The hook snatched onto something, his eyes hit the remote-visual access for the mag-boots, and he was suddenly flung upwards. He craned his neck and saw his BT-7 get a direct hit, shields sputtering and collapsing. It was an open target. He turned around, a couch flew past his head, any closer and it would have shattered his neck.
He couldn't dodge the debris coming out of the dark cloud that smoked from the belly of the Eclair. In a second he was hurling through that smoke and felt the grip hit the hook, he was inside what looked like a large lounge within the same, except the floor now had a crater. He turned back and saw the violent bright light of a saber smashing through the window of the BT-7.
His pilot was exceptionally programmed, but that was not what made him immune to being knocked out - it was that he was a droid. Pain receptors existed in only a few droids, they were mute in the design of robotics. Droids didn't need them unless they were replicating a lifeform to appear real, or soldier droids so that they become alert to damages - but not pilots. It was unnecessary.
Whatever attack she had performed on the droid, it would not be enough to knock him out. She would have to disable him, and then worse matters, she would have to commandeer a foreign ship that was flying vertically in a tight elevator shaft. The Force was magical, and to Solo, he wasn't one-hundred percent in believing it, but it was no substitute for talent. That much he knew.
She would be next, he just had to disable the ship he was on. "BG," he called into his helmet intercom, "Shut down all essential ship operations, cut the anti-gravity, cut the engines. Let the Helios fall." He didn't know if the droid was still operating, but it was worth a shot. Once that ship fell, this elevator shaft went down many dozens of kilometers, she would be falling for quite some time, and with great speed. He had time to order a reboot of the engines, and without gravity on the Jedi's side, accessing the commands to turn on the ship would become.. hazardous.
Then again, he could also lose his ship. He needed that Jedi - there was a price on Jedi big enough that he could buy his own tropical island. If that mean't losing BG and Helios, it was a price worth paying. Only if necessary, and he didn't see that as necessary yet. He would salvage this operation.
He took out his twin MT-14 heavy blasters, re-activated his mag-boots and began to walk towards the cockpit.