Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Fallen - Jedi to Sith Arc (join my character as he falls to the Dark-Side)

"Whispers of temptation echo loudest in the hearts of the lost."​
Come join me as we allow the dark to devour us. I'm creating a new character and I'm looking forward to plotting out his transformation from Jedi to Sith Lord. This won't be some short, cliche overnight plot. I want to see our characters wrestle with the dark until slowly all the light has disappeared. I'm looking for like-minded Jedi Characters to plot with. So we have a small group melded together by the darkness and be seduced by the Sith together. Don't expect this to be fast but expect lots of plotting and character development. So currently, the exact history, details and Jedi faction haven't been decided on.​
Factory Judge
Marcion Caetos Marcion Caetos

What are some of the specifics that you are wanting to try and do? I do agree trying to do it as organic as possible is necessary that way it doesn't "happen overnight." However, there has to be some specific plot points you need to have so then it doesn't keep trailing on and on. Other than falling to the dark side, there has to be a personal reason for it. Loss of love, the world turning against you, something that is the start of what causes it, and then eventually there will be a final straw in which you just accept your fate as a Sith.

I would be willing to facilitate that if you would like. I even have a Sith faction that I just started up. A little small group of writers who want to just write Sith for fun. However, as Most of September I will not be available due to a lot of changes I have coming up, I can't do it right now. When I get back, I would be more than willing to aid you in this endeavor.
Thanks for your input. I was purposely leaving it open-ended to allow us to plot together. I haven't landed on the exact reasons, but I was thinking of a traumatic event that leads to my character questioning his loyalty to the NJO and his opinion on the lightside. I'm keen to see if there are any other Jedi Characters willing to join. I love the idea of a small group leaving the order and exploring the sith and dark side together.

Definitely keen to see how your Sith can be involved in my character's transformation.

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