Teynara Jeralyr said:
language of Shakespeare and Chaucer, and that's what you do with it?
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] Being 14, English not being your primary language (I am sorry, but I found this somewhat doubtful after having rp'ed with you) is no excuse for your OOC conduct and your IC actions. If I were you, I would stop. I would quit acting this way because frankly, its unbecoming of a human being. You have the breath of life in your lungs, a spark that is so rare and indistinguishable. You have access to a wealth of information, opportunities that many of those who posses this spark do not, those in third world countries, those who are under oppressive governments.
You are sentient. You are an animal, but you are not primal. I recommend you do credit to your species and act sentient rather than primal. I get it, a sense of humor is fun. I have one just as much as anyone. Just ask anybody who hangs out with me OOC on this board and they will tell you I have the best memes, the most wild jokes, and the insanest RL. Live life to the fullest. That doesn't mean be a troll and ruin everyone else's good time. It means experience a variety of emotions and actions. Not just mischief. Quit running from this possibility of being a productive, grand member not only of society but this board. If you shape up, you actually
could have fun. you actually
could be able to enjoy threads and start a writing circle of sorts. Until then, expect no redemption and don't expect anyone to take you seriously.
Edit: [member="Darth Ignus"] well spoken sir.