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The Ession War (Reformation Jazz)

The VAD walked down the corridor he was in, still bored, and began to wonder if he could eavesdrop on the commlinks of the dictator's enemies while betraying the dictator in his own way.

(Seriously... think an assassin droid could even do that without every bit of the needed gear?)

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Toby Mendoza"] [member="Eddie"] [member="Riley King"]

Since Corvinus had been awoken from his self-created slumber, he had been struggling constantly in this new galaxy. Everything he knew no longer existed and everything he had seen thus far was entirely new. Even so, enough had stayed the same to allow Corvinus comfort in the thought of serving in the Reformation. This galaxy had forgotten the terrors that arose from unchecked governments and Force Using religions; this was why they had allowed so many to arise once again. Jedi, Sith, Democracy and Empire; it didn't matter what you called them because they were the same in all but name. They all claimed to live by a set of morals that they would later forsake for their own personal gains. Jedi would claim pacifism one day and declare genocide the next. Democracy's would turn corrupt in order to save the powerful and rich. Empires claimed to keep order but brought only chaos. Then there was the Sith who changed their morals with every breath.

That is why Corvinus had vowed to fight and lead alongside Graxin Rade, a man much younger than he. This place offered him a home where he could truly return to his studies of the force; regaining the knowledge he had lost during his long slumber in cryofreeze. It also allowed him a chance to spread his ideas to trillions, something he was unable to do in the CIS before its fall. "This loyalists are brave men, I will give them that." Corvinus spoke softly, his back against a wall as blaster rounds tore through the air beside him.

"Brave, yes. They still serve a blind lunatic, sir." the set of armor beside Corvinus rattled, the guns in its hand squeezed tight against its form.

"My thoughts, exactly, Sergeant." Corvinus mused over the gunfire, his eyes glazing over the peacekeepers under his command. Few of them were veterans and most of them looked like little more than scared kids who had made a giant wrong turn on their way to a college. "I want the president and his cabinet brought to me as soon as possible, I require a word with them all, preferably before Graxin makes his appearance and sullies my conversation. "

"Aye, sir. I think we should get inside the building first though, wouldn't you agree?"

"Quite, Sergeant Trano, quite." Corvinus looked over to a set of men who were using a plasma torch to sear through the massive bolts that had been used to lock a manhole cover to the ground. They were almost done now and it would be time for platoon to move out.

Marcus Rann

Marcus suddenly hears a whooping sound right after him near the door, in which he was revolted. Unperceived to him that it was the fire team Zulu, jolting on the corridors near the temple. He then drags on another cigarillo he had been hiding in his pocket bag, then rushed out to the seemingly exciting situation.

The initiate would then pat his back and outstretch his arms in commotion right through the seemingly chalky ground, then he spatters a few drops of his slobber as he stood by the hall near the entrance door of the ancient temple ; picked on it. It is very obvious onto his look that he was very aroused on the ensuing opposition, by the reason of his ambition to become a well-known Jedi.

He sat up bolt in the breastwork of the temple, as the team bumps into the front door, where they aimed their rifles to the seemingly " stranger ", but a grey, yet - promising man went from the darkness in awe and catches into the scene, convincing the troopers and then questioned the young man for his name.

" Well, I must say Marcus Rann is my name, last living descendant of Ghosh Rann hailing from the outskirts of Haruun Kal, and you are? " the young initiate said to the man.

Subsequentiy then, he followed the man, along with his catchup Aleena apprentice that is professedly suspicious right along his side while walking to the alleys of Ession, having to keep a shirt on for loyalists on an ambush. It was then before a large offensive act the loyalists made bursting, causing the alleyway bridge blocking the path apart from.

" Damn it, these loyalists won't just drop out and quit. "
The annoyed rookie irked while docking in a nearby barricade.

The Dark Man
Eddie walked along the corridor he roamed about in and killed just about any poor sap he found using the flamethrowers in his wrists (from the droid make of his XD) with a smirk on his almost evil looking face.

(Eh, I'm posting this cause I'm unsure what else to do atm)
Book whirled on those loyalists still in the square. He brought his 'Deece' up to catch them unawares but when he pulled the trigger, the weapon gave a guttural cough. It puffed once more, and then grew silent. Plasma weapons jammed like any other weapon, but in a different fashion than slug throwers. In slug throwers, the slug would miss its way into the firing chamber, or it wouldn't fit into the chamber correctly.

In plasma rifles, the energy within the weapon was too built up from multiple quick bursts. The power cell didn't know when to cool down and when to stay hot, thus, it overcharged. The only solution for that was to wait, and the soldiers turning on Book would not give him that moment.

They sprayed him with plasma fire. The emerald beams seared through the air and crashed into his armor. The phrik dissipated part of the shots, but given time, the bolts would break through. Book dove behind another downed speeder, and cursed his luck--until the characteristic whump-whump-whump of an LMG broke over cacophony of violence.

He chanced a look, only to see those loyalists that had plagued him with weapons fire now stacked in bloody heaps across the road. The Peacekeepers immediately ran to take their position. Book stood up to his full height, and offered seventeen a nod.

"The Loyalists are dug in. We'll have to be careful about our approach." Book grunted as he moved to meet seventeen across the roadway. "No ROE's on this engagement, I think Fleetops decided we knew what we needed to do about the loyalists." The massive Dreadguard stopped a pace away from Seventeen, and offered a hand. "Best we link up with Centurion King before the rest of the Peacekeepers are BOTG."

[member="Toby Mendoza"]
While Riley's writer was bashing her head into screen of her computer, trying to think of something to write, Riley was actually getting something done by monitoring the progress of the other Dreadguard - six and seventeen. Oh look, I managed to write something, yay! Of course, she was doing this while tossing the grenade in the last post and mentally cussing because that was what one did in a war zone, even though nothing was really going too terribly badly (yet).

[member="Book"] [member="Toby Mendoza"] [member="Rexus Drath"]

Atlas Kane

Blaster fire was raining down on Corvus' position. Men were pushed against the walls of a building to the left and to the right of him. Some of them were quite clearly afraid of the constant blaster fire and the explosions going off around the, though Corvus was just standing there, waiting for the moment when he got the go sign from his employers. He was standing there, his mind was slowly drifting away and the constant loud noises around him seemed to fade away. This sort of situation had been a regular thing for him in the past few months. He had found himself on multiple battlefields, be they small or big ones. He was used to taking orders, he was used to loud noises and the fear of young recruits around him. He was also used to taking orders by now, he had also become accustomed to the way experienced soldiers handled themselves so that he could intuitively predict their actions and act accordingly. In some respects he had become an experienced soldier, in others he was still just the same man he had been previously. He lacked the discipline, he often disobeyed orders and did things he deemed to be the best course of action in those specific situations. However, he had made a reputation for himself among the Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries. Admittedly, he was not intergalactically known, but he was distinguished among the local crowd as being one of the best CQC experts in the sector.

His thoughts drifted further and further away from reality until he was just standing next to the wall, gaze fixed on the ground and weapons held low. He would stay that way until he would either get shouted at by his superiors or something bad happened, though he ruled the latter to be unlikely, since the only thing that was giving them any sign of resistance so far was a Force fraked heavy blaster entrenchment near the capital building that was laying down suppressive fire on the building behind which Corvus and the rest of the squad were hiding. Their plan to avoid the Blaster fire was to open up a way into the sewers from which they'd be able to enter the capital building. Corvus would most likely be appointed to lead the way, since he was one of the few people in the squad who were very experienced with melee and close quarters combat. In fact, it was the only thing Corvus had specialized in. He only carried two Vibroblades and multiple Vibroknives with him. Those weapons combined with his simple durasteel armor and robe he wore above the armor, made him look like any mercenary, even if his look resembled that of a Jedi in some distant sense.

[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
Kaigann had been there for the speech his master, the founding Archlord of the Ession Reformation, had gave to the masses aboard the Ge'hutuun. They were partaking in something grand, something historic, something legendary that would be remembered for throughout the ages. The Reformation had gathered from across the galaxy under a common belief and set of morals, they sought to bring peace and order to a galaxy lacking structure, lacking peace. Inspired by a shared vision he moved out of the assembly area and awaited further instructions from his master, they had a different entrance planned... he silently thanked the Republic for their new stolen toys.


It had only been moments later that the Jedi entered the fray, Kaigann flying alongside his master as his wingman piloting his own J-1 starfighter. It was difficult to control at first, almost overwhelmingly so, but soon it became much easier with the assistance of the Force guiding his hand. He left himself open to it's embrace it's guidance as he vigilantly followed his master into the skies above Ession.

The duo dipped low with Kaigann following on Graxin's six, twisting and turning to avoid anti-air barrages aimed at taking out fighters above. Determined not to fall prey to the enemy, the apprentice relied on both Graxin's lead and the Force itself to guide him through the wartorn sky. Straight ahead of the two laid the massive palace that housed the planet's current dictator and the current destination of the Jedi.

As the two approached a dozen droid fighters came forward leading to his master veering off course to unleash hellfire on two fighters approaching the dropships. Kaigann smirked as his master 'advised him' not to explode, he replied back as he gripped tightly on handle avoiding another explosion of anti-air craft fire. "No promises master."

[member="Graxin Rade"]

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The drop ships soared between skyscrapers with practiced precision. There, they unloaded Peacekeepers and small siege droids to enforce the rebel positions. The loyalists were beginning to lose ground due to the efforts of the Dreadguard and their Jedi allies. Graxin, along with his Padawan, sprayed the Loyalist fighters with volleys of azure laserfire. The Knight narrowed his eyes as he dipped beneath a column of snub fighters, twirled to the right of a skyscraper, and sent another of the snubs to a fiery grave.

Ahead, the capital building jutted high above the rest of the skyline. It was protected by a powerful energy shield halfway down, barring any use of siege cannons or heavy weapons support. The shield spread quite a few blocks, and reduced the use of any kind of support in that area--to include landing soldiers. With the shield still up, the Loyalists would eventually beat back their attackers. Graxin got on the comms.

"[member="Riley King"], we'll never break into the capital with that shield online. Take your Dreadguard and head toward the power station two blocks south of the capital. You should be able to short out the shields by overloading the generators there." He ordered as another legion of snubs came to fire upon him.

Graxin pulled a sharp left, narrowly avoiding a wall of red laser fire. He veered his ship toward the top of the capital--particularly its landing pad. "Kaigann, this is going to be a hot landing. Do your best not to fall of--I really don't want to climb down all those stairs to get you if you do." The Archlord quipped.

He set his J-1 on a direct course for the pad. The small dipped low between the skyscrapers to reach its target, and unleashed a hell storm of missiles upon the energy shield. Slugs went right through the shields, and the resulting explosions tore apart a section of the loyalist line. Graxin pulled up sharp in a vertical flight upward toward the landing pad. Three quarters of the way up, he cut the engines, and allowed the ship's momentum to take it upward. It barely cleared the landing pad when gravity took over, and Graxin turned sharply forward--with the aid of telekinesis. The ship skidded along the surface of the landing pad, and it looked as if someone was coming to greet the Jedi Knight from the signs of movement beyond the glass doors that led inside.

Graxin opened his comms to Corvinus Palpatine. "The Dreadguard will take care of the shields. I've made contact. Take your Peacekeepers and push your way to the capital--I have faith in you Corvinus. Show me I was right to give you my trust."

He switched the frequency to [member="The Dark Man"] as the canopy of his fighter popped open. "I've made contact, Ekul. I saw anti-air cannons a block to the west of the capital building on my way in. They'll tear the Ge'hutuun to shreds once those shields are down. I'm counting on you to take care of it."

The Knight Errant ignited his yellow blade, and drew back his hood as he stood up to his full height. Above, the sky roared down at the warring faction in the form of thunder. It was the herald to a sprinkling of rain that now gently watered the warring city. The doors parted--two loyalist soldiers came forth.

Their weapons barked at the Knight just as they let loose with trained bursts of green laserfire. Graxin dropped into the familiar movements of Soresu, blocking each bolt with short, quick movements. He did his absolute best to ignore the jarring of his limbs with each bolt--he couldn't afford to move onto the offensive without Kaigann. Otherwise more soldiers would come. So long as they thought they were under control, there would be time for the Padawan to arrive, and exit his ship unmolested.

[member="Kaigann Fossk"]
No more bounty hunting, no more mercenary contracts, it was time for a new chapter to begin. A scum Jar, or should he say, Devon was ever since his parents raised him to be a pirate, a smuggler, a criminal, etc. Though, he did enjoy that little chapter the former Bounty Hunter stopped that work when his conscience had made him reflect upon himself. After his conscience consulted with him Devon finally made a decision that he thought was best for himself. A second chance.

Recruited by mysterious figures that called themselves, the Architects, they debriefed to him a new order that was rising on the horizon. A great place and beginning to start anew. As a soldier that fought for the better good of everyone and to bring the Galaxy to peace and harmony.

Blaster fire from hostiles began to target him and several other friendlies including an old man, [member=Corvinus Palpatine]. Armed with a DC-17 rifle and a DC sidearm the former Mercenary/Bounty Hunter was also equipped with armor. A weird thing to experience. He never until now had any type of armor on him. Made him slower, yet it served to protect the user making it better than losing speed over getting wrecked by multiple hostiles.

"Sir, we're open ears to what you've got to say, but we need to get over there," which was, after all, priority number one. Can't argue against that.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Corvus Caligo"]

"Believe me, young man, it is not just I who must demonstrate his worth of trust today." Corvinus's voice raised so that Graxin could hear him over the clattering of the gunfire. The old man peeked around the corner of his cover, his grey eyes settling on the blaster repeater nests that the loyalists had erected around the capital building. They were apparently fixated on trying to cut straight through the building Corvinus's platoon was hiding behind. A confetti of molten, metal shards sprayed the area; a result of the searing plasma being thrown into the building indiscriminately.


The manhole cover fell, drug to the bottom of the steaming sewer by its own outstanding weight. The troopers in charge of moving it jumped back and pointed their guns down into the dark abyss below. The old man spared no time rushing over to the hole and, as he did, the force beckoned him. Someone among his squad was strong in the force...and that someone had a destiny laid out before them by the force. One that required he do this...

"you" Corvinus pointed to Corvus without even looking in his direction, "be a sport and guide us in, will you?"

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Riley King"]

Rexus roared and dove for cover when the grenade went off inside the building. Covering behind a piece of thick sofa he shot a death glare towards Riley. Was she an idiot?! Rexus was a storm trooper many hundreds of years ago and that was basic shook of infantry lesson. Don't throw grenades into a room with friendlies In it!! A piece of shrapnel flung and hit a loyalist in the neck where he would promptly fall over and bleed out.

Standing up Rex barked a curse out "IDIOT!" He said the inner gunnery sergeant in him wanting to start reprimanding a subordinate. But be cut himself off there and lifted both his hands and closed his eyes. Letting mental power exude from his finger tips he let the force flow through him and grasp the minds of every loyalist in the building. Feeling and locking on to them he took in a deep breath and let out a war cry as his fists clenched and every loyalist in the room dropped down into a stupor, their minds forever altered Into a wet mush of paste. Falling to one knee Rex took in a deep breath and fatigue grew over him at his actions. "Secure a perimeter." He said weakly
Crazy, probably., no I don't think so. Twelve wasn't too terribly concerned. Rexus was a force-user who could take care of himself, the grenade was more efficient. Therefore, grenade. Riley had some doubts about Twelve's methods, but she couldn't argue with the results. So she snapped off the orders Rexus gave to a few conveniently-located Reformation troops once Graxin's orders came through. "Yessir." Riley replied, sounding almost cheerful, considering the circumstances. Her helmet display giving her the locations of Six and Seventeen, and Twelve started moving towards them, Riley giving them the information they needed. "There's a shield around the capital building. We've gotta take the sucker down before the others can get through."

[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Book"] [member="Toby Mendoza"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Riley King"]

"GET SOME YOU BLOODY TOSSERS!!" Oddball stood outside the hotel lobby firing away at loyalist forces providing suppressive fire for the other troops who would set up a perimeter in the hotel. It would be converted Into a spotting tower and casualty collection point more than likely. It would be a smart thing to do with all the hotels beds being capable to let wounded rest on it. Oddball laughed while the con on continued to roar, filling the air with blue streaks of light. The squad leader Riley had looked to be done clearing house and oddball would have to make his way to her. Not after having a bit of fun however. Loyalist ran from him as he began to push up further. "THATS RIGHT!! RUN YOU COWARDS!!" Oddball yelled out another challenge then quickly shut up from watching what came around the corner of the city streets.

A light armored vehicle curved around the corner and aimed it's launcher at Oddball. It wasn't a tank by any means but the grenade launcher mounted to the vehicle meant business. "Ma'am! We have a problem out here!" Oddball gripped his canon and spun running towards the hotel. The launcher fired a series of automatic bursts of grenades at oddball. The explosions went off behind him and he flew through a window crashing to the floor next to [member="Riley King"]. Loyalists began to launch a counter attack pressing forward on the hotel. Sitting back up quickly Oddball balanced the canon on his lap and fired at a loyalist who crashed in after him, now promptly dead. "BRING IT YA BASTARDS!!"
"Hello Oddball." Riley greeted the other Dread Guard member dryly, helping to haul him to his feet. Okay, tank. Well, armored vehicle with a grenade launcher, not an actual tank. Still, an annoyance. The shield would have to wait for a little while then.

Twelve went to work, letting Riley take the backseat once again. With Oddball and his cannon, Twelve could circle around to flank the vehicle and get a clear shot at the grenade launcher to take it out. Once the vehicle's main weapon was out, it would be much easier to disable it completely.

Theoretically, of course.

[member="CC-953 Oddball"]
Jo-shal was...displeased with the current events happening on his world. The dissidents and radicals had fought to take his throne for eight long year. Eight years of headaches and tedious talks with his generals. It was known to the Duros that a arge majority of Ession's lower class had a distaste for his rule. It was no surprise. They were weak, unorganized, and too poor to offer any sort of resistance. The noblemen that Jo-shal had uplifted upon his taking of the throne had provided him with an army of loyalists to keep the dissidents in check, and they would have.

If not for the damned invaders.

The self-proclaimed Lord of Ession rubbed a blue thumb over his large forehead. His sharp red eyes narrowed with annoyance and fatigue. The Rebels had been throwing boies against the Loyalist defense for weeks now, and he could never get any kind of sleep with them running about. He leaned back into his sofa, and flipped on the holovision. For some odd reason, the signal wasn't coming through.

"Jeb!" Jo roared.

The small human servant came through the doors with slumped shoulders. A lifetime of servitude would do that. "M'lord?"

"The holovision isn't working, and the rebels are getting loud. Gas them."

"But there are civilians down th--"

"Gas. Them. Now."

The servant grimaced, bowed, and turned to do his duty. It would be some time before the order came through, but Jo-shal didn't mind. He lifted his glass of Balmoraan Bluesky to his lips, looked out toward the battle, and cracked a crooked smile. He would have his peace and quiet soon enough.

[member="Riley King"] [member="CC-953 Oddball"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Corvinus Palpatine "][member="The Dark Man"] [member="Devon Gramus"] [member="Kaigann Fossk"] [member="Corvus Caligo"] [member="Marcus Rann"] @Eddie
Katrina was first and foremost a scientist so being out here amongst all of this blaster fire was new to her. She was used to bows and arrows of those tribe she encountered out during her different field trips to the jungle. Kat had been taught to use a blaster through the old Dread Guard when she did return to civilization.

As shots were fired all around her Kat stayed hidden behind a fallen piece of a building peeking out every once in awhile to get a shot out herself. Even as a scientist she knew how to protect herself. She also had her Aka dogs by her side whom could assist her but she left them out of this. A battle was nowhere for her friends and if she could keep her family out of this she would.

When the coast was semi clear Ana planned to run towards the sewer and out of this place. She was getting nowhere just sitting here popping off shots.
Kaigann found himself suddenly split from Graxin as he ventured off to take on some enemy fighters. The apprentice stayed his course as he began firing on a pair of enemy fighters dead ahead. Veer right, left, fire, dive, repeat. The Jedi Padawan tightly gripped the controls of his J-1 as he took aim, for a brief moment the J-1 and the enemy droid fighter connected by a pair of brilliant bolts of light fired from Kaigann's armament.


The enemy snub fighter exploded, vanishing into a small cloud of smoke and metal as shrapnel scrapped across his cockpit windshield. Straying off course he twirled around the nearest skyscraper to set his sights on the palace once again and was joined shortly by Graxin who retook the lead toward the large structure ahead. Kaigann took a moment to study the structure before sighing, "Shield Generator of course.. master?"

Kaigann followed his master's movements to the letter as he moved toward the landing pad atop the structure avoiding AA guns and enemy snub fighters. The padawan smirked with a reply as his master quipped, "I prefer calling it the 'scenic route' master." With the loyalist line decimated and the landing pad cleared the padawan quickly slowed his approach before clearing the landing pad, moving his vessel down he dropped his landing gear to land safely while the area was clear.

Rising out from the J-1, Kaigann moved to rejoin his master as he removed his lightsaber from his waist and activated it releasing a blue beam and hiss from inside the device. He shook his head smiling as he approached, with a playful jest he addressed Graxin, "Now you're just showing off."

[member="Graxin Rade"]

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The Reformation was making progress. Graxin and his apprentice would storm the top of th etower and secure the ruling council of Ession, while the others ended the loyalist resistance. Things were going rather well, for once. Graxin batted away another bolt and gtimaced as the impact travelled up his arms and resonated in his teeth. It was only when Kaigann arrived that he drew his second blade.

The beam of soulless black exploded out from its slim hilt. "I could be sturggling." He quipped as another stream was batted away with ease. The two soldiers were beginning to back up toward the entrance, and half a dozen of their comrades were running from within to meet the two Jedi. "Keep the blade close, don't lose your focus. Be creative, and don't stray far."

Four of the six reinforcements made it out the door when Graxin launched himself into the fray. He charged, batting away blaster bolts like a charging Nexu. Nothing would stop him. The Knight flew up high into the air, catching the soldiers off guard. As he came down, he sliced one of the men in two from shoulder to hip, and promptly kicked his comrade off the side of the landing pad with a force enhanced kick.

The remaining six brought their rifles up to fire, and Graxin held up the black blade. A bout of red hot flame erupted from his fingers, flew toward the soldiers, and engulfed two of them. Both jumped from the top of the landing pad to their deaths. The remainder stood frozen for a moment, slack jawed. The Knight drew in a deep breath--there were only so many times he could call on the Light side of the force to summon flames. It was strongest in use by the Sith, but Graxin managed to make Darth Vulcanus's trademark ability applicable in his own fighting style.

The four spread as far as they could on the narrow strip, and sprayed the Knight with repeated fire. The stream was so much so that Graxin was forced to fall into a defensive stance, his blades whirling to reflect bolts, and a force barrier created around his skin to block any bolts that might break through his defense. He could, however, only maintain that for so long.

"A bit of help Kaigann?!"

[member="Kaigann Fossk"]

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