Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Difference: IC and OOC

I think the larger issue at hand is people get emotionally invested. Heck, we all do. The biggest problem I think is the inability to separate fun make believe game and reality for some. While the character may feel like a part of your persona, its not really you going through those actions.


Not for noting but I dont altpad battles or put characters in several fronts at once, dont put a character somewhere they are almost guaranteed to have no business in, and only thread in odd places or planets when someone is actually reaching out to summon me or others. Otherwise I just dont get involved. There may be no psychological distinction as writer and oc are one, however I believe that it is kind of like method acting and just takes honing on a paticular mindset you know your character has and rolling with it.

Its not about the realism though. The real problem is that sometimes people get Butthurt and take something either IC personally or OOC as a shot and it becomes a matter of either spite or survival.
Kaine Zambrano said:
I always try to keep the two separate. But then you have those times...

Again, I don't think it's possible to do so 100%. But you can try. And that's all I look for, because without meta gaming, I'd have to roleplay my character taking a poop.

And how many of us write our characters taking a poop?
Tefka said:
Again, I don't think it's possible to do so 100%. But you can try. And that's all I look for, because without meta gaming, I'd have to roleplay my character taking a poop.

And how many of us write our characters taking a poop?
Have done that once ... never again.

Okay, maybe again.

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