Artemis Vahl'Nyx
I'll Be Your Lionheart
If this was a game she had to play,
A tough time in her life, with no other way to go,
She'd play it for all of her days,
Until the world was hers and everyone did know
That Nyxai are not to be trifled with.
They can be cold, ruthless, and often so cruel
Hence their common title of 'queen',
Due to their style of wretched, cold, tight rules.
"Just close your eyes and link with her."
As if it was that easy to pull back and start anew,
Like a sharp breath could be a cure,
And this was something even she could always do.
Maybe this was what had to be,
A rewritten existence for her and everyone to see.
Or a call out to summon thee,
So yee can hear the new rules of life be decreed.
"If this is the only chance to save any part of her... then this shall be the body I use for the rest of my time. Start the process, dear. It's time for the end of all things." Swiftly the ghost slid forward, her hands clasping one of her kin's, smiling sadly. As the witch worked her magic the Zorren prepared her mind for the troubles she knew would be ahead. All sorts of worries filled her. But she knew that it would be now or never, here or nowhere, a chance that if not taken would be gone forever. So the child of Tywin stood tall in the face of fear. Her heart, no longer in her chest, could not beat. Yet she knew that if it could... it surely would beat hard. Besides her the Sith weaved the force together, starting to tie her soul to a new body. They worked in tandem to accomplish their task. Vanessa pulled the two closer, working to insert Nyx's spirit into a new vessel, and in turn the girl wiggled her way into the mind of her relative. Or whatever remained of it. Strings were put in place. Knots were tied. Two started to become one, as they were surely meant to be. Arebisius was little more than a shell. With her sister... she could once more be a gift, or perhaps a curse, upon the galaxy. Just as the universe had originally intended to be. Whatever had gone wrong would not continue to rid the worlds of her legacy. "It is not the end. It is the start of all things." Her vision began to fade.
There was darkness.

Then there was light.
First it was just a shimmer in the distance, a glimpse of something, anything. Then there was a glimmer of something more coming closer... a flicker of suns. Soon the far-off stars turned into a sea, a beautiful thing, with cosmic waves crashing into moon dust beaches. As the woman regained consciousness she felt herself wading through bright lights and into a soft sky. Blues drifted around her with reds, yellows, and greens thrown into the mix. Her dead-white eyes could barely take it all in. Even as the shine seemed to bubble and froth she moved forward, knowing not where her destination lie. A whisper in the back of her mind told her someone was guiding her onwards. Somewhere in the vast soul-span was a web for her to weave herself into. Each movement she made rustled the sky-water, sending rippled forth, swirling the ocean of galaxies. Softly she wondered what her drifting was doing to the outside realm. Were tsunamis slamming into crowded bulkheads while winds whipped through the air with every breath she took? Or were children sleeping softly and dreaming of her newly found reality? Perhaps pondering such things was pointless. Still she drifted on, planets shifting in her wake. Before her a shape was forming. A woman, standing still, encased in stained glass. At least... she had arrived. She was finally home. Finally... at peace with the world.
Un-ghostly lids opened over wide eyes,
For the first time in years both were gifted with sight.
Choking back tears she tried not to cry
As her heart was filled with an indescribable light.
"Did... did it work? Am I alive?"
Arebisius spoke with a rough tone, unintentionally,
Her voice had nearly died
While she lived in dreams, her own fantasy...
Slowly, surely, the woman sat up
A twinkle in her eyes met a smile upon her lips
When she realized death hadn't won.
"Oh, dear Vanessa... I could give you a kiss."
One hand weakly stretched out
The Zorren reached for an open palm to grasp.
She did not have the power to shout,
But still she was glad to be alive again at last.
Glad to be free.