Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eclipse Mercenaries Q&A

Axton Milfred

Join the Eclipse Mercenaries today and gain fame and fortune.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Axton Milfred

Alright. Good to see I am not the only ME fan here. Sorry, Mass Effect is my favorite series ever (Star Wars being tied with it). Eclipse was the only one that seemed the most Star Wars like.

Anyways, the whole purpose of Eclipse is to be a mix of security and bounty hunter. So we take jobs ranging from guarding buildings to hunting down a target. This really opens up alot of job opportunities instead of being confined to just one type of job. When it comes to faction jobs, like if the Empire hires us, we will do it but we will ask for more pay. Credit ranges really depend on the job.

Low Priority Target/Security Job: 1,000 Credits
Priority Target/Security Job: 10,000 Credits
High Priority Target/Security Job: 50,000 Credits
Faction Job: Ranges from 10-50 Thousand Credits
High Ranking Job (If someone such as Empress or Jedi Grandmaster hires us for a really big job): Ranges from 50-100 Thousand Credits

Our homeworld is currently Polis Massa.

Axton Milfred

I can promise that we are different. I'd say we are a little more ruthless. I don't think Omega would be willing to murder several citizens during a job. Let alone citizens that hare completely innocent and have nothing to do with the job. Consider us to have the nature of the sith but the appearance of Omega.

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