Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Equality Order

Well, you don't have to. But it's kinda like going on Kickstarter - you have to be passionate about what you're selling, and it has to be something people *want* that they don't already have.


Disney's Princess

Grab a bunch of new people and new members who can commit:
* Time,
* Effort,
* Roleplays,
* Faction Forum Moderation,
* and Community-Building Efforts.

All of which can be placed into helping you succeed. And when your Faction succeeds! So does the Community! :D
I have a question Equa, and I hope you would not mind, but if this faction is supposed to be neutral, how would it justify Dominions/Invasions and such? Or does this mean you plan to stick to your core planets and not expand?

Secondly, would your faction invite guest teachers to speak to the students regarding their views on the force? If yes, then Daxton is willing to consider teaching at a later point in time. I can teach Galactic History, Lightsaber Fighting, Political Theory and Sith Religion for starters.

Ava Solborne

The thing is, that they try to stick to their home planets as much as they can, but if needed, they have to invade or have dominions to get some planets. That means, when someone threatens the Equality Order. Still, they don't want to invade Equality Order's members' factions. But like I said, if needed, they could even do that.

And the second one... Yes. They have to teach both Forces, so everyone who has knowledge of the Force and anything else, can ask to teach the students. So... I think you would be allowed to do that. :D
just a insite. (lest just say as an example) if a jedi and a sith are teachers in the faction they may not be alowed to fight if they do so they will have some sort of punishment? just asking cus if thier are going to be both sith and jedi teaching they might start fudes. also what could happen is that only the jedi come on some day, weeks, or even a year by them selfs. then the next time span willl be the siths turn?


Disney's Princess
What!? No way. ...Come on now. Pick a color Equa. Light, Dark, or Neutral. If your Faction can claim all 3 at once, so will it's member characters. Pick a side and stick to it. Light, Dark, or Neutral. You cannot be a Jedi Master/Sith Master in the same character. So your Faction cannot claim Dual-Master either.

Peace and Rage do not co-exist as the same emotional state. Courage and Fear do not co-exist as the same emotional state. You don't just cycle between the two like a light-switch. A single character cannot channel the Lightside and the Darkside at the same time. So pick a color dude. Lol. :D

Ava Solborne

I understand it, but they don't consider different sides of the Force as different emotions and whatever else. That's the ultimate Force, what has to be learned. Of course it is not very logical, but they believe, that only Equality can bring peace and harmony to the galaxy.


Disney's Princess
Equa Dominator said:
I understand it, but they don't consider different sides of the Force as different emotions and whatever else
Yeah. You just broke the Universe. This isn't Star Wars anymore. Its just Equa-Land with Magic. Lol. :D :p


Disney's Princess
Okay, then run with me.

Q: What is the emotional state necessary to channel the Light Side?
A: Peace, Love, Positive

Q: What is the emotional state necessary to channel the Dark Side?
A: Rage, Hate, Negative

Q: What is the emtional state necessary to channel a Balance?
A: ??? <-- Answer this


Disney's Princess
Peace --> Light Side Domain - (Contrast Rage --> Dark Side Domain)
Knowledge --> Light Side Domain - (Contrast Ignorance --> Dark Side Domain)
Responsibility --> Light Side Domain - (Constrast Selfishness --> Dark Side Domain)
Truth --> Light Side Domain - (Contrast Illusion/Lie --> Dark Side Domain)

My ( fictitiously generated ) logic wins! Lol. :D :p


Disney's Princess
Okay. So in light of new logic? I'll ask again...

Q: What color is your Faction? Light, Dark, or Neutral? :D :p

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