Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Eadu Practicum

Tala raised an eyebrow, doubting the pink boy's claims but deciding not to question them. Everybody wanted to have their moment in the sun and Tala would let it happen just this once. Hopefully, this interaction would push her fellow Miraluka to get out more. He is a little naive but he'll learn the hard way that this life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Or maybe I'm just too jaded after being put through the blender...

She continued watching over the two, smirking as she watched the two talk to each other like two children on their first day of school. After a while, she heard a new voice and turned to meet it, looking over at the shorter woman with black hair and a scar across her eye. The Red-Head's eyes widen when she saw the Knight's robes, signifying their rank. It was clear that this would be one of their advisers for this training. At the Knight's glances, the Giant could help but feel like she was getting a finger-wagging. With her body covered in bandages, she looked as guilty as a Nerf rustler caught in the act. "My Master said it would be fine as long as I stayed with my group but they raced ahead. They really wanted to see the temple... But it's fine, I can fend for myself. And these injuries aren't that bad, I can still walk with just a little soreness." She was trying to cover for Loomi and their group as best as she could even though she knew the Knight probably wouldn't buy it. Her words might not even save Cadyen from a wringing out even though it was her fault. She was the one who had put pressure on him to let her come, even if just to observe and soak in new techniques. She hadn't wanted to fall behind the others in their training or worse, be left behind permanently. Right now, all she knew was that her aches might spread to her ears in the next few minutes if the Knight choose to force the issue.

Mago Leomax Mago Leomax Iris Arani Iris Arani Vaylaar D'artagnan Vaylaar D'artagnan

Joland Graves

@All, Open

Muddy boots triumphantly kissed the summit. Joland almost got on his hands and knees to kiss the ground, too. Instead, he was content to catch his breath and stand in awe of the beautiful symplicity of a temple cut into rock. It was a small, but mighty refuge — a symbol of alienkind's tenacity and ingenuity against the unforgiving elements of nature.

He smiled for the first time.

Endorphins flooded the padawan's brain. A tingling sense of accomplishment ached in his muscles and joints. Even so, he didn't regret his symphony of kriffs, karks, and chits on the way up. In fact, he was saving an encore for the way down.

Joland entered the praxeum, took it all in, and listened to Master Jade's spiel. He made his way to the dormitories and changed into new clothes — a weathered synthleather jacket, a black undershirt, wrickled journeyman's pants, and black combat boots.

Oh, and a new pair of socks.
Loomi Loomi Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Romi Jade Romi Jade Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Rosa wished that she was as verbose as Ko or Loomi. Even Iris, who she'd just met, moved with the type of quiet confidence that came from experience.

She nodded once to the Knight in understanding and offered Ko a smile. The Kel'dor's encouragement was appreciated, and Rosa responded with a simple "Yes."

Soon, the Padawans found themselves out of the rain and wind and in front of two Jedi Masters. Romi Jade and Matsu Ike, each renowned for their skill as Jedi and various feats in battle. Rosa stiffened to attention when Romi addressed them, then Matsu. As others filtered in, Rosa couldn't help but realize she stuck out like a sore green thumb.

Still a teenager, the Tof girl towered over the other Padawans. Being surrounded by pretty, svelte women only heightened the self consciousness she had over her hulking form.

"Jee-manently. I don't remember that many other padawans being around."

As a trio of girls came in from the rain—a Zeltron and two other humanoids, one with stark white hair and a brunette—Rosa's shoulders sagged awkwardly, and she cast her gaze to the ground for the duration of the welcoming speech. Once the others began to socialize, Rosa retrieved a stack of towels that had been set out for the pilgrims, distributing them wordlessly to Ko, Loomi, Caden, and whoever else looked...wet.

Which was just about everyone.

"Much better." She mumbled, toweling off her hair.

GEAR: Lightsaber | Jedi Robes
TAG: Mago Leomax Mago Leomax Ceri Fraissi Tala Vale Tala Vale Iris Arani Iris Arani



Even though he played it up a bit, he loved the camaraderie already with this blindfold man. As if to continue the role of being his wingman, he supported what Mago said. "Yeah! We help each other, right?" and then the question came about his name. "Vaylaar, but you can just call me Vayl. Everyone does." And another one joined them in the mix.

"We're going to talk more about that choice once we're all caught up. But, are any of you particularly injured? I can heal those who need it."

Well... he did really play up his injury. The last thing he expected is for a healer to be on the mountains. He shouldn't curse them for the Jedi being so... resourceful. He kept the charade going, slightly moving away from Mago now but pretending to limp very, very mildly. Enough to continue walking. His pride is coming out in a very different way that he didn't forsee happening. "I think Mago has healing of his own, cause he's inspired me to keep going despite my injury!" at this point, the lie would've become way too obvious. Why was he so intent on making this person he just met all that? A part of him found it fun, the other part of him realised he dugged himself into a hole by calling for help, and he's just digging that hole further and further at this point.

The hike up to the summit had proved an even greater challenge than anticipated and one he had never experienced before. The mountain path was treacherous, now even worse due to the extreme weather conditions he was battling against from the very beginning. The path was a steep incline scattered with loose rocks and debris. The winds were relentless, creating a deafening howl that prevented him from listening to his own internal dialogue that had been his only company. His pale hands were clutched against his robes that were blowing in the wind before he pushed forward to complete the journey. His eyes were squinted and his nostrils were streaming with mucus, unable to control his temperature in this climate.

As he climbed higher, the path became steeper and even more dangerous to navigate. Arwen took each step carefully, not wanting to lose his footing and potentially harm himself in the middle of nowhere. His instincts, aided by the Force, were his navigator and he was merely a passenger in the very unpleasant experience. Arwen paused, listening to voices that echoed around his head in harmony. These voices warned him of the danger that was ahead, a large rock was about to detach from the mountain and fall in his general area and could severely harm him if he did not listen. He inhaled a heavy breath, focusing his mind on the ridgeline above as he searched for the rock that was about to break away. With his senses heightened, he leaped forward and managed to avoid the falling rock with seconds to spare. Not everything had to be solved with telekinesis, a lesson he had been taught by his Master and one he still follows to this day. Thank you, he thought. When the Force communicated with him, he liked to assume it was his Master's way of protecting him still.

At last, Arwen had arrived at the summit. His body was drenched in sweat and rain, and his robes were covered in mud that weighed him down. Despite the overwhelming exhaustion, Arwen was pleased to have finally reached the end of the hike and hurriedly made his way inside the temple to catch up with the other attendees that had already made it before him. He wasn't as young as most of those gathered inside, however, he wanted to expand his knowledge and continue his learning as a Jedi.

He greeted those who were around him with an exhausted bow before lowering his hood and speaking, "Well... It appears I'm late to the party. I'm Knight Hamenick, I don't believe I have had the chance to meet any of you before. "


Iris raised a brow right up. There were few things people could hide from her, not with the colors bleeding through the Force. Nervousness, deceit, determination. This next generation of Jedi certainly was all over the place, wasn't it? A bemused chuckle escaped her as she just nodded and motioned ahead.

"Even if those injuries aren't as bad, it's important you heal so while you train your body trains right. Let's catch up to the others and I'll see if I can speed your recovery on some more, mm?" It'd be easy enough to do, once they were out of the rain. Maybe it was a good thing she came along, even if this wasn't her original reasoning.

Mago Leomax Mago Leomax | Vaylaar D'artagnan Vaylaar D'artagnan | Tala Vale Tala Vale
Wearing: This
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Eadu
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | @tag anyone else nearby

There were more Padawans streaming in behind them as her Master attempted to reassure Lily that things would be fine and to focus on the progress that she had been making already as a Jedi. Lily nodded her head, it made sense to focus on the current situation and to not linger on the past. Many had told her that already and Lily was allowing herself to get distracted and lost.

Breathing in deeply, she felt the rain poncho she was wearing clinging to her body like a second layer of skin. While tight clothing was usually a preferred feeling, she wasn't happy with the sensation of the wet poncho. Peeling it off, she noticed Master Romi Jade greet them. Lily offered a smile and recognised instantly why her aunt had an attraction to the woman, and noted the type that her aunt had. "Greetings Master Romi, I am Lily Decoria, Padawan." Lily extended her hand in greeting politely before noticing the towel.

The mention of a room to change and get ready had Lily zooming off with little conversation to her Master. She found an empty room, dried herself completely and then changed into a new training outfit that wasn't also soaking wet. Leaving her poncho to dry on a heating rack. She returned to the main room, feeling more much relaxed and comfortable in her new attire. Dry and a comfortable tight outfit, it was the perfect start to this training session in her mind. Standing next to her Master, she felt her cheeks slightly flushed as she realised how undignified it must have seemed to vanish in order to change but she was desperate to be dry once more.

Looking around the room, she noted Ceri and a few other familiar names and faces but not many she had much interaction with. Curious to see how well they did at this training session and whether she was truly as far behind as she deemed herself to be.

"Yeah! We help each other, right?" and then the question came about his name. "Vaylaar, but you can just call me Vayl. Everyone does."
Mago gave a strong nod. "Vayl, it's nice to meet you. And on a day with weather like this! Wonderful." Though most people would have said it sarcastically, Mago was seriously delighted.

Knight Iris Arani Iris Arani came then, more focused on Vaylaar D'artagnan Vaylaar D'artagnan and Tala Vale Tala Vale . Healing... What an incredible ability. Something he would love to learn one day, if he had the gift.
"I think Mago has healing of his own, cause he's inspired me to keep going despite my injury!"
Mago at first beamed his smile, wondering if he did in fact have some sort of healing, just half a second, before he realized that Vayl had been lying. Still, he was assuring Knight Arani that he didn't need the help, letting the healer focus on Tala. And the lies hadn't been harmful, but in good fun. Vayl seemed like a friend Mago wouldn't mind hanging around more. Maybe he was a reader too!

"Thank you, Knight Arani, for the assistance." He gave a short bow. It was always proper to greet your elders.
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Having been dragged along by Loomi along with Rosa finally into their destination the Kel Dor had finally gotten out of the rain. Where he could not pull his hood back off from his head and now got to meet their instructors. His covered eyes looked over to the famed Jedi Master Romi Jade. A blonde human female, or at least who he presumed to be human. There were so many niche variants that it gave Ko a hard time keeping track of them.

Once when he was younger Ko was scolded for misidentifying a Kiffu and calling them a human. He still held the belief that that was leagues better than being called a Bothan by Cora once before. Where the only similarity he shared with Bothans was the fact that they were at least “humanoid” in shape like most other sentient species.

Along with Romi was Jedi Master Matsu Ike who he’d only briefly been slightly acquainted with back at NJO temple. Then they were informed about the accommodations here. All the while he was kindly handed a towel for himself by Rosa. “Thank you Rosa.” He quickly said before using it to dry himself off a bit more. Running the towel over his bumpy head some before noticing one of the others that had arrived, a young looking pale woman scurry off to another room. Ko figured he’d follow their lead and dip into one of the dorms to drop his things off before returning.

Once inside he dropped his bag of stuff. Mostly filled with some small canisters of Dorin gas for himself as well as a mix of his favorite flavors of nutri-paste packets. There he also removed his large overobe which had taken the brunt of the rain and kept most of himself under it dry. After cleaning off his boots some he made his way back to the others. Where his standard Jedi tabard and under robes.

Getting back to where he was before with Loomi, Rosa and Caden as the group he’d arrived with. Ready and awaiting the debriefing that was mentioned earlier. Ko had begun to sense a light unease from the large green padawan. Although he wasn’t really sure what could be the cause of it.

"I promise there'll be no more hiking...for today."

That was fantastic news, enough to get the weary Godoan teen back to her feet. No more hiking was great news as far as she was concerned. Before long, Rosalina was going around handing out towels. When the tall Tof-Nagai hybrid finally made it to her, Loomi gave her fellow padawan a very unprompted hug before taking a towel, one which was no doubt weirder for Rosa due to the height difference. The Godoan was simply far too thankful to even consider such a thing.

"Thank you," Loomi said, her tone full of gratitude.

With an empty head, the teen simply began to dry her hair. While others in the group were beginning to make observations about the others, Loomi very much was in her own world. Maybe it was just because she was tired. It was a good possibility. Still, everyone being safe had put her at an unusual level of ease. It took digging through her bag to drag her back down to reality. She didn't own much to begin with, of course, so her bag being nearly empty was nothing unusual. Still, there was a lack of something that made her stomach begin to turn, goosepimples slithering up her back side.

"Oh dear..." she muttered, gazing with a look of concern into her bag.

She didn't have any spare clothes. That wasn't good.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Eadu Practicum
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , Arwen Hamenick Arwen Hamenick

Briana snorted as she watched Lily take off once the dismissal was given, quickly moving to grab one of the towels to wring out the water still clinging to the ends of her hair.

"That was Lily, yes."
Briana chimed in on behalf of her Padawan, flashing a small smile at Lossa that was accompanied by a half-hearted shrug. "What are you complaining for though? You don't look that much worse for wear," she remarked, hanging the towel over the crook of her elbow and playfully booping the shorter woman on the bridge of her nose. "You're starting to sound like Brandyn," she teased, poking her cousin lightly in the side in simple jest. "Starting to enjoy the perks of Naboo a little too much?" Though, in all honesty, it made her genuinely happy to see that Lossa made it here. Something that before the surgeries she'd undergone, would have been an improbable and distant dream.

Lossa's rather... loud observation, prompted one manicured brow to raise, followed by a soft chuckle. "Maybe you just weren't paying attention before?" she shrugged, unfastening the drenched cloak from around her neck and allowing it to slide off her shoulders. "You do spend an inordinate amount of time making those glitter bombs." Her cerulean gaze swept briefly across the gathering of Padawans, truly taking them in for the first time. A motley crew of diverse species and varying builds, many of them unfamiliar to her. Fresh faces who'd likely embarked on their Jedi journeys rather recently. Then again, her own presence at the Jedi Temple was rare as of late, spending a significant portion of her time on assignments, aiding the war-ravaged worlds that once lay within the confines of what'd previously been Maw space. "Just think of it as a chance to stretch your social wings. It'll be good for you."

He greeted those who were around him with an exhausted bow before lowering his hood and speaking, "Well... It appears I'm late to the party. I'm Knight Hamenick, I don't believe I have had the chance to meet any of you before. "

With a dismissive wave, she brushed off the notion of tardiness. "I don't believe so, no." her head tilted slightly, nodding to her cousin. "This is Lossa, and I'm Briana. Padawan and Jedi Knight, it's nice to meet you." With a gesture, she motioned to a nearby area. "Towels are over there if you need one."





Location: Eadu
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Poncho, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Arwen Hamenick Arwen Hamenick

The mock face of insult was dramatically played upon. A broad gesture towards her mud soaked front and even a slight gesture towards her rear after a half turn presented an equally mud covered side there.

"I know mudbaths are good for the skin, but sea water does horrendous things for the hair." Adding more drama to the commentary before she grinned. At least until Briana commented about sounding like Brandyn.

"How. Dare." Tone rich with sarcasm at the jab. "I will have you know I have only been up the past few nights trying to get here instead of watching old holo's."

Barely contained laughter behind the mounting embellishments.

Opening her mouth to contest the comment about her Glitter Bombs before it snapped shut with an auditory click. Eyes narrowing briefly as she started to peel off the Poncho.

"I paid attention. Sometimes. When it was interesting. Usually." Came the weak defense of her habits. Peeling the entire thing off with a graceless flop of wet material to the floor as she took her first solid breath.

"Mm. Social wings." She grinned, glancing over to the padawans assembled in their own little group. "I think I'm a bit old for fitting in and far from their usual company."

A newcomer greeted them, and she spared a wave until Briana mentioned their ranks. A simmering look shared as she spoke for herself.

"I don't know that I'll ever, willingly, reach knight status if I have to take a padawan." A small look thrown to Lily with a frown and shrug. "Nothing against you Lily. I just tend to do stupid chit."

She Left Behind A Legacy



"Alright folks, let's debrief." She strode her way towards the center of the room, standing just clear of the holographic edges that culminated in their symbol; the Jedi symbol. "By all means feel free to continue getting yourselves situated, but since we've got a nice sized group here, I'd like to go head and jump into orientation, an intro, and then our first lesson." She got her a quick scan of the room, panning her frame from body to body with the blue shimmer at her back, its mixture with the warm lighting cascaded the length of her hair in different tones.

"I see a couple of familiar faces, but a good number of new ones, good. Welcome to The Eadu Practicum. Just a refresher, I'm Romi Jade. I've done a few things here and there, seen a bunch, and experienced even more. I consider it an honor to be your teacher, at times it'll seem like Im throwing a lot at you, stuff I've learned from my own mentors...and the rest from my own bruises." She started a mild pace.

"The Practicum is something of my own design, a retreat with a program I've developed for immersive learning. It draws from my own Jedi training philosophy that I've taught at academies called 25 Chambers. No, there aren't actually 25 physical chambers, the name is a metaphor. It's more a series of guidelines, with specials tasks, lessons, and exercises that helps students develop their own sense and approach to the Force by helping them move within that guideline. We obviously won't be covering everything 25 Chambers entails, but there are pieces of it that could be useful to any Jedi, at any level, throughout their career -- that's what this retreat is all about."

In her pacing, she cut through the earthy aroma of the incense, some of what seemed to cling to her person; she was carrying it around.

"The other side of it is that this retreat is a way to bring awareness to the need for a more current training system, something that reflects and prepares us for the times we're in. Obviously, in ways a Jedi's training is very personalized to the individual, but a lot of times the things we reference to build that out is from a more traditional system. I wanted to build out a comprehensive training program that I felt would improve the process of apprentices becoming well-rounded Jedi Knights in times like these."

"Eadu is completely unpredictable, I actually came here early on as a Jedi Knight, searching for direction. I left not only with a sense of direction, but clarity into myself and what the Force had in store for me -- as crazy as that sounds."


"The first six chambers build physical and mental fortitude, general able-bodiedness. We kicked things off with a hike because our first lesson was understanding harsh environments, and their benefit. Not only is your mental and physical health affected by your performance, but environmental factors also play a crucial role in your training, and will definitely in your career."

She hit a well timed pivot that placed her back facing the group.

"Normally, we don't pay enough attention to the responses our bodies have when exposed to things like the heat, cold and even altitude, but i'd like to hear from you all about some of the things you endured on the way up, anything you noticed, anything you felt, anything really. Let's just talk."

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Rosalina Rosalina | Loomi Loomi | Joland Graves | Arwen Hamenick Arwen Hamenick | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Tala Vale Tala Vale | Vaylaar D'artagnan Vaylaar D'artagnan | Andromeda Demir Andromeda Demir | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Janos Sovv Janos Sovv | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Mago Leomax Mago Leomax | @Anyone I missed

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Romi Jade Romi Jade et al.


Lightning flashed revealing the Jedi sanctuary before them. Janos could sense many emotions within. His breathing was labored at such high altitudes. Flint panted heavily but the loyal charhound remained by his master's side. Attempting to climb the trail on his own had been foolish overconfidence. Coruscant was a paradise world compared to this cold hell.

Vertigo threatened to overwhelm his alien mind at the ascent. Robes still dripping, the Jedi padawan stumbled inside.

"Normally, we don't pay enough attention to the responses our bodies have when exposed to things like the heat, cold and even altitude, but i'd like to hear from you all about some of the things you endured on the way up, anything you noticed, anything you felt, anything really. Let's just talk."

"M-may the F-Force," Janos stammered in broken Basic, "being with y-you."

Then he fainted.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Romi Jade Romi Jade

There were more and more of them coming... interest for this was quite high from the looks of it and the training hadn't even started while the one padawan seemed to fret about something. Digging into her pack and there didn't seem to be anything as Matsu walked over and Romi started to speak to the ones gathered. She looked at Loomi Loomi and bowed her head slipping out of the training outfit to her sarashiso she could partake of Romi's intended purpose. The Jedi Master Robes designed to resist the water and rippled with the materia to adjust for the girl. "Here use these while they dry." She offered them a they cleaned to become fresh and presentable.

THen she looked at the massive form of Rosalina Rosalina and bowed before smiling and turning to listen. Hair going back behind her head into a tighter ponytail that she removed small kyber bells from to set aside. Pale skin and shifting her Silver Light into a Padawan Training gi when Romi finished speaking. She was about to when another jedi was about to speak and then fell over. Her body reacting before her mind to move towards his side as she crouched down bringing a hand out to search him in the force and find it. Heat and energy dancing off her skin to warm him. Mentally probing to try and see if he was there still and listening for a heartbeat. "He is unconscious."

She didn't need to move him but shifted the area around to prop his head up and focus on displaying an overlay of vitals the scanner in her ears little interface was getting. The AI within good for the KIrano once she could get it measured. "Which way is medical Master Jade?"

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Joland Graves | Yondir Fenn | Arwen Hamenick Arwen Hamenick | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Loomi Loomi | Silas Westgard | Mishel | Kinoan Kinoan | Makko Vyres | Starlin Rand | Ceri Fraissi | Eliphas Dune | Toby Perris | Daisy Masudo | Tala Vale Tala Vale | Rayia Asai | Sayuri Hatoko | Rosalina Rosalina | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Vaylaar D'artagnan Vaylaar D'artagnan | Andromeda Demir Andromeda Demir | Janos Sovv Janos Sovv |
"If you're going to suck on his ego that much, you might as well go on to his third appendage."

Yes, Tala regretted the line as soon as she muttered it but now it was out there and she couldn't take it back. All she could do is try to stitch up her mouth and get ready for the counterattack that might be justified. Gods, she needed more whiskey... Reaching for her "water" skin, she raised it to her lips only for nothing to come out. She was out of whiskey... She was out of nerfing whiskey... "Gods, why won't anything go right today!" She threw the skin against the cliff, her face red with anger for a minute before fading to weariness. "Lets... Let's just go... I just want to go to sleep..." She didn't care if she got a wooden plank for a bed, she would go to sleep fast tonight.

During the Ceremony:

Tala looked a little hungover as she was curled up in her chair with her hood over her head. It was clear that she did sleep fast but did not sleep well and now was nursing a small hangover headache. Only Romi Jade's words made her look up. Her speech did make her look like a camp counselor rallying the troops. And then a Padawan slurring his words walked through the doorway and collapsed onto the floor. As one of the staff quickly went over to check on him, Tala could only scrunch up tighter into a large ball. "They're going to kill us all..."

Mago Leomax Mago Leomax , Vaylaar D'artagnan Vaylaar D'artagnan , Iris Arani Iris Arani
Arwen offered a polite smile to Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren and her young Padawan Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus as they were introduced. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Briana, and you too, Lossa. I hope the hike wasn't too dangerous for you," he replied, his light blue eyes shifting between the two of them as they spoke in turn.

Arwen's gaze was directed to the towels as Briana motioned toward them. "Thank you! I think it's best I go and clean myself up. We'll catch up with one another soon, no doubt," he said before making his way over to the towels to grab one for himself. He delicately picked one up from the mountain of folded towels before using it aggressively to rub against his mud and dirt-covered hands and face. Still bathed in mud, he sighed and continued to try to clean himself up to be presentable. He had a face that looked like he had participated in combat against a beast in a swamp, and he wasn't able to clean it off with a single towel. After many attempts, he eventually removed most of the mud from his face.

He returned to the room just in time for Romi's speech. He quietly shuffled closer to the main group that was present and listened attentively. He smiled throughout and repeatedly nodded, agreeing with the words of wisdom coming out of her mouth. If this couldn't inspire some of the young Jedi in the room then nothing would, he thought. A loud thud interrupted Arwen whilst he was applauding the speech, and it made him immediately react. He instinctively rested his dominant hand on his hilt, prepared to protect those around him from whatever may have caused the noise. Prepare for the worst, a valuable lesson he had been taught as a Padawan.

As soon as he turned there were already people aiding the unconscious Sullustan. Arwen eased up, removing his fingers from the hilt that resided next to his waist. He was relieved, however, curious as to what happened to the male lying on the floor. Was it the treacherous hike? Or was there something out there? Was this all a part of the test? All these questions ran through Arwen's mind as he stared ahead.

He made his way through the small crowd and offered his assistance to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike as she was checking over the vitals of the male. "Please, let me help you if you need anything," he said as he lowered himself onto his knees next to Matsu.
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Wearing: This
Equipment: Training Saber
Location: Eadu
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | @Tag everyone else nearby

When Lily returned to her Master, she noticed Briana was already in deep conversation with Lossa. She wasn't sure the relationship between the two of them but them seemed close and that was nice to see. With her hands behind her back, Lily sneaked in beside Briana and remained quiet. She was happy to blend into the background and just listen to the conversation. Looking around, there seemed to be plenty of people of various skill levels, not just Padawans but also Jedi Knights, it was interesting to see that. To see that one was never complete in their training and would always need to seek out more knowledge.

Lily smiled politely to Lossa, "that is okay. I can't see myself being a good teacher either." She admitted as she nodded her head.

There was a pause and then Master Romi Jade stepped into the middle of the room. Lily turned to face the Master and listened to what she had to say. It was a good speech, she was interested in what this course was going to entail. 25 chambers seemed excessive but also at the same time, there was likely a strong reasoning around the need for so many steps in this training. Lily was deeply interested in the training and curious to see what was going to be the first step.

Before the training could begin, another Padawan wandered in and then collapsed in front of them all. Lily gasped shocked, she didn't think the hike would be that strenuous on people. She looked to her Master and raised a hand to tap her arm for Briana's attention. "Should we go look for others who might be trapped, lost or struggling with the journey Master?" Lily asked, worried that others would not be able to make the journey and lost out there forever without anyone knowing.

Caden hadn't really paid much attention.

The moment he realised Tala wasn't with the group, he was ready to go running through the woods to find her. He didn't care how wet he got or how hurt he was. Nothing mattered more in that split second that tracking down Tala and recovering her safely. He was even getting ready to go and locate her, starting to warm up for a run through the woods.

Iris hadn't given him the chance though, shooting off from the group to track down the missing Padawan as well as any other stragglers. Caden realised in that moment he couldn't follow. It wasn't worth the risk of leaving the rest of the Padawan's alone. Two groups of missing Padawan's would inherently be much worse than one missing Padawan group.

So instead he had followed Loomi and the group.

Silence had been his friend, his mind racing. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd react if Iris failed to locate the missing Padawan. He had to put faith in a person he'd never met before and that annoyed him. He wasn't great at trusting new people, especially those who seemed to rush off without warning. So much of Caden would have happily left Iris babysitting the group of Padawan's while he went looking for his own student.

By the time they got to the Practium, he was absolutely soaking wet. His hair was sticking to his forehead and his t-shirt was near see-through. He was fairly lucky a small puddle hadn't formed under him, the amount of water running of his person. He hadn't even realised how damp he was getting, his mind that focused on the safety of his student.

Everyone seemed to wonder off.

Then he was alone. He thought he was anyway. Loomi and the rest of the Padawan's seemed to head off to do their own thing. Caden didn't mind of course, they were in a place of safety now. It was only a few seconds later he realised that one of the other Padawan's had also accidently been abandoned by the group. Ceri Fraissi had also remained behind as everyone went about their business.

Up until he'd spotted her, he was tempted to head back out into the woods to find his Padawan. Spotting Ceri had given him a change of heart however. He'd expected her to be in with the Padawan group, yet she wasn't. She'd stopped behind as everyone else had wondered off.

So he walked over.

"You doing okay?"

He gestured for her to follow. He figured they could walk and talk, especially as they needed to try and track down the Jedi Master who'd organised the entire trip. He figured he'd also dry out a little as they walked through the Eadu Practicum and maybe he'd even find a chair. He'd spent much of the afternoon hiking, and he wasn't at hundred percent yet at all.

The Jedi Knight led the way into the debrief about half way through. He figured he and Ceri hadn't missed much, and if they had then they'd be able to catch up at some point. Caden stood and listened as Jedi Master Romi Jade finished her speech, though his eyes flicked around the room. He spotted Tala, so she had managed to arrive at some point. He also spotted Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren .

Once the speech was over, Caden decided it was time for a quiet catch up with Briana. He hadn't seen her since Courscant, when he'd learned of his connection with her mother. It was nice to see people again, come across friends in a galaxy where due to the sheer amount of people, you rarely saw the same person on more than one occasion.

"Briana. A pleasure to see you again"

The Light In The Shadows


Eadu Practicum | Open to Interaction

A plethora of raindrops were shaken off of his coat as the man made his way inside.

The journey up the mountain had been a long, and wet, one. He knew the planet was infamous for its storms, but he did not realize how powerful they actually were. Kinoan guessed that he was probably the oldest student attending this training. The man was reaching his late twenties, his Padawan days long behind him. But he was returning to the Jedi Order after taking a leave for quite some time. It was only recently that he decided the life of an Imperial Knight was not the one he waned to live.

Once inside, the man made his way over to a semi-large group of people. Master Jade's voice could be heard echoing throughout the hall. Hopefully he hadn't missed too much of her introduction. Standing towards the back of the group, Kinoan listened in as she finished talking about the 25 Chambers, another training that he completed. It was rigorous and difficult, but it shaped him into the warrior he was today.

For now, he decided just to listen in on what others had to say about their journey before speaking. Those that were younger probably had a lot on their minds, so better let them speak than the tired, aging Knight.


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