Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Family Business

Gallinore, Hapes Cluster
Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell & Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"The Nomad" Commercial Heavy Freighter descended gracefully onto the landing pad, its powerful thrusters kicking up a light cloud of dust as it settled down on the surface of Gallinore. This was Balun's first visit to the planet, but the thought of meeting his father and brother at Makai's homestead brought a sense of familiarity to the otherwise alien landscape. As the loading ramp extended with a mechanical hiss, Balun stepped down into the cool midday breeze, pausing briefly to absorb his surroundings. His eyes roamed with curiosity, taking in the new sights while he adjusted to the rhythm of this unfamiliar world.

Both Judah and Makai had long been entrenched in the corporate sphere, a path Balun had once been adamant about avoiding. When he had first learned of his family's involvement in business, he had instinctively recoiled, as if joining them was some unspoken requirement for acceptance. This unvoiced insecurity had echoed in the back of his mind for years, feeding his reluctance. But over time, spending more moments with his father and brother, Balun's perspective began to shift. He found himself intrigued by the work they did, though his experience lay elsewhere.

Balun had carved his own path in salvaging—his pride came from the two starships he had discovered and meticulously refurbished with the help of his master, Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire , and his father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell . Both the S-91x Pegasus and The Nomad gleamed with renewed life, thanks to the long hours of labor and dedication he had poured into them. It sparked an idea in him—perhaps this passion for restoration could become something more. Maybe, just maybe, it could be the key to earning some real credits, a way to forge his own place in the galaxy.
Gallinore, Hapes Cluster
Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Judah had been waiting on the edge of the landing pad for Balun to arrive. This had been the old salvager's first visit to the Hapes Cluster and to his son's lake house as well. So far he noted the climate was a little cooler than he would have expected Makai to settle on. It wasn't anything horrible, but when one was used to balmy, tropical temperatures it was quite the change of pace. It caused him to wonder why Makai had chose the world and the Hapes Cluster, but a question for another time.

All three were assembling to go over some business matters. The corporate world had been exploding lately, especially with the Dark Empire embargo and several governments trying to pop up. A real surprise was the re-emergence of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a name Judah personally hadn't heard in a long time. It seemed everyone wanted to take advantage of the unrest in the galaxy and emerge at once.

Pushing off from the speeder, Judah met Balun halfway from the vessel, pulling the boy into a hug. Briefly of course, Judah did remember how teenage boys tended to act with displays of affection from their parents.

"Thanks for coming out this way. I know its not the Tingel Arm...I've never been here myself either. Got us a speeder though to make the final leg of the journey. I trust all is well?"
Pushing off from the speeder, Judah met Balun halfway from the vessel, pulling the boy into a hug. Briefly of course, Judah did remember how teenage boys tended to act with displays of affection from their parents.

"Thanks for coming out this way. I know its not the Tingel Arm...I've never been here myself either. Got us a speeder though to make the final leg of the journey. I trust all is well?"

As Balun was drawn into the embrace of his father, he returned the gesture with a hesitant, one-armed half-hug. It was a clumsy, restrained response, as if he was offering affection without wanting to appear too soft. His father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , understood this well. It wasn't that Balun didn't appreciate his father's affection—on the contrary, he did. But allowing someone to get this close to him was rare, even for family.

The only person who had ever gotten a full, unguarded hug from Balun was Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil . They had been inseparable since the age of five, or thereabouts. They had grown up together, and Nouqai had been the one person Balun trusted without question for years. Though he had grown closer to his father and brother, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , over time, accepting his place within the family, there was still a quiet distance. Room for growth.

"Shouldn't I be thanking you? Didn't Makai tell you that I asked him if we could all meet here?" Balun grinned as he pulled back from his father, his unease bubbling up as he tried to shrug it off. His smile was a mask, hiding the insecurity he couldn't shake, masking it with a playful air. "Yeah, I'm doing okay. Can't complain much. Things have been quiet since Lothal."

His father's inquiry about his well-being touched on the aftermath of the battle of Lothal—a brutal affair. The lull that followed felt uneasy, and Balun knew the peace was only temporary. It was just a matter of time before either the Coalition or the Empire of the Lost made their next move. For now, though, he was trying to enjoy the brief calm before the storm.

As they approached the speeder, Balun ran a hand approvingly along its sleek surface. With a mischievous smirk, he turned to his father. "You gonna let me drive?" It wasn't just a question—it was a playful challenge, almost daring his father to give in.
"Quiet on your end maybe."

Very different on his. The roughing up on Mek-sha with Azula Tindara Azula Tindara had led to his shoulder being re-injured and leading to surgery and recovery. He hadn't told Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell yet, the teenager had been traumatized by Lothal and didn't need more on his plate to worry about. Things were running fine now, he was completely healthy and back on the business circuit.

"Sure, go ahead and drive. Navigation is already programmed to where we need to go."

Judah was certain it was going to be a scenic drive so he might as well sit back and relax. Forests and a distant mountain chain would provide a sweeping vista on their journey. The old salvager slipped into the passenger seat, slipping on his seat belt and relaxing against the leather as Balun situated himself inside the speeder. Judah was sure if the boy could pilot a vessel he could navigate to the lake home successfully.

His conversation went back to the subject at hand.

"No, I did not. I know Makai is sticking close to this sector so I figured he asked you to come here. I think we're both aware that you are busy in the Tingel Arm. Isn't always easy to come out this way in the Inner Rim and get things done. Its funny to think this region is becoming more quiet than the reaches of nowhere."
Balun smirked, savoring the small victory. With a practiced, fluid motion, he leaped effortlessly into the driver's seat, both legs swinging over the door in one swift movement. He landed smoothly, as if the showy maneuver had been rehearsed countless times before. With a flick of his wrist, the speeder's thrusters roared to life, the exhaust shafts clearing with a sharp burst. The vehicle settled into a steady, low hum, its power vibrating through the frame as energy coursed from the engine to the rear thrusters and the repulsorlifts.

"Things are pretty chaotic in the Tingel Arm right now," Balun began, his voice calm despite the turmoil he described. "But the beauty of my position is that I can come and go as I please. I'm not officially tied to the Jedi, but I'm not exactly outside the Coalition either. They value my help, but I'm free to follow my own path. And right now, with their resources stretched thin, I think they'll take any support they can get."

Though fiercely loyal to the Tingel Arm Coalition, Balun had found his independence after leaving the New Jedi Order. He relished the freedom, thriving on the ability to make his own choices, to roam where and when he wanted. He fought for the Coalition's cause because he believed in it, but his heart now belonged to something deeper: his family. Judah and Makai Dashiell were his anchor, the people who mattered most. The Coalition could endure without him, but Balun wasn't sure he could survive without his father and brother, now that he had finally found where he belonged.

With his father settled beside him, Balun tightened his grip on the controls and slammed down on the accelerator. The speeder lurched forward, a plume of smoke and dust kicking up behind them as they were thrust back into their seats. The wind howled around them, but Balun gave no quarter, his focus sharp as the Force guided his instincts. The speeder raced forward recklessly, following the coordinates on the nav display.

"I forgot to ask!" Balun shouted over the roar of the thrusters and the whipping wind, a mischievous grin breaking across his face. "You don't have any heart problems, do you?" He let out a sudden laugh, his voice carried away by the rush of their wild ride toward Makai's residence.
"Hey, you don't have to leap into the speeder. I'm not one of your little girlfriends needing to be impressed."

Judah rolled his eyes ever so slightly. He wasn't sure who Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell was trying to impress because it was only the two of them. If there were times that he was reminded that, fundamentally, Bale was a seventeen year old kid, this was one of them. Of course, Judah was fine but the road did twist and bend in some locations, especially as they drew closer to the large lake where the home was situated.

Unbuckling himself, Judah stretched a little as he got out of the speeder. Hand smoothed his shaggy hair, fixing it into something more manageable given the drive over. It hadn't been incredibly long, maybe twenty minutes with the last three going a (little) more slowly through Makai's neighborhood of stately lake mansions.

Ocean blue eyes took in their surroundings. This was his first trip to the Hapes Cluster, to Gallinore, and to Makai's home. He knew it was a hideaway for the pair right after their honeymoon. His eldest son had mentioned the privacy and the fact the Hapes Cluster was historically safe. Given the unrest in the galaxy, it wasn't an unwise move to have property within the mists.

"Got that out of your system?"

He chuckled a little, motioning they should head to the decks and the front of the house.

"Hey, this is a family neighborhood."

Makai had, naturally, been alerted to the speeders presence even before his security system alerted him to a speeder in the drive. He had been working in his office, keeping quiet while Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell slept soundly upstairs. It seemed a whole house aromatherapy system and the sound of crashing waves being played on every in-ceiling speaker in the house, coupled with weak tea and dry toast and a ton of medications were making things slightly better. Very slightly. Most days his wife didn't leave their room.

It only made sense Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell and Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell come to him. With Ellie sick and Persephone having her col'n termi classes twice a week, they had settled in on Gallinore as their main residence until something changed. Makai was only leaving the Hapes Cluster for ultra-important work, such as the conference with the Confederacy. At the very least, it was giving him a chance to nearly focus all his attentions on his Hapan expansion and family.

The half-Galan met his father and brother, looking every inch a frat boy emerging from the house instead of a business owner and someone's husband. A pink 'Mom's Day' shirt and gray sweatpants, coming to meet the pair half-way. He pulled his father into a hug first then Bale, not doing the brief thing like Judah, his brother would have to suffer.

"You two good? Find the place okay? Come on inside, I figured we can work at the dining room table."
Balun chuckled softly as he stepped out of the speeder, glancing over at his father with a playful glint in his eye. "Thought I'd show you I know my way around a speeder," he said, his voice laced with pride and confidence. He spoke as though he had something to prove, yet the casual tone made it clear he was pleased with himself. Despite the bond still forming between him and Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , father and son were learning more about each other every day—from skills in the field to personal quirks. Balun, once a stranger in many ways, was quickly becoming the loyal son Judah had always hoped for, though his rebellious streak was ever present.

"Looking sharp, bro!" Balun called out to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , his voice carrying a playful edge, followed by a quick snort of laughter. As he and Judah made their way toward the homestead, Balun's teasing tone gave way to genuine awe. "Chit, man, your place is incredible," he admitted, glancing at Judah as if to say he was stunned by the estate he hadn't even known existed. It was clear to him that the Dashiell family's hard work had paid off, leaving him to marvel at just how well-off they truly were.

"Thanks for the invite," Balun added sincerely, stepping closer to clap a hand on Makai's shoulder. "I'll behave myself this time, despite the wild ride over," he grinned, then turned to wave Judah inside with the confidence of someone far too comfortable in someone else's house. His excitement was evident, and though he possessed manners, they seemed to be temporarily misplaced in the joy of being in the company of both his father and brother.

"The dining room sounds perfect. I've got an idea I'd love to run by you both!"
"Thanks, at least I don't look like I took a vow of celibacy. No wonder why you're single."

Makai gave a small chuckle at his own joke. He wasn't sure what exactly the big brother-little brother dynamic was supposed to be like. Sure he had friends and he had been in the fraternity for all four years of university. Still, it wasn't the same as a blood relations. The half-Galan wasn't sure how far to push things since they both were still feeling one another out.

"Just do me a favor and don't get too wild. Ells is sleeping, although she shouldn't hear our regular conversation with the playlist going. Your niece is giving her a hard time."

Walking back into the house, Makai used his datapad to turn the volume of the Crashing Waves and Sunny Beachside playlist in the dining room, kitchen, and living room. They would still hear it in the background as it filtered from the upstairs and lower hallways, but low enough to talk and conduct business.

"You guys want caf? Tea? We've got tons of tea now...Plenty of snacks laying around too, feel free to poke around. Make yourself at home."

The half-Galan moved to put on a pot of caf, needing the dark liquid to wake up a little. He tried not to drink it around his wife anymore either, the smell was just a trigger. No more lazy days in bed drinking caf and relaxing. He firmly stuck to water upstairs now.

"This playlist is familiar..."
his father trailed off, trying to place it.

"Recorded on Dac, our old house. Or near or old house. Reminds me of being an idiot kid again, Ellie likes it." The dining room was open next to the expansive kitchen as Makai waited for his caf to perk. "Surprised you wanted to meet up here Bale."
Judah watched the two banter. It was nice to see the two getting along - the old salvager knew things could have went one of two ways. Easy going, like it seemed to be now, or Makai, being older, may not have been interested in fostering some type of relationship. Either way, despite everything still being in the beginning stages, he suspected the pair would turn out just fine.

Shutting the door behind him quietly, he took in the space. The first time he had visited the home his son and daughter-in-law had built as a joint venture. It seemed spending more time in one spot was lending itself to a rather homey space, spotting family holos and knick-knacks slowly filling in the space that was no doubt his son's doing given Myra's current state. Yet it looked like a seamless blend of the pair, which he didn't expect anything else given how close they were.

After asking his question about the playlist, Judah settled down at the dining room table, already noticing some of Makai's work piled at one end. Perhaps something he needed to go over. Or just overflow from the office. He knew that all too well.

"I'll take some caf."

I've got an idea I'd love to run by you both!

"An idea for both of us? So important we came all the way out to Gallinore?"
"Thanks, at least I don't look like I took a vow of celibacy. No wonder why you're single."

Balun's grin stretched wide, brimming with amusement, as a chuckle slipped past his lips in response to his big brother's banter. This felt right—an easy exchange between them, laced with good humor. It was the kind of moment that signaled Balun was growing on his brother, that they were beginning to act like true siblings. The joy on Balun's face was impossible to miss as he dismissed the teasing with a playful flick of his left hand.

"Oh chit, I'm sorry," he suddenly apologized when Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell mentioned that Ells was sleeping upstairs. "Don't worry, we'll keep it down," he added with a warm smile. Balun hadn't met his brother's other half yet, but there would be time for that. What little he knew about raising kids told him it was no small feat, and it sounded like Makai's wife needed the peace and quiet. Balun certainly wasn't about to disrupt that for her.

As they stepped into Makai's estate, Balun nodded at the offer of caf. "Caf sounds good to me, thanks, bro," he agreed, his eyes sweeping across the impressive home. It was stunning—grand and beautiful, but without being ostentatious. It seemed like the perfect place for Makai to raise a family. Balun couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, glad to be part of this life, proud of his brother, a self-made man providing for his loved ones. Being here, being a part of that success, made Balun genuinely happy for him.

"Surprised you wanted to meet up here Bale."

"An idea for both of us? So important we came all the way out to Gallinore?"

Balun smirked to himself as he strolled into the dining area, sliding into a seat at the table, just as Makai had suggested. A faint hint of amusement danced in his eyes, especially as he caught the surprise in Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's voice when they both asked what the meeting was about.

"Yeah, this is as much a family matter as it could be a personal opportunity for me," Balun began, leaning back comfortably. "Talking about it at one of our places seemed like the best choice—somewhere private, where we can speak freely without anyone else around. And since you needed to be here, bro, this made the most sense." His tone was casual yet confident, the weight of the conversation tempered by the ease of being in a familiar space with family.

"I'll wait for you both to sit down first—you might need it," Balun teased with a sly grin, the amusement barely contained in his voice. He knew what he was about to say would completely shock them, especially given how adamantly he had resisted the idea of going to university or stepping into the business world.

The thought of their reactions filled him with quiet satisfaction. Balun's shift in mindset wasn't just about finding common ground with his family; he wanted to make them proud. This was a full turnaround, one they'd never see coming. But beyond that, there was something thrilling about taking an old path, one he had once dismissed, and reshaping it into something entirely his own.
"Yeah, its pretty quiet here when teenagers aren't speeding through the community."

Grabbing some mugs and grabbing creamer out of the conservator, he placed the items with some sugar and spoons in the middle of the table. He listened to Balun speak, more curious with each word the teenager spoke. With the caf done perking, he brought the pot over and poured a serving for each of them before returning the pot back to the kitchen to keep it warm on the maker. Knowing himself, barely half-way through the conversation he would need another mug full.

"I'll wait for you both to sit down first—you might need it," Balun teased with a sly grin, the amusement barely contained in his voice.

"At least I can confidently say you didn't get any girls pregnant. Those robes alone are like instant birth control."

The half-Galan added creamer and sugar before looking upstairs, listening for a second before sitting down. Wearing his intelligent chronometer, it would alert him if Ellie sent a message needing something or just wanted him to come upstairs. Satisfied for the moment, Makai sat down and immediately began sipping the drink.
Judah perked an eyebrow, pouring some cream into his caf and swirling it around with his spoon as he listened to Balun speak. Each word was making him nervous. While the two Dashiell heirs only shared himself as a common genetic denominator, it seemed they both had a penchant for causing him stress. Both in slightly different ways, but the way Balun was phrasing things it didn't seem like it was going to be a positive conversation.

More like one where more gray would scatter through his hair. Judah was confident since meeting his youngest son he had gained quite a few more - add in the fact he was going to be a grandfather in less than a year, the salt-and-pepper was certainly spreading. Not that he minded, he noticed Azula Tindara Azula Tindara checking him out a little more often than not.

"Remember Balun, just because I don't have heart problems doesn't mean they can't develop. Just...deliver the news carefully."
Balun laughed abruptly, leaning back into the dining chair looking up at Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell as he brought the cup of Caf to the table, "Well chit, I'm glad to see you haven't lost your edge here in this cozy life of yours" Balun remarked, "Don't want you getting fat and lazy on us now". Bale was enjoying this greatly, almost too much that he considered also leaving their father in agonising suspense a time longer.

Raising both hands against the table, fingers outstretched, Balun lowered his head to pause and consider how he was to explain this idea of his. It was largely more of a proposition and one that relied on the approval of Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell more than anything. "Jokes aside though, thanks again Makai. I'll get onto it before Dad curls over on your dining room floor" Balun turned to glance to their Father with a grin.

Once the moment had passed, the humour fading from his face, Balun set his mind to the reason they were all there.

Turning to look to Judah, Balun began to explain himself; "Dad, a while back you wanted me to consider what I'm doing with my life, where I'm going and what options were out there. So far, I've been getting to know you both a lot better, and a bit about your businesses too" he spoke as though he were already trying to convince their father to agree, despite not knowing what he would be agreeing to.

"I've got an idea for a new Company that I wanna run by you. Taking old tech and repairing it, selling it off. I know I didn't go to University but I learned a lot from the Artisan's in the Order on Coruscant. I'm good with this stuff and the way I figure, if this gets off the ground then it could make more profits for the family".
Makai listened to the end, looking at his father and then back to Bale. The half-Galan took a long sip of caf as he mulled over the words of his brother. There was a lot to say - it sounded more of a conversation between his father and Bale if he was listening correctly. Maybe he was here to be some type of mediator. A devils advocate for both sides. Or maybe Balun really was looking for input since they were closer in age.

"First off, I would say don't look at making profits for the family, look at making profits for yourself. Great example is Aina Holdings. It will eventually fall under a larger umbrella but the decisions, profits and losses, expansion...that's all on my shoulders. There is some safety and security being a subsidiary of a larger corporation but many things are still largely independent."

Makai paused.

"Not trying to say you shouldn't so this - you should. I'm saying the profits will stay with you and your business. Even if you don't want the credits, use them for re-investment."

The half-Galan wasn't sure about the turn around or where it came from. He wasn't going to dig too deep on that front right now. Obviously this was some type of pitch and it wasn't the time to go into deeper motivations on his end.
He sipped his caf until it was his turn to speak, mulling the words of both over. Makai was correct about the profits - the Dashiells at large didn't need the profits. There were fringe benefits of course for his and Makai's businesses, locations Balun had could be used by them as well, helping to push expansion in areas they may not be in.

"An ingenious idea, Salacia has done that with space stations. It can be incredibly profitable."

Balun's idea was solid, yet a larger question remained for himself.

"So first off, a solid idea."
Judah paused, trying to figure out how to phrase his questions. "However, will this be a full-time or part-time venture? Just something to start dabbling in? Getting your feet wet, so to speak? How will you handle as a larger umbrella organization business with those who you may be against? Empire of the Lost is one example. The Sith as a whole another, I have been slowly involved with more business with the Yvarro-Raaf family, out in Sith space."

"Of course, that doesn't mean you have to do business with them as well. Just giving an idea of what is currently going on."
"The advantage of earning credits for the Family means I'll feel more at peace with making my own way. Right now, I haven't touched my trust fund. It's not that I don't appreciate having one." He paused, briefly glancing at their father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , then back to his brother, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , to show his sincerity. "But by doing this, I'll feel like I'm truly earning my keep, rather than having my livelihood handed to me on a silver platter. I'm not comfortable receiving something for nothing. I've always taken pride in making my own way in life, and while I have you both in my life now, I still want to succeed on my own terms. The difference now is that I have your support, whether I need it or not." He smiled warmly at Makai, grateful for his brother's input.

"As for dealing with the Sith or Imperials, I have no personal issue. But my company will reserve the right not to supply goods to those who undermine law and order in the Galaxy. War criminals, for instance—I'll be far less inclined to do business with them. A good company needs not only quality products but also a solid reputation. I don't want to be seen dealing with criminals. That said, I won't make judgments without solid evidence. It's a delicate situation, and a great question, which is why I wanted to talk this over with both of you." Balun's gaze moved between them, the weight of his thoughts clear. He had given this serious consideration, though the finer points still needed ironing out.

"Beyond the fact that this will be a major investment, I believe having this company under one of yours will help me by giving me the guidance I'll need. I know I'll be learning the business side of things as I go. If you're going to help me get this venture off the ground, I want to give you the assurance that it won't fail. Until I'm confident the company can sustain itself, I think it's best to run it as a subsidiary. Perhaps under Salacia Consolidated or Aina Holdings—if that's an option?"
Leave it to himself to skip the business question and go straight to more personal matters. As promised, his caf was already half gone and they were barely scratching the surface of it all. His question may seem out of left field, but it was actually something he had noticed at least twice now. Maybe if they got to the heart of it now, it would avoid issues down the road.

"So, why do you feel as if you need to 'earn your keep' in the family? This is a family, not a boarding house where we will kick you out and into the streets. As for earning something for nothing, if you had been raised with us, the trust fund would be the same. Now, I worked from a very young age up into my teenage years for the business but it wasn't for 'earning my keep' but for educational purposes."

A small pause. He was about to sound like his therapist.

"You're looking at this as a transactional relationship when it is anything but."
"I think Makai brings up a great point."

Judah didn't want to see Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell get into business for all the wrong reasons. He may have taken the fact Judah wanted the teenager to join the business when they first met. That was before he realized that the boy was in far too deep with the Jedi and his mission with the Rangers out in the Tingel Arm. Judah was playing the long game, figuring Balun may start changing his mind in his mid-20s, once he got some life experience under his belt and started to reflect on things.

"While you're reflecting on that - yes, you can be choosy with clients. I won't work with slavers or warlords, but I don't make it a bleeding heart mission and go out of my way to antagonize such people. As for this potential business, it would be wise to have it as a subsidiary under myself. Salacia makes more sense given the salvage, construction,and energy backgrounds."
"It's really not that complicated, guys. I just want to carve my own path, like I've always done. Everything I've accomplished in life, I've worked for—my training as a Jedi, and even after I left the Order. It's something I take pride in, honestly. Setting my mind on a goal and seeing it through. It's nothing personal against you; it's just who I am," Balun explained, his voice calm as he gave a small shrug, as if to say there wasn't much more to it.

The idea of his company being placed under Salacia Consolidated felt like a perfect fit. Even though he didn't want to admit it, aligning his company under Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's leadership would ease a lot of pressure off Makai, who had his own family and business to look after. Judah had the experience, and he'd been in this line of work for years. "Salacia Consolidated sounds like a good plan," Balun agreed, a sense of relief underlying his words.

"I know you've got an operation on Kesh, right?" Balun said, his tone thoughtful as he addressed Judah. "Kesh isn't too far from the Tingel Arm, where the Coalition has its base. Since you're already established there, it seemed like a solid place to kick things off." He finished his statement with a question, his gaze shifting between them, clearly seeking their thoughts on the idea.

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