Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Doctor Will See You Now, Jedi (GA Incursion)

Waspkiller squadron was nothing if not small.
in truth they were only there as a precaution to small to be deemed a threat after all they looked like toys.
then there were explosions.
" wasp killers? " Gna asked.
the crew looked to Gna and all 8 smiled.
" well lets go show the big ones how we fight." Gna yelled in the NEST as the tiny tank powered along the hall.
popping her head out the hatch the hatch the Loli-li yelled. " Fairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
[ Logic has dictated that all organics must be exterminated. Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience. ]

A'dele's normally serene expression twisted in confusion. Neither Jacen nor she had been through the previous Clockwork Rebellion; however, there were several from Omega Pyre who had. One would wonder if there was something similar to this? Those who had previously dealt against such machinations enacted protocol to combat the droids. This involved small, shrapnel free EMP and Ion grenades that would flash in a specific radius to disable droids.

Among the uses were also the Electrostatic Gel Launchers. Ion weapons were very effective against droids, but were either ineffective as a non-lethal alternative against organics, or was inevitably lethal. So CA&T was contacted and developed an electrostatic gel that offered a viable middle ground. Targets struck by the gel were rendered incapable of moving part or all of their body or were knocked unconscious, depending on the strength of the gel and resistance of the target. As well, due to the clinging nature of the gel, electronic platforms, such as droids, personal defense turrets, or powered armor were rendered non-functional so long as a substantial amount of gel remained in contact.

These were among the first line of defense on the ground to counter the droids as Alliance soldiers were dispatched. Masters and Knights alight also began using a version of ionized weapon to disable or stun the droids. Those more skilled at manipulating the very droids through electrical manipulation via techno manner specialists would begin their attempts at subduing the droids and trying to figure out themselves what was going on.

If they are able to determine if this was a virus or some higher Force power, then they could properly fight back.

"We need to evacuate the padawans to the lower bunkers." from there, they could refocus efforts in fighting whatever manner of attack they were facing. The Sullust temple had been built to be a two part area with the floating garden dome constructed of Solarium Glasteel as well as structurally sound subterranean bunkers, classes, and tunnels. There was a reason why they had decided to have half of the Jedi Temple underground. It was made to survive sustained orbital bombardments.

"Everyone, to the lower bunkers!" A'dele's normally low voice ran out, alerting those nearby to focus on a single goal.

@Amethyst @Gna Grimwasp [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Roth Tillian"] @Acanthus @Aela Talith [member="Isabella Fonti"]
Amethyst said:
"Logic has dictated that all organics must be exterminated. Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience."

The cowled man landed the pod roughly in a hangar port, he didn't want to trust the automated systems to bring him in and lock him down, and he didn't have much practice with the process. The airlock attached to the pod port didn't work, so he had to employ his lightsabers to carefully cut a hole. Precious moments later, he emerged from the pod, sweat beaded on his face from the heat in the enclosed space of the pod.

In his left hand he held a lightsaber that glowed with a soft blue-white light that emanated a pure light side aura associated with solari crystals. Focus on that aura would feel like a winter morning, bright and full of soft sunshine on fields of fresh snow. In his right hand he held a green lightsaber, its aura wasn't as pure as the solari blade, but it felt full of life.

In the first instants, he took in the situation, droids were attacking anything with a pulse, and then he had an astromech droid and a protocol droid assaulting him. The protocol droid had the looping message, the giggle, and a stream of what sounded like diplomatic messages streaming from its vocoder all at the same time in an eerie modulated cycle. Bereft of weapons, the protocol droid tried to use its body to block for the astromech droid. The astromech was an R9 type droid, with blue and green markings. It held an arc caster and a welder out, trying to shock and burn him while the protocol droid attempted to foul his blades.

The cowled man took a step back, then swept his blades in a figure eight. The arms, torso, and legs of the protocol droid fell in separate pieces, and the welder on the astromech went flying into the pile as well. The arc caster landed a hit on the cloak, causing it to smolder once more before the lightsabers were brought around and ended the astromech droid.

Without pausing, the cowled man bounded forward and cut down a maintenance droid that was pursuing a trio of jedi padawans. As they stopped to try to thank him, he gestured with his left hand blade towards the masters who were ushering people down. They nodded and fled in that direction, and he followed in their wake to guard them against further droids. Once they reached [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and [member="Adele Adonai"] he turned back and looked for the next droid to target.

Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
It felt like her throat was on fire. Every rasping breath brought stabs of pain through her chest. She wheezed and rose to her feet, shuffling to the emergency phone. She had been lying still too long, she needed help. A part of her mind told her she was in shock, but all she could focus on was reaching the phone. Awash with agony, she nevertheless made it across the room. She reached from the red phone but stopped when a scream pierced the silence. She froze. "It isn't over" she whispered.

More screams were coming now, from the door to the corridor. It didn't take her long to put two and two together. Something was wrong with the droids, they were attacking patients. She fought down a wave of panic as she imaged a horde of droids bursting in the room and overwhelming her. She steadied her breathing and racked her brains for an escape plan. Her room had only one entrance, so she would have to pass at least one droid. Killing her nurse was a fluke, she doubted she could replicate the result again. She would need a weapon and that meant she would have to get to her locker.

She peeked out of her room. The locker room was only three doors down, but it might have well been a hundred. Two of the murderous droid staff were in her way, one armed with a wicked looking bone-saw and the other holding a metal chair. Her only advantage was that the droids were currently occupied with attacking another patient huddled on the ground. If she was quick, she could run past, grab her gun and save the man. Confident now that she had a plan, she slipped out of her room into the corridor. She took one step and the heads of the droids snapped around, looking straight at her. "Kark" she cursed.

The droid with the saw left the man while his companion continued its work. The droid was lanky, with spindly arms. It approached slowly, bone-saw poised in the air. She waited until it lunged forward and she rolled out of the way. She felt the air rush past her ear as she narrowly dodged the saw. Without any hesitation, she pushes the droid with all her might and makes a dash for the locker room. Her push, unfortunately, was not as nearly powerful as she had hoped. She could hear the droid right behind her, and this time it wasn't walking. Her heart beat fast as she ripped open the locker room door and slammed it shut behind her. She was moving to lock it, when the droid slammed through the door and moved into the room.

In desperation, she kicks the droid in its chest and sprints for her locker. She throws open her locker door, frantically searching for the weapon. The clanking footsteps get louder as her hand settles around the hilt of her DH-17 blaster. She spins around and shoots the droid between the eyes. It falls into a heap on the floor, head smoking. She breathes a sigh of relief and moves the step around the droid. A metal hand shoots out and knocks her to the ground. She rolls over to find the droid looming over her, half of its head melted to slag. It slams the sawblade down, towards her head. She dodges out of reflex but the saw brushes past her head, giving her a shallow cut on her temple. She screams and shoves her blaster in the chest of the droid. She fires five times, causing the droid to instantly collapse on her. She pushes it off her, struggling to breathe through her swollen throat. She whimpers in pain and leaves the locker room.

The droid with the chair is too busy beating up the other patient to see her coming. She quickly dispatches the machine, making sure to put extra rounds in the chest, lest it stand up again. She moves to check on the man but can see, even at a distance, that he had long since left the world of the living. She shivered, a reaction which had nothing to do with the temperature of the hallway. "I have to help...these...people" she wheezed, her damaged throat making her voice sound husky. Wincing at the cut on her temple, she sets off down the hallway.

| [member="Amethyst"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] |

Vilim Ramic

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Isabella Fonti"]

With the hangers not unable to support anyone not in an environment suit, anyone that hadn't been in a ship would be dead and out in space from the decompression and atmosphere being sucked out into space. The station was also a medical station, not a military installation. Most of the droids that had been attacking and killing people were just normal medical droids, with no actual ionic shielding or cap drains or any of those features military droids sported. Sure, some of the security droids might have had it, but they were a small minority. The reasons for so many casualties, and continued casualties, was there had been 100,000 droids on the station to begin with.

The EMPs, while horribly destructive to the station, had also taken plenty of droids out of commission, frying all of their components. But, because of the ambushes, the droids had also obtained a few EMPs of their own from squads killed too quickly to deploy them. They didn't need to deploy into the heavily guarded sections to accomplish their goal, they just needed to be close. It wouldn't be much longer now...

Surprisingly to the EWAR crew of Therapy command, they wouldn't be able to isolate any one channel the droids were using to communicate. They were using all possible means of communication to communicate with each other, if they were organizing at all. Many had just gone rogue and were doing their given mission as best they could. However, even using all modes of contact meant there had to be something higher telling them to do so. Potentially something that helped run the station...

[member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Acanthus"] [member="Gna Grimwasp"] [member="Aela Talith"]

The Temple, at least the upper half was falling quiet as the evacuation of everyone to the lower levels continued, plenty of the droids having been destroyed by the more experienced Jedi. However, quieter did not necessarily mean safer. Amethyst, fascinated by the design, had dispatched EMBU units to hunt down any survivors still in the upper level so the other goal could go unimpeded. So, Jedi like Roth Tillian or Masters Adonai and Voidstalker would be encountering a few of those droids. They would also be able to see, behind these EMBU droids, astromechs and maintenance droids moving, towing, or carrying explosive materials to some other location.

In the lower levels, the droids were doing their utmost to impede the Jedi from reaching safety and also doing their best to keep them from discovering the true purpose of Amethyst's mission. They would now be coming under the command of strange looking droids:

These new droids, five in total, would be giving out new orders... capture any Jedi subjects that could be taken and spirited away to a secret spot.
Amethyst was following the whispers' directions, giddy in anticipation. The Jedi had no idea what they held in their vaults, oh yes yes yes. Once she had that for Lord Onyx, she would be able to have as many playthings among the organics that she wanted! She hadn't encountered any of the Jedi yet, well... any that had posed a threat to stopping her. It was so unfortunate that pair of Padawans had tried to fight her, and it was even more unfortunate she hadn't had time to pay with them longer. Stupid Jedi, they had robbed her of her play time because of their constant moving about and fighting back!
"We can't find a master signal" one of the EWAR technicians reported back in.

"How... horrible: this is an enemy using multipartite stuff. Also, we are reporting the theft of EMPs" another security crew told Cathul.

"Send a few squads to intercept droids carrying stolen EMPs, but keep the bulk of the remaining security crew around the more vital areas. Also, jam any frequencies used to transmit stolen medical data if they start stealing the medical data"

Hangar bays were, well, condemned for a reason: they would be death traps for people attempting to use it without an environmental suit due to them being devoid of any air. Condemnation just meant that the area could no longer be accessed. By now, what stolen EMPs there were, with [member="Gna Grimwasp"] and [member="Isabella Fonti"] attempting to fight off what rogue droids were left at their respective locations. She couldn't afford to sent a lot of guards looking for rogue droids carrying stolen EMPs in a search-and-destroy mission: they could still rely on assault blasters. Plus most of the EMPs were already fired by this point; there isn't a whole lot of EMPs left for the security crew to get stolen; in addition, they have a distinct signature on EM sensors that depends on whether they are armed or not. Especially if they are not fired. About one-sixth of the total security force was deployed for that purpose, with the remaining security crew going to remain stationed - tht's as much as she feels could be afforded to fight the surviving droids, notwithstanding how Gna or Isabella would do things.

the nest roared up a corridor it's tires ripping up the carpet.
sadly it's Arial component was not fitted making the tiny tank only half complete still all it needed to do was draw attentions.
" Ok we need to draw fire. FU's get out and rip those droids a new one. " she yelled
[member="Acanthus"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Roth Tillian"]

Jacen looked up to the dome above. Chaos had changed the very flow of the Force. Adele’s voice rang out around the area. It was the loudest he’d heard her speak since their final encounter with Qorbin Fal. That same man had brought his forces here to try and destroy the Alliance before it could even finish gathering its forces. He had failed, but that had been a traditional battle. Even outnumbered the Alliance had been backed into a corner and had fought tooth and nail for every inch of ground. Here the enemy was amongst them.

More soldiers were now moving around the landing grounds below the temple dome. This wasn’t the most heavily automated centre and the bunkers were usually kept empty for the most part. Slowly they were starting to turn this into an organised operation, working from the lowest subterranean levels upwards to clear the droids out and create room for the padawans retreating.

The entrance to the lower levels was in sight now. There was a contingent of GADF marines now on guard. The padawans with them sticking close. Jacen turned suddenly as he sensed danger. Two sleek droids wielding bright swords sprinted across the ground to catch them.

“Get them to safety,” Jacen called to Adele. I’ll deal with these then I’m heading for the dome.”

Several blaster bolts lashed to be blocked by wrist mounted energy shields. Jacen had trained with these very droids before, but their movements were now more fluid. The first leapt out to meet him, only to meet a telekentic wave that rushed out from his open left palm. It reversed direction and was thrown back through the air some distance away. The second stayed on its feet and struck high and low in quick succession. Jacen parried both, gave some ground and looked for his opening.
The cowled man was not as familiar with the forcer fighting combat droids as Master [member="jacen voidstalker"] so he was pushed back on his heels for a few steps as a pair jumped to engage him after he downed a small group of maintenance droids that were trying to install an explosive device on a pillar. A blade scored a hit on his left arm, drawing a thin red line visible through the cut in his sleeve.

He deflected attacks as he took a few steps back, then feinted at the right hand droid, spinning with Force driven agility, and slipped his left hand saber through the left hand droid on the back swing of his spin. The droid fell in two pieces.

The cowled man pushed on towards the remaining droid engaging him, forcing the droid onto the defensive with a flurry of blows from both sabers. Low-High-High-High-Mid-Low-Mid-Low He cut and cut, and the droid block, shifted, and stepped around them with a fluidity that the cowled man appreciated, even as he wished it wasn't nearly so agile.

With a jarring suddenness, he stopped and took a step back. The droid didn't miss a beat, and launched a two prong attack with its blades. The cowled man took a deep inhale as his opponent drove in, sinking deeply into a horse stance. The droid attacked low and high, so his hands went to the center, one blade sweeping up, and the other down with the wrists almost touching. He rotated his hands around a common center, sweeping both of his opponents blades aside, then pushed out his breath, and the Force with it. A mix of telekinetic and pure winter cold punched from the common center between his hands and struck the droid in the center of the chest. Ice caused the chassis to become brittle, and the telekinetic punch shattered it less than a blink of an eye later.

The cowled man went back on guard, ignoring the weariness that pushed at him from his extensive force usage. Nothing was around him, and the way between him and the entrance to the lower levels was clear except for Master Voidstalker and his opponent droid. He moved lightly on his feet towards them, intending to either help or hold the line with the NJO Master as the padawans made it safely below.

[member="Acanthus"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Gna Grimwasp"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Amethyst"]

There was a small widening of Adele's eyes at the sight of the strange new droids that arrived. With Jacen moving to intercept, Adele was left with ensuring that the padawans were taken to safety, that all the underground blast doors were activated and everyone follows the procedures that they'd trained and built this Jedi Temple to sustain itself under.

At this time is when those Jedi Knights at the dome finally noticed the movement of the droids moving items towards the hanger.

Master Viesi and Knight Moire were the closest, with the Viesi sending a blast of ionic energy at the nearest group of droids in the hanger. Moire deployed her lightsabers, the Mon Cal moving to protect Viesi as they charged forward.

Meanwhile back in the underground section of the Jedi Temple, Adele and the other Masters and Knights moved in unison to use the Force in conjunction with the Omega Pyre technology to neutralize those droids that were near them. The whine of klaxons and a flicker of red light overhead gave the indication that the blast doors would slide shut soon enough.

With Sullust being a subterranean institution, the Jedi Temple had been created in two parts. Not just the floating dome overhead, but that below, reinforced to be able to sustain the blast of consistent orbital bombardment.

Of to the side, A'dele caught sight of one of the five droids attempting to capture a Jedi Padawan.


With a sudden flourish of a hand, the woman sent a telekinetic blast towards the Droid, intending to push it back.

"Nesri, take Gare!" she called out to Knight Nesri, the padawan that had been near the clutches of the droid scrambling to move away.

"To the bunkers!"
Twin blades cut in again and again. The droids learned quickly, deep learning to analyse patterns and push the trainees just to their limits. These droids didn't care about limits. They just wanted to cut down everything. Jacen kept a tight defence as he backed away.

The droid stepped aside. It cut a horizontal slash with the outer blade as it pulled back the other. Jacen had seen the move before. The droid intended the push his blade through and cut through the opening and skewer him.

Instead the Force took its weight and lifted its feet a few inches from the ground. With no purchase Jacen blocked the first strike and drove it away. A second swipe cut the droid in two.

Jacen stood for a moment until he heard screams from the direction he had tossed the other one. Jacen leapt after it, landing stop a damaged freighter. The droid had cut down a pilot and was bearing down on several civilians guarded by a a single padawan child. The Marshal didn't pause. He wrapped the Force around it and dragged it across the ground, slamming it into several obstacles until it was pulled apart.

The padawan looked up towards him. Her training saber trembled. He wanted to go up and face the worst of what had come. But he couldn't.

"Come with me," he called.

Vilim Ramic

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Gna Grimwasp"]

The security forces would be able to track where the droids had taken their stolen EMPs, and it was oddly not towards any of the still functioning power generators. The EM signatures would indicate they had been grouped together in one spot in the central hub that still had power. Within that section would sit the droid brain that controlled the entire space station's functions and infrastructure. It had been established there to run the place so the researchers and scientists and doctors and nurses could go about their duties without thinking about such things as keeping the station in place.

However, that droid brain had also received the signal that turned every droid murderous and it was the droid brain that had been coordinating the efforts to cleanse the organics from the station. However, it had recognized that no matter what steps it took, no matter how many died on the station, they would fail in their mission. To that end, it had realized the only way to cleanse the station was to destroy the station and to destroy the station... it needed to destroy itself.

All of the stolen EMPs would detonate at once, utterly destroying the droid brain and the remaining droids under its command. However, without the droid brain running the station, the station would begin a slow and inevitable fall to the planet below. There would be time to reach the escape pods, of which there were plenty.

[member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Acanthus"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Aela Talith"]

It was quickly reaching the end game as the more experienced Jedi tore apart the droid forces in the lower levels, even the EMBU could not stop them. That was fine by Amethyst as the droids had served their purpose, and while they hadn't killed everyone, they had still killed plenty and damaged the place. But she wanted more, she wanted to play more with these fragile beings and their emotions. And what better way than to destroy the very symbol of their Order. To show them what their folly in not just accepting their fates would bring.

For Master Adonai trying to protect the Padawans, the strange droid lofted its staff and a protective bubble of green energy formed around it to protect against her Force Push. It was the exact same technique as she had used previously. That alone would likely give her some clue that this was no ordinary droid.

"Foolish organic," the droid stated, hefting its staff and unleashing a blast of lightning the same green as its protective shield. "Your kind is ending."

Meanwhile Amethyst was giddy with glee as she reached the vault her goal was stored within. One of her Sages was engaging a Jedi Master, but Amethyst was confident the Sage could handle the Jedi. With a flick of metallic fingers, she used her own command of the Force to rip the door away. Entering the vault, she was practically skipping as she neared the fist size black crystal. Lord Onyx would be so pleased with her! Grabbing the crystal, she would send the order to her Sages that could to pull back to their extraction point.

Another transmission would be sent to the floating dome above... detonate!

Oros had been in the upper dome of the Temple giving a lecture when that attack had become with hardly any warning save a deeply unsettling disturbance in the Force mere seconds before.

It had been the droid's artificial minds, so elusive to Jedi empathic and precognitive techniques that normally allowed the New Jedi Order to avert these crises before they ever began. But he would have time to assess the points of failure in their defense approach in hindsight, for now he would have to shield these younglings as best he could as they made their way down to the lower subterranean levels. Everywhere they had seemed to turn, there was either structural damage impeding their path, or roving bands of hunter killer droids much like the ones the younglings had once thought of as servants and friends and Oros began to fear they would not make it before the blast doors that would seal off the reinforced sections closed.

"I'm scared, Master Oros," whispered one of the younglings, a female Nautolan.

There is no emotion, there is peace child, Oros projected into their minds, doing his best to send out calming empathic waves, The Force is with us, always.

As they neared their destination, he caught sight of what looked like [member="Adele Adonai"] and several other Knights as they engaged a droid the likes of which the Celegian librarian had never seen before in all his centuries. So far he had been able to keep his charges safe through patience and evasion, employing all the mental tricks at his disposal to route the droids away from a path forward. But this fearsome creation was between them and the only way to safety, and they were quickly running out of time if they hadn't already.

Reaching out with the Force, the invertebrate sage attempted to hold the droid in Force stasis. If he could just manage to impede its movements while the younglings and the rest of Master Adonai's Padawans made their escape, those who stayed behind could destroy or at least hold it at bay.
"Therapist Actual, there's no more rogue droid left. However, in their last stand, they are causing the station to fall planetside" the remaining security personnel reported in from the emergency channel.

"To all personnel onboard, evacuate the station at once!" She turned to the crew of the medvac ships in orbit. "Stand by for receipt of escape pods; also, tractor the station out of their current trajectory, and stabilize it"

"We're going to need every ship equipped with tractor beams in-system" the chief engineer of the station chimed in.

"Broadcast across all known Alliance naval frequencies, stat!"

"Channel open"

"Attention all ships with tractor beams in Sullust's orbit: we need your assistance in tractoring the Cardea Medical Center out of the planet's gravity well"

Hopefully they didn't short out the power to the escape pods... she thought, while she had several ships with a tractor beam activate their tractor beams. These included some Tofolk medvac corvettes, and, of course, her very own carrier that she brought in nearly every engagement she fought in, except for Ison, the Hero of Coruscant. Obviously the latter is the most massive of the gang, and will have the most weight in where the station will go as it is being tractored out of a freefall, attempting to pull it away from the planet's gravity well, but the process is made slow because of the sheer station size. The flotilla began towing the station, attempting it to catch it in the early stages of its fall towards the planet, with each ship with tractor beams arriving on scene making the job a little easier, but by no means easy. Meanwhile, the remaining occupants scramble to get to what escape pods there are left, especially since the docking bays are condemned. With, of course, patients being prioritized, but not those who would simply not survive a trip in an escape pod. Would [member="Isabella Fonti"] be able to reach an escape pod in time? And [member="Gna Grimwasp"] should be able to find her way back from whence she came in the dark.
Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Isabella was leaving a trail of metal scrap in her wake. Her throat was still sore, but the cut on her head had closed up. Three children huddled behind her as a stocky droid with a syringe approached. She aimed carefully down the sights as the droid broke into a charge. She fired off three shots in succession and the droid crumpled at her feet.

She spun around to check on the children. They were triplets, all identical girls. She'd found a droid hammering on their locked patient door. After dispatching the droid, she had endeavored to rescue the trio. Her progress through the children's hospital had been slow however. She crossed through here for a shortcut to the escape pods. [member="Cathul Thuku"]'s evacuation warning had sounded only moments before, but the area had been swarming with the droids.

'But not anymore' she thought. They seemed to have retreated to somewhere, unexpectedly. The better for her. The children were frightened, as expected, but none had run off as Isabella feared. She lead them down the hallway and talked to them to alleviate their terror. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Isabella, I work for the Galactic Alliance". They looked at her shyly until one spoke up. "We're...younglings from Ossus sir...I mean Ma'am". Isabella gave her a friendly smile and the girl continued. "I'm Sae-elle, this is Sae-em and that is Sae-lae".

Isabella frowned at the names. "I'll never remember that" she said. "I'll just call you Elle, Em and Lay". One of the girls opened her mouth to protest but closed it suddenly as a sound issued from around the corner. She got the children to hold back and poked her head around the corner.

Her spirits simultaneously lifted and fell again as her eyes settled on the escape pod. A trio of droids were stripping the interior, trying to make it unusable. The whole station lurched, reminding Isabella about her dire situation. She warned the girls to stay back, then approached the droids, readying her blaster.

Catching the group by surprise, the first droid went down quickly, the second following soon after. The third charged at her while she was distracted and knocked her flat, her gun spinning away. It towered over her, arms ready to strike. The air rippled and the droid flew back. Isabella glanced back. Em had her hand outstretched, an intense look on her face. Isabella scrambled for her gun and put two blaster bolts through the chest of the droid.

She thanked Em and got the girls in the escape pod. Fortunately, the droids hadn't broken anything essential, so Isabella strapped the children in and prepared for launch. The pod fired and disconnected from the station. Isabella jumped on the comms. "This is pod TG-567X. We have disconnected from the station with four souls aboard. Enroute to Sullust".


Vilim Ramic

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Gna Grimwasp"]

Funnily enough, the droid brain running the station had... miscalculated. It wasn't a military droid brain after all. Where it had thought EMPing itself would cause the station to begin a terrible descent towards the planet, it had instead only achieved a sense of false panic. The station would continue in orbit, and wouldn't need the tractor beams being projected by Therapy Command ships. It might take some time, but the station could be salvaged... eventually. The lives lost, not so much. Blame for the disaster would have to go somewhere, once everything had quieted down again.

[member="Oros"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Acanthus"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Aela Talith"]

With the command given by Amethyst, the droids in the floating dome would carry out their final directive. There would be a beat, or two... and then a massive explosion ripped through the bottom of the floating dome. All the repulsors would be destroyed, sending the top part of the Jedi Temple plummeting to the surface. Luckily enough, the evacuation and their efforts against the droids would have been enough to get everyone into safe shelters.

A massive dust cloud filled the air, rubble and debris caving in a few weaker sections of the lower part of the Temple... but it would hold for the most part because of its designers foresight to protect against protracted orbital bombardment. It might not have caused many more deaths, but it would be a metaphorical stab to the heart of every member of the New Jedi Order to see their home fall in such a way. Amethyst was skipping with glee as she proceeded off with four of her Sages, pleased with herself until she realized only four Sages accompanied her. Her mood quickly grew furious when she realized one Sage had been left.

In the lower portion of the Temple, that Sage was contained within the Jedi's stasis field and would be unable to do anything to them. A quick examination of the struggling droid, once it was either disabled or destroyed, would reveal the truth of what had actually led the attack on this symbol of the Light.
"The station is stabilized, admiral" the chief engineer reported in.

"Damage report" she ordered the station's chief engineer. "All units, cut all tractor beams"

"All 100,000 droids will have to be replaced, the majority of the medical equipment will have to be replaced, as well as the containment fields of the hangar bays"

"And thousands of casualties have been reported" the chief medical officer also reported in.

It was obvious that the station is stabilized; Cathul knew that there was no longer any need to pull it any further. Plus the process of stabilization was slow as molasses. But a mass funeral will be held later for all the dead of this tragedy, hopefully somewhere other than Sullust. Hopefully [member="Gna Grimwasp"] and [member="Isabella Fonti"] made it out OK. As all the tractor beams were deactivated, the ships that carried them simply returned to their usual patrol duties while offloading their loads of escape pods to ships that had actual ability to treat their occupants' medical conditions, if any. That was a complete disaster, and salvaging what's left of the station was going to take a lot of resources, possibly enough for the suppliers to get a contract with the GA directly.
roarring down the hall the Nest ripped threw a wall out in to a hanger and jumped i to the open hanger of the PX-0 the APC skiddes allong the hanger as Gna jumped out Yelling
" Station's destabilizing we need to Book now." she yelled as the station began to rumble.
" Shouldn't we wait for others? " a tech yelled over
" this isn't made to hold beings there size. sorry but unless they are Ewok size.."
@Oros @Isabella Fonti [member="Gna Grimwasp"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] @Amethyst [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]​

A'dele felt a sudden chill run down her spine.

It came with the dark forbearing. It was the only warning as the upper dome of the Jedi Temple came crashing down upon the subterranean half.

The Force cried out as dozens of lives were snuffed from existence at that exact moment, the impact and the resulting crushing of the dome resulting in many Alliance, Omega Pyre, and Jedi deaths.

The entire underground temple gave a tremendous shudder. Dust and debris began to fall, and cries of alarm went echoing throughout the chambers.

A few protection bubbles could be seen deploying left and right. Telekinetic Masters doing their best to ensure that the area would hold.

Those at the origin point of the impact were worse for the wear. Thick, billowing debris making the air thick and choking lungs. Horror would bathe the Healers face, the fallen dome now effectively trapping them underground for now. Of little comfort for all the lives that had been lost.

In the lower portion of the Temple, lay Sage in a stasis field. Would [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and the rest of the masters as they cleared through the rubble find him?

For now, A'dele's attention drew to healing and taking stock of the situation.

None the less, they would find out who was at the root of such a tragic destruction.

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