for so damn long already....

Maybe a soothing retreat would help to keep a steady nerve in darker days.

Grateful for the offer and the advice in equal measure, the Tattered Regent could not help but feel noticeably-less isolated at the time, and in the detection of high-sincerity stretching beyond the surface-level decorum, began to see that there was a great, naturally-driven trust toward the man who became a mentor to House L'lerim's next generation. The Protectorate were never once alone in the Galaxy, and even despite the growing chasm of distance between them, the constant presence of the Ashlans and Eternals never seemed to waver, an endless relief to the stellar island that was true Defiant Imperium.

'Well, if its any reassurance, I'm beginning to agree. "Home", feels like the right choice, or rather, the only choice that leaves me with something t'show for it.'

After all, beyond Serenno lay two paths of destructive expansion, two contrasting routes to resurgent prominence; the shorter path, infinitely-more cruel and callous than the longer, homeward route, still fated to be another, particularly-bloody extreme if the offer of unification was fated to fall on deaf ears. A new power had taken root on Bastion, and though they were yet to grow, and yet to disappoint the Galaxy, the Diarchy presented something of a challenge for the Protectorate from it's presence on the fallen Empire's former capital. Much the same in situational specifics would be found in the fight homeward for Galidraan III, but in this case, there was tension enough to suggest that war was destined to flare up between the Lost and the Protectorate eventually.

'Damned to conquer someone either way, but at least the Galidraan option carries nostalgic rewards.... An' as you'll know from my father, nostalgia's like speeder-fuel for auld Goidels.'

From calmly, kindly-applied reciprocation of fellowship between rulers, colleagues and extended-family, to a wider-eyed, chuckling in spite of Goidelic propensities to live in the past in their own reverent ways, it would be fairly obvious that Michael himself was evolving to break familial cycles, for all that could not aid in resurgence was being cast aside in his Post-Coma years. Barran understood fine and well that he would need to evolve beyond the unheathly patterns of his parentage, especially after his most-recent clash with the estranged elder brother of Erskine's brood, it was needed for much more than the resurgence for which he struggled endlessly - the survival of heart, mind and soul would soon matter more than any throne, diadem or sceptre.

'But in any case, while we're still within the happy topic's vicinity.... When we arrive on Terraris, there's a chance I'll be need in need of certain facilities, for training, sparring an' such. I am on the cusp of a - uh - particular breakthrough. One of which I may yet be able to teach my most-gifted subordinates.'


6th Post







Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Jehlan Beidi




Well, well, well....
What a night this is turning out to be.

Serves me right for thinking this mission would be anything less than a fight.

Rising from his barstool, Siyarr removed his mask, picking up his half-finished can of local soda and taking it with him to the jukebox, there he sat with an expression of foreboding concern. His closest subordinates would cast questioning gazes, to which the Senator replied with reassuringly slow shakes of his head from left to right in response. But just as the old Shaman was on the verge of gulping down the rest of his drink, a sudden surge of telepathic resonance sent the very essence of it's wielder's wicked intent, causing a searing migraine to bring Siyarr to his knees, an evil force that felt unlike any of the Dark Side monsters he ever faced before.

'AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUURRRRGH!!!!! Damnit all to the Nether, man! Cancel my last!'

With all the care of mental-ward security guards, the Senator's protectors hauled him up from the floor by the arms, setting Siyar's formal clothing into it's usual folds to combat any potential wrinkles caused by the sudden reactive spasms, making the experience seem all the more demeaning to endure. But the fussing subsided relatively quickly, and as soon as Kaskimson inquired,'So what the feth was that all about, sir?', the Dreamer understood it to be genuine concern after all. Only realising then that these were bodyguards, not Shamanic assistants, going on to inwardly, silently remind himself (and for what felt like the thousandth time by then-) that it wasn't for soldiers to adopt nursing, caregiving etiquette on duty.

Their vocation was protection, observance and defensive doctrine - not the wellbeing of a spiritual leader.

'Vandrim's got company, and there's something down there which the old Maw left behind in it's collapse.... DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAAAAMN IIIIIT!!!!'


~=Whatever the feth that was, I sure hope you've recited your incantations.=~
~=I cannot guarantee your safety beyond this point, Vandrim. So please, be wary!=~




Tags: Edward Ashcard Edward Ashcard Skyler Wren Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera



The feth was that?
Ooooooooh.... That can't be good.

Sensing exactly what his older colleague was experiencing in these moments, the young Ferryman knew he would be expecting a telepathic warning soon, clearing his own mind of noise and pain alike as the silence grew louder around him; but what wasn't expected was the overall condition Siyarr would be in when he eventually broke through to Vandrim, even sensing a little of that headache when the connection was fully-established, only serving to further compound the irritation incurred from the increased risks to life and soul alike. The reminder to recite his Shamanic incantations especially felt like a slap across Mardimson's face, as it implied that the Dreamseer viewed his Deathseer contemporary as (or perhaps little more than-) a lowly acolyte, thus the warning of further danger seemed to make matters worse to that effect.


~=Go feth yourself, old man! I know your game!=~
~=You knew exactly what you were doing when you sent me here.=~

~=Do not test my patience!=~
Disregarding the implied lack of faith in his abilities, putting the needless waste of time to the back of his mind as he would with the perceived insults, the Ferryman realised there was far too much at stake to humour the sudden concerns of his Senator, especially with the sheer weight of urgency weighing on the operators allocated to Team Veritas already. However, the Eternals heading up the first wave of the operation were certainly proving capable so far, impressing with an array of healthy Paranormal Hunting habits, especially in the implementation of glowsticks to improve visibility, using the snow and ice beneath their boots as light-conduits to stretch the glowing reach across a wider victinity.

Stretching red out to autumnal, orange warmth of colour, though it would only present a mirage-like shade of joy, for there would be no such safety in temperature on the frozen tundra. But despite the fleeting wonder, the nifty tactics, and overall inclusion of the Firedance warriors, there was much to worry about as they delved deeper into the ruins. Even through the rapid increase in cohesion between Eternals and Novanians alike, even through the effective occupation of every sector they captured in their advance, there was always something that would snatch the confident, brazen daring from the lips of the search-party.

Did you hear it?

And it all started with one particular entity, one tricksy, nimble shadow, made all the more horrifying to comprehend when it's limbs began to bear tangible shape with each approaching step. But when it started attacking, it was then that the Ferryman's Noradrenaline receptors began to kick in. This was beyond mere fight-or-flight concerns, and with two agents dead already, the impending responsive attack on Edward Ashcard drove the otherwise-listless Shaman to spring forward with contrasting poise. Jumping into a sprinting charge whilst exclaiming,'Ashcard, lower your posture and place it forward! You're the left jab - I'm the overhand right!', in his attempt to test an idea, Mardimson had every intention of attempting to cut through the monster's head to kill it, sensing that baring blades briefly rendered the monster vulnerable to conventional attacks.

'On your maaaaaark - set - AAAADVAAAAAAAAANCE!!!!'



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