Allyson Locke
Dreidi Xeraic
Luca Donskoi
Taiia Mataan
Quinn Varanin //
Felix would simply scoff at the jeer from Kyrk, confidence cresting his smiling face.
"The least I can do is respect my elders." Felix would retort before placing his helmet on, the ship would be landing any moment, it would seem that between himself, Dreidi and Quinn it was their job to hopefully get to the control room first, secure it, and see that the rest of the teams had an easier time moving through the ships. It wasn't always true that security systems were at the bridge, but the method to find where they were would surely not be far behind. With that he'd simply nod in response to his suggestion and turn to the two that he would be tasked with taking.
Dreidi Felix had seen a couple of times, there was a lot Felix had said, and a lot that he could have done better in their last encounter, but for now all that mattered was getting to the control room as quickly as possible undetected by the enemy. If nothing else, he was able to handle them evading detection on his own, the rest of them only needed to be able to move fast enough to get there within an acceptable time frame... sadly, everyone, himself included was more than a little banged up. And he was missing an arm shield...
"As soon as we touch down it's going to be a straight shot for the command center, this is going to be far more about speed than trying to hide. I can handle the cameras as long as we all stick together, but if there are enemies standing in our way, I'm going to be pretty occupied on keeping everything hidden and keeping pace, so if you've got anything to help with that, feel free to show off... speaking of..."
With that said he would move to address everyone once again, he didn't presume to be an experienced leader, nor a particularly effective one, but he usually had a way or two with words and reasoning.
"As far as mission parameters go, from what I've seen we Knight Obsidian are at our best when we have the freedom to exercise our intricate and unique talents. So exercise them all today and hold back nothing, even if it means collateral damage to the ship or potential harm to civilians. Its better than the guaranteed harm they'll come to if we pull our punches and give these bastards a chance." He'd remark with a stalwart expression.
As the ship would make its landing Felix would watch as the Blur of Taiia would burst towards some of the nearby hallways, speeds even he may have found difficult to track were it not for his force enhanced sense of sight. Felix however, was looking for a maintenance elevator, something that would allow them to gain access to the underbelly of the ship, the hanger was a prime location to have one in case of repairs and any path leading from it by necessity would act like an artery running to the major organs of the ship... they just needed to get to the brain.
He'd spy one located at the far side of the hanger, reaching out a hand as he'd use his own telekinesis to engage in dropping the Elevator the several dozen meters to open up an entry port for the three of them. Allowing Quinn and Dreidi to take point, The Rylothian would begin to weave the light around them, spinning it to flit around them in an orb before exiting as it would should it have continued in a straight line. It was a replicated form of invisibility, one that would allow them to see each other so long as they stood within range of the sphere.
"Lets give em hell" He'd say to his team-mates, but found himself directing it more towards Quinn as he stepped out of the door, as far as Felix was concerned the idea of stomping some maniacal pieces of chit into the dirt would be karking therapeutic right about now. He was sure for a moment the outlet would be equally appreciated by the Echani Princess. But as Felix waited for her to move past him his features would soften as his focused sharpened to a razors edge as he thought; ~
It'll be fun to dance together again~