Well, what do you know? He was first in line. Joyful. As the Jedi Master's name was announced to the people around, identifying him to everyone there, Jedi or Sith... He would walk with purpose, confidence, toward the Empress, and giving a bow of respect when their eyes would meet. The blonde haired male would allow his eyes to scan the Empress for a fleeting moment, allowing his mind to take advantage of the opportunity for the first time seeing this Empress of a foreign planet, a kingdom that nobody had ever heard of before... Up close. Through the Force, the Jedi Master could sense happiness, but at the same time anguish, desire for something that was no longer there. Just like the people in this galaxy, she had experienced hardships... Perhaps, they would talk at length one day, and he would get to know a little more about this Empress.. Befriending royalty was nothing new to DragonsFlame. Before his disappearance, one of his closer friends had been Jedi Knight @Talia Farn, who had disappeared from the galaxy since, to the Jedi Master's disappointment. When the thought drew, for a second, he grieved for his old friend, an old flame...
DragonsFlame was young, yes. At 22 years of age, Josh had accomplished many things that many Jedi could only ever dream of. He had served the Order faithfully since a very young age. He had seen battle time and time again, taken down Sith Lords, Rancors, even raised and tamed a dragon. He had seen war, many times, and had faced down everything from age old Sith Lords, to former Emperors. The most notable in his mind being his battle with Emperor Vulcanus, a year ago... He had shown swift judgement, but at the same time a rare degree of mercy and compassion that many Jedi were unable to attest to. He had a talent for, in a way, killing with kindness, and had been the catalyst to the turn of several Sith. He was known, yet feared and respected for being tough as nails, and incredibly skilled with a lightsaber, especially for someone his age. At age 20, Josh had been the youngest Jedi Knight ever to serve on the Jedi Council, as it's Knight Representative. His years of dedication to the Order, remaining loyal and vigilant while many others fell to the allure of the dark side, did not go unrewarded, of course. He would be granted the rank of Jedi Master at the young age of 21, to the joy of many, and to the dismay of others. Of course, responsibility quickly fell on the shoulders of the incredibly young Jedi Master, who was faced with not only the fate of the Jedi Order, but that of the Republic. Ending a war... That was a strange thing for someone so young to have on their resume, but DragonsFlame had it. The result? Joshua DragonsFlame would be elected the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, replacing the spot vacated by Grandmaster Selena Halcyon.
He had seen so much, done so much in so little time. But looking into those eyes, [member="Nimue Stormson"] would not see youth, or even a sense of being young and naive.. But experience, turmoil, and triumph. Of course, every triumph of his had ended up being bittersweet. And that.. Was also reflected, shown, simply in his eyes.
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Empress Stormson" The former Grandmaster would greet politely, with a respectful bow. Unknown planet or not, here, she was Empress... He knew to be respectful to someone of that stature, no matter who or where. "I would kiss your hand, but I am uncertain of the customs of your people when it comes to royalty" He would jip, an amusing smile crossing the lips of the young man. A bit of humor was Josh's favorite way to break the ice. Not too much flavor in this one, but a casual little jip that conveyed the friendly terms he was here on.
"I dutifully wish I could still say I represent the Jedi Order, your highness" He would admit with a sad smile. "But every being in this vast galaxy walks a path of their own, and each one walks that path for a reason. It just so happens that my path isn't the same as the Order's, as much as I wish it could be" He would speak. Truth be told, he missed the Jedi Order. But it wasn't the Jedi Order he knew anymore. When they changed... The oaths he had taken to the Jedi Order were voided, due to it not being the same Order that he had pledged to. "At present, you could call me a representative of the Ession Reformation, and it's group of Jedi that walk the same path as I do. But I digress... I came here on my own whims, to see, explore and discover. A new planet, race, a new group of people, with a new ruler, and a new set of customs.... That's something I would like to say I've taken interest in, your highness" He would explain with a smile. "And I do look forward to getting to know your people, and welcoming you to this vast galaxy, for all of it's goods and it's bads"
From the corner of his eye, he would notice that Gherron... Had decided to skip the line and speak to him, as well as the Empress. The Jedi Master would close his eyes. Oh Gherron... You have learned so much, but have much to learn still, the former Grandmaster thought to himself. "It has" He would respond to Gherron before looking back to the Empress. Gherron didn't look good here, interrupting the Empresses conversation... Looks like Josh would have to bail him out again.
"Your Grace, this is my former Padawan learner, Jedi Knight [member="Gherron Vael"]" He would introduce. "He can be a bit... Overenthusiastic, but he's a good kid" He would add, a bit of teasing toward his former Padawan for the interruption. Joshua would allow himself to use telepathy, relaying a message toward Gherron.
"Gherron. Royalty. Respect. Be polite. Line" Would resound in Gherron's head. While he did not show any sort of irritation towards Gherron, nor would he scold his former Padawan in public, he would casually remind the Jedi Knight that line jumping wasn't the best thing to do when an Empress was in the room. Nor when she was in the middle of a conversation.