Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eye of the Dragon

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Tatooine, how Seilois hated the planet. The weather was unbearable, the heat intense especially in his bodysuit which only had a limited coolant system, and when the wind kicked up the sand made it nearly impossible to see even with thermal vision. It was a forsaken planet on the edge of the galaxy yet more times then he cared to remember, he had been called back to it for some job or another.

This time it was to hunt and kill a Krayt Dragon which was a first, even for him. He had hunted and killed other creatures, but never a Krayt Dragon which called for help. While he preferred to work along as there was less of a chance of a knife in his back, he would not risk the reward, and his life, over a sand trap like Tatooine. The only question was, who to call? Normally, he would call Gabriel or another experienced gunslinger like himself, but the problem with experienced gunslingers is they demanded a higher cut.

A new mercenary though... someone who was just starting out in the galaxy, they were much cheaper, and it was not a great loss when they died. Seilois would not betray someone who was working with him as such a thing was bad for reputation which, in turn, was bad for business, and so he had looked and finally came into contact with a man named [member="Kyle Jerhal"] , he had seen the boy before in an interview, and he was one of the only ones that struck him as have any form of talent. It had not been hard to track him down from there where he had some people approach him with the job offer. Help hunt a Dragon. The boy would get a Pearl from the Dragon, if there was one, it was his, if there was two, which was about as much as one could hope for, they would both take one.

Seilois leaned against his ship in the hanger waiting to see if the boy would show up.
Kyle walked to the hangar as fast as he could without looking like an escaping thief. Tatooine didn't bother him, the heat he could handle, but he was more worried about this job. He was wearing his standard body armour, although in the back of his mind he knew it'd be little help against a Krayt Dragon. A few minutes later, he reached the hangar, rushing inside and looking around for the armoured hulk of a man he had saw once before. It didn't take long, as the man was leaning against what seemed to be his ship, and Kyle approached him. "Not late am I?" He grinned, flickering his gaze to the man's ship. "We flying there?".
This is it, alot of credits riding on this, don't screw up. The young man dismissed the distractions from his head and focused on @Kung Seilois
(OOC: Ashe said to join.)

Being told to meet up with two other mercs for this mission, well a hunt, McNeal was ready to kill a giant dragon, and claim his pearl. Landing inside the hangar of the meeting spot, he shut everything off and stepped out his ship. "The heat, what's with this heat?!" He said out loud.

He saw the other two already meeting up, so he walked over to them. "Well the gangs all here, woo! If anyone of you die, I'll be sure to cut you of the stomach, along with the pearl."

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Not late am I?" Seilois shook his head as he gave the young mercenary a once over, checking his armor and weapons. He was... woefully under armed, but that wasn't surprising given it had taken him a long career to acquire what he had. His blaster pistol looked operational, but he couldn't tell the make or model, it didn't seem very powerful, "We flying there?"

Seilois looked up at his light freighter, "No, I thought about it, and while the cannons could come in handy, I don't want to have to pay for repairs if it takes a chunk of out the durasteel frame," he said.

Pushing himself off the side of the hull, he motioned by his head for Kyle to follow him, "We will take my speeder bikes. They don't carry as much, but they are fast," he stopped when a new voice cut it, he had heard that his contact had hired another Merc to act as his support, but he hadn't expected anyone to show, "Well the gangs all here, woo! If anyone of you die, I'll be sure to cut you of the stomach, along with the pearl."

Seilois stopped and looked at the new merc giving him a once over, he seemed better armed then the kid, "I hope you have your own speeder, or you are riding with the kid on the other bike," He said walking up the ramp and into his ship which had numerous crates full of various... supplies. Walking over to one, he pushed a botton cuasing the lid to raise, he reached in and pulled out a blaster pistol before closing it then wlaking over to another and pulling out an odd case with two barrels on the front, "Kid, come here."

[member="Kyle Jerhal"] [member="McNeal"]
Kid, who does this guy think he is?! Kyle nodded passively and went over to [member="Kung Seilois "]as ordered. As the other voice appeared, he turned and looked at him. Is everyone here more equipped than me? All he had was his Blaster Rifle and Pistol, and he wouldn't be surprised if these guys had some explosive firepower hidden in their suits. "Hey man, I wasn't expecting a third guy, this doesn't affect my pay, right?" Kyle's head turned to Kung, looking rather confused.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Hey man, I wasn't expecting a third guy, this doesn't affect my pay, right?" Seilois looked the kid over once again, it seemed they had something in common. Credits came first and anything that jeopardize payment was best dealt with soon, "I have worked for this client before, this client... is very good at making sure that those working for them are well paid. You will get your payment in one form or another," he purposely left out her sex and name.

He tilted his head, "Of course, if only one pearl drops, you can always try to kill McNeal over there. I only need the Eyes, a pearl would be a bonus for me, but I doubt three will drop, two is common." While he did not like men fighting on a job, but them fighting would mean less guns pointing at his back, and after the job was done, what they did was of little concern to him. Some men... once they held something valuable in their hands, their common sense fled their bodies.

"Now," Seilois said holding out a blaster pistol that looked like a slugthrower revolver with two barrels, "The At-HBP1 blaster pistol. Kicks like a Bantha and hits just as hard," there was a laser sight attached to the bottom, "Has a dual fire option, but don't expect to get many shots out or quickly."

Seilois held up the other one, the box with two barrels on it, "AT-1 Wrist Slugthrowers. 45 round clip, armor piercing. Deadly at a close range, but you will empty the clip in three seconds flat. Not as good against other gunslingers, but if you ever find yourself up against a Jedi or Sith... it may save your life."

Pausing for a moment, he walked over to another crate, and tapped another activation key causing it to life revealing numerous clips, "Here," he said holding out two more of the flat clips for the wrist slugthrowers, "Consider it an investment on my part."

[member="Kyle Jerhal"] [member="McNeal"]
Kyle grinned, nodding his head. "That's more like it man, you rock!" He took one of each, attaching the Slugthrower to his left wrist and loading it with a clip. He holstered the blaster pistol in his spare holster and smiled. "This job's paid off already!" The 'kid' examined his Slugthrower closely, waiting for the other guy to get ready.

@Kung Seilois
"Or you can use a Verpine Shatter Sniper. Strong enough to shoot the scales off that thing." He said shouldering the weapon. "And well kid, looks like I'm riding with you." He slapped him on his back ignoring that whole you could kill him over there thing. "My pay is the pearl, nothing else."

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"That's more like it man, you rock!" Seilois did not respond to that as he moved to open another crate, much smaller, and pulled out a small brown object that was shaped in the form of a plane without wings, "This job's paid off already!" Had he ever gotten that excited for new toys before? Maybe, he couldn't remember, or refused to remember, a lot of his younger years, but the enthusiasm was certainly good for removing tension.

"Or you can use a Verpine Shatter Sniper. Strong enough to shoot the scales off that thing." Verpine. Not his style, but very effective. He had seen them in action, in fact, before he was detoured to Tatooine, he had been on his way to Armtech to buy more weaponry to fill out his arsenal which included new sniper rifles to replace the one he lost, and the amusing part, a rocket launcher which would have come in handy, but they would make due.

"And well kid, looks like I'm riding with you. My pay is the pearl, nothing else," Seilois eyed them for a second, before nodding, it seemed the wouldn't kill each other at the drop of that hat. Of course, if only one pearl drops... it could turn nasty fast, but that was a problem for later.

Seilois walked to another room, stopping to grab a pouch and hooking it to his belt and slapped the hanger bay key which would lower the two Silk-5 speeders down, "Lets go. The cave isn't that far."

@McNeal @Kyle Jerhal
Kyle drew his eyes away from the new toys, and jogged to one of the speeders. He hopped on, starting it up and waiting for the other guy to get on. "Don't worry man, I'm a good driver." The 'kid' winked at McNeal, trying to lighten the mood.

@Kung Seilois [member="McNeal"]
McNeal jogged over to the younger guy, he was maybe a few years younger then himself, but age didn't matter. "I trust you, hell if I from your driving, don't pick up chicks." He awaited for the guy to get on. He had no intention on killing anyone here, but the merc life was...dangerous with other mercs who didn't count you in their circle of partners.

"Game face." his helmet came up hell his collar, and covered his face. "Sand sucks. This heat sucks, THIS PLANET SUCKS!" he yelled.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Seilois hopped down and pushed his speeder bike off the lift, and entered the time code that would force the ship to lock itself up after a certain amount of time had passed. The two younger mercs seemed to enjoy their banter, but Seilois stayed out of it content to let the younger two play as it would help ease the tension as they were about to Hunt a Dragon... there was very good odds that they may very well die.

Yes, it would be a miracle if he could make it to a retirement, "Stay close, we will be entering Sand People territory," Seilois said, and tapped the comlink on the side of his helmet, "C-12P," he said giving them the frequency to his comlink should they get separated or need to keep in touch over long distance.

He stashed the odd plane like device he had in the bikes compartment before throwing his leg over the side and starting the speeder up, pressing his knees to the side as it lifted from the ground. Turning the handle, he shot off towards the docking doors, and down the streets, pulling the bike up to raise above the houses of the small settlement as he had no desire to go down in a burning ball of metal and flesh, and the bikes weren't cheap.

It would take them roughly an hour to make it to the caves, if the weather held.

[member="McNeal"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
Kyle set off a few moments after, following [member="Kung Seilois "]from not far behind. He swirved the speeder abit, trying to scare his passenger. "Woops," He grinned. "Must've forgotten how to drive these things." It was obvious Kyle was enjoying his fun.

"Buddy, you been drinking?" He said as he held on tight to the driver. "Feels like my first date." He joked. Why they ever invented these bikes, he'd never know. "Kung what are sand people?" He didn't know, his writer did, but that's irrelevant. "They sound tribal." He sad again in his com. Hopefully this wouldn't be a death sentence, thsee things were said to be huge.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Nomad Natives. Very aggressive, and they don't like offworlders especially on their territory. I have only had a few run ins with them, it never ends peacefully," Seilois said over his comlink, he was not fond of them. They were nearly impossible to see as they knew how to blend in with the desert in a way he would never be able to replicate. One didn't know they were there until they started firing, or when they gave off their war cries.

It didn't take long before a canyon range started to come into sight, Seilois started to decelerate his speeder as the rock outcroppings started to become more common, "Keep your eyes open," Seilois said as they approached a massive cave mouth that, even Seilois had to admit, was unsettling.

Seilois let his Speeder turn off, and sink into the sand as he dismounted from it taking a look at the nearby area as he ran over the plan in his head.

[member="McNeal"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
Pulled the speeder to a halt, Kyle hopped off and stood next to Kung. He pulled out the blaster he had been given, looking around cautiously. "Where's the dragon?" Kyle asked, rather worried that it was nearby and ready to jump out at them.
@Kung Seilois
"Trust me, you'll see it when it shows face." [member="Kyle Jerhal"] He said as he walked up behind them with his sniper. He was more worried about sand people. The dragon would be easy to see, camo savages? That's a different story. "We shouldn't go in head first. We should set up traps, and stuff."

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Where's the dragon?" Seilois was about to point to the cave in front of him when Neil spoke, "Trust me, you'll see it when it shows face," That was true. The beast were not small by any stretch of the imagination, "Odds are he is inside the cave where he sleeps. Krayt Dragons usually only come out to eat, so let us hope he is in there otherwise we have to wait till he comes home, and I will have wasted my drone."

"We shouldn't go in head first. We should set up traps, and stuff." Seilois nodded, "Agreed."

Reaching to his waist, he pulled it up and looked inside, "Three Grade A thermodetonators. I will bury them near the cave, I don't have a timed detonator for them. I could rig something up, but I would have to go back to ship which would take time," Seilois turned to look at McNeil, "Get up to the bluffs and when the Dragon lumbs over it, fire at the pouch. The Vespain shot should set them off. Wait till the dragon's stomach is over it. We want it to bleed out, so we don't risk hurting the eyes and getting to the pearls will be easier."

Seilois pointed to the odd plane without wings sitting in the side compartment of his speeder bike, "I will throw that into the cave, the drone will fly at the Dragon and explode, it will be a nasty wake up call and that is where you come in kid."

He said turning to Kyle, "You get to run. Once the plane impacts, the dragon is going to be awake, injured, and very angry. We need it to come out of the cave, and you are the least armored and so should be the fastest."

[member="McNeal"] [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
"You want me to run from a dragon?" Kyle took a few moments to process it. He was fast, so it wasn't a bad idea. "Good thing I'm the fastest man in the galaxy!" The 'kid' smirked, before adding. "Well, fastest I know." He then moved closer to the cave, turned, and got into a position in which he could run better from. "Whenever you're ready."

[member="Kung Seilois "][member="McNeal"]
McNeal was already heading up with his sniper to a dune where he'd get a nice shot. He layed down in the dirt, sights on the cave. "Don't worry I got your back." He said in com loud enough for the kid to hear even without it on. As for the other Merc, he was getting the stone ready he guessed. "Don't drop those man, otherwise I'm going home alone, and that's never fun." He adjusted his sights for the best accuracy, and was finally ready. "Kid think of it this way, if you survive, you can pick up ladies with this story. Kung...well...he's a unic I believe." He joked in the com. [member="Kyle Jerhal"]
[member="Kung Seilois "]

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