[member="Cole Dagos"] [member="Aleidis Zrgaat"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Aton Gyndar"]
There was a slow, stifled clap from the mob. A man, in black slacks and a matching shirt, rolled up to is sleeves. Green tie. Glowing, red eyes. "How cute," he said, staring down the one-armed woman on a pulpit. "You've come out of retirement, then? Or are you just hoping inciting a riot will magically make everything better?" He said dramatically, waving towards the others in crowd.
"I feel I should introduce myself, Aleidis," he said, still cheerful as ever. He honestly seemed to enjoy angry mobs at fiery pulpits. Maybe it reminded him of training. He smiled. "I'm one of those Senators from which you're demanding answers. I'm also one of those clones that is, as you put it, 'designed to die fanatically,' if I'm hearing correctly."
He sighed. "I get why the streets are angry. More than you'll likely know. I've seen brothers, sisters, fellow men and women, even lovers, die to the constant love affair of war and madness in this forsaken galaxy. I care little about the Jedi or the Sith. And yes, former Chancellor," he said, practically waving to the air, not usurping the high ground from this woman, "I get it. Unfortunately, generals cannot end wars. Commanders cannot ends wars. Terrorists and criminals cannot end wars. Protests and riots do not end wars. Jedi and Sith do not end wars. The only thing that ends wars, Madame Aleidis, is leadership and governance aimed towards peace. Now, if you want to riot, I won't stop you. You want to vandalize the Senate building to make yourselves feel better, I won't do a thing. But if one innocent person in that building--contrary to popular belief, some of them are good folks--is hurt because you felt the need to break stuff instead of getting off that soapbox and working, then screw you. May whatever pain your pettiness decides to visit upon this world be magnified a hundred times, and may you never know rest until you've atoned."
"Now, I'm going to talk to you, with the brick threat," he said, nodding to him. He walked over, setting a blaster pistol on a stool nearby. Trooper pilot sidearm. Standard issue. A basic black pistol, with no particularly unique design. It was heavy, made of standard durasteel and the fancy plastic that made the capacitors in a blaster work. "Kid, you want to blame somebody, do it. I'm right here. I'm one of the clones that was ordered to wreck lives and kill people. I'm trying to be one of the senators that doesn't. You want it back, by force? Make your decision--and use my old pistol. Shoot the cyborg trooper who hasn't turned twenty yet in the chest or the back, whatever suits you, and feel proud of it. Own it. I wonder if your eyes will look the same as Lasedri's by the time you're done."
He looked to the other Echani. "Quit being vague. You say she's corrupt, you say we're corrupt, you blame the senate and chancellor and the jedi, but then you want this group to do what? Follow you? Honestly, I'm not really certain what the solution is. But as it stands, I'm working for my constituents. I'm fighting for my people. I can't speak for all the Senate, but I feel like most of them are trying to resolve this. But, I'll be the first to admit, being told to wait from people you barely trust isn't a great endorsement of things to come. So, if we're so untrustworthy you want to destroy it, that's fine. But first, tell us your plan for what comes after. That's my demand. I'm a soldier too, I understand. But sadly, not every problem is fixed by punching the right person in the face. Sometimes, you have to build, sometimes you have to break."
He addressed the crowd. He didn't wait for the man to shoot him, but he wasn't defending himself. He didn't even keep bring any senate guardsmen with him, despite being told not to. "That goes to any of you as well. If you can shoot an unarmed man, in good faith, then fine, take it back by force. If not, then I suggest you go home, and figure out what you can do to help. The Senate, the Chancellor, the commander, they are no more parts of the republic than you are. But if none of you have what it takes to kill a Senator capable of giving you a chance, the senator who is trying to work change from within, then you're not ready to embrace the chaos your little riot will cause. And you should definitely think that through."
He looked to the crowd, hoping to a see a reaction, waiting for it. "If you want to say you've given up on any hope of the Senate, if you are truly demanding the whole thing dismantled, then pick up the gun and shoot me. Otherwise, get involved through proper channels, and help us actually do the damn job. Frankly, we've got a lot of work to do in order to restore the republic, for its soldiers and its citizens. I await your rebuttal, violent or otherwise."
He stood, waiting. Anarchy wasn't the only gameplan a man could have, after all. Maybe, just maybe, he could convince these people that rioting would only get worse. Maybe he could prevent another shootout form occurring on Chazwa. If that meant letting dangerous people point guns at his head, so be it. Frankly, if things got violent, around half the people in this street were likely to die as the riots broke out. Mostly innocent civilians. The Senate guard and the local security forces would contain it, and the casualties would be mostly civilian. Few would live. So yeah, screw it. These people wanted blood, he might as well donate up front.