Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall to Undertown


"Yes and no my child." Dredge said to the woman and chuckled again.

He looked to the family of slaves and waved his hand at the Graug standing there, not in a effort of using the force but rather a command the Graug silently knew. Throwing the flogger to the ground the beast pulled out a rattler SMG and cocked it back as it began to power up. The Graug pointed it at the family and paused waiting from the order from his lord.

"You see you are a creature of habit. You are destined to save people and you will do it and sacrifice yourself to save others." Dredge looked over to the family of slaves.

"You see I will trade you, your life for theirs. They will walk out of here one big happy living family no harm will be brought to them and they can resume their lives. In return I get you, and I get to have fun with you. And do you know how I will say yes?" He smiled and finished off his glass of wine before tossing it aside so the cup would shatter on the concrete.

"It's in your nature. Now what's it going to be, you or them?" He asked with a bit of excitement in his tone
The child of the family and Ilanthria held each other's gazes for a moment. She was so scared. So young. She couldn't be more than six or seven years old. Her trembling form looked so fragile that one touch would shatter her. This monster would most likely do something horrible whether she said yes, or no. In this moment, he was forcing her to be the fox.​
A shaky sigh came from her as she made her decision.​
"My life for theirs..."

Dredge smiled and quickly snapped his fingers. The Graug holding the rifle dropped it down to one side and the family stood disbelief and shock on their faces over the woman's brave sacrifice. The Graug frowned and looked to his master, he nodded his head and began to walk towards the door. Pressing a few numbers on a keypad the door swing open and the family was escorted outside with Dredge keeping his word. After all what was a deal without a little integrity. Dredge stood up in his chair and towered over the woman from above, but on even footing he would be just under six inches shorter than the woman.

"Very good child. You did the right thing." Dredge said with a little laugh that exuded triumph.

Now he was going to spend a lot of time breaking this woman, he was going to beat her down into nothing than build her back up into something of darkness and sheer evil. He smiled once more and chuckled his mouth forming a grin. Dredge began to walk down until he stood nearly on equal ground as the woman his blood red eyes meeting hers.

"Strip to your undergarments Slave, you no longer own clothes. When you please me with your actions you may have them back. Now strip." Dredge barked orders and his plans would get started, he had to degrade and make this woman feel worthless before he started her down the path of evil.
In her mind, Ilanthria began reciting the Jedi Code. She let all other thoughts and emotions melt away, focusing on those words alone. She was calm. She was at peace.​
She began removing her shoes, setting them beside her. She then moved the the robes that she wore. She let layer after layer fall to the ground until all that was left was her under-coverings.​

Dredge stepped down from the throne completely and now loomed a good six inches bellow the woman as he walked around her, pacing and stalking like a predator. His eyes ran up and down her body and Dredge did not see soft skin, supple curves, and gorgeous female beauty, he didn't see her as feminine perfection. What he saw was a canvas for a painting of a darker nature, and this canvas was blank and ready to be used. He smiled at the Jedi robes that were upon the ground, he chuckled at them the.

"You won't be needing these anymore." He stretched out his arm and tapping into the force he shot fire from his arm roasting the fine articles of jedi clothing until they were nothing but ash and tatters of embers.

He moved around to the side of her with a brandishing of a sick and jagged blade he reached up and took hold of the woman's padawan braid. Firmly grasping it he brought the woman down at an awkward angle and whispered something to her in a soft evil tone.

"Your prayers can't save you child, your precious code can't save you, and all the Jedi in the council can't save you from me. You belong to me now, you are not a Jedi anymore slave, you are mine." And with the blade he cut the braid from her head and let it drop to the floor where a Kaalonian rat soldier scurried up and took it away.

"You are a product of my will child, and you shall do as I command." He said as he stocked over around the woman smiling and preparing her for the tasks of what were to come. He would break her, every last part of her he would break.
Ilanthria let out a surprised gasp as he yanked her downward slightly by her braid. Even with the her slight meditation, his twisted voice made small goosebumps appear on her skin. She watched as a piece of her golden hair, her padawan braid, was tossed to the ground and taken away.​
She slowly came back to an upright position, feeling the eyes of all the others boring into her.​
There is no emotion. There is peace....

Dredge smiled again at her pathetic prayers, her Jedi code could not save her from the darkness. Every word and syllable of that forsaken code was nothing to Dredge, simple words that were as feeble and weak as the woman who stood before her. He would correct the mistakes of the Jedi, a creature such as this was destined to do acts of horror. She had a demon within her, everyone did, and when he found that demon he would feed it until it consumed her in hatred and loathing.

"Your prayers are nothing!" Dredge yelled and bore a fist that slammed into the woman's gut with a suck thump.

As she would buckle over in pain he grabbed her by her long flowing hair again to bring her down beneath him. His blood red eyes stared at her and he smiled a sick wolffish grin of jagged fangs. He was going to make her do terrible things.

"Have you ever killed anyone slave?" He asked her as he began to stroke the side of her face gently with the back of free hand, his right hand still pulling and bringing her down beneath him.
Ilanthria grunted as his fist slammed into her stomach. As she bent downward from the blow, he grabbed her by her hair and Forced her to her knees. She coughed a bit, staring up at him. She didn't answer his question. She had killed before, but it had only been to defend others. It had brought her no pleasure at all to take a life whether it had to be done or not.​

Dredge continued to palm the woman's face as he worked subtle uses of the force, draining small pieces of knowledge from her mind on a telepathic working. He began to push a little deeper on her skin letting the jagged iron of his armor cut into the woman's skin. He slowly raked the back of his hand against her right cheek and small trickles of blood ran down her barely clothed body. He continued to stare at her in the eyes as he took what he needed.

"Yes, you're a killer." He said with a grin almost elated over it.

"The peaceful Diathim devoted to healing and love is a killer, you're like me a murderer." He said as he cut her again upon the cheek with his iron finger tips.

"It felt good didn't it? To kill those who hurt you? Who hurt others, to decide to end their life. To force your power onto them, you chose to kill and a little part in you deep inside was happy that you did." Dredge spoke softly before delivering another mighty fist to the Jedi striking her chest to leave a horrible bruise.

"ANSWER ME!!" He yelled not in a tone of anger but pure authority to the woman
Shining silver-ish blood trickled down from Ilanthria's cheek and traveled down her neck. She didn't listen to what he was saying, until he mentioned "the little part inside of her". The part that hated the Jedi and being so docile. The part that would like nothing more than to kill and to usurp. Even with her so heavily suppressing it, she could still feel it.​
When a hard hit came to her chest, Ilanthria cried out and was sent to the floor from the force of it. He demanded a response from her. She picked herself up and gave him her reply.​

Dredge simply chuckled when she said no. He had gotten a word out of her, and that was all he needed to start twisting her. She had acknowledged him. She had answered his question and was forced to think about those she had killed. Her mind was right where dredge wanted it. And with a bit of pain and words he could bring that out in her. And once he did he would make her act on those words, he would make her kill over and over again until it was nothing more than batting an eye.

"You see child, You are a killer. You loved it! You wish you could kill more! To kill people like me, you want to take all the bad in the world all that evil and you don't want to heal their pain! You want to kill them! You want to kill everything they stand for and watch as they die beneath you!!" Dredge raked down harder at her skin and laughed at her.

"YOU WANT TO WATCH THEM DIE!! ADMIT YOU LOVE IT!!" Dredge brought his hand back and with a large blow be back handed the woman to the ground. Shortly after a few graug came into the room and with them they carried a few homeless men.
Ilanthria was being tossed about like a rag doll. She fell back to the floor with a smack, crying out again.​
She said, her breath becoming uneven. She could feel a bruise forming on her face. Her eyes fell on the homeless men being brought into the room.​

"I'll prove it to you right now!" Dredge lifted the woman back and yelled at her, he would have his way whether she knew it or not.

Dredge wrapped a hand around the woman's golden hair and with another powerful blow he punched her dead in the gut before throwing her back down to the ground. Dredge wanted the woman to be very well introduced with the floor. Since she was now his she would learn that every time she defied him and lied there would be repercussions of abuse.

"Kill them one by one!!" Dredge pointed to a single Graug who forced three homeless down to their knees.

Taking a pistol from a holster he took it and put a hole in the first man's head. He fell over dead and soon a blade skittered over to mr he Diathim and dredge smiled at her.

"You can stop it. Just kill him, save them. You know you want to." Dredge backed away and fate was set to see the woman's actions. The Graug laughed and aimed the pistol at the next man's head
Silvery blood appeared on the corners of Ilanthria's lips. Her body was throbbing. She pulled her head up off of the ground only to watch as the second man was shot in cold blood before her eyes. She coughed loudly as her hand slid halfway towards the blade. How could she save one without killing the other? To protect the innocent. That was her duty as a Jedi. Every Jedi knew that protection involved sacrifice.​
This monster claimed that she was a murderer, but he was wrong. To senselessly kill a victim who could not fight and had done no wrong, enjoying what you had done and doing it again. That was murder. This was defending an innocent man who couldn't defend himself.​
She picked up the knife. Using the Force, she suddenly got to her feet and sprinted forward. She lodged the knife into the Graug's heart so fast that he was still smiling when he fell to the floor. The third man was safe.​

The Graug fell to the floor and was dead before he hit the ground, red blood flowed out of him as he twitched and spasmed. Blood pulled around his body and the other Graug, Yuuzhan Vong, and Kaalonians simply laughed at the dead men and falling angel. The homeless man curled up in a ball and began to cry fear running through his body causing him to shut down. Dredge let out a few chuckles and smiled happily at the woman.

"Felt good didn't it? Killing him, saving the man. I can see it in your eyes, the way you move." Dredge spoke as he knelt down by the woman.

Putting his hand on the blade he pulled it from the Graug's chest causing some of the red drops of blood to flick across her face. Tossing it aside he gently ran a hand through her hair and smiled.

"I can see it in your movements child. Those are not the moves of a protector, they are the movements of a predator. You are a hunter, a wolf. You can surly see that. Look at your kill." Dredge snatched the back of her head and forced her to look at the dead Graug. Step one was complete
Ilanthria refused to see it as the monster told her to. She urged that idea from her mind, and any others like it. All that she cared about was the man crying next to her. If she hadn't intervened, he would've died. She pitied him, having to be tortured in this way. Even as the monster had her stare at what she'd done, she focused on the one she'd saved. She sent a small calming sensation through the Force in his direction without looking at him. As she did this, she also attempted to block the monster from her thoughts.​

A low scoff came from Dredge's mouth as he sensed the subtle working of the force the woman was making, she wanted to help the trash. That was cute, so Dredge had an answer for that. With his hand firmly in her golden hair he wrenched at it and pulled it back so her pretty throat was exposed. He was going to break her new reality to her very softly, and very intimately.

"No." He whispered into her ear as he took one of his iron clad fingers and placed it against the side of her throat in a position that looked as if he were coddling her.

"You can not save him child. You can't save anyone anymore, you did what I told you to. And you killed, you killed without a moments thought or hesitation." The finger pressed down and the pale silver blood began to welt at her slender throat.

"I see it inside of you, the hunger, the want, the need to destroy those who would bring harm against you or your friends. I see how badly you want to kill me right now." He softly said as he began to drag the finger down slowly on her flesh moving down her throat.

"No matter how much you say no, no matter how many times you bat your head in defiance, you and I both know there is a primal part of you that hungers. There is an animal in there that wants to take, that wants to kill, let's start feeding that hunger." Dredge smiled and pushed her head back down to look at the bum and a moment later two Graug came to them and helped pin her down.

In a matter of second or two a slug thrower was pressed in her hand and Dredge's arm slithered over hers until he forced her hand to push down on the trigger preparing to fire. Dredge moved to her left side slowly and took a long lick up her neck tasting her blood before softly saying to her.

"Are you ready?" He asked with the gun leveled to the bum's head, another Graug pinning his down.
Ilanthria tried to free herself from the Graug's hold, but that only made them hold her even tighter. The feeling of the monster's tongue slithering up her neck made her want to cringe as far backward as she possibly could. But she wouldn't give him that kind of satisfaction. No. She remained as still as stone when he touched her.​
She would not kill an innocent. She would not kill an innocent. Her will was as strong as his. She focused all of her energy on her index finger. She would use the Force to keep it from moving if that's what it would take. Her eyes would glance directly at the monster's face, a determined glare upon it.​
She would fight him no matter what Hell he threw at her.​

Dredge was amused by the child's will, but at the end of the day that was exactly what she was, a child. She was a child in the face of pure malevolence and evil, she was a domino in the face of a monolith of pure hatred, loathing, and rage. And no matter how much she thought she could match him in a test of will she was wrong. He had ruled the Yuuzhan Vong, commanded armies that burned countless worlds and brought death upon those who dared defy him. The literal darkside Nexus that encompassed his being in the shape of armor and sword began to glow into a red aura. Unlimited darkside energy that flowed out from the creations began to float out from him in a cloud as red and dark freshly pooled blood.

"You can not contest me child, just accept who you are. Accept the darkness into your heart and let it feed that darker part of you. Let it's power nourish you." Dredge softly whispered to the woman and then set the darkside energy to work.

The cloud of red energy from the darkside nexus began to soak into the woman's faint aura of gold. It intertwined and and mingled as the energy was being channeled into her, letting it feed her darker nature. That raw primal hunger that begged to be let out, it was in all beings no matter how sophisticated they claimed to be. We all come from darkness, we are all born in it and it is a familiar place where our base instincts rise from. Dredge let that sink and he slowly began to squeeze down on the trigger with his finger atop her own.

"Do it." He whispered very softly
Her vision began to disorient, swirling with a black smoke. She blinked several times, trying to hold onto her concentration. But it only continued to slip further away from her.​
Ilanthria then felt another standing with them. She looked down at the gun that she and the monster held. A third hand was cupped around hers, its skin a purplish-pale and scattered with black veins. She moved her gaze up the arm until she was staring the being directly in the eyes. Her eyes widened in terror.​
The woman on the other side of Ilanthria stared back with cold, unfeeling corrupted eyes of a startling orange-gold color. Her hair was long and dark, almost writhing from an unseen wind. A black aura permeated from the woman's skin, only adding to her twisted beauty.​
<Let me out>
Ilanthria squeezed her eyes shut. No. This couldn't be real. She couldn't be here. This was just an illusion of the Darkside. The woman didn't even speak as her words filled Ilanthria's head.​
<Let me out>
Why was she reacting this way? This woman didn't exist. She was just a figment of darkness. A conjuration of the monster to make her falter. But as much as Ilanthria wanted to believe this, she knew it wasn't true. This sinister creature couldn't be seen by anyone else but her, but it wasn't an illusion. It was something so much worse.​
<Let me out>
She shook her head violently. All those years she had spent with the Jedi. All the training she had absorbed, bathing herself in the Light. All her preparation had been to suppress this creature. Everything she had done was to keep this woman as deeply buried as she possibly could. Ilanthria had always done so well among her friends, her family. But now.... So surrounded by the darkness....​
<Let me out>
"No..." Ilanthria breathed weakly. This horrible thing. It wasn't a nightmare, or a spirit. It was her. It was the Ilanthria that must never be allowed to exist.​
<Let me out>
Her clouded eyes wandered desperately to the innocent man cowering before her. Tears slowly made their way down her cheeks.​
"N-no...... Please......"
Her voice was small and feeble. As her finger compressed the trigger, her body became limp. Her tears thickened as she began to silently weep for the life she had taken.​

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