Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



The Shadow descended through the thick layer of the evenings darkened storm clouds with several transports in formation off the sides. Rain pelted hard against the Cockpit window that it sounded like gravel being poured. Despite all the dreary weather everything was running on auto, a predetermined path logged in between each craft for coordination. Comms had been turned down a little though the noise of small chatter between the ships least stopped everything being dead quiet. To her right was the woman's retainer Komi who was running through something in her datapad. No doubt it was studying material as she pushed herself.

A heavy exhale left the Blackened Valkyries lips, as her eyes looked at the occasional glimpse at tangletown through the clouds down far below still. "Where here," she said turning her head to the teenager besides. "You'll be staying on the ship till I call for you. When we land make sure to do the check on the shuttle. Should be small enough to land in the street later for transportation. Provided we are successful." Those last few words hit with an impact that there was much riding on this. There was no failure, no retry or attempt two, this was her only chance.

It was rare for Teresa but she wore heavy Black robes with two laced up splits along the back. Textured embroidered patterns ran the length of the hem down the black part of the tunic with the full lenth of bright red trailing down the middle underneath gave the outfit an air of elegance, status, power. Her appearance gave the air of a sith in just a look, every bit intentional as a warrior of Kainite on a personal mission. Several sabers where attached to the woman's hip vai clips where two others sat within their Lightsaber Auxiliary fastened to her hip.

A constant strobing bleep began to play out as the ship was now on final approach. Reaching over the console Teresa pressed a button muting its sound as her retainer placed away her datapad. The large light freighter slowed down as two of the transports moved ahead. One by one the several ships landed and from where she sat, the Epicanthix Valkyrie could see the ramps extend with rows of troops marching down them.

Teresa herself stood up and made her way to the Cargo bay of the Shadow, hitting the open ramp button she could hear the familiar hiss as pressure equalized. The moment it opened a crack the sounds of heavy rain pounded on wet ground and metal. Teresa waited under the cover for the commanders and officers. They would soon rush over gathering inside huddling in a semi-circle around the Blackened Valkyrie. Each of them wore identical armor rank only shown by a pauldron that sat atop. Tossing down a holoprojector, the repulsor kicked in hovering it inches from the Alusteel floor.

Golden orange eyes looked at each of them silent waiting for the shuffling to stop. "For some of you, this is your first time meeting me," She said setting the tone that hushed the others gaining their attention. "I am Valkyrie Commander, Darth Pellax." Though she hated using a title, Teresa said it with pride given it was a name her Master gave. "All of you were placed under my charge to command as an extension of my will and the will of your Lord Carnifex."

A dark aura began to fill the small space sending a tremble to those gathered. "For this reason, I will not tolerate failure. Especially today." Her voice growled with each word, the threat though unspoken was heard loud and clear. Taking out her datapad she fiddled with it for a moment till the projection of the town came up. Each part was accurate from avid recon, even their main objective was located. "Valkyries, you will stay out of sight, cling to the rooftops and monitor this resident," a second image projected above the map of a woman and text detailing her appearance. "You are to ensure this woman remains in her residence till my arrival."

"Troops on the ground will be divided into four, this is among you how to manage where unit number will be allocated." Icons appeared over the map one green, blue, red and gold. In the middle was an icon to represent the Valkyries and Teresa herself. "First you will move into these area clearing the buildings of civilians. Capture the women and children seperate the men furthest away from buildings and others. Take your time and follow the training. There is a possibility that the local enforcement may put up resistance and is possible for further conflict. However you are warriors of the Kainite, kill any resistance without mercy and indiscriminately."

The files was shared between the leaders to then go over and formulate their plan. "Mirilla Pelles must not be aloud to escape or harmed. Move out!" The gathered gave their various affirmations and began to dissipate back into the rain to those below them. For now she would wait here till it was time, it was expected to take a while and there was still chance for the rain to calm.
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He had found out about the Kainite movements as soon as they had left the Stygian Caldera, it was uncommon enough to have the information, the Tsis'Kaar were not the vast sprawling shadow empire that they had once used to be. However, this was a most special case indeed. The Kainites had launched their main attacks along the Daragon Trail and the Hydian Way, Yavin, Celanon, and even Moridin- Mandalore, had faced the wrath of their undead legions, their Graug hordes, their mighty Despoilers.

So, it was enough to catch their interest when Kainite forces had begun moving not west, towards the Mordiniz- Mandalorians, not towards the Alliance and their Jedi, but south.

Toward the victorious heirs of the New Imperial Order.

Toward Lothal.

And if that was not interesting enough, the leader of this expedition, a concubine of Kaine, Teresa Pelles, Darth Pellax.

Well, it was certainly enough to get his attention. He who had been miffed enough to have his ventures in Lothal interrupted by the arrival of the Imperial Fleet above the world, and Imperial Stormtroopers ready to occupy the world. It was humorous how quickly the predictions of both him and the Nautolan had come to pass, for indeed, the one thing that they had not predicted, was how fast the imperial sons of traitors would come.

It definitely made his attempts to dig deeper into the Jedi Temple more difficult. It was one thing to have some Jedi, powerful or not on the prowl and alert, it was quite another to have Imperials actively patrolling a world they would forcefully claim as theirs.

He might have cut his losses at that point, good sense would have recommended he do so.

After all, even making it as far as he did in the Temple with the Jedi he had accompanied, he had not found what he was looking for.

And now with the Imperials here...

Yes, he should have left.

Yet, news of the Kainite incursion had mandated him stay.

Curiosity was the reason he gave himself, why they had flown so far out of Kainite space to Empire territory of all places, when their war was westward. Curiosity regarding this concubine of Kaine, he had after all only met one, and though Darth Xyrah was not to be underestimated, they were not exactly what he had expected when imagining a consort or a lover of the Butcher King.

Yet, it was more than idle curiosity, he knew it well.

It was opportunity, an opportunity to ingratiate himself with one of Kaine's favourites, for ingratiating himself with one of them, would be ingratiating himself with Kaine, something that was certainly necessary for all that would come.

And then there was the second opportunity, a last chance.

Kainite reinforcements would be unexpected, but they would be useful.

It had been difficult to make much progress into the Temple, as it had necessitated subtlety, deception, and stealth, all of which he specialised in, but alone, with Jedi and Imperials opposing him, with the Temple's own intricacies, was difficult to do quickly.

He had not brought the resources to storm it.

And he was more than willing to waste Kainite lives to accomplish that.

So he watched, atop a solitary tree, hidden from both the naked and unnaked eye, the rain was bothersome, but it was also oddly comforting. Thunderstruck, as the Kainite transports broke orbit, having been visible for minutes before, and begun reaching this world, that had once been free, and now would be fought over by those without their interest at heart.

The butchers against the traitors.

While Lothal would burn.

If this rain would let up.

The vessels disgorged their content of men armoured and armed, held with supreme discipline even as the rain pelted them, he had seen the Kainite Legions battle before, they were brutal, inhuman, the very mark of one as Kaine. It was by this point he fell from the tree, letting out a small groan, barely audible, as he landed, and began walking down to the landing site. Confident by now, none could see him.

Yet, it was never them that worried him, as imposing, as terrifying as they were to the rest of the galaxy.

That honour would go exclusively toward this Darth Pellax.

A few minutes of marching took him to the imposing darkened ship, a veritable shadow.

He had noticed with keen eyes when its doors had opened, great figures running, indeed, running, not marching to greet whoever exited.

It seemed he had found the one who he sought, catching the tale end of her words, someone, a name he did not recognise, was to be captured.

And that required an entire Kainite incursion... either they did not act with half-measures, or this was a powerful individual indeed.

It was a small fortune that he had indeed heard her, before he saw her, for as soon as his red orbs met her... he had become overcome with uselessity. She was in short, absolutely breathtaking... beautiful, was not accurate enough. That did not even begin to describe her, she was gigantic, towering over even him, with porcelain white skin, only marred with the tattoo upon her face, raven black hair not so dissimilar to his own that reached her shoulders, and orange-flame-filled eyes, that blazed with clear emotion. Oh, and she had wings... the last time he had encountered a woman with wings, it had... well it had not gone horribly in retrospect.

Getting back on track, clearly, whoever this figure was, Darth Pellax did not consider a friend.

And with the shared name... Pelles, he had an estimation of who they were.

He could use this, and thus he allowed his cloak and concealment to fall, as soon as her officers departed.

A smirk upon his face, his robes and hair drenched in rain, as red eyes gazed up to orange, offering a nod.

Immediately his hands were presented, he was no threat.

"Lady Pelles, Darth Malum, of House Marr at your service," Balls, feasts, and galas were the times for full titles, hopefully, the admission that he was Sith would be enough to forestall any overreaction and have her listen, "I do believe we may be of assistance to each other."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Her eyes was drawn to the map for a few more moments listening to the sounds of heavy rain and sloshing boots marching about. In the top of her vision feat appeared suddenly snapping her attention up and reached for her blades. Yet after a moment, the face seemed familiar? Teresa thought a moment recognising him at both the Korriban Ball and Naboo Gala also from plenty of reports she had no interest in the details of.

The blackened Valkyrie could not tell either if how he referred to him was a name or a title layed with title. Along with that, the name he used for her that received a nasty look. "Teresa, don't lady or title me. Worst of all use that name." She spat with annoyance at the interloper. The sense of the woman's anger was easy to feel as it ebbed and flowed so heavily in this confined space.

Her stance relaxed as those Golden Orange eyes glared down at the Noble Sith. "I'll give it to you that you've got balls appearing in the middle of a warriors camp so to speak. People would not do that without caution or intention." Her tone changed so quickly this time touching on curiosity at what it was this man had to offer, worst yet, what was he after. She knew all too well no one moved without an agenda let along sith.

Kainite Soldiers adorned in their regimental armors where being organized by officers sending out the units in quick successions. She wondered when the local enforcement would begin the resistance and throw themselves against the vanguard. "Malum Marr, do pray tell how you may be of assistance to me? Let's not leave out what it is you need from me." She spoke plainly understanding a deal was on the table at such a strange time.
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He knew he had made a mistake as soon as her expression shifted to something perhaps a mix of annoyed and angry, unfortunately though surprised for a moment by his appearance, enough to reach for her weapon. The fact she had not actually drawn it, either in shock or acrimony, was enough for him to not need to beat a hasty retreat.

Breathing softly through his nose, he nodded his head, "My apologies, Darth Pellax, or well..." She had permitted him to use her first name... as odd as that was before they even had truly discussed if there was to be any benefit in them working together... but it would be rude to reject such a thing he supposed, "...Teresa... please, then, call me Malum," The fact she did not refer to him as Lord Marr was small mercy, he was in fact Lord Marr, sure.

But his father yet still and thankfully lived, it was still a complete oddity for him to hear it... no matter how much he had been forced to get used to it.

He smirked at the rest of her words, even if there was a real desire to quiver at the glare she was giving him, the air still permeated in her energies, a force that commanded him to kneel or else face the consequences, "Ah well foolishness and bravery so often are opposite sides of the same coin, I can only hope to share the latter quality." Though he knew for certain, he did too owe much to the former trait, her voice shifting away from the enmity was enough to let him know there was a better chance of this opportunity actually succeeding.

He glanced back to the Kainite forces assembling behind him, "Your landing will have already caused a stir, and from what I imagine your purpose here... to find and capture a specific target, an army is not... if I might say the correct tool. One uses a scalpel for surgery, not a butcher's knife," Though considering she was consort to the Butcher King, perhaps no wonder she would default to this option to gain what she wanted.

Or who she wanted, anyway.

"I have Tsis'Kaar elements positioned on this world, allow me to secure your target." Red eyes glowed ominously in the darkened landscape, the smirk not leaving his face, "In exchange, lend me your forces, there is a Jedi temple upon this world, I would see it taken, and all its contents brought back and secured for better use."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Teresa's brow furrowed as the title was used once again before being corrected. "I've no doubt this has made plenty of noise," she remarked, her awareness clear in her actions. "Those who stand in my way will simply be shot down." It was amusing that he lacked insight into the overheard plan. The Blackened Valkyries eyes narrowed as a smirk crept across her face. While she continued to listen, Teresa finally learnt vaguely what the young Sith Lord desired. Who would have thought a Jedi temple stood on her estranged homeworld, the Valkyrie pondered silently.

Truly, the woman had no clue who these Tiss Carr people were, and her target was far too valuable to let slip away. "It's true, a less frontal approach would be better if I were just after one person, but I am not." Walking closer then to the man's side, her eyes peered out into the moving people now advancing into the town. How long would it be before the first shout would ring out?

"This whole town is my target, Malum Marr, and I will see it razed before the sun touches the horizon. I follow through with my punishments." The holo image that still illuminated the near-empty cargo hold was easy to understand. The forces had been split into five groups: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, then a group symbolized by an insignia. The colored teams were to move into the town, sweeping in to clear each building. An operation that took time and manpower.

"The person I seek in this place however is for me to confront, it's... personal you see. There's no escape for her, I simply won't allow it, yes nothing will get in the way you see?" A glance at the plan also made that easy to understand why. Vorpal Valkyries, Teresa's most specialised warriors only had one single objective. Lock down a specific location. Looking over the map amongst the forces she had there was some she could spare easily.

"Now I do wonder what it is about a jedi temple that catches your eye. I'm most curious. Make sure no civilian that is smart enough to run by foot lives long enough to talk about this. Ensure that and not only will I accompany you on this little excepade I'll bring enough to squash any little resistance you can't handle alone or with your people hum." Teresa said patronizing the little lord without worry.

Urgh, he had seemingly miscalculated to some degree, fortunately, it seemed that it was not a fatal blow to his plans. Even if she was not so interested in just the capture of a certain individual, and indeed held ambition over the entire town, something his Tsis'Kaar while capable of pulling off... were not exactly the forte of assassins and rogues.

However, it seemed that his own ambitions had attracted her curiosity.

Such could both be good... and bad.

It very much depended on how much she would want whatever dwelt below its depths.

How much she was interested in the World Between Worlds.

And indeed... if he at all wished to inform her of the place. It seemed she truly had no great knowledge nor care for the Temple itself, which unless that was an act, seemed to imply she did not know of its importance.

How he played with that information... was very important.

"You are very confident in the abilities of yourself and your men then," Malum simply noted, not being able to tell if that was truly confidence, or if that had strayed into arrogance. However, it could be both for all he was concerned, as far as he knew, Imperial defences here... were not the best.

As she advanced onto him, the instinctive desire to withdraw was fought with great effort, as she stood perpendicular to him, gazing out to her advancing forces, Malum biting his lip, as he spun to watch as well. He knew he should be opposing this... this... personal reason to sack a town.

He did.

However, he was in no position to stop her, the towering giant that she was, with force both qualitative and quantitative at her side.

Neither, had he any intention to cross so openly blade with one of Kaine's consorts. It would not take much time for such news to reach him, especially if she lived.

And without knowing much about her, he could not say if putting her down into the dirt would be easy.

It annoyed him like nothing else that the Jedi Nautolan was right...

...But this was the price of war, enacted by those on who could not fight, Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira , might not understand, but this was the way of the galaxy.

What he was trying to fix.

For her, for the entire galaxy.

He grimaced at the task offered to him, no survivors...

Well, he supposed it was best for assassins to undertake that task, rather than the torturers and butchers. And indeed... if it was his task... he could make sure death did not necessarily have to occur... Alvaria could use new blood.

Yet he grimaced too at the insult, at the patronising.

"Do not think it an inability to do so, I simply did not desire to broadcast our presence, spies that are found do not make good spies, I hope you would agree," He responded, wondering how to answer the rest of what she said, "...I will take upon that task then, my agents will make sure no eyes alive will witness these next events... as for why I am interested in the temple..." Indeed, what could he say? "I believe there are hidden caches of lightsabres and holocrons inside, such would be rather useful in both the outfitting of forces, and for the knowledge that the Jedi have long since hidden from us."

He said the lie as easily as he said the truth.

Once they found the portal, she would either be dealt with.

Or he would feign surprise just as easily.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

She could feel the constant churning from the young sith lord. Still Teresa smirked at Malum's statement. "I have confidence in my own abilities and those of my kind, that is more than enough." It wasn't that she didn't have confidence in the troops left in her charge. Rather it was the first time putting this gift to action. So far the silence held beyond the sounds of hundreds of sloshing boots. Some could argue overkill, where Teresa called it efficient.

"I don't use spies, nor do I have uses for such. So I am of no opinion. Think of this as training for your people. Besides if you are worried about some showing weaknesses in that chain of yours, then would it not be better to lose them doing something meaningless than fail when most needed?" The woman chuckled offering her point of view.

Though her gaze turned and eyes narrowed some as his next statement. "Still, clean up after me and I shall clean out for you. A fair trade... almost." Her hand reached behind tugging on a cloak hung up on the corner of a metal box. As the hood sat on her head, both hands tugged at the edges so they sat between shoulder and wing. Leather string threaded through eyelets with graceful control, waving from one to the next. Stopping a few centimeters from the base to the valkyries wings the two ends came together letting the excess hand in a long droopy bow.

"An extra part to add. Do not think me a fool Malum Marr," She said warning the man. Teresa's head turned so those Golden orange eyes glared down on the small sith lord. "Old lightsabers, scraps of knowledge. I know all to well that you Sith Lords do not go diving for scraps of the enemy." The woman remarked insightfully. did not know what it was he was after still but, lies and deceptions are things she did for fun.

"Wait here, we'll take my ship, it'll be quicker." Stepping down the ramp finally, the sound of the rain pelting into the robe was like a roaring applause that had no end. Bringing thumb and finger to her lips, Teresa let out a loud whistle that cut through other sounds. That very sound got attention from the soldiers who heard it but mostly the one she directed to it. The woman spoke with one of the leaders that was part of the debrief. It took no more than a few moments before an affirming nod. Twelve soldiers and a Valkyrie began to approach the shadow.

Coming back into the ship she'd gesture to follow up the steps of magnetized boxes made into steep steps. Of course the path of least resistance would be the ladder off to the side. "Komi, you're staying here with the shade. Get you and it detached." She said walking towards the cockpit.

"Wait what's happening?" Spoke the young voice coming from the cockpit. The teenage redhead with deep red markings peeked around the door looking at the Blackened Valkyrie and the guest. As the woman's stride did not stop, Komi quickly stood to the side avoiding the incoming wing.

"You are staying here with the shade. Watch stuff here, I will be needing your eyes later," She said with a purr knowing that later the girl would be choosing amongst the stock. It was also an assurance that her retainer was safe.

After the man with dark hair passed, the girl rushed off to the shuttle not offering any further words. Teresa however got comfortable into the chair with a groove for the wings. Flicking switched the dash panels began to light up, the next switch however powered the engines up. Along the right wall displayed the internal cameras. Using this the woman waited for the unit to get in plus the shuttle to shift. "You can fly right?" Teresa asked Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr .

Malum raised an eyebrow throughout much of the Valkyrie's words, "Confidence is certainly not a sin, especially if it is justified," The red-eyed Sith Lord noted idly, wondering how much of it was actually justified, for after all, though the Kainites were renowned for their skill at battle.

They were also renowned for their arrogance.

He supposed it would matter little for him, his Tsis'Kaar would note down anything of interest, and if they succeeded, all the power to them, if they failed, it would be no skin off his back.

For, after all, he had gained their Mistresses' attention.

And that much was all that he needed.

Still, she made things rather difficult wherein he began to imagine that it was certainly arrogance, rather than confidence that she was displaying, "I have no compunctions regarding the abilities of my Tsis'Kaar, they will do as I command without hesistation nor lack of skill, your forces will see as such soon, I suspect." She used no spies she claimed.

May as well rip your eyes out.

So focused on the lightsabre in front of you.

You forget the shikkar blade behind.

But that would be for another day, if it came at all.

He did not react visibly as she called him out, as she warded herself in a cloak and walked away, yet within, he cringed. Most would have actually likely accepted his reasoning, however he had forgotten a rather key detail.

Though she had taken the name Darth Pellax... or more likely had been granted it.

She was far less Sith than the name would imply.

"Lad-... Teresa, you would be surprised, both weapon and knowledge would be a worthy prize to any a Sith Lord... yet, you are right, there is something more in my quest here." To convince her of what she already seemed convinced was not the truth, was a fool's errand, and after all, the best lies were inlaid with the truth, "I imagine you know the Jedi have a skill to burn the darkness out of an individual, though there are counters developed after millennia of defeat, such is far from what I seek..." Malum offered a smile, to her leaving form, "I would see the light burned out of them, and I believe the answer of how, is within the temple."

The temple would not have that answer, he already knew.

Alas, it was not false in the fact he did wish to learn such a power, and through looking into the concept of waves of veritable darkness, he believed there was a way.

Yet, that would be for another day.

An answer that may please her curiosity.

An answer that kept the truth of the matter in bed.

She returned unexpectedly quickly after giving out orders, and Malum was quick to follow, noting down all of interest in this ship, for after all, it was not every day that he got to enter and see so closely, the interior of a Kainite command vehicle.

Though if there was anything of use in what he noted down, was a mystery all unto itself.

Malum watched idly as Darth Pellax interacted with whom he imagined was the pilot of this ship, offering a smirk and a wink at the rather attractive redhead, a bit of fun, he knew the effect he had with... to put it politely, normal people.

And the reactions were always so positively delightful.

So it seemed that the Valkyrie really had deemed this to be a mission for two.


Entering the cockpit, and witnessing her flicking buttons, being comfortable, wings and all in this space, he quirked another eyebrow at the question,
"Of course, we should be there within minutes, not very far from this place," Malum answered, taking a seat at the co-pilot position, awaiting whatever final words needed to be said before they would be off.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Komi having being around the presences of people like Lord Carnifex and Lady Teresa she found the presence of the strange guest bearable. That was till he winked at her making the retainer feel repulsed. "Gross," the girl muttered under her breath. This person did not have the kind of charm that Braze Braze gave her. Rolling her eyes she moved off towards the shuttle. It took no time navigating the familiar controls and detached. It glided over the top of twelve soldiers walking towards the back of the Shadow. The Shade landed a little away more near the middle of all the transports where it was more easily seen and defended.

Teresa mulled over his words, her thoughts churning as she settled into her seat, observing the few soldiers clinging to something in the cargo bay. The Valkyrie turned her head towards Malum, her expression unreadable. "I'm not surprised by the idea of any weapon, skills, or abilities designed to inflict damage on the enemy," she remarked, shifting the flight control to the other side. With a curt nod, she indicated that he could take them up and proceed to their destination.

"It's natural, after all, to seek an advantage over one's enemy is part of survival." Her tone was cold, a reflection of the distrust she felt. She had already caught him in a lie and he struck her as the sneaky type. Teresa made no effort to hide her distrust. "A word of warning," she continued, her voice hardening, "I take my deals seriously, like Carnifex. If you try to screw me over, especially today."

"I do not care for who your master is, who you serve or who your kin are. I'll strike you down without a second thought, even if I don't succeed, He will finish the job."

Turning back to look out the window, she planted one foot on the edge of the controls, a casual yet assertive gesture. "Anyway, let's make this quick, Malum. While we fly, tell me what you know about the location." Her fingers gestured down by her as a volume knob was turned and the intercom was turned on. It was her way to not repeat information of the place after.

Komi stayed inside the shuttle and looked over to the Shadow that was powering up and taking off. She sighed at being left behind again giving it more thought it was probably for the best. The retainer began to watch the soldiers slowly start to disperse into the town. Part of her felt bad knowing what was going to happen to the settlement. Teresa had spoken in length about all the ways she'd wipe this off the map from the easiest action to insane idea's.

She tuned in her datapad into the Blackened Valkyrie command channel. The girl knew not to talk in that channel unless it was an emergency, but it was better to listen in to learn. A loud knock made the girl jump as her head turned to the door. Reaching over her hand pressed a button to open the door to see four Kainite Soldiers stood on the other side. "Oh, err hello?"

The Corporal entered inside as the other three stood at the door facing outwards in a 3 point watch. The man inside come a little closer taking while off his helmet. "Ma'am, we'll be here for your security till Darth Pellax returns." The rough looking soldier said with a gruff voice. "I see you are already listening in, good."

He looked a little awkward not quite sure how to interact with a retainer, let alone one that was still a teenager. Regardless the man took up one of the passenger seats grunting as he dropped down into the chair. His helmet was placed at his side and weapon on the guys lap. The Corporal counted himself luck to be where he was able to see out front while staying out the rain.

"Mhm," She made slight nod to his observation then turned back around comfortable. "Yeah, I tend to watch when you are all training, it's hard to understand some of the technical language you use." She said quite honestly while hinting at the obvious. After all it was not something that seemed okay to ask about.

"Eyy don't you worry kid, I'll explain what I am aloud to when they come. It'll be a long night so I don't see why not." Even with the gruff sound to his voice, his tone relaxed a little able to speak within his bounds. "We have no idea when things might kick off. With this worlds recent occupation from the empire of the lost and this tactical information been from a week ago we have no idea what's changed since then. While we are thankful for the gather intel from Pellax, till we are told to move quicker, our boys will take their time."

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