The Dark Paladin of Chaos
Jai'galaar Gred
Ingrid L'lerim
The Bridesmaid
Judd Hunter
OOC Note: Madalena looks normal right now, not like in her avatar.
OOC Note: Madalena looks normal right now, not like in her avatar.
"We are not wealthy at present," Madalena sighed, and returned to her seat. "The rumors will be spreading soon enough, so you may as well be told from a first hand source. A short time ago, we discovered that we have been conned out of billions of credits. Credits that were meant for construction, maintenance, imports… The whole deal." Before anyone could protest, she raised a hand, "Your salaries are safe, your homes are safe, and nothing should be noted as different for the next quarter and a half, if we take no action. But we are taking action. The Coins are handling it and you may all receive related missions to this little bump on our road."
And there that was. That would be the reason some of them would soon enough be going on a medical raid near Silver borders. But she didn't want to speak of those missions right there and then. There would be enough time to go over these.
But that did not answer Hanna's question. She wanted… No. Madalena looked at her for a moment. She needed to know. The Bridesmaid had the right of it. Madalena had always had a good feeling about the woman, even when they'd just met on some little planet in the Unknown Regions, so many months ago.
"There will always be people who will turn for money," she admitted, "But there are people for whom money will not be enough. Even with all the money of the Confederacy that you have mentioned, how many have turned from us to them? None, so far. The same cannot be said the other way around. But that is not to say these exchange rates will never change. There's a certain amount that we expect, that we will always expect. It's up to us to minimize our losses when that happens, but you must remember that money is far from being the only motivator to change one's banners."
Clapping her hands once, she looked over all those that were in the room.
Even without the small financial situation they had going right now, they all had a lot that needed to be done, and almost all of it sooner rather than later.
"So unless anyone has anything to add, I propose we end this meeting. Go home, relax, hit a bar, and tomorrow we'll be meeting individually to discuss plans and goals. I've also dedicated a lounge specifically for the Aspects down in the tunnels beneath Eve. It's safe, it's secure, and it doesn't show up on sensors. You'll be given the exact coordinates tomorrow."