Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC The Ewok Hunters

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  • Availability: Unique.
  • Deployment: Mass
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
  • + Trained for a variety of scenarios - They are trained for almost anything including vehicles and air targets.
  • + Battle Hardened Veterans - Each member of this group is a battle hardened warriors who are ready for anything and can plan around problems.
  • - EMPs - An EMP can pretty much make this whole unit useless as most of their gear requires electricity
  • - Close combat what? - These men and women are not designed for close quarters combat and will fall quickly when engaged that way.
  • Description: During the start of Graak's life these men and women were those who were send out to hunt him and other Ewoks down. He was eventually captured by them after avoiding them for several days. He was placed within a GE facility that he then escaped from, once again the Ewok hunters went hunting him down however that time the GA captured him. He escaped once again and avoided capture for several years from the Ewok hunters till eventually the GE fell and the hunters were supposed to be disbanded.
  • However that didn't happen instead they continued to hunt their prey until they finally caught him. Soon after this they came to realise that this Ewok was their greatest foe but also the only reason they hadn't disbanded themselves. Very quickly they came to a decision throwing their lot in with the little Ewok. It turned out to be the best decision they ever made as being lead by Graak they managed to pull off some before unthinkable jobs. Now they hold there loyalty to the small furry bear till the day he dies.

Definitely an interesting concept you've got here.

The only concern I have with this submission is your first strength seems to somewhat contradict your second weakness. I would prefer it if you could reword your "Ready For All" strength to something more like "trained for a variety of scenarios" or however you want to put it. The stuff about armor can stay, but this is a mass deployed unit and shouldn't be assumed to be universally competent.
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