Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Empress' New Groove


Location: Classified Location, Courscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Well here's something Jax hasn't done in years, a classified mission. These kinds of missions were normally conducted by government higher ups and the military Jedi were rarely involved except on special occasions. The operations were often oversaw by the Chancellor though Jax didn't know if she ordered the mission or not. What he did know was that a young private not too older than Aveline knocked on his door this morning with special orders from the Galactic Alliance. Before Jax could say anything however, two Shocktroopers armed with REC-DC/01 Particle Blaster Rifles appeared next to the private a subtle way to influence Jax's decision. Next thing the Jedi knew he was in a small transport ship the room dimly lit as though somebody put light sources on the ceiling. The only thing keeping Jax company was the fresh faced Private and the two commando soldiers. Jax could've taken them on but considering this came from the top, there was really no point. Sometimes Jax wondered if it was really worth being loyal to the Alliance in spite of the heinous acts they can do despite attempting to establish themselves as a peaceful democratic republic.

The last thing that Jax wanted to think about was the war between the Alliance and the The Sith Empire. It was lunacy to join the war when they were already on the brink of destruction, instead for whatever reason the Alliance joined the dogpile. Slaughtering people even children in order to destroy the long hated enemies, was this the Alliance that Jax gave his life to? The kind who would double down the savagery just to destroy an evil empire? The Sith were bastards that was true but given all of the things that the Galactic Alliance had done during the short time in the war were they any better? There was still the account of the Shocktrooper rebellion something that Jax was still investigating and already his heart was racing gazing at the faceless troopers staring at him. Did they know that Jax was on to them? Were they even part of the conspiracy back at Korriban? The Force wasn't much help here, whenever he tried to summon it, the force would dissipate. There was definitely something interfering with his connection to the force a Void Stone perhaps.

It was a quiet ride nothing but the oddly calming hum of the transport. It wasn't a GA military issued vehicle but rather a regular transport looks like the Alliance didn't want anyone to know about this mission. Didn't want to attract any unwanted eyes which made Jax more curious about what this mission was about. He spent the first hour attempting to talk to his captors but he was better off talking to boulder. Maybe a good rock pun could cause it to laugh more than these guys "5 minutes to dropoff," the pilot said "Activating the windows". Jax looked out the window already seeing the raindrops pattering against it he saw large buildings surrounded by large droids flying around the area. These Droids were a model never seen before they were armed with a personal energy shield and what appeared to be pulse rifles on it's front side and missile launchers on the top.. The were also equipped with large claw like arms that were just as big as their bodies. The Droids scanned the ship they were before dispersing, Jax could already tell that they were in the bottom levels of Coruscant with the Sun being replaced with artificial light ,It also seemed that the artificial rain managed to be installed in the lower levels as well.


As the ship entered through an underground entrance the sheer scale of this facility was displayed in full. White, pulsing beacons lit up their way to the place after what felt like another hour, the ship entered the hangar bay. As soon as the ship touched down, Jax exited the ship along with the private and the Shocktroopers. A man was waiting for him, a lean face with wrinkles spread all over it. Jax pegged him to be in his fifties and a General based on him wearing his dress blues and his rank pin being displayed on his right breast. "Jedi Knight Jaxon Thio?" the man asked.

"General," Jax gave a hesitant bow. "Might I enquire why a bunch of Shocktroopers barged in my door this morning?"

"I apologize," the General said. "This is a mission of upmost importance and after careful consideration we have decided that this mission requires a Jedi's attention."


"If it did," Jax stated bluntly. "Why not contact the Sword of the Jedi? I'm not even a Jedi Master."

"But you do have some experience high level missions," the General replied. "Which is why we are assign to you to guard a valuable prisoner."

"Who are you?" Jax said crossing his arms. "And what is this place?"

"General Reeves." he answered. "And this place well the name and location is classified. I'm sorry but you are not permitted to know those things even the Sword of the Jedi is unaware of this facility. You Jaxon Thio are one of the few Jedi and the first in 15 years to enter."

"I feel very special," Jax said rolling his eyes. "Can you at least tell what's the purpose of this place?"

"It's for high level prisoners," General Reeves explained. "To make them disappear until the council decides what to do with them."

"So like regular prison," Jax mumbled. "But worse."

"I assure you that they are properly taken care of," General Reeves said. "But you are to be the guard of a special prisoner."

"Oh?" Jax said raising an eyebrow.

"Are you familiar with the Eternal Empire?" the General asked.

"Not much," Jax answered. "Other than the fact that like the First Order, they've taken refuge in the Outer Rim bordering in the Unknown Regions and they've growing slowly ever since."

"Well you should know," General Reeves said. "That shortly after the second battle of Ziost the battle of Serenno has concluded. The Empress has surrender to the NIO and GA alliance."

"Wait," Jax shook his head already figuring out what's going on. "The Empress is here?!"

"That is correct," Reeves answered. "And you are going to watch over her for the time being until her trial. Ingrid will accompany you and you are to watch over her. Do not worry as we have placed a shock collar onto her and you are able to detect her movements."

"I haven't even-" Jax stumbled.

"Release the prisoner!" General Reeves ordered the troops.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

~ In the first days of captivity ~
This was before the woman was given more freedom and a suite. Ingrid was currently in a smaller cell, actually, it didn't bother her too much, she was felt perfectly anyway. If she didn't counted that she was bored. Loneliness didn't bother her, nor the fact she was a prisoner. What was more disturbing was that she couldn’t do much.

These days, she mostly lay on the bed all day, almost motionless. The way she laid felt as if Adrian had embraced her, she could feel the warmth of her husband's body, the scent of him. But none of it was a reality, it only existed in the woman's mind. But there, in her mind it was reality, and that was all that mattered to the woman.

The fact she knew Tubrok was alive and well made better the man's absence more bearable than Adrian's death. She tried not to think about it, but it was hard. She was helpless and didn’t even make any progress with what she came here for. Which is why she let herself be captured. Today, however, it turned out somewhat differently than the more soldiers came in and put a shock collar around her neck and soon received handcuffs too.

Thus she was led out to the place where the prison commander and the Jedi were. Her long red hair collapsed to the middle of her back because here the hairpins and ribbon were taken from her, which she always used to make buns. She may have been a prisoner, but her posture is noble, upscale. For a moment, there was no weakness in the woman, or no sign that the captivity had left a mark on her. Her movement is still elegant, graceful, and there was something deadly, military, in her movement, an echo, because the noble movement obscured the dangerous movements in the present moment.

When she got into the room, she stopped, greeted the two men with just a nod, but said nothing.




Location: Classified Location, Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

This was too much why Jax of all people was assigned to watch over a high profile prisoner? Especially one as powerful as Ingrid? "Sir," Jax said to General Reeves who was standing at a soldiers attention staring at the stark white door ahead of him. "I have not agreed to this mission, I have-"

"You are called upon to serve," Reeves said his gaze still at the door. "Do I have that right? The Jedi are supposed serve the interests of the Galactic Alliance?"

"We also reserve the right to question the orders bought to us from the higher ups," Jax countered. "Especially if said orders morally questionable." Part of Jax wanted to call out the general for the various war crimes: confirmed and alleged that the GA had done to the Sith Empire including the conspiracy by Shocktroopers to lay the blame of the Alliance's warmongering at the Chancellor's and the Jedi's feet but held his tongue. Right now Ingrid had nothing to do with what was being talked about.

"Don't worry Jaxon," Reeves said as the door started to open. "Ingrid has a trial coming up soon, she'll be defending herself against the New Imperial Order and Galactic Alliance for the crime of aiding the enemy."

"I assume Ingrid doesn't have a lawyer with her," Jax said. "If anything this has Kangaroo Court written all over it."

"Knight Thio," Reeves voice became icy as though he was insulted. "I don't presume that you sympathize with the woman you barely know. Especially one that aids the Sith. Your sworn enemies?"

"I just care about fairness," Jax said. "This whole thing sounds lopsided in the Imperial's favor. Why do a trial? Have them execute Ingrid on the spot?"

"We have rules," Reeves responded. "We have to do this by the book. She'll have a fair trail."

"It's hard to consider it fair," Jax said. "It just seems that it delays the inevitable."

Jax didn't know Ingrid nor the Eternal Empire that well, but he can sniff out bullchit when he can see it. The Sith were terrible and Jax can concede that but is what the GA doing really different? They're just pretending to be civil just so they can save face, it's just Wolves pretending to be Sheep."

Ingrid came out with her long red hair going to her waist, she was dressed in an orange prisoner jumpsuit and was flanked by two Shocktroopers. The Private ran to the General with multiple suitcase to which Jax presumed was her clothing. "Until her trial begins," General Reeves said approaching Ingrid. "You are to be Ingrid's guardian, bring her with you to wherever you want. She can't do anything because we injected her with a bug that detects her movements. We expect Ingrid back by the time the trial begins."

The Shocktroopers pushed the Empress on to Jax who grabbed her before she fell. "You all right Empress?" Jax whispered to Ingrid. "Name is Jax Thio."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Ingrid continued to watch the two men as the Shocktroopers pushed her in the direction of the Jedi, the woman saw the man move. Because she was basically distrustful, she wouldn't let the man touch her. She didn’t even use Force, but regained her balance with an elegant and acrobatic move. At the end of the movement, she stood without pointing her back to any of those present, but standing in front of everyone.

By the way, the movement was both military and something else. Even within the Eternal Empire, few had heard of the Shadow Company, who, yes, had a good chance of being dead, so the movements learned there could not be tied to any military organization. Elite soldier and assassin training in one place.

"My address is even in the worst of circumstances, Lady L’lerim or Lady Vandiir. I don't think we would be in such a relationship, General, to call me by my first name. But if we remain an official framework and do not treat me as a civilian, it is my address, Lord L’lerim, or Commander-in-Chief. I do not expect "my Lord" from you, general!"

She said it all coldly and militarily. As for the bug, if it was some kind of agent, Ingrid's regeneration had already neutralized it, if it was an object, then on the way halfway here, the woman put it in the collar, it was no longer in her body. She got rid of it unnoticed before her body did it in a spectacular way. She didn't throw it, it was with her, just not in her body. She looked at the Jedi.

"Welcome! What is the purpose of this whole process of creating false hope and humiliation? I am aware that I will be executed. So I would rather go back to the cell, I don’t need hope, I knew what fate I would take. You will not break me with this…" her voice was still cold and emotionless.

Never show weakness!




Location: Classified Location, Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

"I can call you whatever I damn well please Ingrid," General Reeves said. Walking towards the red headed woman invading her personal space. Jax eyebrows crinkled into a frown his robotic fingers slowly reaching for his Lightsaber resting on his hilt. "Anyone who helps the enemy is the enemy, you do not earn respect when you never respected us! I should've known you Eternal Empire types were nothing but trouble! If it were up to me I would send ever able bodied troops to your home planet and orbital the ever living frack out of it for helping monsters like the Sith Empire."

"Speaking of monsters....." Jax mumbled as he walked in front of Ingrid to the General. "I think you've made your point General," Jax said. "No need to humiliate her further."

"The trial will decide her fate," General Reeves said maintaining his composure but the tone of his voice suggested that he was a Bull ready to charge at any second given the chance.

"I don't know what's going as well Lady L'lerim," Jax sighed undisturbed by Ingrid's cold demeanor, she was an Empress after all and she didn't reach to the top by being nice. Besides it was obvious she's been through a lot during her imprisonment.

"I'm just doing a job Ingrid," Jax said. "More like I'm forced to be with you until your trial. You'll be safe with me and I do not intend to break you nor hurt I just...."

Jax looked away from her gaze for a brief moment. "I'm sorry this happened to you Lady L'lerim," he said. "But I assume you're not here for someone to pity you."

The private gave Jax the suitcases for him to carry. "We'll escort you back to your home Knight Thio," he said.

"Of course private," Jax said. "I don't want to break you like they did," he said. "I just hope that we can get along I guess."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Ingrid stood completely motionless when the general arrived. If someone was paying close attention, they could see that all the woman’s muscles were tensed ready to jump. If the woman had not been a prisoner of war, the man would no longer have lived. After all, the woman was one of, if not the best and deadliest assassins in the Unknown Region. In an instant, at least a dozen methods ran through the woman’s mind on how to kill the man. Fortunately for the general, the woman was not a Sith. That's why he survived.

"This is not humiliation." answered the Jedi then she started to speak to the general. "I mean, it’s not in my direction, he’s humiliating his own army with his words. Rather, the general proved once again that he was unfit for the role of general, and that incompetent persons held high-ranking positions in the GA Army. That corruption has penetrated to the highest circles. This behavior is unacceptable to a soldier, General, not only would you not be a General in the Army or Navy of the Eternal Empire, but you would also have been fired from the military for your unworthy behavior to the soldier!"

She said, still cold, looking the general in the eye while she spoke. There was no mockery or provocation in her voice, though the words were very much that. She was emotionless and knew exactly the man, or one of his soldiers, was going to hit her for this. She didn't want to defend herself because now she was a well-behaved prisoner.

The trial… is a showcase trial where a pre-judgment has already been rendered. The woman's fate was decided the moment she did not follow Tacitus' betrayal. She glanced at the Jedi; it was clear to her that the man knew nothing about her either.

"I see you know nothing about me, Mr. Thio. What happened to me? I volunteered because I wanted to be here and otherwise I couldn’t have gotten to Coruscant or Bastion. And, yes, you think so, I don’t ask for your pity."

Her voice was still completely emotionless, rather unresponsive to the part that the man thought he would be able to protect her. She doubted that, the Jedi and their naive silly ideas… although she was neutral, she always chose the Dark Side for rationality…




Location: Classified Location, Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

"You lost your freedom the moment you've sided with those Sith scum," General Reeves spat. "We're losing because of people like you, to hold you hostage is to stop the bleeding and actually make a comeback!"

"Why are we even in this war to begin with?" Jax mumbled as he witnessed the cold exchange between Ingrid and the General. Ingrid was right he was unprofessional but it was obvious that Reeves doesn't see her as an equal only the enemy.

The Jedi could feel that Ingrid was resigned to her fate that she was being executed. He had to agree that this whole trial was pointless and that they should execute her immediately and not drag this damn thing out. All it was doing was pissing her supporters off and it was just a waste of resources, it wasn't much of a secret that the NIO wanted Ingrid dead and Jax had a feeling that this was the GA's way of saving face after losing at Ziost again. "Well when the Shocktroopers put a blaster to your head and tell you to move, you don't have much of a say in the matter," Jax shrugged. "But whether you want to die or not, your fate is out of my hands. I'm just here to watch over you."

"Let's move people!" General Reeves shouted before staring at Jax. "I'll contact you when Ingrid's trial is up," he said.

Jax nodded as he escorted Ingrid to the small freighter.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Says the one, whose government committed more war crimes than the Sith. At least my state is not killing civilians, that cannot be said of yours."

She referred to the siege of Byss, where the Eternal Empire left all civilian territories and bombed only military and industrial territories. The previous emperor had committed numerous war crimes, which Ingrid avoided. She actually expected something different about the execution, whether Rurik Fel wanted to do it personally, the Lord Imperator of Byss. They are those who can be of high rank and have personal reasons. But that will turn out over time anyway.

"I don't need a bodyguard or a supervisor. If I wanted to escape, I wouldn't be here anymore."

She said in still emotionless voice, and when it was time to get started, she let them lead her in the right direction. She didn't know Coruscant so much that she knew where they could be, but she suspected they might be on one of the low levels and they would be moving up from here. First, they arrived at a small freighter. As she did not intend to resist, she boarded the vehicle.

Her movement is still perfectly noble and at the same time military; she seemed strong, as if she were not even a prisoner. A strong woman who didn’t need support and help. Or, if so, she hid this fact very well. Ingrid sat inside, waiting wordlessly and stiffly for them to leave.




Location: Classified Location, Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Jax had to agree with Ingrid though he didn't outwardly show in front of the General. Not even half a year in the war and the Galactic Alliance has already committed war crimes. There's also the aforementioned Shocktrooper rebellion that's going on and based on the stares by the two Shocktroopers, Jax had a feeling that they need he was on to them. "I'm just following orders Lady L'lerim," Jax said motioning her to follow him. "Don't worry I'll be sure that you're safe."

"You better Jedi," General Reeves said. "Because once we get her back in custody, it'll be judgement time for her." He wasn't happy at the Ingrid's statement on how the Eternal Empire was more efficient than the Galactic Alliance when it comes to waging warfare. Jax had little information about the Eternal Empire but based on Reeves heated response, she was probably right.

"We'll take our leave," Jax said trying to maintain his composure, years of Jedi training had prevented him from just punching the man in the face. He looked at Ingrid and gave a curt bow. "After Lady L'lerim," he said.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

The Jedi Knight could not have known, but his words were far more humiliating than those of the General. It was also because, based on his words, that he believed that the woman was able to defend herself, or because he knew nothing about her. Of course, she showed no sign of this, nor felt it through the Force, because she only felt it for a moment and immediately suppressed it. The red-haired woman saw and felt the general's reaction, the woman knew exactly that this was a delicate point for the man.

"I feel perfect in your prison. Feel free to keep me here if you want."

She said in a still emotionless voice, without any provocation and mockery. Ingrid had no problem with the cell here, she was already in much worse conditions when she worked and let her be captured. The difference was that back then there was no Force User, no Force Sensitive, just a simple human and yet she solved it. Her situation was even easier now. However, when they started to go, she turned away from the general.

She didn't really have anything to say to the man, so she just went wordlessly to where she was being led.




Location: Classified Location, Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Much to Jax's relief, General Reeves ignored Ingrid's last jape as he encouraged the Shocktroopers to place in the freighter. "Let's go Ingrid," one of the troopers growled at her. Jax sighed glaring at the trooper "she's under my jurisdiction," he growled. "Let me handle this," turning to Ingrid, the Jedi held out his hand allowing her into the freighter.

"Due to your belligerence Ingrid," General Reeves replied his face remaining stoic standing at a soldiers attention. "I'll file a report to the Warden of the facility. Since my name carries weight around here you may end up in a less than luxurious prison cell by the time you're ready for your trial."

As soon as he said it, the door immediately closed leaving Jax, Ingrid and a pair of Shocktroopers sitting across from them. The freighter immediately lifted off and headed back to Jax's apartment. The Jedi stared at Ingrid wondering what to strike up for good conversation, part of him didn't want to say anything considering that Ingrid probably been through a lot but he was rather curious of the Empress of the Eternal Empire. "So lady L'lrem," he chuckled nervously. "I'm pretty sure you can't wait to see the weather huh?"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"I wouldn’t have called my cell so far, which has only one bed and one table, luxurious. But it doesn’t bother me to get an empty cell either. There were worse conditions in military training, General."

She said still in a cold voice, but she had already said that without looking at the man. Moreover, compared to the test of becoming a master, an empty cell would have been luxurious. She didn't say these because of a feud, but she really wasn't interested in the circumstances. And they could not give her bad conditions that the woman would not have been trained to endure. She didn’t make fun of him, the red-haired woman just really was completely neutral on this issue.

When the dropship took off the woman did not look, assigned herself a fixed point between the two Shocktrooper and watched only it. As before, with a rigid, straight posture. She didn't even look to the side when he addressed her. It will be a long day. The woman basically loved to talk, but only to those who deserved it all or were at the same intelligence level with the woman. Unfortunately, she met few such people and most of them were her friends.

"You’re not very good at diplomacy or any kind of communication, didn't you?"

Based on what had been said so far, the woman concluded this, the man had no authority, he was not outstanding; a forgettable gray little mouse that can be forgotten in five minutes. Ingrid could also be a gray mouse if she had to; they were the most dangerous, especially if they were acting like this intentionally…




Location: Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

For the first time during their meetup, Jax could feel that Ingrid has her full undivided attention and as expected it was as cold and indifferent than with General Reeves. Despite this, Jax body froze up unable to speak it was if he was a Droid infected with a virus. Sure Jax expected Ingrid to be distrustful of him but she still intimidated him. "I-" that was the only word Jax was able to muster as he tried to calm down. It was an awkward and impromptu situation. If Jax was aware of this before hand than perhaps he would've been better prepared however life especially when one's a Jedi is full of curveball and unexpected happenings. Considering that Jax had last minute missions before this shouldn't be a surprise.

Yet what was surprising was the fact that Jax was trusted to guard a valuable prisoner like Ingrid. Never before has Jax been this deep among the most important people in the Galaxy. As far as he knows and cares, Jax was just a small, unnoticeable cog in the grand scheme of things and it suited him just fine. "I'm a Jedi Lady L'lerim," Jax replied words starting to form in his brain again. "I was born in the Jedi Temple and was raised by the Jedi. I know their ways too well. It's just that I'm surprised that I'm entrusted with an important person like you."

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Yes, Ingrid may have been scary and intimidating, but her position required that kind of rigidity, radiance, and charisma. After all, it was what was expected from her in the Eternal Empire to be cold, distant, always confident, and unattainable. In addition to her merits, Tacitus chose her for the position of Overlord in part because of these, not least because the woman, though very ambitious, did not desire power. The Emperor briefly summed up her behaviour by saying that Ingrid was the perfect model and embodiment of what symbolized a perfect Imperial citizen.

She never disappointed those who expected her to do so; not even at this moment. And hiding the weakness dates back to pre-Empire times, when there were only clans on Nelvaan. So a Jedi; it explained pretty much everything. The woman did not have a good experience with the Jedi; in her experience they were worse than the Sith. She did not respond that the man was born and lived in the temple. Rather, she had an ironic remark.

"So the mass murderer takes care of the person the Alliance and the Rebels consider a mass murderer dictator. The GA wash their hands because of their war crimes while I have never committed a single one, even though they accuse me because of them. Ironic." she said, still without emotions, in a cold voice.




Location: Freighter
Equipment: Jedi Robes Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

While Jax didn't have too much information on the Eternal Empire, he knew all too well that the Galactic Alliance had committed war crimes. "I actually agree with you on the Galactic Alliance's misdeeds during the war against the Sith," Jax said realizing that the Shocktroopers had moved away to the front of the freighter. "I've witnessed them myself during the battle of Korriban," The Jedi closed his eyes letting out a small shiver. "Let's just say I have problems getting the images out of my head." he said. "But one thing I do know is that the Galactic Alliance should never have joined the war."

He leaned against the soft chair lifting his eyelids though it was if somebody was forcibly shutting them off. "That's called projection," Jax responded. "A person accuses of something that they're already guilty of. This is nothing new in this game that we call politics just for once all I want is the galaxy to fracking not go to war? Just this once actually be at peace instead of just preaching about peace and hope and how it'll never die? Because I have yet to see them live."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

She raised an eyebrow at what Jax had said. Ingrid, when she did this, it was already a high degree of emotion from her. She saw the soldiers going forward and not staying here during the flight. The man's words were dangerous, at home Blackwatch would have watched the man because of his words.

"And you’re even a traitor, or at least a suspect with it, which you even say out loud. I already fully understand why you were entrusted with my supervision. This is your test, not mine. You are being investigated and observed by GA intelligence, not me. The false hope was true, as soon as your investigation is over, they will send me back to prison. Don’t try to argue against it, I have been an intelligence agent for most of my life and have been leading the Eternal Empire’s Intelligence Agency for years; I would have done exactly the same as GA officers now."

Peace, though the woman was not a Sith, she still remembered the first line of the Sith code, "The peace is a lie!". After what happened in the galaxy she began to believe it to be true. And ironically, the groups that considered themselves servants of light were the ones who held themselves best for this line. Another irony. True, the woman had told the NIO people before that they had become what they fought against, exactly like the Sith, though GA was no better than them.

"What is certain is that the NJO and the NIO adhere perfectly to the first line of the Sith Code…"

One thing was for sure, she wouldn’t be a GA’s toy in this game…




Location: Freighter
Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Astute observation and could be the reason why Jax randomly assigned to guard an important target. For all their talk of freedom and democracy, the Galactic Alliance wasn't above making people disappear for knowing something that could hurt their standing in the galaxy. Still to Jax, the Alliance was the closest faction that upholds the belief of democracy even if they do have some problems with corruption. "It's entirely possible my lady," Jax said crossing his arms. "Even though I've bled and sacrificed my life for the Alliance I can see why they want to question my loyalty. There has been rather interesting things going on in the army ever since we went to war against the Sith."

Ingrid mentioned that peace is a lie which made Jax shudder a bit, maybe it was true for the Alliance but not for the NJO. "The Alliance has warmongering senates in their ranks that's true," he said. "But the NJO just does what the senate tells them to do. We may advise with or against but if it's the will of senate then we have no choice to obey."

Jax sighed maybe because of the passivity of the NJO they're in this mess or maybe they agreed with the Chancellor's attack. The Jedi's feud with the Sith is costing millions of lives there was no reason for them to interfere with their Sith's floundering. "My Lady," Jax said sighing. "I have to ask, why did you ally yourself with the Sith Empire? What was it that you could gain?"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

The woman didn’t like this in the Jedi because they were so naive and stupid. In each case, they made the woman feel as if they were living in another universe and not in reality. She did not want to note that she had always been the most faithful member of the Eternal Empire, yet her own emperor doubted in her. At the time when he was sent her to the Sith Empire to spy.

"This is called complicity; in most states, who can execute an order can be held accountable in the same way as who issues it. But if, as you say, in the eyes of the Senate, the NJO is only a group of sacrificial soldiers. Maybe the council should think about whether they really want to represent Jedi ideals, or they are just mindless puppets in the hands of a corrupt senate…"

The Empress told the man. She didn't skip this part, but answered it, it was just the first part that she didn't answer. On the next question, she had already turned her head and looked at the man for a few moments. Did you really not know? It seemed to Ingrid that he really wasn't. Interestingly, though, it had quite a large echo of Tacitus' betrayal.

"The Eternal Empire has always been an ally of the Sith Empire. But at the outbreak of the Third Civil War, Darth Tacitus betrayed them. I just restored the old connections. What do I gain from it? The Eternal Empire and my own credibility. And to help defend one of the last bastions in the Galaxy, which separates and protects the core worlds and the other part of the galaxy from Bryn’adûl. And before you ask, yes, the Bryn’adûl is the reason I let them capture me…"




Location: Freighter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Well as the saying goes: Silence is violence by not stepping into argue with the Senate, the NJO were nothing more than Battle Droids awaiting their next orders. However Jax has been with the NJO since he as long as he can remember and when they feel that what the Senate is voting on isn't the best course of action, then they speak up. The NJO wanted to attack the Sith, they wanted to continue the beatdown and make sure that the Sith will be wiped out once and for all. Yet like a corrupt Phoenix, the Sith kept rising from the ashes refusing to die and millions of soldiers and Jedi paid with their lives. "No," Jax said. "I can't help but feel that the NJO agreed with the Senate to attack the Sith, it helps that the Chancellor was an ex-Jedi but there was no reason for to intervene other than to mindlessly continue our lifelong feud. Now every citizen hates our guts and blames the Jedi for all of the problems and to be honest I don't think I can blame them. I just don't know what to do and how to handle this."

Everytime Jax went to battle, more and more doubt crept in seeing his dead comrades, nearly killing his padawan and of course dying alone in the middle of the battlefield. Jax tried to fight off his memories as he listened to why Ingrid allied with the Sith, it was less about hating the GA and more about restoring the pact between the EE and the TSE. "I....," Jax sighed. "I understand better why you allied with the Sith, it was to restore creditability and stability within your Empire."

It was then Jax frowned. "The Bryn'adul?" He asked. "What do you mean? Last time we've checked they've been in the fringes of the Outer Rim. You meant to tell they've advanced so quickly?"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Oh, I think the Chancellor has long been like Palpatine had been centuries before. Or don't you think so? She left the Jedi for power to control others…"

After all, she was one of the biggest supporters of the war, and she was reportedly quite vehement, and based on how much she insisted on a constant war, revenge had long been a depravity in her heart.

"What do I think about this? I don’t see how the Jedi and Sith could been survive that long. For thousands of years, there has been a constant foolish and insignificant religious war. I think it would be time to end this and break the circles that have lasted for thousands of years. The two sides can indeed coexist in peace, they only need to learn to accept the other ways too…"

The woman found the constant struggles between the two sides meaningless even when she was not yet Force Sensitive. She considered it just a silly religious superstition, her view has not changed since then. And besides the teachings of the Wardens, Ingrid only learned better this since she was a Force User, the Force only playing with the both sides; and both sides are just mindless puppets in the Force's hands. Respect for the exceptions, of course. However, she said nothing about it, on the one hand she could not do it, and on the other hand the other would not understand her views anyway.

"Yes, the Bryn’adûl."

She didn't know if the man really understood this or not, but it didn't matter. However, the fact that the man did not know about the attack was very eloquent.

"Do you think they really checked it? Lies, the GA and NIO leadership has known for a long time Bryn’adûl attacked the Eternal Empire from the north not long before Dantooine’s invasion. I informed them about it more than once, but they didn’t care. And north… you know what that means? They got through some areas of the SJC, CIS, TSE, GA and maybe NIO without anyone noticing…"



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