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Approved NPC The Dawnforged

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  • Intent: To submit those Jedi loyal to the Oathsworn Legions.
  • Image Credit: Hellgate London: Exodus
  • Role: The Dawnforged function as a more regimented order of militant Jedi who serve as elite soldiers, bodyguards, and mercenaries devoted to safeguarding the Oathsworn Compact.
  • Links: /
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Minor
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    Guardians of Light: The Dawnforged are all sworn Jedi, predominantly trained in the guardian tradition although with a small sentinel and consular minority. Most are battle hardened combat veterans, and many have adapted their lightsaber forms to incorporate the Oathsworn light-shield.
  • Beast Tamers: While the Dawnforged ruthlessly put down any Sithspawn they come across, some among their number have become known for developing psychic bonds with some of Tython's more exotic fauna that remains uncorrupted. Mounts, both land and air based, as well as trained predators make for not uncommon boon companions to those Jedi in touch with nature.
  • Swordsages: While the order's training tends to focus more heavily on martial pursuits than esoteric knowledge, all Oathsworn Jedi are taught to value their religion's ancient history and prize relics of that past above all else save innocent lives. The Dawnforged are known as record keepers, catalogers, and treasure hunters.
  • No Quarter: Like most Jedi who regress back into the old ways, the Dawnforged have an uncompromising attitude and paranoid sensibility that can make cooperation even with ostensible allies difficult. There is no right circumstance to call upon the black arts, and the only acceptable judgment for those who do is a final one.
  • Force Multiplier: The Dawnforged are no grand army, they are limited both in number and skillset, at their best when the inspiration of their presence serves to bolster the mundane legions of the Oathsworn. Their role is relegated mostly to frontline infantry command, where the greatest focus in their training as Jedi is on improving their martial prowess.
  • Righteous Fury: All Jedi Lords walk a fine line between pious valor and prideful arrogance, and the Dawnforged are no exception. They hold little love for the Sith and Dark Jedi they have sworn to destroy, seeing it as their tragic duty to purge not only their enemies but their way of life. This passion for justice as they see it can be manipulated, even corrupted.

[*]Structure & Powers:
  • Squires: Also commonly referred to simply as padawans, junior squires are roughly equivalent in number to the Order's masters, with some senior advisors occasionally taking on several to share time between training and clerical responsibilities. More senior squires are often loaned out to knights to serve in a traditional capacity and gain some practical combat experience under watchful eyes. Common squire level abilities include: Force Strength, Force Barrier, Force Sense, Telekinesis, Precognition, Mind Trick.
  • Knights: By far the most common among the order, knights make up roughly half the Dawnforged's number. Their responsibilities are equally numerous, defenders of the people and military commanders chief among them. The most stalwart and resourceful of all knights are chosen to serve the Oathsworn Reliquary as historical scholars and treasure seekers. Common knight level abilities include: Force Light, Force Valor, Battle Meditation, Force Healing, Enhanced Reflexes, Force Stasis, Tutaminis, Telepathy.
  • Masters: Only one to two dozen masters are active at any given time, when one falls in battle or the Oathsworn grow sufficiently in mundane numbers, the most promising senior knights are subjected to trials to determine who is worthy. Masters train junior squires, administrate the Compact, and advise the Regent Lord. Some are placed in sole command of the Oathsworn's more remote outposts. Common master level abilities include: Battlemind, Force Body, Force Breach, Farsight, Memory Recall, Comprehend Languages.

[*]Description: Originally a splinter faction of knights who once served Lord Talanis Long, the Dawnforged were formed by those drawn to the cult of personality of their brother in arms Titus Valerius. When Valerius recovered the Dawnstar from Ruusan, he returned it along with Lord Amroth to Tython, where he gathered his supporters and after securing Long's blessing, set out to establish a new colony on Ashla, one of the planet's twin moons.
In those formative days, the Dawnforged were few in number, but the more their reputation and influence grows across Tython below the larger their Oathsworn Legions have become. Absorbing smaller legions in their wake, the Dawnforged fortify outposts scattered across Tythonian continents and sends expeditionary teams out to survey nearby worlds, now numbering no more than two hundred at a time and spread out across the system.

Former monks of the New Jedi Order almost to a man, the Jedi of the Dawnforged have embraced a more radical orthodox ideology and consider themselves no longer constrained by the contemporary edicts that practitioners of their religion are not meant to govern the realms of men. Dawnforged Knights are sworn to enforce the tenants of the Compact, and while participation in that social accord is not compulsory, it is expected for all those who live on lands defended by their order to comply with Oathsworn law or suffer the consequences.
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