Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eternal Gardens (Open to all)

The Capital City of Tahv, The Circle Eternal​
0149 Galactic Standard Time​
(Visual Reference)​
Solan stood and stared at the stone warrior that had been reconstructed by a rather intricate artist on the planet, details as deep as the lines of the man's face etched and carved deep into the work that made Solan smiled every time he came out to this place. It was now a protected site, a place where life flourished and was let to be grown with the most easily touched of manners. Even now his hand outstretched and caused a vine that was growing too close to change course as to not disturb the statue in the future. "Exquisite none the less."​
Few came by the Circle Eternal, mostly those whom need a quiet place but in the middle of the night with the stars and moons above Solan could not resist standing there under the sky. For a few moments his hand came up to grip a small pendant he had had fashioned in the form of a winged humanoid, praying silently at the loss of the woman whom he had lost long ago. Even now his daughter was becoming farther and farther from him and he was scared for her health. He needed a cure to save her, one that would not harm her in the end. If he hurt her in trying to save her he would never be able to correct such a mistake.​
With a sigh his hand pushed the pendant back into his shirt and he rubbed his eyes, wondering if any such visitors found their way to Kesh and even more so to this rebuilt ancient garden.​


Disney's Princess
It had been awhile since Roberts had last met [member="Solan Charr"] . Last they chatted was about bounty hunting over steaks. Good food too. Fit for a King. Now Karen found him wandering the gardens of Kesh at night. Fancy that.

"What's on your mind?"

Her voice came from the sitting bench nearby. Aura cloaked and clothed in her lasted suit of armor. One might think her assassin if not for her smile and casual posture. Even half hidden in the shadows of the moonlight, it was obvious this strange woman was just smirking at the coincidence.

"Sorry. I'm just here for the atmosphere. Forgive a wandering bounty hunter for the intrusion."

She smiled and shrugged. He probably wouldn't even remember her. It didn't matter. It was late and cool and calm. She had time to kill.
[member="Karen Roberts"]

Solan's ears caught the voice as its sound drifted in the night air with a bit of humor touching his lips as he looked over his shoulder at the woman whom sat there in the shadows but it was something familiar about her that caused him to smile a bit more fully than originally. "I had thought that the last time we met you were here for a bite, sadly i cant offer that same courtesy this time miss... what was your name... Karen right?" He raised a brow as his hand reached out for the illuminated fur of his ashlan companion to leave his sleeve and allow it to walk over to Karen. It was curious, inspecting her while also at the same time making sure she was no threat though Solan already knew she was not here to cause problems. So, and without pause, he lowered himself down on the ground and crossed his feet under him so that he may rest while they talked.


Disney's Princess
"Karen is fine. Yes. ...So? What brings a King to ponder upon the moon at this late hour, hm? Looking for a little solace are we? You might just find it if you're not careful. Hehe."

She smiled and extended an open palm towards [member="Solan Charr"] 's companion. Then with a twinkle in her eye a flower began to appear. Small pink flames that bloomed into a beautiful lotus. Then it burst like a bubble. Pop. Sending small blue stars and twinkling gems scattering to the wind. Disappearing out into the night. A lightsided talent for the amusement of children. Oh no. She was no threat to Charr this night. She was just here for the thinking.
[member="Karen Roberts"]

"Memories, they tend to cause some pain if you are not careful, but at times they can be the most beautiful and happy things..." He smiled as he looked back towards the stars and moons above them. "Also my dear hunter, moons. Plural, that is yet another abnormality with this planet but one that ive grown rather fond of. Its amazing what spectacles that the sky can form with such occurrences as these moons present." He remained smiling though one hand was clawing at the pendant through his robes and he seemed while happy and in a blissful like appearance very much so in sorrow over something. "And you Karen, how is it that i find you at my home once more, home being Kesh itself. Did you move here without me knowing about it, if so i do hope you are enjoying the peoples and the culture."


Disney's Princess
She smiled and returned her eyes to the night,

"I had a friend here I needed to come and see. She's Cathar and prone to forgetfulness. So? ...I like to drop by and take her out to lunch. Remember the good old days together. That sort of thing."

Karen shifted her posture and pulled out a book she had been sitting on. Paperback. Old old technology.

"She retired early to bed and I found myself with an hour to kill. Thought I'd get some reading done. Bah. Blast these moons though. Never enough lantern light for my scrolls. Hehe."

She put the book away. It wasn't important.

"...You know. I find the best memories are the ones I haven't made yet. The accomplishment I have yet to achieve. These... Mmm. These are what I ponder on moon lit nights. Hehe. A little adventure."

Karen wasn't going to pry. If [member="Solan Charr"] wanted to muse, let him muse. She wasn't one to interfere.
[member="Karen Roberts"]

His eyes drifted once more over to the woman and for a few moments he said nothing before smiling and moving his hand in a small movement before opening it up in order to show to her the flame he had created before standing with his eyes shutting. "Here, perhaps i can help with your light problem, if you do not need it then no worries i am fine with simply talking." He held the flickering flames in suspension over his hand as he moved to sit on the bench to her right, his eyes remaining closed while he split his focus between the different elements needed to keep the fire going and the conversation he was already having.

"As for your forgetful cathar friend, i do hope she is ok. To hear that anyone in my home is in distress would cause such a worry..." He turned his head now to look slightly to the right though his eyes never opened. "You know Karen, it is difficult to sit and watch sometimes, it really was simpler doing as you do. Traveling and being free to help those without consequence on a grander scale." His other hand rested on his knee and he frowned. "Hmm... sorry, alot is on my mind this night."


Disney's Princess
She mused at his candlelight. His question however was much more interesting,

"Well. I just think you haven't heard of the word delegation just yet. Hehe. I find that the best way to travel the galaxy safely is when you leave somebody back home who can take care of everything while you're away. A steward or a carl. A minister or an Inquisition. A husband or a close friend."

Karen shrugged and nodded. In her mind all Charr had to do was delegate a replacement to his duties while he was away. Then? He could travel forever. Sorta like she did.

"Forgive a poor traveling bounty hunter. I know very little about Keshani Culture. Perhaps I err in my speaking. Only your shoulders can bear the duty. Not mine."

She stood up and began to stretch. It was almost time for her to go.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

"It would be irresponsible to do that, leaving all my duties and responsibilities in the hands of another is... wrong. It may be more difficult and taxing, but it is worth it as long as my people are being treated in the way they deserve. As for your knowledge of Keshiri culture, to tell you the truth there are still odds and ends i seem to miss without the aid of my allies here. After all, it is rather surprising i am the king here considering im not even Keshiri, no?" He leaned back alittle and noticed her movements and mood as they changed and raised a brow.

"You truly do not need to worry about it Miss Roberts, i am sure that it would be understandable to others to do as you suggest. But my duty is to serve these people, and thats what i will do."


Disney's Princess
She smiled and put her hands on her hips,

"Ah. Then it appears you have awakened from your memories and remembered you purpose. ...And the Force is satisfied in this. My task. Complete."

Karen snapped her fingers with a smirk. As if to awaken Charr from a dream. Or to finish one.

"Well. Now If you'll excuse me? The Force beckons me elsewhere. Lots of kings out there, ya know. Plenty of gardens that need their wanderer."

She took a step backwards and gave a wave of her wizarding hands. The shadows seemed to leap and the lanterns seemed to waver. The Force began to stir in mysterious ways. And the wandering bounty hunter seemed to just... Disappear. Yet. As the leaves stirred and the shadows flickered. A still small voice could be heard from the doorways,

"Take care of your people Lord of Kesh. And the Force will be with you. Always."

[member="Solan Charr"]
*invisibility charm, exit thread

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