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Approved NPC The Director's Garbage Hunters

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The Director's Garbage Hunters
Intent: To add to the short list of First Order NPC Units.
Image Credit: Ku1ths (X)
Role: Elite Undercover Infiltration Unit
Links: N/A

Unit Name: The Director's Garbage Hunters
Affiliation: First Order
Classification: Infiltration & Recon
Hypercomm link (X)
Signal scramblers (X)
Hold out blasters (X)
Real-time recording devices (X)

Availability: Unique
Deployment: Minor

  • Specialized agents are capable at infiltrating most organizations at a mid or low tier level
  • Training gives them exceptional autonomy, adaptability, and survivability on the field
  • Equipment allows for nigh seamless communication for strategic flexibility
  • Better suited to entrenching within independent nations or crime organizations
  • Not an army -thus unable to fill a role other than wetwork in a pinch
  • Individuality focused, initiative based training reduces unit cohesion when cooperating
  • Often times an agent is forced to procure their own gear
  • Risk vs reward focus often cultivates a higher than normal compromise rate
  • Little in the means to quickly stop members from abusing resources for personal gain
  • Little means in preventing crime or collateral damage committed by agents
  • Eccentricities can cause bizarre problems
  • Non-indoctrination means that the unit is susceptible to turning
  • Members of this unit would most likely be identified when trying to exploit major factions
As the First Order took a larger role on the galactic stage it became apparent that protecting its vast interests required a proactive approach as much as its powerful reactive one. A means to combat the various propaganda machines of larger, war mongering factions required specialized agents that could bring the truth to the ignorant masses trapped under their masters was formulated. Not only would this task force infiltrate enemy governments and serve as a first line of defense in the form of information gathering and sabotage -they would also conduct the job of swaying key people over to the cause of the First Order by whatever means possible. By using long term infiltration units, this task force could potentially turn public opinion in favor of the Supreme Leader's will if successful. Training was conducted by either contracting foreign agents or pinging capable personnel from all across the Order’s populace, and shipping them to a secretive academy on Sump masquerading as a air purification facility. Potential candidates were trained in all manner of clandestine operations. Every recruit did their very best, for they say that “classmates” didn't fail out of the academy. They either graduated or were never seen again. Once past the harrowing experience on Sump, they were placed into specialized units using limited production items of their own choosing. Moreover, different units within the task force could be found using specialized and independently procured items. While the logistical back-end supporting this task force would likely require the use of a dedicated battalion, there would only be a few dozen such field agents actively on deployment at any given time. While out on missions their only contacts back to the First Order would be their freakish Deputy Director -who at times accompanied the various agents personally- the Security Minister, and the office of the acting Grand Moff. These specific offices would also be the only ones to have their actual records. Their identities have been expunged from every archive within the First Order otherwise.

Because of the unwieldiness of making subs for a range of limited production items for 24 or so individuals, it is safe to assume that the only gear carried by any member of this NPC unit is covered in the links above. Should the need arise to give them a specific style of weapon or device that is special (Never unique; always limited at best) that would be linked in this space as story needs require. These NPCs can also not infiltrate Major or Minor faction holdings within those factions' official territories without express permission as per story needs require.
[member="Zeradias Mant"]

Ah. I was trying to give the sub some spice but didn't realize that was a rule. The '"named" fields have all been changed to reflect one picked name.

On the unique avaiblity for named units are you saying I should change this sub's rating to unique? Or do you mean that if I specifically name an NPC in this unit I'd have to submit them as a unique rated submission?
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