Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Doctors Orders

Kendall stood up from his seat looking over at [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"] and gesturing towards the door. "After you liege." He would lead Cage to the storage after leaving the conference room, where they had stocked up. Inside his array of supplies and weapons were stocked prepared to be equipped for when the mission. Between mostly simple reliable heavy blasters, to the flamethrower he had specially bought the team would certainly be equipped, wether it was well enough equipped would be up to the Doctor to decide. "Well here it is, I was worried about spending to much as you never really gave me a limit but this seemed to be proper 'job' armaments. You know."

The idea sincerely did worry Kendall, as this man was clearly not a person to be on the bad side of. He had hoped that he could end up more on his good side, which felt like he couldn't do much of with this guys disposition. However, that reminded Kendall to start doing what he's best at. "You know, I don't actually know your name yet, if you noticed i've been calling you suit because of the lovely suit." He gave his snarkiest smile. "I wouldn't mind some proper identification."

[member="Keanu Shan"] , [member="Eladia Alken"]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Location: "Stellar Vulture" in hyperspace enroute to Hoth.

The mission briefing and Dr. Cage's snide remarks were now just a memory as Keanu focused on preparing the ship for exit of hyperspace. Hitting the intercom button "Attention, we're coming up on reversion to real space shortly. All hands to battle stations..all hands to battle stations. Flight Deck, power up the fighter and prepare for launch". Keanu let up on the intercom button and turned to the bridge crew. "Shields, double front; Power up guns; Ready missile launchers for deployment". A few moments later......"Reverting in 3....2...1........

[member="Eladia Alken"], [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"], [member="Kendall Ginn"]
“After you liege”, Kendall said. He led him to storage. “Well here it is, I was worried about spending too much as you never really gave me a limit but this seemed to be proper “job” armaments. You know?”

Cage chuckled noticeably. “I didn’t give you a limit, because there wasn’t one,” he said with some cheerfulness in his voice. Maybe it was just his usual sarcasm, or maybe, he was actually amused at the idea that Kendall thought he could spend too much.

Cage noticed the flamethrower, “A flamethrower, on an ice world,” he nodded his head, amused, “of course.”
“You know, I don’t actually know your name yet, if you noticed I’ve been calling you suit because of the lovely suit” Kendall flattered.

Flattery will get you everywhere.

Cage smiled back, he could be charming too, when he had to be. “I can’t say I mind suit, but my name’s Dr. Cage Freeland III.” Putting his hand on Kendall’s shoulder, he said, “Whatever you do, just remember who holds the credits, friend.” Then, he walked away, toward a turret.
Keanu’s announcement over the intercom woke Cage up. Finally, it was time. He ran from his tiny room to a turret. He wasn’t one to take orders, but, then again, he wasn’t one to let his life be solely in the grimy hands of unskilled commoners. At least he could protect himself, and his mission, from this turret position.

[member="Keanu Shan"], [member="Kendall Ginn"], [member="Eladia Alken"]
"Whatever you do, just remember who holds the credits, friend." In hearing this Kendall was able to piece together who this man was. Not in name or position, but a line like that after something a innocent as asking for a name says a lot about someone. [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"] definitely felt in control here. Reasonable because he was their employer at the moment, but it wasn't because of any leadership skill, or ace up his sleeve, it was credits and position. Kendall had never felt a magnetic pull to credits as some in his line of work have, and thus he's put in an opportune position with this doctor. Kendall will finish the job, not for credits, but because he was given it, it's a matter of integrity to the hired gun that the Weequay has found rare in most cases. But Kendall's new goal is to turn the tables on his position. He's definitely not a fan that the doctor thinks he's better than Kendall, but that too, say's a lot.

Kendall's thought process is cut off as Keanu orders for battle stations from the intercom. "battle stations? I thought we were trying to pretend to be innocent hunters." Kendall thought to himself. Regardless, he went to the turret he self assigned to, and got in position. ready to get the mission started.

[member="Keanu Shan"] , [member="Eladia Alken"]
As the Steller Vulture exited hyperspace, the bluish world of Hoth, frosted in white, came into focus on the ship’s right. Cage swiveled around in the turret, searching for threats that failed to appear. This was too easy, he thought, a bit disappointed. No black ship. No nothing. Just a frigid world.

Pressing the intercom to the bridge, he said, “We’re… alone. Start locating the transport on the planet’s surface,” he ordered.

Just when he thought this mission was going to be too dull, he noticed a silver ship appearing from around the planet’s moon, straight ahead of the Steller Vulture.

It certainly wasn’t the black ship from the video, not nearly as large, nor, obviously, the same color. It looked to Cage like a frigate – elongated, aerodynamic, built for speed.

He pressed the intercom button, “Forget that order, we have company.”

[member="Keanu Shan"] | [member="Kendall Ginn"]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
The Stellar Vulture lurched out of hyperspace with a groan. Keanu gazed out at the white orb of Hoth hanging serenely in space, the moons scattered around almost framing the planet like a massive jewel or pearl. He noticed his elevated heart rate, excited wasn't the right word, nervous was a better fit; maybe even a little scared. After all who knew what was waiting for them; the black cruiser could be on the other side of that moon right now, besides Keanu hadn't been on a mission this dangerous since the war against the One Sith back in his fighter pilot days. He hated jumping into things blind, whereas Cage was much more impulsive and seem to take an unusual pleasure in the dangerous situations. Cages apparent propensity towards chaos worried Keanu, in a desperate situation would Cage have the clairvoyance to see when the hole was too deep, and would he have the sense to back down? Keanu hoped Cage could switch the thrill seeker side of his brain off when the chips were down, Keanu reassured himself that the doctor wasn't suicidal and was obviously quite intelligent.

"Alright, passive scanners only, no need to announce our presence to the entire system". Keanu looked over at the sensor station "see anything?" He asked the astromech unit. Cage's voice came over the intercom "We're ......alone. Start locating the transport on the planet's surface" The command irked Keanu, who did the doctor think he was to make a determination like that, while sitting in a turret? Keanu pushed it quickly out of his mind as Cage did in-fact appear to be correct, nothing had shown up on the scanners so far. A glint caught his eye Keanu snapped up is head to focus on the object which had appeared on the far side of the closer moon. In the same moment the astromech unit chirped out a warning, and Cage car on the intercom again with "forget that order, we have company".

Keanu darted over to the Sensor and Comms console. "Gold, take the conn hold steady course, maintain speed". Keanu brought optical scanners online increasing zoom as he did so to get a detailed look at the approaching vessel. The approaching ship was obviously not the same one as in the holovid which, Keanu hoped, was a good sign. This ship was much more sleek, and smaller than the black ship, also (Keanu noted to himself) silver in color. Most likely not a military ship, possibly a pirate vessel. One thing was for sure, the Stellar Vulture would not be outrunning this ship if things went bad.

As soon as comm range was reached Keanu sent out a broadcast on general channels "Unkown silver vessel, you have traffic on your nose bearing: Oh, Two, Three.... heading: Three, Three, Nine.....over". Keanu had decided that acting like he was supposed to be here was the best course of action; acknowledge the presence of the frigate in order to ensure they aren't affronted if the ship has some authority, but not giving any reasons for the presence or purpose of the Stellar Vulture, just a general, professional notification of traffic to avoid possible flight conflicts.

Keanu hit the intercom "Do not target lock the incoming ship yet, however you may train your guns in the general direction of the vessel as a warning. Do not fire unless fired upon, or I give the command to do so. I'm patching the incoming comms transmission to the intercoms so that you know what's going on, and so that you can make suggestions, as needed Doctor". Hopefully this went well.

[member="Eladia Alken"], [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"], [member="Kendall Ginn"]
As they came out of Hyperspace, Kendall was left for a moment to see down at the pale surface below them, they went in close so any hostile's in the area wouldn't have a hard time noticing them, and vice-versa. There was a moment of silence, he assumed Cage and Keanu would be on the intercom working out what to do next, when Kendall's eye was caught by a silver gleam appearing around one of the moons. Another ship, headed suspiciously toward them. Not enough to be immediately hostile but Kendall readied himself to be in combat.

Keanu spoke over the intercom to avoid locking on, and Kendall followed his advice of training his gun, and so he held in an unassuming position. "hey how's it going? I'm just a turret no big deal." It's rare to hope for running into the First Order for someone like Kendall, but they'd be easier to deal with than a pirate ship. Pirate's are too crude, the First Order has...Order.

Kendall turned on his bridge comm. "If This get's too hot I'm not certain on this bird's ability, we might have to try to avoid it by getting down to the planet."
Cage noted Keanu’s suggestion about not locking onto the approaching frigate. He rolled his eyes. Obviously, he thought. You don’t lock onto an unaggressive ship unless you have the firepower to back it up, and based on their current transportation, that meant not locking onto a paddleboat floating in space unless -- of course -- you happen to have an extra blaster handy. He hoped everyone onboard knew at least that much… but then again, considering where he’d hired the crew, you never knew.

Cage squinted out the viewport. Was it a pirate ship? Pirates loved frigates, their speed could outrun larger ships, and they carried enough armament to challenge most transports.

He aimed the turret at the ship, using the guns’ targeting system to zoom in on the unedified vessel. At first it did look like a pirate ship, but then, he noticed the First Order insignia painted on its side.

Moments later, the First Order frigate announced itself. A dull, bored woman’s voice came through the comm, “Unidentified shuttle, you are in violation of Chapter 148, Section 28F of First Order Territory Law. Immediately forward proper identification and system permits, and, or planetary licenses. Failure to do so will result in boarding and a search for illegal cargo.”

A common First Order patrol vessel, of course. How lucky of them, he thought. Not dangerous enough to be exciting, but just dangerous enough to be annoying, considering they didn’t have any permits or licenses, the major hole in their hunting plan. While they could explain away most of the cargo, the fighter and the extremely explosive warheads in the hangar wouldn’t go over easily. They might have to kill the boarding crew.

Hey, maybe it was more exciting than he’d originally thought.

[member="Keanu Shan"] | [member="Kendall Ginn"] | [member="Eladia Alken"] |

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
"Well doc, What do ya think? I'm of the mind we just smoke them, I've got more than enough firepower. We just let them get in close and Boom! They'll be star-dust before they know what hit 'em. Too risky to let them aboard, even if they buy our story they won't let us go. We're intruders and we don't have papers. Unless........ I wonder if we could bribe them?". This plan was going down hill, fast. Hitting the comm button he decided to play dumb, "Umm, yeah well we're not exactly registered with the First Order, we were unaware that registration and licensing was required, this isn't restricted space is it? This is a private ship on a chartered cruise. We would be happy to have you aboard to discuss this, as we have nothing to hide. Hopefully we can iron out any misunderstandings". Ending that transmission he turned to the intercom again, "Doc if things go south while they're on board it's gonna be a lot harder to get out alive, if we end them now we'll be home free, unless of course there's a fleet on the far side of that moon".

[member="Eladia Alken"], [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"], [member="Kendall Ginn"]
Bribe them, Keanu suggested, before playing dumb. As if he had to act very hard for that, Cage thought. Then again, bribery could be the answer. Money could talk, so he might as well let it speak.

Transmitting back to the frigate, Cage said, “I’m very sorry about all this. I wasn’t aware of any system permits or planetary licenses. I assure you, if I had been, I would have acquired the proper paperwork,” facing away from the microphone he yelled to nobody, “Consider yourself fired, Orvar Shankar!”

“I suppose that’s the thanks you get for hiring someone in need. Honestly, I never do this sort of thing. I can’t believe this is happening. I just wanted a little ride on a rough ship, you know, take a couple shots on a desolate world at a few Wampa’s. I’m sure we can clear up this little misunderstanding. What’ll it cost? A few thousand credits? Just name the price, and I’ll pay it.”

The monotone, disinterested female voice came across the com again, “Unidentified shuttle, you are in violation of Chapter 148, Section 28F of First Order Territory Law, forward proper identification, and or, system permits, or prepare to be boarded. This is your last warning.”

He hated The First Order, so bureaucratic, no room for bribery! Those savages.

“Smoke’em!” he ordered over the ship com.

[member="Keanu Shan"] | [member="Kendall Ginn"] | [member="Eladia Alken"]
The negotiations went by quickly, what little there was. Keanu suggested they take them out before the ship suspects anything, either that or bribing them. Kendall much preffered the idea of bribery, not only did it end in less of a mess, but it's not a plan of action Kendall usually gets to take, benefits of having a rich crew member aboard. Cage started contacting the First Order ship before Kendall could voice his opinion and so listened into the happenings.

After Cage's attempt at a story the First Order ship returned with a message of warning once again, asking for the same paper. Cage didn't skip a beat before ordering them to light up the ship. Kendall's eyes widened. Can they really take this ship, he didn't feel confidant enough in this ship to barter that. Kendall hit the Comm "Hold on this is a military class ship, I think more opportunities rise if we let the situation develop. Boarding isn't game over." Perhaps it was just nerves, but Kendall felt that destroying this ship would cause more trouble one way or another. Regardless of what he thought, Kendall felt as though his comrade's wouldn't listen to him, and he trained his eyes on the enemy ships cannons ready to fire. He would still rather be doing the shooting than getting shot at, though Cage would have to take the first shot if this was their course of action.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Keanu grinned, hitting the intercom to address Kendall's concerns "Don't worry, I got this...... open fire on my command". To the bridge crew he shot out rapid fire commands, "Open missile bay doors, active scanners on, acquire target lock, full salvo........ Fire!"
A previously hidden bay door on the fore section of the rusty cargo/hangar module slid ominously open to reveal the "Stellar Vultures'" hidden teeth, 4 Assault Concussion Missile Launchers, each with a complete payload of 6 Missiles. These weapons had lain in wait for years for just such a moment of need. Now it was time to see the full worth of his investment (a not inconsiderable fortune) on this formidable weapon system built by the best arms company in the galaxy at the time. The first salvo of missiles slid into place in the launch tube smoothly (while other parts of the ship suffered from disrepair the weapons systems were checked and inspected on a regular basis to keep the ship in top fighting form, in other words "all bite and no bark"). Keanu would have payed to be able to see the expressions on the frigate crews faces as the first salvo flashed out of the launch tubes. The missile drives flared into life a few moments later rapidly accelerating them towards the intended victim. Even as the deadly first salvo streaked towards the target the autoloader was loading the next missiles into the tubes.

"Full throttle dead ahead"! Keanu didn't bother with evasive action, as the "Stellar Vulture" was much to slow to avoid anything the frigate might throw at it. This was living, thought Keanu as he looked out at the battle, the missile trails leading to the frigate and the cannon fire from the two turrets as they blazed away.

[member="Eladia Alken"], [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"], [member="Kendall Ginn"]
Hearing Keanu's response Kendall didn't quite break free of his worries, but there wasn't anymore time to hesitate. The Stellar Vulture began opening it's missiles bays in quite an impressive fashion, though Kendall couldn't see just what was happening. He saw the missiles fire, and couldn't help grinning at the ship's strange transformation. damn it all but Kendall couldn't help but enjoy the excitement. He turns his turret toward the enemy ship, firing at the weapons systems that he eyed earlier. As they turned to return fire many enemy cannons were held off by the barrage of fire by Kendall's fire. The shields held up enough to keep him from doing serious damage to the hull or destroy all the weapons, but some time was certainly bought for the missiles to reach the enemy. The fears of consequences were quickly held off, time to take that bird out of the sky.
Cage gave the order to fire. And fire they did. Keanu launched a salvo of those assault concussion missiles he’d pointed out earlier in the hangar bay. Cage had half expected them to be a bluff, just canisters filled with confetti, or a pop out flag that read “BANG”. Guess he hadn’t been kidding, Cage thought, this stellar blemish really did have a few teeth. Which was good, because weapons of that caliber were their only chance to defeat a First Order frigate.

Despite his reluctance to engage, as soon as the missiles launched, Kendall jumped into action lighting up the frigate in his turret. Cage, already locked on, followed Kendall’s lead, letting lasers fly, helping to tie up the shields, weapon batteries, and most importantly, buying enough time for those capital ship grade missiles to make contact. They must be the last thing the frigate crew were expecting from the scruffy Steller Vaulter.

It was good to shoot again, it felt like it had been forever.

Excitedly waiting for the big explosion, Cage noticed something very unexpected. The missiles’ trajectories started veering, not by much, but enough. They curved outward, away from the frigate and flew wide, all of them missing, harmlessly passing the ship before detonating quietly in the void.

Wow, he thought, they have a force user aboard – it was all he could think of. Apparently, the frigate was a common First Order patrol ship, with a very uncommon crew. He shook his head in disbelief that he’d been fooled, of course it was more than a patrol craft, as if the ship just happened to be by the same planet a transport was mysteriously destroyed on only a couple weeks earlier.

Now, it was exciting.

“BOO!” someone shouted over the comm. The shrill, male voice continued, “Did I scare you kiddies? I’ve got to give it to you, the assault concussion missiles were surprising. Don’t see those launching from a piece of garbage every day. Almost spilled my caf. Well, anyway, just wanted to thank you for giving me something to do – thought for sure my Master was having all the fun.”

With that, the frigate’s engines lit up. It quickly started closing the distance to the Steller Vulture.

Great, a Sith with a sense of humor, there were few things quite as exasperating. Clearly, fighting the frigate was no longer an option. He announced over the ship com, “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I think it pertendent we make our way to the planet. Now!”

Maybe, if they were lucky, they could lose the much larger ship in the planet’s atmosphere. If they could get there in time.

[member="Keanu Shan"] | [member="Kendall Ginn"] |

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Keanu's stared, speechless for a second, as his missiles. The only hope he had of winning this battle veered away from the frigate. "What? No! Check the targeting computers for malfunctions!", surely no ship had tractor beams capable of tracking that fast of a target, Keanu had surely never heard of that level of tech. His questions were soon answered though as a shrill, mocking, voice came over the comms channel. "Master" he had said, Keanu's pulse quickened. Sith! Keanu had suffered much at the hands of the Sith and there was nothing in the Galaxy he hated more. Keanu also feared the Sith, even the Jedi were unnerving, the ability to move things with their minds, to bring people under subjection by mere thought; it wasn't right, and from he had seen most force users were either power hungry punks with psychotic tendencies, riding a wave of ego; or if they were Jedi, they were crazy monks living in la la land, spewing a lot of mumbo jumbo, all the while trying to see into your head.

"Steer a heading for the planets surface, full speed ahead" ordered Keanu. He doubted they would make it, the engines on this thing were old..... no, ancient, and even if they had enough of a lead to get there the shields wouldn't hold out if the frigate let loose on them. Interestingly the Sith seemed more interested in capture than killing them. Keanu's mind wondered what fate might await at the hands of the Sith, he had heard some gristly stories. Keanu's fear turned to hatred, a burning quivering hatred, as he remembered his mother, father, and almost every one of the billions of lives snuffed out by the Sith during the collapse of the Republic. They had said it was an extremist group of Sith but to Keanu they were all the same. He resolved not to be captured, he would make a stand, to the end if necessary. For years Keanu had wallowed in the misery of everything he had lost, his family, his friends, the Republic, he had lost even his cause. Now, Keanu had a purpose, he would honor the memory of his people, even if he died trying he would make their death not in vain, he would not rest until he had exhaust every ounce of strength in his body to eradicate the galaxy of the Sith scourge. As Keanu stood on the bridge of his ship making a silent vow to his dead family and to himself, he suddenly snapped out of his almost religious fervor, he had an idea.........

Keanu hit the intercom button "keep up a steady fire on the frigate, hold them off as long as you can! Patch, meet me in the hangar/missile bay!" Turning to the droids at the bridge stations "Gold, take control of the ship maintain course, alert me when we reach the planet's gravity well" with that he raced down the hall towards the hangar.

[member="Eladia Alken"], [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"], [member="Kendall Ginn"]
“Keep up a steady fire on the frigate, hold them off as long as you can! Patch, meet me in the hangar/ missile bay!” Keanu yelled over the intercom.

Meet me in the hangar/ missile bay, Cage thought, what the karking hell was the ship’s pilot going to do in the hangar bay that was more important than piloting a ship hunted by a Sith-clown controlled frigate?! Regardless, Cage only had one option -- point and shoot. His universe had been shrunk to only that which he could see through the viewport. His world was only as big as the turret. His life was simplified down to the controls; the worn, dull red metallic sheen of the firing trigger.

He hated having his back against a wall.

Just then, the frigate made its first aggressive play of the confrontation. Three fiery sparks lit briefly across its port. Moments later, one by one, three ion pulse missiles came into view as they tore through vacuum, heading straight for them. Any one of which would be enough to turn the Steller Vulture into the Steller Sitting Duck.

It just keeps getting better. Part of him hated this situation, but the other part…

He felt the Thrill. What could be more exciting than being chased in a severely overmatched ship by a Sith controlled military frigate with three ion pulse missiles threatening to disable their entire operation in a matter of seconds. Now this is living!

With his adrenaline surging, he gripped the controls with an improved sense of urgency. His turret streaked a long line of bolts across the blackness of space as he swung the guns into position. It would be an understatement to say that hitting a missile this size at full speed would be difficult. Fortunately, decades of focused practice and experience with blasters gave him just enough skill, combined with just enough luck, for one of his lasers to strike a missile. It exploded in a bright blue haze, then fizzled quickly.

“WHOOHOO!”, Cage yelled, a reaction reminiscent of his kill in the cantina that now felt so long ago.

But there were still two left, and as hard as he tried, his turret’s angle was all wrong. He didn’t have a shot. It was up to Kendall.

The annoying voice squeaked over the ship’s com, “Well, if I’d known you were actually going to land on Hoth, I might not have ordered those missiles. My master would be so displeased with me if I took some of his toys away. He’s so spoiled.”

Despite this, the frigate continued its full throttle pursuit.

[member="Kendall Ginn"] | [member="Keanu Shan"] |
The Missiles veered off from the enemy ship, and while there crew was still dumbfounded a voice came over the comm's and revealed itself as a ship harboring a sith. Sith, those with more power than anyone so proud and petty should ever be trusted with, blindly following ancient and outdated ideals and thoughts pressed onto them from their earliest years of brutal training. Kendall hardly had contact with any sith in the past, but he'd studied them in their historical significance. To make matters worse this one in particular felt like speaking to Kendall and his companions in such a condescending tone to create an illusion of power for himself. Kendall's hands tightened on the controls of his turret, heating up ready to make this sith eat his words. Who knows whether he could, but giving up does them no good.

The turret fire was already directed toward the enemy ship, Kendall hadn't stopped firing despite the surprising circumstance. Cage makes a suggestion to drop down to the planet. "Oh who here ever had that idea" Kendall thinks to himself. Admittedly the boarding may have ended even worse with this considering their resident force user, but retreat is their best option. Keanu follows suit, seemingly coming up with a plan to make it away. Kendall wouldn't know what the ship could do to help the scenario but he felt comfortable enough with that plan, buy time for the pilot.

Soon enough the enemy ship fired off three missiles, Kendall was able to catch good sight of them as he was already focused on their weapons systems. The blasts from cage's shot followed the projectiles, and Kendall quickly turned to aim at them as well, firing to attempt destroying them before the vulture is hit. One explodes due to Cage's fire, and less due to Kendall's skill and more due to his anticipation he was able to strike the second, causing it to burst as well. The last one continued along, and fortunately it had a trajectory that brought it relatively close to Kendall's line of fire.

However, his shots missed, for what was in reality a few seconds, but felt like eternity, the missile was close to impact. Kendall wasn't a marksman, but he had a few things on his side, his determination to avoid letting this brat of a sith beat them, a persistent survival instinct, and a great window of opportunity. Just before the missile gets out of his sight one of his shots strike it, and it explodes, the effect just barely being close enough to the ship to make a slight bit of contact. Kendall wasn't certain how ion projectiles worked, but he hoped the difference between direct contact and a brush of the weapons exhaust was a deciding difference. Regardless Kendall had done all he could, it was up to Keanu to get them planet side.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
The metal deck pounded beneath his feet as he sprinted to the hangar. Keanu grabbed a fusion cutter off of the service bench and ran into the missile bay section in the bow of the cargo module. "Ok Patch, I need you to tie into the missile controls on the service panel there....... alright, pull the missiles inside the tubes onto the loader rack. The inner hatches closed as the missiles slid back into the open loading rack. "Patch, bring up the schematics for the proximity safety relay switch, on your holo-projector.....".

The single remaining Ion missile detonated; while not a direct hit, it was close enough it still did its job. Any other ship might have come through relatively unscathed, but the "Stellar Vulture" was old, and now it's decrepit system, already taxed by the strain of running engines, guns, and shields at max power, was at the breaking point. The Ion missile detonated in a bright flash, arcing lines of ionization raced over the shields as every light and control panel in the ship went dark, old surge protectors had done little to prevent the arcing ionization caused by the powerful military grade weapons. Patch squealed as electricity raced up the astromechs control probe, and with a pop, and a burst of smoke the droids fuse cut off the connection. Keanu paused frozen for a moment over the now darkened, opened, warhead lit only by the light from the now fuzzy hologram. "The auxiliary generator will kick on in a second" he said aloud to no one in particular.

After an interminably long span, of what was actually a few moments, the auxiliary generator kicked on. Only minimal lighting was on, just enough to see where you were going. The guns unfortunately were out of commission, as the designers didn't see the need to make a bulk cargo ship be able to fight tooth and nail to the grave, besides that would have meant a more expensive generator. Thankfully, however, the intercom system still worked. Keanu checked in with "Red" the engineering astromech which was busy repairing the fried modules, in order to reactivate the engines, the news from the bridge was worse. Keanu hit the intercom button "Cage, the sensors are down along with the shields, furthermore the console controls were fried, I need you to get up there to the bridge to work the human controls" he paused then added "it's not that hard, just steer towards the giant white ball out the window and keep the throttle open once Red gets us moving again. Kendall, I need you to load up the escape pods with all the equipment we might need..... just in case". Keanu would rather brave the icy wastes of Hoth than have to face the Sith in outright battle. Keanu pushed those thoughts aside focusing on rewiring the warhead safety mechanism, delicately soldering wires together to bypass the safety relay. Keanu grinned, he sure wasn't a powerful force user, but who needs that when you have brains, and an ace this big up your sleeve.

[member="Eladia Alken"], [member="Dr. Cage Freeland III"], [member="Kendall Ginn"]

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