Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The False King's Fall

Xavka bowed his head towards Deus. In the one action he: acknowledged his friend's objections to his plan, showed gratitude for his plans now being utilised as the base of their new plan and accepted the alterations to his proffered tactic. "It would seem that we have a plan set, then. Thank Amina that egos and pride do not seem to overwhelm and control those of us at this table. Preventing us from arguing till the point of anger so that our plan, with no concessions, is chosen."

Falling silent, Xavka turned his attention to the Holographic map laid out before him. Starting slowly as he spoke his thoughts, his voice steadily gaining strength, Xavka spoke up again. His gruff voice once again filling the quiet that had settled over the table that served as the Command Centre on Bridge of the Insurgent. "As for the sabotage team. While I may not be able to offer up a team nor a ship for the team, I can offer up my services. I have within my possession a Stygem based stealth craft and while it is only large enough to carry me, I could very easily transport myself onto the station. With a few other ... ahem, resources which I will not be revealing," for the last few words Xavka's voice hardened and froze, "I can assure you that I will be able to easily walk around the station with no ones knowledge."

Raising a brow where his left eyebrow would be if he was not a Zabrak and, as such, did not only have hair on top of his head, Xavka silently asked for his companions opinion on his offer. His orange gaze, containing the suppressed spark of blood lust and feral instinct, flickered form Human to Bith in askance.

[member="Deus Gor Bel"]
Mira stood, watching. Always watching. She did not speak, but she watched and she listened. People around her talked. Her master told her to come along. She would follow him, as a Padawan should. More people approached. She recognized them. [member="stardust"] and [member="Salvor Arnex"]. She saw the way the latter looked at her as he refused to watch another one of Master's 'pets'. He thought she was just a pet. She stared back at him, not speaking. She had no place to speak here. People talked over her like she wasn't there. She saw the way the looked through her like she wasn't there. She was sick of it. So sick of it. She kept her neutral expression, but was scheming. Someday, she'd be better. Someday, people will see her. Someday, they will respect her. Someday, they won't look through her like she's not there. They won't treat her like she's nothing.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
It was time he bore his own responsibilities, and take action for them. A quick turn around, and a glare came with a few words. "Do not, Warden, call them pets." He hosteled his hands on his lighsabers. "They have done nothing to you, but be there for you. If you wish to insult your allies, and look down upon them.." Romeo stopped in mid sentence as suddenly someone had forced their own docking to the ship. [member="stardust"] comment seemed even more cut off from the irrupt offense, so he nodded to her to acknowledge her. "I dont know the giant walking fish...but Jarvik..I know him." That was a lie, something just told Romeo that this was a real ally.

"I can take Celty with me instead of leaving someone who has access codes to every facility on that planet with you Salvor, is that is what you prefer?"

[member="Salvor Arnex"]

With this, Romeo placed his hand on Mira's head, and smiled. It was true, Romeo had lost a little bit of his sanity, but it was only when he got provoked that one could tell this. Forgive me. Romeo said telepathically to [member="Mira Starwind"]
Stardust had turned to the big walking fish with the face of disgust, she also put a hand on her sith sword as it hummed a gentle warmth"neither I know this person"she said through her teeth looking at him

Stardust stood by @romoe sin waiting for his orders...she'd follow him to the planet and keep him safe...even if he didn't need it

[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Deus Gor Bel"] [member="Salvor Arnex"] @stardust @Xavka Duquo [member="Romeo Sin"]

Ghorua looked around the room at the hostile faces with a smug expression. He'd had bad welcomes, sure, that came with being one of his species, but he had never been met with so much fear and hatred. The thought that people were poking fun at him gave him the strength to retort. "Ghorua the Fish, Bounty Hunter, blockade runner, humble soul. At your service." He bowed deeply, his form shrinking and growing with the motion.

"And," he added, "Maybe I am not a big walking fish, but you are all big tail-less Monkey-Lizards." Ghorua chuckled at his own playful banter. "I mean no disrespect, of course." He totally meant disrespect, but he had to add that if he wanted this job to go past talking to his employers. "If you want confirmation, contact [member="Kira Fenn"]. She hired me for this." He looked over the group, guns still trained on him, waiting for someone to challenge him.
[member="Ghorua the Fish"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Kira Fenn"] @Lots of other people.

"Then do not treat them as such." Salvor snapped back, almost forgetting that there was a giant tresspasser on his bridge. Romeo had that effect on him. Romeo glared and judged Salvor for what? for speaking the truth that he saw? For not finding the need to sweeten up those around him? No, Romeo saw the truth in his words and fought back against them, he could not stand his own failing so he lashed at Salvor in a vain attempt to mend what was already torn. Romeo's hands lingered near his lightsabers and Salvor wished him fool enough to attempt an attack on the warden's own ship, allowing Salvor to claim the head of two kings.

Salvor ignored the comment concerning Celty Toligan, how valuable could her knowledge possibly be? The Dynasty had been in the pretender's hands for nearly a year, it was impossible to think he hadn't changed the codes to everything, esspecially knowing people like Salvor, Celty and the others still lived. No, theVhala had little value to him, especially if he was expected to hold her hand through a war.

Salvor turned his attention back to the intruder and the holopad in his hand.

"No, but I did not hire you." He responded to the Herglic's quip about being held at blaster point.
"Kira Fenn." Salvor said outloud but to himself. "That name means nothing to me. Kill him." Salvor commanded his soldiers.

"Warden." piped up one of his guardsmen. "He says he can bust the blockade. Why not let him?"

Salvor turned his head just slightly to look at Keev'a, the guard who spoke.

"If he fails, he dies, if he doesn't, were get on the planet and you can kill him there." Keev'a wemt on.

"Fine." Salvor said. " Do you hear that Herglic. You've been given a chance at life. Return to your ship and break this blockade like you claim you can, and you may keep your life."
[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Mira Starwind"] [member="Romeo Sin"] and @ERRRBODY else

The Zabrak's sudden decision to kill him was unexpected, to say the least. This was shaping up to be the worst job Ghorua had ever taken. He was just about to draw his vibroknife and grab a hostage when one of the guards spoke up. They wanted him to bust the blockade. He didn't know if the Whalebone could stand up to an entire blockade of this size, but Ghorua was willing to try. He'd modded his ship with heavy forward cannons, advanced proton torpedoes, and a souped-up deflector shield that could rival a Star Destroyer's. Granted, he sacrificed practically all of his cargo space in the renovation, but he figured that he would need big guns if he wanted to succeed as a hunter.

"Yeah, I can do it. But, I can only cripple the defense. You'll have a short window of attack while I kark them up. They'll focus on me, and that'll be your go. Now, if I could please get back to my ship without any more death threats, that would be lovely." With that, he waved to everyone in the room nonchalantly, and started plodding his way back to the Whalebone, presumably with an escort to make sure he didn't go anywhere else.
This was a mess. The entire thing was a mess. People had blasters trained on [member="Ghorua the Fish"]. Why? He was only trying to help, and everyone else was treating him like he had just killed a man. He probably did, but no one affiliated with the Dynasty. When he mentioned [member="Kira Fenn"], Mira still didn't say anything. But she was thinking. She knew that name, she had seen it on the holotablet [member="Romeo Sin"] possessed. She knew who the other woman was. The future Queen. They were threatening the man that the Queen herself had hired as her own blockade runner.

It was stupid. So very stupid. Forgive me. The voice of her master rang in her head as she felt his hand resting on her. The feeling of the touch no longer made her flinch. She was slowly healing from her past abuse. Stepping away from her master, she stepped forward into the circle that had formed around the Queen's own. She was aware of each blaster, of each feeling of anger and tension and hatred, even a little fear, that hung in the air like a dust cloud. She wasn't afraid though. She knew that if any man hurt her, they would have the entire rage of the Sin family raining down on them.

Left. Right. Step. Step. Steadily, she approached Ghorua. She didn't hate him. She wasn't mad he had forced his way on board. She wasn't afraid of him. Reaching out, she laid a small hand on his large, webbed one. "Good luck. I know you can do it." She smiled. She rarely smiled anymore. The smile that held lost innocence, but the light of hope and understanding. However, if you looked hard enough into her eyes, you would see something much darker. She smiled. Smiled for the fish everyone was so eager to shoot. Smiled for the one everyone hated.

Keeping that smile up, she watched him turn and plod away. Then she turned herself, returning to her master's side.

[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="stardust"]
Romeo shook his head, and turned around to walk off the bridge, noticing the change in Mira, he cocked his head some, his hair falling to the side as well. He wonder what had changed in her, he wondered if a lot was going to change, and for the better. Salvor, who had changed in his own way was still clashing against Romeo, he knew something was going to happen, and soon, between the them.

"There is an underground base that Romeo had installed underneath the Shadow Keep, it goes straight into the throne room behind the throne. No one would be able to find it unless you knew it was there. No one knows it is there. There is another entry point where it rains constantly. We can get in from there, and work our way to the throne room."

Celty was saying to Salvor as she sat down where Romeo had been. She looked up at the Zabrak with a patient look.

"We can either watch you to fight over shit that doesn't matter, or we can do what we came here to do Arnex. Be a man, and let us focus on what is at hand."

Her tone of voice changed to something much more stern, and professional.

Meanwhile Romeo was making his way to the hangar of the ship, a new slate black mask over his face. He cursed in his native language under his breath as he made his trip.

"I do not understand him Mira, I do not know why he hates me so. I have done all I can to give him my affection, and love. Still, I am no closer to a friendship with Salvor than I was five years ago."

His voice came out in a distorted pitch that was deeper than normal.

"What do you two think? Star? Mira?"
[member="Mira Starwind"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Kira Fenn"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
[member="Ghorua the Fish"]
[member="Xavka Duquo"]

"A Stygem-based stealth craft," Deus repeated, his arms drawn back to cross over his dark-clad chest, weathered and worn by time and battle; his eyes were heavy, for in such reality, where the momentum of choice drew his necessity, the familiar weight of responsibility laid heavy upon him as a burden - he felt as if aged an additional decade in mere moments. "Only you; that is a heavy price to pay - a lone saboteur is a dangerous weapon, and a double-edged sword. There are both benefits and risks to such a task, and operating as a team is much more preferable - but I will honor your suggestion upon reason; you, alone, will take far longer than a team, and, as such, our allies will be put in further danger. The defense fleet will jump prematurely to draw their fire, to reduce casualties, we'll also involve additional infiltration using smaller craft should you take too long - I've taken liberty to recruit a few squad's worth of talented marines; you, on the other hand, will be expected to disable no less than three of the main functions, as discussed here, obtain a map dictating the layout of the station, all before our fleet is annihilated. From there the additional defense-oriented frigates, now treated as reinforcements, will jump to the station and our original strategy will commence."

The Fleet Commander began to pace along the length of the table, nodding his head in approval; there was a whir - a strong, mechanical noise - and, suddenly, a small figure nearly crashed into the table. A small agromech droid, steel blue and screeching oddly; Deus sought to introduce him, "R4-68, you'll take him with you." The droid beeped in response, honking, "Arfor = pleasure to meet. // R4 = ready for action!"

"Shut up," interrupted Deus before continuing; "Anyways, we'll be able to hold our own for a decent amount of time - though we'll maintain a fair bit of causalities. I'll also be present in the initial assault, to boost moral and to show my support to the cause; nothing would be more self-destructive than to hide once my own forces reach their places upon the front. Though I'm not as suicidal to take the brunt of the enemy fire - the frigates shall do so for me, you have a very, very, rigid time frame in which the mission must be completed entirely; and once you're done, we'll begin the attack immediately, so you better be a good runner as well. Every step you take will help us make a push in the battle, so what I place upon you is no mere mission; it is the lives of every single one of us involved, including those below - you are being given the keystone mission to our success and if you fail, we all do." Perhaps an exaggeration, for Deus was of no simple mind; he kept his true resources hidden, from all, and perchance even himself; he sought for the future, and saw only their survival as strength to the future's degree of naval might - such was his passion and his true mission. Meanwhile, Arfor plugged into the table and the holographic images began to move with startling accuracy, strategically and statistically playing out the mission before them with the provided information.

"To summarize, we'll fething-"

"Language, sir," interrupted Plathiss.

"Thank you, Plathiss," replied Deus calmly before repeating himself: "To summarize, we'll begin by dispatching Xavka Duquo aboard his Stygem-based stealth craft, given an undisclosed amount of equipment, in addition to what he wills to requisition from our quartermaster, and will infiltrate the enemy station, which we will designate as Prime - as in the primary target, but to be fair, it sounds far more epic and it compliments the heroism of our mission." He blinked at himself. "From there the Insurgent, with myself aboard, in addition to three Ritoru-class Light Frigates and two Shadow-class Corvettes will jump here." And so it was, with the six models popping into frame in the given position, a few good klicks from Prime but close enough to engage the blockade, and unite with their fellow ships. "We'll press the enemy fleet - these ships are designed to take heavy damage - and the corvettes will annihilate enemy bombers with the assistance of our given squadrons; they will largely be composed of volunteers, but it will be of no concern - they all will request to come out of patriotism. We'll get our ground forces to the planet, through the blockade and buy you some time - while they're focused on us they should be less concerned about internal security; you'll cripple as much as you can within the time frame without getting spotted, and you'll retrieve for us plans detailing the stations composition using the droid."

By this time, upon the map, two of the frigates and one corvette had shattered, and their holographic skeletons gently descended towards the planet's surface in ominous fashion; it was a sight that struck a grim cord with Deus, but one not expressed, and certainly not unexpected. "Once your job is done, three additional Ritoru-class frigates will jump in triangular formation around Prime, each at different levels, and will assail the station with unbidden firepower. The attack will certainly warrant part of the fleet's attention and will grant us less resistance on our end - once the enemy has once again been successfully distracted, our side will be bolstered by additional light frigate reinforcements and two Hanzai-class Heavy Cruisers will jump into the fray on your end and attack the critical weak points outlined during your espionage. I would greatly encourage you to board one of the vessels soon after and offer your assistance repelling potential boarding parties." One of the Hanzai cruisers exploded upon the map. "Preferably not that one. By that point make the assumption we've disabled - not destroyed - Prime. You and the offensive fleet will crush the remaining enemy forces between the stalwart defense fleet, locked in wedge formation to pierce whatever lines of defense they build, and will crush them. Meanwhile our additional, cheap, transport crafts will ferry our remaining, surprise soldiers to the surface to bolster the ground offensive and secure us some medals. The enemy fleet will be destroyed and our expected losses for this campaign are at-"

A holographic number appeared upon the map, visible to all present advisers, which Deus announced quietly with solemn tone, "Thirty-five point six repeating percent."
Stardust walked along side Romeo face forward, a lot has changed with her, her usual boumcy seof had been replaced with a serious one, even the way she walked told that, however she bad become stronger in the force

He is a hard man Romeo...even with Mr he has the same attitude "she said as she looked over to him"I don't understand him one bit and it annoys me greatly" she said as she looked forward again"however, he has his moments"she said and grinned lightly

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Mira Starwind"]
Her master was questioning her now, wondering what to do about [member="Salvor Arnex"]. She didn't know what to do. She wasn't one to give advice. She was only 10. What did her master want her to say? At least [member="stardust"] had some advice. Mira did not know how to reply. So she stayed silent. She could feel [member="Romeo Sin"]'s pain, his frustration at this lost opportunity for a friendship. His voice was distorted too. Mira hoped it didn't mean anything to be worried about. She remained silent, observing everything that happened around her.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

This planet had been boring ever since Ren arrived. He wasn't able to find a job yet so money was starting to run low. After awhile of searching the town for jobs, he started to notice something was odd. The planet at first glance seemed odd already, but some parts were quiet and even destroyed. As he walked, he saw fliers mentioning something about a resistance. Something peaked his interest. Resistances probably didn't give compensation, but he should aid them if they appear just in case.

Ren stood in the middle of the street staring at the sky wondering when he'd find work again. Just after that thought, an older man tugged on his shoulder sleeve. Was he begging? Ren decided to hear him out. The man smiled and said "Fight with us!". Ren was confused. Who was us? And why did he ask him. Was it his armor or his lightsaber? He didn't know. "Fight who old man?" his question was answered with "You'll know when the skies are lit up with a blazing battle." What was that supposed to mean, is what filled his head. The man later ran off after his answer. "A blazing battle huh?"

Ren thought this place defiantly has its problems. He guessed there'd be a battle in the sky from what the man said. If that was the case, should he join the battle? His YTA-2150 was only a few miles away, so running to it wouldn't be a problem. Too many decisions, he thought. Ren leaned back onto the side of a building and waited for the battle in the sky.
Tiberius Rex had lost himself (and his friends and family) in the last few months when he mysteriously withdrew from all interactions and kept to himself in his modest little cabin on the outskirts of the capital. Not to say that Rex had retired from freelancing, he had continued his workout regimen to make sure he stayed in shape. But if it wasn't for the fact that he constantly maintained his armor it would have gathered dust on it since the last time he put it on to go to work. Since the bounty hunter had become a bit of a hermit he had let other aspects of his physical appearance become more relaxed now having quite a fearsome beard on his face when normally he was always clean shaven to have a more professional appearance.

As Tiberius got up out of bed he took a nice long stretch yawning as he did. On his walk to the bathroom he scratched his face and started to wonder why he just stopped shaving and decided he needed to do something with his life again to give him a purpose to shave. After doing his business Tiberius walked over to sink to wash his hand, looking in the mirror at himself he mumbled "Ah Rex...look at ya" he scratched his beard once more. "First thing I need to do is shave before anything else" he wasn't quite sure when he picked up the habit of talking to himself but he figured as long as he didn't answer himself he was okay.

Finishing his shave Tiberius looked at himself in the mirror and felt his now smooth face, "much better" he said with a smirk. Rex walked over to where his armor was stacked neatly and picked up his helmet. Looking into the "T" shaped visor for a moment he recalled some good times and absent mindedly felt a scratch on his helmet that he got from a close call with a rather nasty bounty who didn't want to go peacefully. "I suppose I should see how the Shadow Empire is doing in my absences...or whatever it's called, [member="Romeo Sin"] could never make up his mind after all". Tiberius smirked once more thinking of one of his oldest friends, " I wonder what that crazy guy has got himself into since I'm not there to keep him in check".

Rex donned his armor as he prepared to go into the capital, fastening his belt on which holds his holstered twin pistols he took his weapons out and gave them a quick spin to make sure he still had his speed...he did. Tiberius mounted his speeder bike and gave one last glance at his secluded abode wondering if he would ever make it back here or not before he sped away to the capital. The closer Tiberius got to the heart of the capital the more he noticed how empty it was like something big was about to happen. Finally spotting someone in the near abandoned city. Pulling up his speeder to the confused figure ([member="Gren Reaper"]) he stopped and asked "hey! Do you know what's going on here?"
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

The skies didn't seem to be blazing yet, so Ren began to think the old man was crazy. Something caught his eye in the distance though. A blockade. He remembered seeing it as he entered the planet. Before entering the planet's atmosphere, you usually have to get through them. Whether it's by force or by clearance.

Just then, a speeder bike came speeding in Ren's direction. The force didn't warn him of any danger so he figured the driver wasn't planning any attack. Once it came to a stop, the driver began to talk. What seemed to be a man, asked him if he knew what was going on there. If he was being honest, he didn't know what he was even talking about. Nothing seemed to be happening either on ground or in the sky so he was confused. "No." he kept it short. He kept his eyes on the armored man as they conveyed words.
[member="Mira Starwind"]

A large ship with a circle near the bridge finally jumped out of hyperspace with a ping Romeo's ear, "Captain Sin, the Ryuk has arrived, we are ready to retrieve you on your command." A male bridge officer reported in. Romeo nodded to the two and rubbed the back of his head. "There are more pressing matters...let us focus." Romeo turned into a door that opened to the hangar. "Send us shuttle Lieutenant Uriel, we will be there shortly. Have my robe prepared as well." Romeo turned to his apprentice, his expression hidden behind the mask. "Mira. How are you feeling?"

Meanwhile as Romeo spoke, Uriel prepared a shuttle that then exited the Ryuk, and docked on Salvor's ship. When it did, it opened a landing hatch, and the Drakon Regiment came out in lined unison. Their weapons shouldered, and back straight. They were Romeo's best.

[member="Salvor Arnex"]
"You deep thought about something." Romeo continued as the shuttle made it's way in.
Stardust nodded to Romeo and looked forward and stayed in step with him"for now the false king is all that matter "she said and then looked to Mira with a smile" she's grown a bit huh"she said with a chuckle

She listened to Romeo speak and kept quiet till he stopped speaking"indeed... I do feel as if something is bothering her....though I can't tell what

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Mira Starwind"]
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
Ghorua walked up to the Whalebone, breathing a sigh of relief as he did. That conversation was too intense. It had just begun to sink in that he could've easily been killed, and may be a dead man walking already. To steady his large, shaking hands, he resorted to cleaning the forward cannons, making sure the singes on the metal didn't mess with his firing capabilities. Considering the job he was just forced to take, he would need his guns to shoot straight. Aware of the many eyes on him, he tried to keep up his "tough guy" attitude, cursing whenever he got black on his hands. This let his mind wander to the little girl.

How was it that she was one of the trusted few on this ship? She couldn't be more than twelve. The weirdest part of it all, however, was her reaction to him. No one ever pitied him, ever. He was a giant Herglic. Young kids like her should be running in fear, not offering him support. He was so surprised by the girl that he didn't offer any reply when she touched his hand. There had to have been a reason for her compassion. No one was nice to him out of the kindness of their heart.

Working on the mechanics, he saw a shuttle dock, and many well-oiled soldiers marched out. None of them even gave him a second look. These guys are the real deal, Ghorua thought, tightening the cables under his weapons array. I'll show them. I'll take down this blockade, and I'll make that horn-head respect me, and I will get my credits...

In his fervor, Ghorua had accidentally coiled a wire too tight. The electrical grid sent a shower of sparks over the Herglic, making him curse even more. This made a few soldiers look over in surprise, but none of them faltered. Ghorua was angry now, but he decided against starting beef with the soldiers. The Herglic was already treading on thin ice. I have more important things anyways. Like not dying to a blaster cannon in the cockpit.

[member="Mira Starwind"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"]
They kept moving as the Ryuk approached Salvor's ship. Mira watched through the window as a smaller transport detached from the Ryuk, making its way towards them. Mira was so focused on the approaching transport, that she hardly registered that someone was speaking to her. After a few seconds, they broke through, and she looked over at the one speaking; her master. He was asking if she was alright. Was she alright? Him and [member="stardust"] suspected something was on her mind. Were they right? Yes. Would she tell them? No.

Stardust then commented on how much she's grown, but said it to [member="Romeo Sin"] of course. Mira didn't have the respect and privilege to be addressed directly like a normal human. That would come. Soon, it would come.

But not now. Now she had to be patient. So she shook her head, her eyes staring into the empty pits of Romeo's mask.

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