Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Empire Strikes Back - TSE Invasion of VJE Wayland

Location: Akitagrad
Objective: Lunch?
Enemies: Tasty morsels

Voracitos did not make a habit of arriving in battles and war zones, but when he did, he could be felt before he was seen. A rift in the sky above the civilian city opened as if a terrible maw ate a piece of the sky before pushing itself through, and floating above the destruction of the city like a blimp of decay, Voracitos sat in his full Nethermantic glory.

Things fell from the sky, and he sensed the disgusting presence of Ysalamiri. The mouth on his face and the one on his massive stomach sneered at the Mandalorian penchant for the meddlesome animals. If he were to enjoy himself in the slightest, he would see to it such things were destroyed. The Dark Lord of Chaos closed his singular eye, and reached deep beneath the city, focusing his will on the stone below with malice and intent. The ground began to tremor, though most would not notice with artillery and explosions shaking the ground beneath their feet already.

The task would take time, but in the end, he would achieve his goal.
B R A V E _ N E W _ W O R L D
Location: Base of Mount Tantiss
Allies: The Sith Empire | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Enemies: Vegemite Jedi Order | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
Objective: Raze Wayland
Saberstaff, Amphistaffs


Final vestige of the Mandalorian people, the last stand for the warrior people that had spat in the faces of their Sith masters in an act of defiance that culminated in their extermination. They fought on their last legs, drawing their final breaths with every bit of passion and fury that any respectable warrior should when surrender was impossible and defeat was inevitable, and it was this fervor that Alekto was relying on to win the last battle of their decades-long war with the Mandalorians and their allies.

A drop ship roared over the top of a sea of trees, pulling up as it approached the base of the mountain housing the fortress of Australis' forces. A sole pod was fired down from the sky as the ship made a turn to retreat back up into the stars - a vessel which came whistling down through the air like a missile, guided by what an observer might have described as raw luck through anti-air defenses and blaster-fire. Against all odds the pod cut through trees and embedded itself in soft soil as the Sith's ground forces began their advance. Soldiers had counseled her against arriving this close to the front lines, advised against even showing her face to the enemy so soon - a counsel that had earned cowardly men her ire before she had departed for the forested planet.

This was where it had started, the catalyst for what had brought her to Telti - the world where she had finally convinced Corvus Raaf to seek her out on the hidden world of Pax Insul - and this was where it would end. Braith Achlys was indeed dead, an alias thrown to the wayside by the Sith Lord as she committed herself to letting go of her past, but the memories of that time were not forgotten, it was here that she would put that behind her. Emerging from her smoke-covered point of entry, her body covered by serpentine creatures that looked distinctly like the hissing snake-like locks of hair grafted to her scalp, Alekto did not hesitate to ignite her lightsaber; the saberstaff in her hand bursting to life at both ends. Her attention was, temporarily, pulled to the Sith pureblood that called out her name, to which she nodded in solidarity, but she turned her gaze towards the slope of the mountain that they and their forces were already in motion to scale.

Darkness welled within her, darkness which seeped out and into tangible form - a mist which flowed from her like tendrils, swaying around her like the serpents that coiled around her torso. "Let this battle be the memory we remember the Mandalorians by - and the memory we look back to learn from - not their pathetic failures that led to their fall, but their final moments of bravery and refusal to face the inevitable." Came the voice of the Sith Lord, her words carried to the minds and ears of the legions of soldiers and Sith that pooled near the base of the mountain. "Remember it, savor it - for it is the same resolve each of you will need to face our newest foes in the New Imperial Order." She added, her words a whisper carried on the wind that blew threw the leaves of the trees that surrounded them.

Without further delay she broke into a sprint forward, nudging at Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco through the force to follow - she'd need an ally for this, knowing the Mandalorians were nearly as equipped to deal with masters of the force as the Yuuzhan Vong - as the serpents that had been coiled around her torso slithered down to race alongside her on the ground by her feet. Through force-empowered sight she could see the silhouettes of those that fate had placed in her way, particularly that of Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud , and allowed the darkness - and the mist that swirled around her - to guide her to him. It was a pity that so few of the faithful, of the Primeval, had not joined hands with the Sith Empire - they would have recognized the arrival of their master of annihilation from the old tales, though he - she - wore the face of their mistress of light. Such was the contradiction she sought to mend.

Nogras and Balagoth - it was here that she would put that dichotomy, that which caused her to take the moniker of Braith, to rest and unite herself at last.

Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian
Location: Mount Tantiss, Wayland
Equipment: Red blade lightsaber (Benûwia) | Red blade lightsaber (Ireria) | Multispectrum disguise suite
Tags/Attention: Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
Allies: TSE and allies
Enemies: VJE and allies

As always, it was a pleasure for her to watch as their own army lined up. She was overwhelmed by the feeling she had felt long ago when she had to go into battle. It was intoxication, to know that the Sith and the Dark Side are greater and will surely win. They fell once, but it was also because of her –now there is no ash left – former Emperor. But those times are over, and long ago someone said not to live in the past, only in the present, and in a war, sentimentalism really had no place. Thus, with the help of the Force, Xanesh cleared her thoughts and began to concentrate on the impending battle.

Countless people have arrived of whom she received a memory or saw and read holodata. She also read about K Kaine Australis . She found it funny how many leaders got the name Kaine at this time. Strong name for strong leaders. Benûwia has always been the more theatrical of the two, but even Ireria realized that the woman's pull wasn't bad. Aas Alekto started running and Xanesh felt her nudge, she started running after the other woman. Even though she felt this was a little humiliating because she always fought from a distance, as a sorcerer she never had to go close.

Times are changing. She has run into this phrase too many times since she was resurrected. As she followed the other woman, she also hid from prying eyes and scanners. Meanwhile she created two illusions that shaped her, it was a good few meters past her on both sides. One was Ireria, the other was Benûwia, if she was already in an intermediate state as Xanesh. Perhaps a doppelganger would have been simpler, but it had its limitations.

If the other woman hadn't watched her come, she signaled with a touch through the Force that she was here and supported her. Even by sharing her power with her to make the other even stronger. She had not tried this since the two sisters merged into Xanesh. Which is why they wondered how much their combined strength could be. She was already waiting for this to come to light during the battle. And finally Xanesh saw Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud as they approached him.

”Let's not stop because of this man, let's move on to the mountain” she sent telepathically, without spoken words, to Darth Alekto.


Location: Mount Tantiss, Wayland
Allies: VJE and Allies
Enemies: TSE and Allies
Tags: Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Links(background NPCs closest to Adenn): Gunner | Beskad Elite
Links: Ammo(Gargaru Slugs) | Particle Beam(other ammo)


As Adenn stood slightly beyond the edge of Clan Mortui's forward trench line, he received a notification from Kaine. Upon seeing it, his blood ran cold. Not only had he been given the codes to blow the mountain should the inevitable happen, but someone else had received it as well. Adenn didn't know them well, nor did he have communications with them. If anything happened, then they could just blow the mountain and Adenn would have little to no time to get his vode out. Grimacing, Adenn began to prepare his vode. However, to make matters worse, Menelik Menelik 's battle meditation came into play. Adenn felt despair, for he looked around and caught glimpses of what might happen, his vode dead, their lines destroyed. Shaking his head, the images vanished with a force of will, but Adenn saw several of Clan Mortui gaze about themselves with an air of despair. Then the Sith army emerged, as if brought forth by this wave of despair. Eyes hardening behind his mask, Adenn opened a line to his vode, even as they prepared themselves.

"Vode! Our enemy is here, seeking to stamp out the Mando'ade once and for all. They come with numbers, for they know we are stronger than they ever will be." It was here that the artillery began to open up, their gunners listening to Adenn, but knowing that their shells were needed. Shells flew forth, exploding once they impacted the ground, or just above it. "My aliit, we have fought in every Mandalorian war, from one side of the galaxy to the other. WE have fought them to a standstill more times than they can count, and while we may have been beaten back from various planets, we never broke, we never gave in." Snipers and heavy weapon emplacements opened fire now, their targets high ranking individuals, lone scouts, and other important looking Sith, along with large clumps of enemy combatants. At the same time, the despair they might have felt dissipated, instead being replaced with courage and a desire to prove themselves. "They know we are unbroken, uncowed, and unbeatable. They took our planets, our people, and our homes. They took Mandalore from us, but we are Mandalorians. We only need each other and our indomitable will to continue on, for we are an ideal, a culture. Let them come vode, let them break themselves upon us, while they believe we are broken and beaten. We will always rise from the ashes of the old, come to conquer the new. No matter how long it takes, we will remain unbroken, we will never bow, and we will never be defeated." Gazing across the lines, Adenn saw his clan was more than ready now, their former despair was instead an unbreakable wall of fury and determination. Turning to face the enemy, Adenn raised his hand high above his head. "Let them come, for we will tread their ashes into nothingness. We will break them wholesale, we will destroy them. No mercy, no respite. Slaughter them all!"

And with that, Adenn's hand fell and hell was unleashed. Every formerly silent blaster and advanced slug thrower opened fire, spitting forth munitions into the Sith army lines. The air was filled with fire and death, flying all around Adenn's position. Around Adenn, Gunner and the Beskad Elite opened fire, adding their own weapons fire into the maelstrom of death. Their aim was steady and their fire intense. As they fired, they spread themselves out, forming a loose double line for 10 each on either side of Adenn, raising their shields to absorb counter fire, while not letting their own fire up. Even as they fired, their armor prepared for melee, as Adenn's kill team was beyond the trenches, and thus would be hit first, especially since the two Sith leading the attack were coming straight for them.

For his part, Adenn raised his weapon in concert with his closest vode(Gunner and Beskad Elite), opening fire on the pair of women leading the charge of the Sith army. Adenn fired the E'care with one arm, the weapon being supported by one of his extra arms. The other arm fired particle beams, being aimed with uncanny precision. As he did this, Adenn drew his sword from the scabbard on his back. As he did so, the whispers of the weapon became nigh on deafening roars of hate, for the sword felt the coming of the Sith and desired their souls. Adenn was more than happy to oblige its desires, holding the sword loosely by his side, ready to swing once the enemy came into range. His eyes hard, aim steady, and with vode by his side, Adenn helped form the bulwark of the defenses against the Sith armies, all of them more than ready to fight and lay down their lives for victory.
Location: Orbiting Wayland, en route to Akitagrad.
Objective: Contain the Australis menace, once and for all.
Equipment: Gildenweave Turtleneck | Changeling Commandos
Writing With: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Niamh Raste

It was not every day Adrian saw fit to join in on the "destructive pursuits" of his Sith compatriots, despite his position on the Dark Council and the attention it entailed, but then this was not your average invasion.

It was, as far as he was concerned, more akin to pest control than war.

Startled out of his thoughts by the sudden arrival of a familiar being - and that familiarity was the only thing preventing the energy coalescing around him from forming into a protective bubble - he turned to face her, smiling widely even as he chastised himself for failing to detect her approach. It would not do to get rusty, doubly so when heading into a warzone.

"Ah, Ingrid! Quite the lovely surprise - and it would be my pleasure."

Nodding towards a holographic representation of the already damaged city and the forces clashing within and without, he smiled wickedly. "With you and me together, this rabble won't stand a chance - and if things go wrong, I always have my commandos."

The Myrmidon materialized into real space shortly after the Mandalorian Strike Group had arrived in space above the planet of Wayland. Dropping several kilometres to the Mandalorian fleet's rear, it was soon joined by its squadron of support vessels, who formed a cohesive diamond around their lead vessel as it slowly drifted forwards to align itself with its allies hailing from the Sons of Mandalore. The commander of the small fleet of warships was none other than Lucien Dooku himself, who despite not being a Mandalorian, had taken the initiative to support the Order's Mandalorian allies in their own quest to help out their besieged kin on their holdout world of Wayland.

It was a fool's errand, or so he was advised, but the newly-minted Warlord of Nirauan had thrown the words of his advisers to the wind. His reasoning was simple, if not a potential waste of resources if the operation went terribly wrong. Trajan Fett Trajan Fett was leading the fool-hardy adventure into a conflict that didn't involve the NIO and its aligned parties, but nonetheless the Mandalorian warrior had decided to commit the Sons of Mandalore to the protection of kin who may have not been worth the effort. To the other Imperials, leaving Trajan and his ilk to deal with their own kind's issues might have been the play, but Lucien never forgot his roots, and Trajan had once fought alongside Luc, imparting upon the fledgling Jedi commander a long-lasting impression that shifted his opinion on the Mandalorian's kin, along with considering the man a friend, in a manner of speaking.

That sentiment may not have been shared entirely by the veteran warrior, but Luc had never forgotten the experience of fighting alongside the Mandalorian on that hell-hole of a prison in the orbit of Diab 6. Trajan had watched his back, and even treated him like a comrade at a time when the Jedi was nothing more than a rogue mercenary with little more to him but a claim to a foreign world under Sith control. Many battles had come and gone since that time, and Luc had no intention of sitting pretty in his new station when the opportunity arose to support the Order's Mandalorian allies, paying back his debt to Trajan on one hand, and once more bringing the fight to the Sith, on the other.

Regardless of the validity behind his reasons, pragmatic decision-making had long come and gone by the time his modest strike group had appeared onto the scene, skirting the battlefield's edge whilst positioning itself to align upon the Mandalorian fleet's rear. It maintained a modest pace as it trudged forwards in formation with its escorts, and uncharacteristically to the young Warlord of Nirauan, it showed no sign of diving headfirst into the fleet and fighter engagements that were currently underway above the planet's orbit.

Already the Sons of Mandalore were descending through the Atmosphere on top of their majestic Basilisk War Droids, all but ignoring the amalgam of Network and Sith fighters in their plight to strike the surface like the hammer that the Mandalorian Oathsworn truly were. From his position on the bridge, Lucien stood dead-center in the middle, his eyes glued to the view-screen with impatience filling his features as his allies made their way to the surface. With his arms crossed over his chest and a foot tapping against the durasteel beneath his feet, he made no effort to hide his frustration towards his flagship's Admiral, a shrewd man of middle-age who had seen his fair share of fleet combat during his long tenure as an Imperial naval officer of the various Imperial factions of the past.

"How much longer are you gonna make me wait, Admiral?" Luc exhaled from his nostrils, furrowed brows and blue orbs darting in the direction of the fleet's admiral. "Fifteen minutes, Lord Dooku. Final preparations are needed before we can authorize our ground assault operations. Had we avoided the logistical nightmare that is our current situation and utilized our men's primary choice of equipment, then perhaps things may have gone a bit smoother." The admiral replied, prompting a smirk from the impatient Prince at the man's boldness when it came to jabbing back at Luc's facetiousness. "For the plausible deniability we've been afforded, i'd say it's worth the wait." He continued, only to receive a wave of the hand from his younger superior. "Fair enough to that. It's not everyday that we're gifted the opportunity to throw a wrench in the Sith's plans, after all." Luc sighed once more, his arms shifting from across his shoulders as his hands moved to intertwine on the back of his head. "And besides, I can always just hop in my Starfighter and wreak a bit of havoc in the meantime~"

Narrowed eyes met the cynical stare of the Admiral across the bridge, who in turn pinched the bridge of his nose after hearing Luc's last comment. "As much as i'm sure the rank-and-file would appreciate seeing their commander engaging the enemy head-on in such a manner, let's try to remember your current station, Lord Dooku. It's one thing to lead the operation down on the planet, but it's another for me to even remotely sign off on the idea of letting you out there on your own. Even for a Jedi, it's foolish at best."

"But I am a Jedi, admiral, and the commander of this fleet." Luc shot a smirk towards the Admiral, then shifted his gaze back towards the view screen after letting out a mischievous chuckle. "And not to mention, a damn good pilot at that."
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Location space
Objective - find kaine
Allied - TSE Skorvek Skorvek Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus
Enemies - australis and any that attempt to stop me

The elevator opened and right before he was the only woman in her life, her riduur, her only reason to keep moving on. Behind that cold t visor stardust briefly let a small crawl across her face before it fade away as she started past cynthia

yes...I wish there was another way...a way without this needless violence and killing. But Kaine has forfeited that luxury long ago

Sure stardust could maybe route just as she was right now, but wrings had to be righted....the more wrings had to be righted...a endless cycle of torment and pain. Making way to the shuttle she moved past the droid and up to the cockpit where she pulled herself into the chair and started it all up listening to every bit and piece. Sighing she sat back agaisnt the seat

everyone load up! I just got word we are entering the atmosphere!

Few switches flicked she reached for the elevator and slowly raised the shuttle up and aimed for the hangar doors as she watched a green light flash. Within a few seconds the ship rushed out to meet the quickly disappearing vacuum of space as they started entering the atmosphere

The ship rocked a little as she turned and looked around to start following the hammer head cruiser, setting her speed as she looked out as she sighed

shouldn't be too long till we breach atmosphere







Link To Forces: The Imperial Legion (Mix of Everything)
Lint to SithSpawn: Maelridae


The only thrumming sound that was louder than the battle unfolding before him was that of his own heart. Ironically, many thought sith were without, but Orion could feel it. The pulse of his very being, vibrating through the shaking ground as the opposing forces began to rain down like a true hellfire of desperation. They were here to save the last remnants of what came before them on Mandalore. They were a proud bunch, tested and tried throughout the history of the galaxy. To call them weak, would have been naive, worse off if compared to the Jedi. They were nothing alike, but still they would be forced to fight side by side, here and now.

Orion didn't care for any of it, useless resistance that is. From what he knew of the Mando's they were proud, but being proud and knowing when to swallow it were two different things. They had nearly been wiped out, yet still, they fought. Although, Orion knew there was honor in not giving up. This wasn't honorable, being trapped and eviscerated by the forces of The Sith Empire. No, that wasn't honorable, it was pathetic. Orion couldn't imagine being so blind to his own pride. It was a dangerous thing to have too much of and something the Mandalorians would die for. Orion knew this, much like he knew what was required of him as he watched the forces collide in the city of Akitagrad.

The towering jagged mountains that surrounded the city provided a few hanging ledges, where he sat atop one of his Maelridae. Orion had replaced the creatures spikes along the center of its back with a metallic saddle. He looked to his left as the chrome mask caught eyes with the second Maelridae that formed a bond with him. He admired the black armored beast and lifted his hand. The thundering sound of more enemies from above crashed down onto the battlefield. Before the creature next to him jerked forward, it obeyed. While Orion could give telepathic commands, he taught them orders as well. His hand stayed firm in an upright position. His patience wasn't because of fear. It was strategy. The looming cause was nestled around the bend of the mountain ledge as they moved into position to carry out the order from Lord Darkstar.


The Footsteps of his battalion echoed through the planet like a pounding drum of the inevitable destruction that would soon come after. The sheer numbers that were slowly making their way to the coordinates provided would make any opposing army shiver. These were trained, capable & organized soldiers ranging from every inch of the Imperial Legion. One thing stood out among these men and women, their leaders. They were strategic and tacticians when it came to bleeding out the enemy forces on the ground. The resounding record of the current 33rd Battalion of the Imperial Legion was ushered through their ranks. While they were a smaller unit made up of everything the Imperial Legion had to offer, they were magnificent at one thing, War.

The Sith Imperial Legionnaire, Major General, Gill Shrewd stood at the front half of the 33rd Battalion. Cerean features that would usually make him stand out now were enveloped in the newly designed Legionnaire Combat Armor Mk. III. It was built for a wide range of all physiques and his was exactly the case. He marched to the u shaped crest, before shouting out a command that forced hundreds, upon hundreds of other soldiers that followed in suit to come to an immediate halt. The drums of the impending doom fell silent as they stood from afar. Their orders were to assist the sith in the city of Akitagrad. To eliminate the threats forced upon Gill's men and women that devoted their lives to the cause. He turned to look at them, his black armor gleaming in whatever light remained underneath the cliff of the mountains. This was it, the moment that took them six hours to get to. Some may have been tired, but nothing like the sound of laser fire could wake them up. The empire had done well, saving them for the initial assault on the poor Mandalorians in wait. They wanted the job done and Gill would make sure his unit would do so.

"We stand here today." His voice erupted through the comms of every soldier that stared into the distance. "We stand here today!" Gill's voice spiked with anger. "To fight!" He paused fixing one of the commander pauldrons that shifted as he paced back and forth. "To Kill!!!" Gill's eyes rested on them, the ensign of a small number rested on each of their shoulders as they stood in perfect unity. "Today, the 33rd does these things to survive...To seize our glory, here today!!!" Gill grinned underneath his helmet, as his arm lifted to the sky. His fist curled into a stiffened ball. Turning away from his brothers and sisters he screamed as the 33rd began their assault. They ran ferociously into the fray and as they did, Gill gave the go ahead across the comm-links.

"The 33rd are currently engaging! Mr. Darkstar, you're free to move."

The voice of Gill Shrewd couldn't have come at a better time. The churning machines of metallic metal gyrating as they moved through the warzone was a sight to behold. Even so, the 33rd Battalion rushed in, a zero hesitation moment. Orion liked the iron will of the Empire's finest. Without them, worlds couldn't be conquered. Not everything was done by the Sith themselves as much as they wanted to claim so. Still, Orion could feel the tug in his mind from his bond with the beast. At this point the Maelridae was practically drooling for a chance. Regardless, Orion's hand stayed upright, preventing the gorgeous creation from snapping into action, until Orion caught his target zooming through the air like a torpedo in the sea of clouds. A basilisk war droid.

Orion's arm dropped and his tongue slipped upward onto the roof of his mouth and with a weird clicking noise that escaped, he was ripped forward. His secondary sithspawn followed in tow. The beast was fast and running in a straight line was a specialty of its own. It jumped, sliding into the ground below before gaining speed once more. The violent shriek that escaped his mount cleared waves of his own soldiers. Explosions ensued around him as the beast weaved in and out for safety. Orion ducked lower as the Maelridae gained even more speed. Closing in on his target he gave the order to the other beast.

Kill them all, my love.

The non-mounted creature grew frenzied as it began to tear through soldiers. Its tail thrashed back and forth as it pinned another to the ground and hissed. Its talons shredding away at the armor of the victim. Quickly it diverted towards enemies around Orion, lurching through the crowd to catch up. Its teeth clicked in anticipation for its next unfortunate snack. Humming sounds of gunfire bombarded the area. Orion charged forward still, unamsused by the countless attempts from either side to knock him from his mount. He could feel the swelling of the darkside comfort him as the field of view became even more clear. Orion's green eyes fell on the only Mandalorian he could see mounted to a basilisk war droid fifty meters out. He would end their pitiful attempt to remain relevant, once and for all.

Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Tace Kurze | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Niamh Raste | R Reyn Australis | Darth Zveris Darth Zveris | Darth Vaktare | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Menelik Menelik | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Thaelius Thaelius | Caedyn Arenais | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | Fiolette Raaf | K Kaine Australis
Template Made By: Annasari Annasari

Caedyn Arenais


Location: Akitagrad Spaceport (Surface).
Objective: Defend and Support Wayland
Allies: K Kaine Australis & defending forces.
Opposition: The Sith Empire & Hostile Dark-siders.
Inventory: Knight-Errant Armor | Lightsaber | Force Imbued Blade


The Repertoire shot down through the atmosphere with several TIE's in tow, blaster cannons streaming green laser fire passed the ship as Caedyn and Lexus both threw her into evasive maneuvers en-route for the surface and the City of Akitagrad. "Get word out that we're incoming!" Caedyn exclaimed, his voice stressed as he focused on doing his best to avoid their being shot down.

"Over what channel Sir?" Lexus replied questioningly. In a less desperate situation Caedyn might have acknowledged that it was a fair and worthwhile question to ask, they didn't exactly know anyone on Wayland aside from Kaine and that was a very long and strained relationship in itself thanks to previous wars. "I don't care, bloody all of 'em!" he snapped, the Repertoire lurching as Caedyn pulled back on the controls and the ship arched back up narrowly missing the ground surface by meters, two of the chasing Tie Fighters not being so fortunate and slamming straight into the earth, explosions rocking the Corvette.

"I do hope you don't talk to the Girls like that" Lexus criticized, suggesting Caedyn's Padawan as well as Asarra Vaashe back home. Regardless, Lexus did as he was instructed and sent word ahead of them on an open and broad-ranger transmission announcing the arrival of the Jedi Knight.

The City was quickly coming into view from the cockpit and Caedyn soon transferred primary control over to his droid co-pilot while he removed his safety harness and moved to depart the cockpit. "Watch yourself Lex. I'll see you when this is done" he bid the droid farewell and moved to ready himself in nearby the boarding ramp of the main cargo and storage bay.

The Repertoire rocked violently, this time taking fire from troops on the ground as it shot across the city-scape in search for a good place to quickly land and set Caedyn to the ground. Lexus was a phenomenal pilot for a droid, lacking the instincts of a sentient pilot, though the reflexes and tactics of an educated mind. Coming down over a large spaceport, he initiated the loading ramp's opening sequence and sent a gust of wind throughout the interior, Caedyn's face guarded by the armor he adorned.

He didn't wait for the vessel to touch down but instead called to the Force for a guided descent as he stepped out of the ship and dropped the rest of the way. Overhead the Repertoires thrusters engaged and Lexus wasted no time in getting clear leaving the Jedi Knight to his landing amongst a busied and frantic landing bay.

Civilians were panicked, running for shelter or any possible hint of an evac ship while the fighting could be heard from outside of the Spaceport. Soon enough Caedyn had a feeling it'd breach the facility, given the locations importance for landing troops within the city as well as getting the wounded out. Pushing his way through the crowd, he made his move for the outside, lightsaber in hand and expecting nothing short of chaos.


Objective: Engage the Behemoth II
Ships: Ten -
Ramships, 5 - Warbringer Assault Ships, 7 Assault Boats, 78 other old ships (Light freighters, bulk freighters, shuttles, transports, canon generic fodder craft)
Fighters: Ten Squadrons -
Five Squadrons of X-Wings, two squadrons of A - Wings, Three squadrons of headhunters
Enemies: TSE
Allies: Anyone who doesn't smell as bad as Lirka Ka Lirka Ka (Love ya Elf!)
Tags: K Kaine Australis | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Et All

A hundred ships waited in the cold black of space, floating alongside the rubble of planetary refuse that circled the planet Wayland. Most of them were old, out dated, and vastly outmatched by the encroaching Imperial ships. However, no one onboard flinched at what they were about to do. Most knew they would probably not survive this. It was not about survival, but upholding their defiance to the end. For the end would come for each crew member of the ships sooner or later. Each was a veteren, old and experienced, many critically wounded, or with some illness that made their life estimate quite short.

Each carried the mission in their heart, ready to give up what little remained of their lives to buy time. Each knew that what they were about to do would be considered heroic by some, and evil by others. It was the nature of the galaxy. Time would paint them however it would, much of it depended on the outcome, didn’t it?

Max grinned. “I always wanted to go out a pirate….Didn’t you Stumpy?” Behind Max, a rakghoul was restrained and made muffled sounds. “Oh, don’t sound like that, you silly thing. We are in this together!”

Max grinned from the pilots seat of one of the Warbringers. Kaine was a bastard, but...even to his enemies, he provided the weapons needed to go against even bigger enemies. Fingers trumped the control panel. As the Dreadnaught opened fire and swept the station, the ships all came alive. They needed no rallying cry, no last comm transmissions. They already had made their peace. Defiance, or death. There was no other way.

As they burned fuel in a direct course with the Dreadnaught, Max pushed a button. Across as many channels as possible, almost blocking out much of the other Max began a speech. “KAINE! I hate you! I’ve always hated you! You are ugly, you lack any kind of tact, or mortal decency. And worst of all! You smell funny! Really funny, like old aunt Marth type funny. But you know who smells far worse? That mortal Emperor Carni The Clown. Like, that stench is galactic. And uggghhh, how many wives does he have again? I can’t even IMAGINE being with a man with that weak of buttocks. It’s just not natural how bad that thing is.”

He cleared his throat. “Oh, but here is the kicker. Every Sith on this planet right now? Each of you could destroy your little Emperor and take his place in a heart beat. And yet, you all bow down like little dogs, following his every whim. It’s pathetic. How weak are you, if you follow such a weak Emperor?”

Max pressed the repeat button and continued his course. Oh it was fun while it lasted, after all. The ship lurked with their passengers. Hold together...Hold together. The ram ships each would begin to get into formation, ready for their runs. Each transport would prepare to run the gauntlet of ships, to get to the target. The fighters spread out to draw in the attack of enemy fighters, while the older ships just struggled to keep up. But keep up they did, their crews pushing their engines to the limits. What did it matter? This trip was one way. They knew it. One didn’t go against an Emperor like this, and survive it. But...each of them had lost far too much to back down now. How many of their grandchildren enslaved? Killed? How many lost because of the arrogance? Maybe it would be nothing but a flea bite to the Empire in the end, but at least they had TRIED. It was all any sentient being could do. They were not mythical heroes. They were old, feeble....but they would buy time, even a few seconds would help.
Location: Base of Mount Tantiss
Allies: The Sith Empire | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Enemies: The Vegemite Jedi Enclave | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
Objective: Raze Wayland
Equipment: Saberstaff,

There was no remorse to be found in the organ that pounded in her chest, and as the roar of artillery shells broke through the wind the only emotions that surged through the woman's chest were that of hatred and rage. Her bare feet, flesh of some composite between Yuuzhan Vong and human, tread over soil, grass, and rock alike with practiced efficiency - she could hear her thrum of her heartbeat in her ears, hear the whistling of the air between the threads of her hair and the serpents that stared straight ahead in her sprint towards fate. She tossed her saber to the side, forgoing the double bladed weapon as she lifted both of her hands in front of her and began to slow - muscles straining as her focus began to build. The Mandalorians and their allies had fastened themselves metal weapons, tools of steel and iron, that craved the taste of blood but they knew nothing of their own environment, the very arena of their battle that could be turned against them.

As a master of the elements, and the shrewd opportunist that she was, the Sith lord saw the
plant life surge from the ground and out of the trees while she slowed to a methodical walk - as if the very planet itself was reaching up in agony, in torment, and desperation. A Jedi might have called on the force to invigorate life into nature, urged the woods to grow and entangle their Mandalorian opposition to avoid the darkness that was tied to raw power, but Alekto had chosen a name that meant fury for a reason - and it was with her hatred, with her rage, and with a burning desire for retribution that she dominated the natural world and pushed up on the ground as the roots of the trees were stripped from their place of rest and the soil loosened. The Mandalorians had dug their own trenches, they came prepared for an antiquated form of war that had been as obsolete as their own people had for centuries.

It was those very trenches that would be the shallow graves of their precious artillery - a short landslide triggered by the destabilization of the very earth they were perched upon pulling them forward into the trenches that they had so proudly dug in preparation for a war they could never hope to have won. "This is what you have waited for - disgraced warriors of Moridinae." She spat, her venomous words carried like thunder through telepathy, with careful selection of the Sith Empire's name for the world of Mandalore as a deep insult at their culture to imply its fragility and lack of permanence. "You challenge what you cannot hope to overcome." Her words carried weight - or, at the very least, the weapons of war they had used to open fire upon her carried it for her atop the bodies of the men and women that dotted their trenches - as they echoed the reality that fell behind the man they rallied with.

Two serpents slithered up her legs and to her arms, the length of one lashing out against a bright burst of energy - a particle beam of some sort - which exploded against the field of energy which surrounded the creature. It was, of course, an amphistaff - a weapon of war for the Yuuzhan Vong - and it would not be so easily put down, nor would the woman that carried it in her grip. The other coiled around her chest, itself intent on acting as a measure of defense. The telepathic words of her ally, Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco , were a welcome anchor - putting her back into motion, her slow walk turning back into a sprint as she moved towards the man that the force had chosen as its champion to fruitlessly try to put her down. "Once we've torn down their defenders we will move to their fortress. There are to be no survivors." She replied, her insistent instructions lifted from her lips directly to the ears of the pureblood through the force.

"Fight, if you can - or continue, if you will not; I will not be sated until the soil runs red."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Akitagrad, Wayland (now: orbit around the planet)
Equipment: Assassin armor with this look | sniper rifle | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto | 2x vibroblades | Stealth field generator
Tags: AMCO AMCO | Niamh Raste

Background music:
Elena Siegman – Abracadavre

Ingrid also received a smile in response to the greeting, with a smile, she joyfully spent a few seconds scanning the man's face and blue eyes. For a few moments she let it get lost in Adrian's eyes. She was glad they had continued this game where had finished on Lanteeb. After that he looked at the other sith and saw that he had no weapon. Though she did not know whether it was the custom of the other or not, she had no doubt that he would be able to defend himself because he would not be in the position where he was.

”Would you rather need a partner or a bodyguard Adrian? One way or another, I’ll take care of your pretty backside, I’m just curious. It would be uncomfortable for me if you were injured, or I let something happen to you while you were with me.” this time she was only half-amused, as she was in part seriously asking and saying this.

She followed the man's gaze to the hologram, then laughed softly at Adrian's words.

”In my dictionary, “if things go wrong “, we are already dying there or we are dead. So I hope nothing goes so badly. And let it be so that our irresistibility they cannot resist either.”

Meanwhile the ship was also heading for the city, and then a jolt signaled their arrival. As they were still probably close to each other, after the jolt, i.e., on arrival Ingrid leaning closer to the man, her lips rubbed his face slightly – if the energy field did not prevent this –, at the very end, if she could, she gave Adrian a kiss on his face.

”Luck kisses to make everything go perfectly.” she whispered.

For a few seconds Ingrid remained leaning against Adrian, giving him a chance to do what he wanted, if he wanted. Only then did she pull away and then put on her helmet as well. She picked up her rifle, and when the door or ramp opened she went forward to the surface to secure the area for Adrian.



Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian
Location: Mount Tantiss, Wayland
Equipment: Red blade lightsaber (Benûwia) | Red blade lightsaber (Ireria) | Multispectrum disguise suite
Tags/Attention: Ellie Mors Ellie Mors | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
Allies: TSE and allies
Enemies: VJE and allies

The units around the man wore quite interesting armor, personally Xanesh did not see in them a Mandalorian trait, an elegance, only something a Sith would have envied. To fear, to bring terror and death, to suggest to everyone this, they were perfect. No that Xanesh was scared of them for a moment, she hadn't been the scary little girl in a long time, telling the truth she was never, neither sister of the two. She watched for a moment the shots and missiles the Mandalorians had directed in their ranks, after that the whole thing became uninteresting to her.

She was here in front, not there, she and Alekto had to deal with these, not their people. They should resolve their problem, if they do not, they are unworthy of serving the Sith Empire. This view of the woman remained timeless. She felt the waves of the Force from the other woman and was pleased to have chosen an ally with a mighty Force. Xanesh also knew this method of telekinetics, although she preferred to control lightning and storms, and generate Force Storms. Lightnings that can cause a short circuit in technology, fry people into their armor. The way her victims howl in agony, in pain, this was always lovely music to her ears.

While Alekto was busy with her own business, Xanesh changed shape, the long red-haired woman, now looking pure blood sith, scowled in pain for a moment. Now Benûwia was in control, and she already enjoyed it all. She let the thousands of years of frustration, anger, helplessness, rage within her reach the surface and fill the Force and the environment. Storm clouds began to gather over the area, and lightning began to occur in several places. Alekto answered to her, the two women seemed to remain and wipe them off the face of the earth.

”Then let’s deal with them in the most painful way we can do, they don’t deserve more anyway” Benûwia answered through the Force. ”I fight and follow you, I try to spare you from lightning as much as I can.”

She removed her imperceptibility, she removed her illusions, with telekinetics she created a defensive field around herself and Alekto. And finally, she let go of all the accumulated dark side emotions straight into the Force and the storm. The woman rose from the earth from the energies swirling inside her. She finally let go of the storm, the purple lightning began to cover everything in the area…


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Akitagrad: Above it
Lunch: K Kaine Australis
Tasty Morsels: Caedyn Arenais, Trajan Fett Trajan Fett , Careena Fett Careena Fett , Niamh Raste, Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles , Mig Gred Mig Gred
(Currently) Inedibles: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Lirka Ka Lirka Ka , AMCO AMCO , Orion Darkstar Orion Darkstar
Number of Bites: 2

Starships both friendly and hostile likely swarmed around the massive Sith Lord, but either out of wisdom or universal providence none of them had yet intercepted the floating fleshy blimp. Eye closed, the Sith Lord continued to reach deep below the city, his hands outstretched in intense concentration as the earth below pulled itself toward him, the tremors in the city increasing more and more as the earth below them began to slowly shift, particularly beneath where the Bral had impacted in the city.

It would soon become apparent to warriors nearby, both Sith and otherwise, the ground was shaking regardless of the falling artillery and explosions. The ground itself was quaking more and more the longer Voracitos concentrated on his task. Meanwhile, the Sith Lord was stretching out with his feelings and surveying the battle from above in his mind... selecting future targets when his task was complete.

Oh, and also keeping track of who not to eat so as to not upset the Emperor over wasted resources...
Location : The gunship with Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus and Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Objective - find Kaine
Allied - TSE Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus
Enemies - VJE

He had gathered several things for what he had planned to do here, First step is clearing away to the hammerhead for those who wish to leave this place versus those who wish to stay he had a few ideas in mind, But this was the first time that he wont be on the front lines so much. He walked over wearing His Titan obvium gam as he waited for the gunship to get close enough to the surface before he opened up the hatch and leaped out.

It was a bit of a fall but he used the jetpack system on his gam to soften the landing before he landed in the forest, He needed a place to begin preparations but first he needed to clear the area a little and by a little he means a lot. He picked up his hammer and it ignited to a brilliant purplish flame that covered the hammer, He raised it high before he slammed it firmly into the ground sending the waves of flame forth setting the forest ablaze in a torrent of a dark purple like flames incinerating a good deal of the forest and he let the flames continue spreading outward as he went to work in creating a ritual area not far from where the hammerhead will be but not close enough to interfere with the evacuation efforts.

This would take some time even with the use of alter environment to make the proper set up and a defensible one at that as he started to mold the earth around him into a dome layering rock against eachother to add extra thickness to it while he set down his gear where he could reach it as he went to work on the site, He had a few things to do before he can start officially and this set up will take a little bit of time.
Allies: TSE Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Skorvek Skorvek Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Enemies: VJE
Location: Unknown - Holo-Projection playing through the Hammerhead Star Destroyer

“My fellows. I am Adara, of Clan Raxis. Daughter of the Mand’alor the Infernal. Dar’ad’ika of the Butcher K Kaine Australis .” The meadow breeze stroked Adara’s mahogany hair on the holo-projected image. She knelt in a high necked gown of black linen, the only adornment a gold and sapphire circlet of Panathan origin atop her braided hair. Black lace gloves dressed her fingers, and the girl looked statue-still until she breathed deeply. “Kaine Australis shot his wife six times in the Sundari Palace Throne room. This act tore through her beskar’kandar, and as she choked on her own blood Carnifex stabbed through her spinal column, to end the slow death of catastrophic shrapnel. The Palace exploded. And…

Kaine Australis died on Mandalore… I, as a terrified child who grieved the loss of both my parents, cracked the veil the way I was taught by my beloved Sith Master.
I raised Kaine Australis from the dead. Something I never did before…

I raised him to life wrong. The madman called the Butcher is not the father I knew. I must have missed something, or left part of his soul behind in my childish panic. Wrongs must be corrected. He does not belong on this plane. I must have done something wrong in the ritual… and I submit myself to repay this mistake.”

Alongside the holo-projected image of Adara, a list of names began to pour across any screen or HUD open to the open transmission. Hundreds, then thousands of names. Millions of names. From Eshan to Mandalore to the Silver Jedi enclaves he previously attacked, before such things were swept away.

“These are the names of the dead.” Adara’s voice was clear, its’ grief combined with the heartache of a child, whose sense of security and desire for safety was broken. Her chin dipped down, and she cleared her throat. “These… are the names… of the dead taken by Kaine Australis.”

Her voice cracked at the mention of his name, her Baba, the man who saved her life as a baby, who took five years of his life to ensure that tiny premature baby Adara knew love, when a mother upon a black throne was too occupied to do so herself.

“Kaine Australis… this is a name of the dead.” Her voice broke completely, and she stopped the holo-projection on a sob.

Location: Tailing Hammerhead Destroyer in a ginship > Landing
Allies: Mandalorians, Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Skorvek Skorvek , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Neutral: TSE
Enemy: Clan Demagol'ka (Australis), Demagol (aka K Kaine Australis )

Along its path the hammerhead star destroyer had released every canister of baradium-357 before entering the atmosphere to ensure a safe path however there was no mines in their path and was a deterrent from star fighters heading in its straight path. "He is kaine no more. He's a Demagol." The Alor said in a serious tone. "We will try to save as many of our people as we can. Once they hear the message I've been given from Adara Raxis Adara Raxis over the open com's I am sure many who followed the schutta will abandon his cause." Cynthia followed star onto the gunship as she passed Skorvek Skorvek . He did not speak much and was the quiet focused type. The woman headed straight to the cockpit and strapped in. As the gunship left the hanger the woman felt the immediate tug of resistance as the ship pulled in to follow the star destroyer as it entered atmosphere. "Look at the scans, There are three Bral deployed." Cynthia said as she scanned her eyes over the radars getting the lay of the land. "Lets get them taken care of." Patching into the Bridge of the hammerhead from the gunship a holo. "Don't target the Bral, they will provide the ability for more of our people to make it to safety aboard the star destroyer. Land between Mount Tantiss and Akitagrad. Make sure any one who wishes for safety gets it."

Once the gunship reached closer to the surface the alarm of the hatch opening ringed in the gunship. Cynthia swung her head around to see Skorvek leaping out. She immediately closed it again and looked to star. "Well there he goes. Hope we see him at the end of this." Moments after she spoke watching the hammerhead land the message displayed on Cynthia's HUD and to every mandalorian open channel world wide. It was the message from Adara that was entrusted to them to make sure it echoed. "Its time we find and take Demagol out for good."

"Cynthia I am getting readings he is in Akitagrad." Ca said with conviction.


Notable added location - Hammerhead Destroyer has landed and to house those abandoning the battle or looking for safety.
post page links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Allies: Caedyn Arenais Niamh Raste Careena Fett Careena Fett Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Skorvek Skorvek (Yes, I know it's weird.)
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Orion Darkstar Orion Darkstar
Gear: Lightsaber Trayc'kad, Mandalorian armor, Echani Vibrosword, Sith Vibroknife
Under command: 60 Infantry with a mixture of various refugees from TSE and former slaves, armed with various weapons (Netherhounds), Armored "division" of 6 T-1 Sluggers and 4 A-1 Frontlines (Wraith Division), 2 GF-2B Super TwinTail squadrons, 13 HA-2 Pikes

The battlefield was in chaos! Mig's Netherhounds began to fall back a street, the Alor glaring through his T-Visor. "Flare!" One of the Hounds tossed the Mandalorian a florescent green smoke flare, which just made Mig smile. He quickly threw it towards the Sith forces, Using his own connection to the Force to detonate the device and spread bright green all over the area. He smiled, running back with his volunteers as starfighter engines sounded above and fired into the area with torpedoes and particle cannon fire. He ran back, taking cover as an A-1 joined the fray, firing its own cannon in HE mode into the forces. This fight... this was hairy to say the least.

It was then that Adara.... Adara. His niece spoke, and Mig didn't have to be good at the more mind related Force tricks to know the pain that he heard. The pain n her voice. It was much the same pain as when she spoke about her own mother, Yasha, to him before. Osik.... War was never easy, but this... this made it harder. He had lost a lot of hope with Kaine, but Mig couldn't let the Sith attack this city? The people he was fighting with now... they weren't just Mandalorians. They were Mon Cala, Quoran, Dathmirie, former slaves. Refugees, like many Mandalorians now. He'd heard tales from his Riduur , Tamar Gred Tamar Gred , and from these people here. He'd seen Mandalore now. He couldn't let them pass!

"Netherhound! Keep it up!" The fire continued as the Netherhounds continued fighting, but Mig's ears were soon pierced by the screams of soldiers being cut down by a Sith monster surging forward. His blood boiled at this. These people had become part of his aliit, and now they were being cut down by the Sith. The man yelled out as he struck the Sith soldier with a powerful, directed burst of Force Lighting into them. He ignited his Trayc'kad's lightsaber blades before eyeing them, then charging. He wasn't going to let them kill the citizens here. He wouldn't let them!


// MANCATCHER // The Oathsworn | War Droid
// OBJECTIVE // Akitagrad | Make the gods bleed
// ALLIES // Careena Fett Careena Fett | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | SoM | Mig Gred Mig Gred | K Kaine Australis | VJE
// ENEMIES // Orion Darkstar Orion Darkstar | Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos | TSE
Beskar'gam | Main Weapon | Side-Arm | Melee | Grenades |


The sight of flames and shattered metal only served as a foul and putrid siphon of those haunting memories. Blood. Screams. Terror. The sacking of Mandalore and the mother moon. The great betrayal. They should've known better.

Atop his Basilisk, Trajan felt more at peace than he ever had before. Bathing in the carnage, the ash and smoke of battle he stirred chaos within the ranks of the siege. No forgiveness as he squeezed the trigger of the controls again and sent another violent rip of the main armament of the Preserve through the side of an artillery variant Claymore II before it exploded into a violent fury, the chunks and shards of metal shrapnel slicking against the ever indomitable Beskar steel. Outside of his second skin, he felt more akin to a crustacean ripped from its shell. Cold and ugly, weak and powerless. Behind that layer of steel, that T-visor visage of terror he was invincible.

A crimson particle beam exploded and splashed against the dull olive green cuirass before the trooper responsible forced Trajan's attention, drawing his disruptor rifle from the holster mounted to his war droid. A quick glance down the scope, lighting up red with the Sith Trooper before he fired a three round pulse into the man's chest, melting the Sith Trooper in a horrid and meticulously instant deconstruction of each cell and microbe of his very being until he was nothing but wasted time and forgotten memories.

Trajan would bring low each of these troopers like limp game if it mean't he wouldn't have to fight another day to claw in redemption of his homeland. They were little more than manifestations of the pain. The memories enveloped in darkness, pain and hatred.

No quarter.

That T-visor enveloped in worn crimson soon turned to face down the Sith Lord embarked upon his mount. That miasma of dark malfeasance. He would not forsake his chance at this battle, to snuff out the beating heart of another foul demon. He would expend every fiber in his pursuit. In a dreaded joust, his Basilisk offered out a low and potent metallic roar before it turned and charged with its clawed forelimbs beating into the ground beneath violently. Standing atop his mount, Trajan drew the hilt of his sword from his belt, pressing down the button to will the blade from its sheath. As soon as the two drew closer he willed the droid to attack the sithspawn as he surged off with a pulse of his jetpack, aiming to cut the blade down toward the Sith and yank him down into the dirt, the blood and the smoke beneath.

Objective - confront K Kaine Australis
Location - making a landing at the hammerhead location
Allies - tse, Skorvek Skorvek Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Mig Gred Mig Gred Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Enemies - K Kaine Australis , those who get in my way

Hatch opened, she glanced back and felt skorvek jump as she smirked as she shook her head and quickly made sure pressure was all good when they sealed up as stardust looked to cynthia as she banked to dodge a few shots of anti air that managed to target them

let him do his thing....this is just as personal to him as it is us....probably more

Banking again stardust pulled a evasive maneuver as a rocket flew past them. Focusing on her flying she grabbed her controls and began to slow them down as she angled and slowed down as she landed quickly and began to get out of the chair as she looked to the radar

those bral may be a issue for the force users....looks like once we get close I'll have to go the old fashion way....

Stardust stepped beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder and stared down upon her wife

do not....get in over your head ok? I've had to rescue you since before...this time...just becareful

With that she opened the door to the back as she activated her saber as she pulled a westar out as she looked around then waved for cynthia before she looked to a droid

you are to go to this location and pick up the one known as Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ....bring her to here

The battle was raging and they were just joining....this was to be viscous and brutal...heh....just like when she was younger

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