Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign The Edge of Nowhere [SJO/OPA]

Magna-Guards? Great. Reggie turned and ignited his lightsaber, ready to face the droids. From what he knew of them, Magna-Guards were no joke. He would need to use everything he was taught to face just one of them most likely. Fortunately, the Padawan had backup.

Once Reggie saw a figure seemingly morph and attack one of the droids, he knew it was his turn to move in. Unfortunately, his target saw him coming and defended itself against the green saber, wasting no time to push its opponent back. The droid was fast and powerful, and would have taken down any regular opponent with how it countered, but Reggie wasn't an inexperienced Jedi. Sure, he was a Padawan, and wasn't the best offensively like some of his peers, but he wasn't a lightweight. He was a defensive Jedi well attuned to the force, and had the best mentor to show him how to utilize his strengths. Speaking of his mentor, Master Dragonsflame seemed to appear out of nowhere and take down another one of the Magna-Guards. Reggie was happy to see his mentor, especially considering the circumstances and how long it has been since the Padawan's seen him. He couldn't focus on that now though, not while the Magna-Guard was attacking.

Blocking, deflecting, and avoiding every attack the droid sent his way, Reggie defended himself well against his opponent. However, the trick was finding the perfect opportunity to strike back. Considering how the Magna-Guard could attack all day without faltering, Reggie was at a disadvantage if he didn't counter. Removing his left hand from the hilt of his lightsaber, Reggie grabbed the electric staff while using tutaminis. The ability wouldn't protect him from the attack completely, but it would give him the opportunity he needed without knocking himself unconscious from the shock.

The shock of the staff went through his body, forcing him to endure the pain. Also using the force to help him keep the droid's staff in position, Reggie had just enough time to sliced off the droids head. Reggie released the electrostaff and staggered back, taking a sharp breath. It was a bit sloppy, but he managed to take down the droid....or so he thought. The droid was still able to move and tried to hit Reggie with the staff. It took the Padawan by surprise, but he was able to deflect the attack and thrust his saber into the chest of the droid, and force pushed it backwards onto the ground.

Reggie wasn't going to let it take him by surprise again, so he made sure it was truly finished this time before releasing the robotic corpse. What a mess, and in front of Karra and Josh too. The embarrassment affected him more than the pain he felt from the electroshock. "I'm glad that you're here Master! I have to say, you always know how to make an entrance." He spoke while moving back to the controls, making sure that he was able to accomplish what he came here to do.

Karra Tor Karra Tor | Ripple | Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor | Domino Domino
Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou Vouvry Vouvry Eldin Daine Eldin Daine

They were in and atop the wall. Step one was accomplished and now for the challenging part. They had to cross to the command tower without being spotted. Not easy, but hopefully the use of a cable gun would help make it easier.With them out of sight, he slipped down the face of the small hillside and slunk his way to the wall, wrapping himself deep in the Force, nearly invisible to both sensors and eyes. At the base, he dropped it and let the Force fill his legs as he jumped, propelling himself to the lip of the wall.

He wrapped his hands around the edge as he started to drop and then scrambled the rest of the way over the edge. One hand unslung the cable-launcher while the other adjusted the view from his mask to normal, now that the lights of the compound were relatively close. He sighted and squeezed the trigger. A quiet hiss was the only sound as the device launched from the gun and magnetized to the tower roof. Now was the hard part.

"Go. Secure the roof. I'll keep this anchored, clear, and undiscovered."
Born standin' up and takin' back.
Objective 2
Dismantle the Leadership Tower
Vouvry Vouvry | Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou | Veino Garn Veino Garn

The third and final guard, Eldin took out with a choke hold, one method that requires no equipment. Using the force to jump in behind him, close enough that his body was almost touching his back, a swift kick to the back of the knee while pulling his head up, exposed the throat. Eldin looped his arm around their neck the guards throat is in the crook of his arm. With the hand of the choking arm, he grabbed the other bicep, then clapped his free hand over their mouth. If done properly, they will be unconscious in 5-10 seconds. He felt their body go limp, the weight of the man heavy and he dropped him to the ground.

It was time to get to the roof.

Eldin gave Kimiko a smirk, "ladies first". He would follow her directly, with Vouvry taking up the rear.

Objective 2
Dismantle the Leadership Tower
Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou | Veino Garn Veino Garn | Eldin Daine Eldin Daine

Things were proceeding smoothly as they made their way up onto the wall. Fortunately, they had managed to take out the three guards without alerting any of the other security forces to their presence. Vouvry was particularly happy about the fact that they had primarily been able to go for the knockout rather than a kill.

The young Mirialan watched as Veino arranged for a way for them to get over to the other side. They would not be very well hidden for the duration of the trip - but then, they had already penetrated the external security - hopefully, their foes would be more relaxed and less alert inside their walls. A smirk spread across his lips as Eldin had Kimiko go first. It was a good idea, seeing as she seemed to be a more capable fighter than he was - the Mirialan still had much to learn. Content with taking the rear, he crouched down to the side. It was a safety measure for if any patrolling guards would come their way. For now, however, the coast was clear.

With that, he waited for the other two to make the trip so that he could follow after.
Objective 2
Dismantle the Leadership Tower
Vouvry Vouvry | Eldin Daine Eldin Daine | Veino Garn Veino Garn

She swiftly and silently covered the distance to the edge of the wall, and leaped onto the tower's adjacent face. Her hands grasped the bottom edge of a window and she targeted her path up. Her aggressive urges were pulsing through her mind and blood as she sprang up off the windowsill to her next hand hold and then to the next as she rapidly ascended the tower.

As she steadied her body at the last hanging, she heard a voice speak something like a command. This intrigued her as they were warned by intelligence of the possibility of a high-ranking individual in charge here.

She looked back at her companions, waiting for them before cresting the roof of the command tower...
Objective 1
Tags: Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket

Behind, above, and without warning there was a series of metallic thumps culminating in a solid grunt. The Sephi whipped around with hands raised and prepared for combat, but he found only Phalsi. Clearly still alive, the other probably had the breath knocked out of lungs and just needed a moment to recover. Thus he turned back towards the stairs and took a couple steps to peer up. Now that the aeromancer was with him he would wait and not continue alone. It was good tactical sense and polite to boot. But then the voice sounded out.


There was a sense of panic to his name and the presence in the Force, so he glanced back. He was just in time to catch sight of a droid stepping out from behind some boxes. Red eyes and torso certainly made for an imposing view, but wasn't necessarily a threat. The arcing electricity at each end of the staff clearly was however. With a near-instant reaction the Jedi rotated further and threw his right hand back in the general direction of the droid. Tendril's of Force power sent one of the boxes hurtling into the droid's upper torso, which made it stumble for all of a second. Not good. Obviously this thing couldn't be left behind them, but they had a mission that needed accomplishing.

"Get to the gate controls. I'll be right behind you."

Another voice came through the earbud of his comm unit right after he'd finished talking.

"Magna-Guards, stay alert."

Is that what this was called? The name rang a distant bell in his memory but wasn't bringing up any details. Well, with a name like MagnaGuard and the capability to take the hit it'd just taken, this was no run-of-the-mill protocol droid. He didn't even bother with the pistol or electro-baton, deeming them unacceptable for the task at hand. Instead an orange lightsaber blade burned to life with the characteristic snap-hiss. The droid's head immediately rotated to bring Audren into focus and the electrostaff whirled in response. The elfin Jedi took a few quick steps forward and slashed, aiming to quickly bisect his opponent. The strike was blocked; apparently the staff was some lightsaber-resistant material. Fantastic.

Not only was the strike blocked, it was redirected high and the other end of the staff blurred towards his lower-left leg. That was easily countered by lifting the leg and allowing the strike to pass by. The droid's programming was top-notch however, and instead of pausing it continued. A step forward allowed it to use its momentum to spin, coming around with the electrostaff in a reverse strike over its shoulder and continuing the spin with one more step. The Sephi responded by ducking the head-level swing and taking a single step to the left. He then straightened and decapitated the droid with a cut that looked almost lazy. With the interruption completed he turned back towards the stairs, allowing his blade to extinguish.

Rather than hearing the clatter of collapsing metal however, there was a whirring and buzzing of the droid - unseen by Audren - twirling the staff around itself then stepping forward to attack again with a stab at the back of the head. A flash of precognition granted by the Force saved his life as he rotated to one side and found arcing electricity less than a half meter from his face. He agilely bent backwards as the droid turned the impalement attempt into an endeavor to bash the Jedi's face in. The citrine lightsaber blade once again crackled to life and intercepted follow-up blows, blurring to match them in speed. All it took to end the fight was one little mistake as the Magnaguard was finishing up a particularly nasty flurry. The Master seized advantage of an opening to neatly snip off both arms at the forearm. In the blink of an eye - before the staff even hit the ground - the droid had been quartered. The pieces held together for a half second but as it tried to move the automaton collapsed into a pile of scrap metal.

The whole engagement had lasted maybe thirty seconds, yet the blond's forehead had a sheen of sweat. He clearly needed to practice more, and against staff-wielders to boot. Without a second look at the ruined parts, he headed after Phalsi up the stairs and towards the gate. While the lightsaber blade fizzled out the hilt was kept in-hand. Thirty seconds was plenty of time for a droid to send an alert through internal comlink, and he had no idea if MagnaDroids came with that feature built in.
Objective 3
Karra Tor Karra Tor Amani Ripple Reggie Faayare Reggie Faayare Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

The Twi'lek hadn't had to wait long after checking in before the quick call of "Magna-Guards, stay alert," came in. And that was her signal to go in, or good enough of one for her. The Sangromancer shifted beneath her as it angled to vector over the base, boarding ramp dropping before Domino's gaze. Twenty kilometres of altitude were plenty to correct onto target but she still waited for the corridor lights to briefly blink on before charging down the ramp to be snatched away by the wind-stream of the ship's wake.

Tumbling through the darkness, she let her sensors clear as she twisted her body, trying to find the natural point where the armor's aerodynamics met a diver's posture. Needed more time in a vertical air tunnel to get it right. Instead she feathered the thrusters to right herself, assessed her position and that of the compound, let out a thoughtful hum satisfaction, and triggered her grav-chute to buy time to think and assess the situation below. An alarm somewhere had definitely been sounded and slavers were herding whatever slaves hadn't been penned for whatever reason to where they'd could be contained. Hard to pick them apart from up here though. The gate and tower weren't swarming yet though.

There. An armed individual was shouting at a pair of hulking droids and pointing towards a fight brewing in the slave pens. Looked like the type of party she should drop in on. "Warden is engaging. You kiddos let me know if you need help anywhere now." The call went out over her team's channel. In her pack the 'chute deactivated, micro-thrusters spat and sputtered into the night sky as they re-angled her fall, then silence until the whine of the ions in her jetpack made the slaver look up in confusion. Right into Domino's armored boots, cleats extended.

Domino tucked and rolled with the ground's impact, bent knees and jetpack taking most of it for her. Rising to a knee, she un-slung her grenade launcher and picked out a magazine with a stripe of blue tape wrapped around it to slap home into the weapon. Ignoring the sticky puddle of mud slowly spreading around her legs, she fired a rapid trio of courser grenades into the closest Magna Guard as it turned to learn what happened to the one ordering it about. The second was faster, batting away the shells as they rushed in with a swiping spin of its now activated staff before leaping at her. Not willing to fire the grenades so close, Domino tossed the launcher aside where it'd hopefully be safe as she rose and twisted, turning a solid strike into one that scraped by. The electrically charged staff leaving a burn scar across her armor's drab surface.

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