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Private The Empress' New Groove


Location: Frieghter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

"Damn it," Jax muttered his prosthetic arm forming into a fist. "The Bryn have advanced that fast?!" And the Galactic Alliance and NIO knew about this as well? Even though this came from a prisoner, Jax wouldn't be surprised if this was true. The Alliance likes to some topics under wraps mainly to avoid a public panic. Everybody knew that the Bryn were ruthless perhaps even more so than the Vong ever was. Every planet they've taken over was turned to class. At first the Galactic Alliance wasn't too worried about the faction due to them destroying more desolate planets but if they were this close to civilized planets than they needed to act now.

"The Chancellor may not be perfect," Jax said to Ingrid. "But she's far from a Palpatine, she made a big mistake but she can be influenced in withdrawing from the Campaign and moving whatever resources we have to fight the Bryn."

Ingrid was right about one thing though, there needs to be peace between the Sith and the Jedi. Everytime they meet, war was inevitable and trillions of people suffer because of it. With the absolute failure of the Stygian Campaign combined with the Bryn breathing down their neck, no doubt an irate Senate will blame the Chancellor and the NJO for wasting money and lives to fight the Sith for no reason even though the voted for it. "I believe," Jax said to Ingrid. "That there should be a peace between both sides, we can't fight anymore wars. I can't think of a time when the Galaxy was not at war. My lady I may not be a Master nor an important figure in the NJO but if you believe in coexisting with us and that the Bryn is coming. I would like to see some evidence and I'll do what I can to help stop the Bryn."

Jax had to be kidding, the Bryn were in the billions and the NJO was mired in politics what can he do? "Well my lady," Jax said. "I care do you have any information on where they might be?"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Based on what I saw at Ankhypt and Firrerre, yes, yes they are."

The woman fought the Bryn’adûl in these two places; in the first case she supported TSE, in the second the Eternal Empire was the suffering party. They were lucky, Firrerre didn't suffer much damage after that. Blind faith and zeal; that is why Ingrid was loyal to the Eternal Empire and would have been willing to kill her own emperor if he threatened the Eternal Empire. For the sake of the Empire. And she told this in such a way, she considered her former master - the Emperor - as a friend! If Chandra had been her head of state, the woman would have killed her a long time ago to protect her own people.

"And I think she’s more the one who manipulates everyone around her. People are never as good as the Jedi imagine." said the woman with paranoia.

The Empress tilted her head slightly, not the TSE started the war, but the other two sides. Last time, the TSE attacked the Mandalorians and thus the SJC only. It was all the other defence on their part. Oh, and she did not count Ankhypt, but war against the Bryn’adûl didn’t matter.

"When was the last time the Sith attacked a self? Or anything at all? I don't count an attempt to take back Bastion. Very, very long ago."

She tried to point out that everything the enemy did only. When he mentioned the information and showing, she looked at herself for a moment. Prisoner clothes, handcuffs, she couldn't even hold her hair in a bun.

"Mr. Jax, I've been a prisoner for weeks, I learned here the NIO has captured Serenno. I know nothing of the moves they have taken since then. I don’t want to contact the Eternal Empire for now, but if you want evidence anyway… give me a safe and secure holoterminal and I'll give the official reports. Although, based on my military calculations, Bryn’adûl had to attack the SJC again already. They did it, didn't they?"




Location: Freighter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Jax stared at Ingrid unable to comprehend what she was saying. "They're at the edges of the mid rim then," he said his voice shaky with fear. Years of Jedi training hadn't prepared him to endure this amount of horror he was hearing. Jax should've been angry at the Galactic Alliance neglecting the the Bryn threat but instead decided to dust off an old grudge against a fracturing foe but he wasn't. Jax should be fearful that a race of monsters so powerful that it made the Vong look like a complete joke. He's heard what the survivors said about how merciless the Bryn were and the fact that the Galactic Alliance were ignoring warnings was distressing. Jax should've been angry or fearful but he wasn't.

He was only stunned.

Stunned to see that the Bryn were advancing towards SJC space, where most of his friends including his Padawan: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin were at. The thought of them being murdered by the Bryn without a second thought filled the Jedi's heart with dread. Mouth agaped he turned his gaze at Ingrid who was talking about the TSE and their engagements with the Silvers. "My lady," Jax said gulping. "The Sith Empire is crumbling, there are factions forming bent on destroying the Sith. Treachery is their way, which unfortunately it's our way as well, but whether we GA is corrupt or not is irrelevant what matters is survival. People may not believe you and even will execute you for trumped up charges. But I do..... It was something my Master foresaw years ago."

Jax placed his head down staring at the metal floor. "Before he died," he said. "He saw the fall of the SJC, he saw the fall of the Galactic Alliance all to the Bryn. He showed me his vision of the corpses of not just the men, but the women an the children."

"My droid is not a holoterminal," he said. "But he safely relay your information in my apartment, I swear to you my lady if what you show me is true. I will do what it takes to assist you."

Sometimes all it takes one guy to start a revolution, though Jax really didn't want to be that man.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Pay attention to your emotions and thoughts! This is not worthy behaviour from a Jedi."

He said in a still emotionless voice. This was ironic from a person whom the entire NIO and perhaps the Alliance consider to be Sith. No, she was never a Sith. All three of her masters were, but she was not. They were never taught her to become Sith. It was a deadly sin in Tacitus' eyes, even though the Emperor was once a Sith. And Adrian and Scherezade were not taught in such a way to make a woman a Sith.

"The Sith Empire will not fall apart and cannot fall apart. If this is the case and other factions acquire the territories, let us not forget that it may take months or years to consolidate their power. It doesn’t end with acquiring a world. Such an unstable region is in no way able to defend itself. This should be seen by anyone who has a little understanding of military warfare."

She nodded to the next, very interesting what the man had said. The red-haired woman has already learned that in very many cases the Force shows the worst possibilities; other times nothing. Ingrid did not foresee Adrian's death.

"Bryn’adûl spares no one and nothing… they are not like intelligent beings in general. They are more animals, and after subjugation they even transform planets. Genocide is being committed on every planet…"

She was sure the man knew that, and she didn't say anything new to him. She thought for a moment about what the man said. She didn’t want to touch the Nite system here, so there was only one opportunity left to skip her own government.

"I will need a live connection so that MANIAC MANIAC can access the Imperial files without me needing to contact the STRATCOM. So a simple holoprojector will also good, if it is safe and secure."

She would have liked to sigh to the mention of the lie…

"I'm not lying."




Location: Freighter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Though Ingrid told Jax to control himself in a calm tone, it still startled Jax to be told to pay attention to emotions and thoughts. The Living Force did teach Jax to trust his feelings but first he needed to at least process them. "This is just," Jax began taking a deep breath. "Too much to take in, if the Bryn are in occupied space then millions if not billions could die. Especially if we don't do anything." But still part of Jax needed to be sure, even though he felt Ingrid was treated unfairly she was the leader of a faction that sided with the Sith and it wasn't like the Galactic Alliance was completely unjustified in keeping her a prisoner.

"The Sith's greatest enemy are themselves," Jax explained when Ingrid said that the Sith Empire cannot fall apart. "Throughout history when the Sith are left alone, they inevitably turn against each other backstabbing and destroying their leadership. An Empire ruled by fear will not last very long just look at the Sith Empire during the Cold War and the Galactic Empire."

What the Galactic Alliance needed to do was watch the Sith tear each other apart. They were in the process of unraveling, if Alliance wanted to accelerate their doom then secretly send people from the SIA to support all sides of the conflict. Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn would definitely enjoy something like this and considering that it could lead to the Sith's downfall all the the better. But for some reason whether it was from the Chancellor's Jedi past or simple bloodlust, the Galactic Alliance placed themselves in a compromising position of losing badly against the Sith and being vulnerable to a Bryn attack.

"I've heard from the survivors of those attacks that the Bryn are merciless," Jax replied. "But I've seen videos and pictures and by the Force I've never witnessed so much destruction. Not even the Galactic Empire was this ruthless, we have to do something Lady Ingrid."

They must because soon the Bryn could attack the core worlds, Jax raised an eyebrow when Ingrid said that she needed a Holoprojector to place an AI in. That was going to be a problem, if anything BB-12 despised AIs ever since the disaster at Utapau where an AI took over him. That wasn't a pleasant moment for either Jax or BB-12 that was for sure.

"My droid can handle it," Jax said. "If you what you say is true my lady, then you would've gained my trust."

"Attention Knight Thio," the pilot said. "We are arriving at your home."

"Right my lady," Jax said getting up. "Looks like we'll find out soon enough."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"I have heard Jedi are taught to control their emotions no matter how extreme the circumstances."

In this, the Wardens resembled the Jedi, only in this one thing that they had to control their emotions in all circumstances. That’s why she fit perfectly into this group even before she became Force Sensitive. Another sentence that only confirmed that the Jedi are worse than the Sith.

"And the Jedi's biggest enemy is the Jedi. Throughout history when the Jedi are left alone, they were torn apart by indifference and corruption. But it is also true that instead of modesty, they only judge everyone, just as the Sith does. The Jedi and the Sith are equally corrupt and depraved, just the question of whether darkness or light corrupted them."

She shrugged a little, even that was an elegant gesture and nodded to the next question. She was personally there twice. True, one place was relatively deserted, the other did not have time for the enemy to do much and in the end nodded at the man's words again.

"The question is not whether it can handle it, but whether MANIAC MANIAC considers it safe or not."

There was nothing to say about their arrival soon, just nodded again, she noted this wordlessly.




Location: Near Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


"We are," Jax said looking at the apartment proper sighing. "But we are human as well, there are times that we do and experience things that just break us."

He remembered what Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé did to Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin back at Korriban more like what she made Jax do. He remembered her glassy eyes followed by the rage he felt towards Pom. However Jax was instantly at calm, the anger transformed into a being that could match that witches' power. Oh how Jax wanted to do so, but Jax sensed that Pom was carrying a child and backed down. As much as Jax wanted to hurt Pom back then, he didn't want to kill an innocent as well.

"My lady," Jax said as the freighter opened. "While the Jedi are by no means perfect, the worlds in which they've watched over has stable and peaceful compared to the warmongering and corruption of the Sith. The Sith feed off conflict and hate and when the Jedi are wiped they either turn against each other or innocent people."

Or even both as seen with the Cold War thousands of years ago.

Jax escorted Ingrid out of the freighter taking one good look at the Shocktroopers who gazed upon the pair. He could sense unease within them, maybe they were aware of Jax's suspicion or maybe not but either way Jax need to focus. "I'll take you to my Apartment," Jax said taking her arm. "My droid can analyze it."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"You're speaking about those who openly refuse help on the battlefield from someone who asks and they send them to death. The Jedi are no better than the Sith. You will not be able to convince you otherwise."

She said coldly, but without emotion, now deliberately letting the man feel, she was talking from her own experience. She was still human then, her dropship crashed, she didn't want to fight that day, she had to defend Adrian on the planet from the crazy anzati. The Jedi didn't help, instead she would have excluded her from the village to the crazy horde to kill her, which they (the Jedi) wanted to protect anyway, because every life counts, even though every single anzati kills one person every week for nutrition. This was the last point for her…

There were countless other cases where the Jedi were even worse than their opponent. So the red-haired woman saw what the Jedi were like on a large scale, with a few exceptions, things wouldn’t get any better. For the same reason, she considered only a few Sith to be her friend, not all of them, but some Jedi also earned her respect. Not everyone, just a few.

She didn't speak after landing, letting Jax show the way.




Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The Jedi quickly escorted Ingrid up the stairs, trying his best to Ignore the Landlord who across from him playing sabacc with his friends. The music inside of his apartment was loud enough just to mask their approach. "I know this isn't a 5 star Hotel," Jax said laughing nervously. "But it's a great way to lay low for a while and- ow!"

A large Rat gnawed on his boots forcing Jax to kick it to the side. "He's just mad because he had to pay rent my lady," Jax chuckled forgetting the fact that the person he's talking is a tough as nails Empress who found his "jokes" back at the freighter to be inane. "Right," he said. "Forget I said anything."

He opened the door only to be greeted by the usual sea of garbage pouring out from his apartment. "Hey!" Jax said using the Force to part the garbage. "What the frack BB! I leave for a few hours and you already turned the place into a pigsty! Jairdain Jairdain worked her ass off to make sure this apartment looks neat and tidy and this is how your repay her?!"

Jax closed the door immediately locking it while he continued to use the force to clean up. "BB! Get your ass over here it's Important!"

Just then, BB-12 emerged from the pile of the garbage near the couch his entire body covered in Pizza. <Jax!> He whirred parts of Pizza coming out from his sockets. <I can't breathe! I need mouth to ass resuscitation!>

"Damn it BB!" Jax growled grabbing a dirty towel and wiping the Pizza off of his Droid. "What the hell have you been doing?!"

<While the Alliance has taken you to be brainwashed, I've decided to order Pizza and hookers!> He whirred. <My favorite pastimes!>

"Where are the hookers?"

<Well,> BB-12 looked around pointing at the broken window. <Let's just say mixing Deathsticks and Manic Depression is a bad idea. But hey she survived the landing and is heading to the hospital!>

"Fracking hell," Jax shook his head staring at Ingrid. "Listen I need you right now, the Alliance has put me on an important mission. To look after the Ingrid-"

<WHAT?!> BB-12 whirred. <That traitorous queen who should have her head on the Chancellors desk?!> BB-12 stared at Ingrid. <Jax why do we have a criminal in our room?!>

"BB!" Jax said. "Ingrid is our guest and I feel that she's been unfairly judged. She's a good woman-"

<Oh so you're #TeamIngrid eh?!> BB-12 beeped. <Or you trying to sleep with both Jairdain and Ingrid??!>

"I'm supposed to guard Ingrid until her trial!" Jax yelled. "But yet Ingrid has told me important information regarding the Bryn! Now we need you to have her access her drives so she show me how dangerous the Bryn are!"

BB-12 looked at Ingrid his mini blaster cannons pointed directly at her. <So you trying to fight Bryn?!> He beeped. <But kissing butt to the Sith?! That's like saying Palpatine is bad but you choose team with Vitiate!>

"BB," Jax said. "Master Oda foresaw the Bryn taking over the Galaxy, Ingrid seems to be the only person besides him who's taking it very seriously. Please if not for me do it for him."

BB-12 looked up at Jax before retacting his weapons. <Make it fast red,> He beeped. <But one mistake and I'll turn you into paste!>

"He won't do that my lady," Jax said. "Go ahead do your thing."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Droids; Ingrid came from a society where these were just machines and nothing more. She never endowed them with such a personality or something like Jax did with his own. She was neutral to them and treated them only as objects. While the man was talking to the droid, or rather trying, the woman was also busy. She understood the binary language so she knew exactly what the droid was talking about.

So while the interlude was going on, the woman jumped out of the cuffs and collar as well, she jumped out her bones and joints. She could have solved it more easily, but she still disguised herself as a human. The red-haired woman spoke only when the droid talked about her and her relationship with the Sith.

"I didn’t kiss their butts and I’m only in such a close relationship with one person and I don’t usually kiss him on the butt, I prefer his handsome front side, both up and down. Why they are helped by the Eternal Empire, I don’t think a droid has anything to do with it. And if Mr. Thio wants me to be in his bed, well, this privilege currently belongs to my two husbands, I am only willing to heat their beds."

She didn't even notice that she was talking about her dead husband in the present time again and not in the past. She then put the handcuffs down in one of the free spaces, as did the collar, and finally the bug that had been injected into her body. If Jax looked strange, she explained.

"Uncomfortable, I am the best intelligence agent and assassin in the Unknown Region. I seriously thought they couldn’t keep me here if I didn’t want to stay."

Ingrid finally looked at the droid, and if he was really ready, she told about the plan.

"On the most secure channel possible, we call one of my company’s headquarters in Denon, where we talk to the AI that manages the company’s systems, which will almost certainly install an extra firewall on you. When we get here, I'll tell you the rest."




Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

BB-12's spherical shape was shaking from trying not to laugh. <Yeah I'm pretty sure that man is the Sith Emperor,> he replied. <I got my eye on you witch.>

"BB!" Jax grumbled resisting the temptation to chuck him out the window. "We got important things to do you know? Deciphering the information the Empress has?"

<Wait a minute?!> BB-12 whirred. <You didn't tell me that we were going to her place!>

"She's taking a phone call," Jax countered. "On a connection that you will most definitely secure."

<Quick question Jax,> BB-12 beeped. <Are you the one whom this tomato headed Empress is kissing up->

"BB!" Jax said. "You know that I'm committed to @Jairdain!"

<I don't know,> BB-12 beeped. <For all I know the witch probably cast a spell on you leaving you nothing more than a sex slave that they can use.>

"Are you going to continue to spout chit?" Jax growled. "Or are you going to help secure the connection?"

<Yeah whatever,> BB-12 whirred. <If she tries anything funny.>

"She won't." Jax stated bluntly turning to Ingrid. "My droid is ready make your call."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"No, not the Sith Emperor… Darth Prospero, aka Lord Adrian Vandiir… Lord of Progress."

Her voice was a little sad now, not just cold and emotionless. She glanced at the hallucination of her dead husband, who was having a great time at what she saw and heard here. Ingrid less and finally looked at Jax.

"A behaviour control chip does no harm to this, it would be useful.."

So when she finally got the secure line, she called the HPI headquarters in Denon. Intentionally not the main HQ on Kalidan. Maniac was there everywhere, so at least she could avoid having to talk to anyone. Deliberately called a number to which the AI immediately answered. Quickly told the AI what she wanted. It took place throughout the code language so that no one could understand it. It wasn’t really that code language, it was High Nelvaanian mixed with the language of the clans. There weren’t many people who understood.

Upon request, Maniac began installing an extra firewall on the droid if it approved it. There was no trick in it, really just extra protection and encryption, which might even come in handy for BB. She then asked Maniac for a quick translation into a common language on the files concerned because no one other than the Eternal Empire spoke the High Nelvaanian language. Once that was done, the AI sent roughly a thousand pages of files to the droid. As the sending ended, the line also ended.

"The files you wanted."




Location: Name (optional)​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Frowning, Jax took the files from Ingrid giving it to BB-12 "alright BB," he said. "Work your magic."​
BB-12 glared at Jax in response looking as though he wanted to say something but ultimately took the information and displayed in front of Jax and Ingrid. Stone faced, Jax quickly scanned through the files attained from HPI his heart beating faster from looking over the results. "What the frack?" Jax muttered turning towards Ingrid. "How long have you've known this?!"​

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

For now, Ingrid waited patiently for the man to look at the information she had given her. While the man was reading, she stood completely still, waiting. It could feel like she wasn't even there. Not even her breathing could be heard; she learned at a very young age how to be unnoticed. She used this technique even now. She didn't look at the man either, she was watching from a neutral point, but in the meantime she could see quite a lot from the apartment. But the man couldn't been feel himself being watched. It couldn't be confusing.

She finally turned to Jax when the man asked the question.

"Like I said, I knew it before the siege of Dantooine, I started gathering information before that. Actually, I first started sending spies and agents against Bryn’adül after Ankhypt, but I started to deal with it more serious about after they are attacked us."

She said she had known about it for a while, but no one dealt with it.

"Do you believe me now, Mr. Thio?"




Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Jax's heart began to beat a little faster part of him should be a bit cautious considering that he is conversing with a high profile enemy. However the information she bought was something that can't be ignored. The Bryn were coming and if they have been dominating everything that came in their way. BB-12 looked up at Jax looking as though he wanted to tackle the Jedi <Jax,> BB-12 beeped. <Are you fracking crazy? She's the enemy! She should be bought to trial and executed for what she done! I mean I can't believe I fracking did this chit for you! What have you done?!>

What had Jax done? Well he allowed the Empress herself access to the Holonet and allowed her to take private files. If the GA was testing Jax's loyalty then he surely failed at the first go. To have a criminal even if it was someone whom Jax believed to just be somebody who was only having the best interest of her people at heart to gain free access to a private sector this would be considered an act of treason. However given what Jax saw there needs to be something done and the GA was too busy fracking around with old enemies rather than focusing on the real threat. He clenched his fists, he may be part of the GA but he was also a Jedi and the Jedi must protect the people first. At least that's what Master Oda taught him.

"Yes Ingrid," Jax said. "I believe you and we must do something to stop them."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Coruscant, en route to Jax’s apartment
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Ingrid also sensed through the Force what was going on in the man, but she wasn't really interested. She continued what she had done so far. Only at the end of the Jedi's words did she do something, she raised an eyebrow.

"We're not in such a good relationship yet to call me by my first name, Mr. Thio." she said in her cold and military voice.

To do something, it was easy to say, especially that the woman wanted to do something, but she might never be in a position to do anything again. After all, she had every chance of being executed, exiled to some planet, or just locked up for the rest of her life. It would have been nice to start forming an Alliance before captivity, but she had many other things to do and it always slipped backwards. There was only one thing she could do right now, it wasn’t too much, but more than nothing anyway.

"In this situation, I can’t do much, at most, give the contact details of my allies. My fate is uncertain and thus I my hands are tied."

That is why she hoped that her case would get a lot of publicity and that she could address many.



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