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Approved Starship The Fallen Judgement

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  • Classification: Starfighter
  • Length: 23 meters from cockpit to tail ends
  • Width: 20 meters from wing tip to wing tip
  • Height: 9 meters tall
  • Armament: High
    • GN-40 Twin Rotating Blaster Cannon x2 - Rapid fire rotating cannons on the front of ship in four placements, two one each side of ship.
    • Proton Torpedos x10 - Two front mounted launchers to attack and two rear mounted launchers for chasers.
    • Reinforced wings - Each wing was reinforced with different alloys to allow it to collide with other starfighters and break through them if shields were disabled on both sides.
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Squadron Count: None: 1
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive: 1.0 Hyperdrive ( akin to Rebel X-Wings)
  • All Standard Features
  • High speeds and extreme Maneuverability makes this ship abnormally agile in combat and when travelling to other planets.
  • The multiple reinforced hull and wing plating lets this ship tank most forms of basic starship weaponry.
  • The various weaponry makes this ship a highly skilled attacker and tactical striker with missiles and blasters of high rapid fire.
  • The duel shields keep this ship defended against most forms of attacks, from laser cannons to missiles. However, each as to be activated independent of each other.
  • Its short height allows this ship to avoid most forms of attacks, navigate asteroid fields and similar situations.
  • The Jammer and Electronic Countermeasure devices allowed this ship to jam the sensors of any ship or station it passed by, with the disadvantages of its high energy spike being removed by the Countermeasure causing it to completely disappear from all forms of tracing. the result would leave sensors unable to pin point both the ship and its high energy signature.
  • The limited engines are usually given extra power, meaning extremely long distances without Hyperdrive would lessen the available distance travelable.
  • Since the ship is dependent on its shields and Chaff flares, it becomes highly vulnerable until shields can be reactivated or repaired.
  • The specific and unique colouration of this ship makes it easy to spot in port.
  • Both the shields, jammer and countermeasure devices all drained power, with limited use.
Having been left on a rock in the middle of the Unknown Region, Malka decided to have a ship of her own to prevent the same fate. Stealing a basic frame from the Kaut Drive Yards company, she slowly modified it over the next few weeks using professionals to build it for her. The ship was designed to take advantage of its small size, compared with destroyers and Frigates, with its defensive systems and offensive weapons acting as the perfect tools for similar to larger sized starships.

The hull was reinforced, knowing that a solid hit against it could spell her end. She had even taken the liberty to have the wings reinforced with multiple alloys to allow it to be used both as a weapon, and highly protected against opposing damage. Whilst with highly minimal storage, Malka couldn't keep much on the ship, which she was highly used to since surviving on barely any sustenance for a decade.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Malka Kaivalya Malka Kaivalya

Very nicely made and detailed submission!
  • I found the original art, so please use this link.
  • Your ratingsa are underpowered (-1), and you wrote sensor jammer and ECM as well, and these are part of the Defences. So I highly recommend that to spend your remaing one point to incase the defences rating to Very High. If you don't want this, in that case please delete the jammer or the ECM from your list.
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