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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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The Federal Assembly (Info & Roster)

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Located in the historic Senate District of Galactic City, the Federal Assembly is the political stage and heart of democracy for the many worlds of the Galactic Alliance. Divided into three primary branches: the Senate, the Chamber and the Office of the Chancellor, it is through these institutions that the Alliance's politicians and representatives work tirelessly to promote the rights and freedoms of their people, establish and seek out new opportunities, and endeavor to restore the Core Region to its former glory.

The Senate is the legislative branch of the Galactic Alliance's federal government. It is made up of thousands of congressmen (senators & representatives) who represent sectors, systems, planets, and even powerful corporations & guilds within the Galactic Alliance’s borders. From the massive Senate Building at the center of the district, the members of the Senate commune regularly to deliberate on important topics, lobby for changes, and to introduce, review & submit bills to the Office of the Chancellor to be signed into federal law. In addition to these tasks, the Senate acts as a supervisory council that oversees the executive branches to ensure they’re conforming to the guidelines of the Common Charter. Because of the large numbers of congressmen and women present, countless committees and lesser councils exist throughout it that focus on specific topics and push for different agendas. However, among these small and often unimportant groups, several informal political factions have emerged and gained more significant recognition. The largest and most influential of these unofficial parties are organized along two axes of conflict, and split into four groups (which are each covered under the Political Factions sub-tab).

The second and third branches of the Federal Assembly: the Chamber of Ministers & the Office of the Chancellor, operate out of the district's Executive Building and make up the federal government’s executive authority. The Chamber is composed of eight appointed Ministers who are selected by the Chancellor with the approval of the Senate. Each Minister oversees one of the Alliance's eight federal Ministries, which themselves govern specific domains of public administration. These domains are: State, Defense, Justice, Education, Health, Agriculture, Commerce & Intelligence. The Ministries and their respective chambermen coordinate with one-another to facilitate the day-to-day function of the Galactic Alliance and the many projects of the Federal Assembly. The Office of the Chancellor, headquartered in the Chancellor's Suite of the Executive Building, consists of those members of the federal government who are directly subordinate to the Chancellor, and aid them with the administration of the government and its staff. Notably, the Office would include the Vice Chair & Staff Aide. The Chancellor serves as both the Head of State for the Federal Assembly and the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Force, and holds the authority to sign legislation into law, veto bills that have been approved by the Senate, and issue executive orders on behalf of the Galactic Alliance. To ensure that members of the Office of the Chancellor are held accountable for their actions, the Senate maintains the constitutional right to initiate a 'Vote of No Confidence' should they conclude, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Office has failed to act in accordance with the Common Charter or against the best interests of the Galactic Alliance.


Political Factions
With the Alliance's survival through times where many other galactic superpowers faltered, political alignments fell on new axes. Worries of overextension are matched against optimism in the face of new frontiers and swathes of potential member worlds; the need for intervention and federal power are matched by concerns over sovereignty and centralization. For a slightly more in-depth exploration of the political axes, see our How To Senate Guide. From here, we'll look at the four corners of our political compass:

Isolationist Shepherds seek to remain careful of overextending the Alliance. In a chaotic galaxy, caution is key to success; waste not resources, do not interfere too much, and do not bring in too many members that may destabilize the Alliance.

Isolationist Stewards, though also seeking to regulate new membership and move with caution, are more ready to interfere in affairs both foreign and domestic that concern the Alliance. In order to quell the chaos of the galaxy and move towards a future with a larger Alliance, the Alliance must exercise its power properly -- cultural, economic, and military.

Expansionist Shepherds encourage worlds to become members and seek to expand the Alliance's borders, but without coercion or power as drawing forces. Eventually everyone will be welcomed by the Alliance, but should the Alliance exert too much power, it may drive off those who are different from us. Not everything is the Alliance's business, but everyone benefits from the Alliance's business.

Expansionist Stewards have a vision of an Alliance that expands not only its borders but its culture, its democracy, and its economy across the galaxy. The Alliance, now the largest power in the galaxy, should take the wheel and with steady hands steer to a better future.

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Listed below is a roster of Player Characters (PCs). Please note: If the fields are empty, they are represented by Non-Player Characters (NPCs) in the Senate. No planet within the Alliance goes without Representation. If player characters are inactive for more than 3 months, they will be removed from the roster.

If you'd like to write a Senator, please comment the following and tag an admin:
Character Name:
Link to Profile:
Planet/Organization to Represent:[If the planet is not represented on map please leave an * and link the planet]
Political Affiliation: 
Have you read the Senate details?: Y/N 
Approved & Added By: (Leave blank)

If you don't see the world you'd like to be the Senator of on here, but it's within our territory, no worries! Still use the above template. If it's outside our territory and you're acting as an ambassador or other non-voting representative, please specify that in your post.


Office of the Chancellor:

Chancellor: Auteme Auteme
Vice Chancellor:
Staff Aide:
Senate Scribe(s):
Captain of the Senate Guard: Ruus

There are some Senatorial votes that take place on our faction Discord server (#online-senate-votes). This is typically only done for minor topics that don't need to be as fleshed out with an In-Character thread on the board. Please join us there to have your say!

We strongly recommend choosing a species that is relevant to the planet you intend to represent when making a senator character. However, this is not mandatory.

Additionally, please note that there is a loose activity requirement for senator characters due to their limited quantity. If you have gone inactive by not posting in our senate threads for extended periods of time, it's possible that your character's seat will be put up for re-election. With that said, we understand that life takes priority and circumstances arise at the most inconvenient of times. If you are unable to post for a while, please reach out to the Faction Staff so that we can take that into consideration when updating the roster. Leadership roles are appointed by staff.
- - - - -
- - - - -
Expansionist Shepherd
Ebaq 9
Empress Teta
Isolationist Shepherd
Had Abbadon
Isolationist Shepherd
Odik II
- - - - -
- - - - -
Expansionist Steward
Expansionist Shepherd
Expansionist Shepherd
Brentaal IV
Aylin Aylin
Isolationist Steward
Cato Nemoidia
Isolationist Shepherd
Expansionist Steward
Isolationist Steward
Isolationist Shepherd
Isolationist Shepherd​
Eufornis Major
Expansionist Steward
Isolationist Shepherd
Hosnian Prime
Expansionist Shepherd
Karvoss II
Expansionist Steward
Expansionist Shepherd
Onami Prime
Isolationist Steward
Ragoon VI
Tanjay IV
Xa Fel
- - - - -
- - - - -
Expansionist Steward
Expansionist Steward
Isolationist Steward
Expansionist Steward
Expansionist Shepherd
Expansionist Steward
Expansionist Steward
Ord Antalaha
Ord Mirit
Setus Prime
Zardossa Stix
- - - - -
- - - - -
Beltrix III
Bestine IV
Expansionist Shepherd
Expansionist Shepherd
Janara III
Mechis III
Isolationist Shepherd
Isolationist Steward
Expansionist Shepherd
Isolationist Steward
- - - - -
- - - - -
Expansionist Steward
Bovo Yagen
Ianane III
Kayri III
Lahag Erli
Lohopa II
Isolationist Steward
Ord Providence
Expansionist Steward
Soun IV
Wizar II
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Ponemah Terminal
Rakata Prime
- - - - -
- - - - -
Mij Mij
- - - - -
- - - - -
New Jedi Order
Trade Federation
Commerce Guild
- - - - -
- - - - -
Chiss Ascendancy Remnant
Tris Tris
Al'Har Federation
Expansionist Steward
Vince Vince
Expansionist Shepherd

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Vote to Recognize the Lord-Regent of Kuat
- Thread:
- Description: Julius Loghain, a bastard of the Kuat family & the self-proclaimed Lord-Regent, requested an audience with the Senate to reveal evidence of corruption in the Kuati ruling family and to seek the support of the Galactic Alliance in legitimizing his claim to the planet.
- Outcome: Passed
- Additional Notes: The Lord-Regent's claim shall be tentatively recognized by the Galactic Alliance, but a special committee will be established to further investigate the matter.

Vote to Integrate the New Jedi Order
- Thread:
ILUM I Love U Metellos
- Description: The Jedi have proven themselves countless times to be reliable allies of the Alliance. As the federation grows in size and power, more Jedi flock to the Core to rally behind its starbird banner. Faced with questions of partnership and accountability, the Senate must decide whether the New Jedi Order should become an official branch of the Galactic Alliance or simply remain a federally supported organization.
- Outcome: Passed
- Additional Notes: The Senate voted in favour of FAR-SCOFA-1-A0, proposed by Senator Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn , to establish the Special Committee on Force Affairs.

Vote to grant clones autonomy and outlaw the creation of new sentient clones.
- Thread:
- Description: As more worlds that still retain Imperial power are brought into the Alliance, the weight of clone's fate is heavy. On one hand, the benefits the Alliance could see from utilizing such resources would be infinite. On the other, there is a moral conundrum regarding the right to self-autonomy.
- Outcome: Passed. Ultimately, cloning was banned and all clones given the same options for full citizenship.

Vote to ban the production and utilization of disruptor weaponry without a government contract/license
- Outcome:

Vote to provide aid to SJO against the Bryn'adul
- Description:
Julius Loghain, Senator of Kuat, proposes that the Alliance aid the Silver Jedi in their battle against the genocidal intent of the Bryn'adul. The Combined Joint Task Force would aid in the Kessel sector to fight them off, then follow up with various missions to increase national stability and security.
- Outcome: Passed
- Additional Notes: Full bill outlined here.

Vote to investigate the New Jedi Order
- Thread:
A Grave Mistake
- Description: After an assassination attempt on Senator Kiyoshi, claims are made against the Jedi that one of them was responsible. The Senate moves to investigate.
- Outcome: Passed

Creation of the Alliance Peacekeeping Certificate
- Thread:
Justice Prevails
- Description: With the Criminal Underworld was on the rise, the Alliance Senate convened to find a solution to combat this growing problem. There were dozens of suggestions that were brought to the Senate Floor, but each was found wanting. Some Senators wished to see that the Jedi were integrated into the Judicial Forces, seeking to combine their mandates and pressure those Force-wielders into serving the Government. Others sought to empower and militarize the Planetary Enforcement Agencies, giving them the equipment and weapons they’d need to fight back against the corruption. However, those proposals were tabled favoring a motion proposed by the Senators from Odik and Khomm. This motion would see the creation of an Alliance Peace-Keeping Certificate, which would imbue Third Parties with limited Legal Authority within the Federation’s space.
- Outcome: Passed Sep 8 2020

Vote to authorize sanctions against the Eternal Empire
- Thread:
Of Mice and Men
- Description: Rebels within the Eternal Empire sent intel of an imminent attack on Byss by the imperials. Wanting to discourage violence but leave the ability to reconcile, the Senate gathered in a midnight emergency session to vote on proposed sanctions.
- Outcome: Passed
- Additional Notes: Sanctions outlined here.

Vote to increase military spending to secure hyperdrive and ship manufacturing contracts
- Thread: Fel for It
- Description: As the Sith-Imperial war rages on, the GADF has an ever-growing need for funding and equipment. A bill was proposed to help meet that need, outlining spending for GADF, directed at securing contracts with private companies to meet manufacturing needs. Some were in favor, seeing the necessity of maintaining our fleet in chaotic times. Others opposed, calling the actions fearmongering, and fearing the implications on our economy once the war ends.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote to establish the Outbound Flight Project
- Thread:
On the Rox
- Description: After the destruction of Csilla, the need to both chart and secure the Unknown Regions was paramount. This would not be solely a military operation; the Outbound Flight Project would consist of a combined civilian-NJO-military effort to explore the Unknown Regions and bring new members into the fold.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote to create the Galactic Alliance Credit
- Thread:
Denonination Doubts
- Description: The solvency of the Alliance came under threat as the value of the Galactic Standard Credit began to fluctuate. A proposal was put forth to create a new Alliance Credit, and explore alternatives to secure the value of the assets of all citizens.
- Outcome: Referred to the Finance and Commerce Committee, who recommended the creation of the Galactic Alliance Credit.

Vote to increase military spending and repeal ban on cloning
- Thread:
- Description: With the looming threat of the Brotherhood of the Maw, particularly in the wake of the attack on Coruscant, defense spending bills have come once more to the forefront. The Senator of Bilbringi proposed a bill to help strengthen planetary defense forces and repeal cloning. After a heated debate, the latter part of the bill was removed.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote to create the Common Soldier Corps
- Thread:
- Description: In a post-war Galactic Alliance where military resources have been spread across the Galaxy in attempts to pacify Sith holdouts, prevent further Maw incursions on Alliance space, and aid in the defense of Chiss Space from the Maw, Corellia proposes the Common Soldier Law. It proposes that the Alliance allow certain licensed entities such as corporations, individual systems, private citizens, and private groups to mobilize volunteers and integrate them into the Galactic Alliance's Defense Force as fully sanctioned military units. It sites the Corellian and Durosian blockade of Byss as well as the Non-GADF New Jedi Order members who took part in the Sith-Imperial Civil War as well functioning examples. It also props the military strength of sectors like Atrisia, Corellia, Kuat, Byss before Sularen's defection, and Coruscant's own guard as an untapped resource for the defense of the Galactic Alliance.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote for the Southern Interplantary Linkages (SILK) Trade Route Act
- Thread:
Sharing is Kayri-ng
- Description: The sudden collapse of the Confederacy has left the southern systems in disarray. Vital manufacturing worlds, important cultural centres, and untold natural resources are now open to incursion and influence by hostile governments. The SILK Trade Route will reconnect these worlds to bring safety, stability and prosperity back to the region. With the GADF stretched thin in its war against the Brotherhood to the west and the SIA countering the NIO threat to the north, it is proposed that the responsibility for developing and operating the SILK Trade Route is granted to allied corporations, who have clear commercial interests to quickly and effectively open up the region.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote for investigation on Denon and limitations on corporate ownership of planets
- Thread:
Ophideraan The Schedule
- Description: A peaceful protest outside Sakedo Tower on Denon turned violent, with CorpSec officers using excessive force against the protesters, who then began to fight back. The Alliance must respond to this clear violation of sentient rights. This bill proposes a response plan and resolutions to prevent anything similar from happening again. Resolutions include:

  • An official statement from the Galactic Alliance condemning the actions of the CAD and their security forces.
  • Empowerment of Alliance Marshals and SIA to investigate the events of the riot and the current state of affairs on Denon.
  • Increased restriction on corporate stewardship of Alliance worlds by any corporate entity.
  • Strengthen antitrust laws, particularly in relation to ownership of planets and property.
Outcome: Passed

Vote for the Creation of a Medical Relief Fleet
- Thread: Bacta the Future
- Description: Distracted by war, the Alliance has left humanitarian efforts to the wayside. The commissioning of a dedicated relief fleet for Alliance humanitarian efforts.

a. Ships should be donated to the Alliance from member worlds
b. Staff should be volunteers who perform rotations of duty
c. Services to be offered to any planet suffering from aftereffects of war, lack of medical personnel and supplies on their world
d. Funding to maintain the fleet should become part of the Health and Wellness budget as set aside by the Alliance Budget and through donation drives.
Outcome: Passed

Vote for increasing border and information security against Imperial hostility
- Thread:
Cause and Kiffex
- Description: Diplomacy has broken down between the GA and NIO. After enduring several regime changes the newly rechristened Empire is now waging border conflicts in the Unknown Regions. While the Maw campaign must take precedence, how long can we afford to ignore the enemy at our backs?
- Outcome: Passed

Vote to establish the Special Committee on Succession and Vice Chancellery
- Thread:
Gates of Dawn
- Description: With the Chancellor personally entering the conflict against the Maw, the question of proper succession arises as the Alliance is found lacking a Vice Chancellor. In a private meeting, the Senator of Jakku conspires to put herself in the position under emergency wartime measures.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote for the Expedited Reconstruction Act
- Thread:
Sign of the Times
- Description: The recent war against the Brotherhood of the Maw, while an Alliance victory, has left barren vast regions of space, with the planets scarred and infrastructure in shambles. The collapse of the Empire and a variety of other polities, while less drastic, has caused significant disruptions. By leveraging the remaining assets of its fallen foes by auctioning off Exclusive Salvage Rights tied to specific locations and routing the obtained funding towards reconstruction at home and abroad, the Alliance can act decisively to curtail the looming crisis before it can spiral out of control.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote to censure the member for Skako
- Thread:
Commen'or Leaving?
- Description: At the prompting of the Chancellor, the member for Alsakan motioned for an official statement of displeasure towards the member for Skako for the Senator's conduct.
- Outcome: Passed

Vote to formally declare war against the Mandalorian Enclave
- Thread:
Ultimatum: Aftermath
- Description: In the wake of the Enclave's attack on Ryloth, many Senators expressed the necessity of increased mobilization of the GADF and a public statement on the matter. Gathering their concerns, the Chancellor proposed the issuing of a formal declaration of war, and is seeking the approval of the legislature.
- Outcome: Passed

Want to submit a topic for the Senate to discuss/vote on? Any members can submit an idea! Just fill out this short form and post it here.

Topic: (What is it that you would like the Senate to discuss/vote on?)
IC Information: (Describe and/or link any relevant in-character information that is important to the topic.)
OOC Intent: (What do you hope to accomplish by having the Senate vote on this.)
Attachment(s): (If you have a googledoc with the proposal written-out include the link here.)

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Standing (Permanent) Committees of the Senate:

Standing committees are permanent bodies with specific responsibilities spelled out in the Senate's rules. These committees are charged with oversight of broad, but crucial functionaries of the Alliance government. Eight of the nine standing committees have direct oversight of one of the eight Ministries of the executive branch. The ninth committee oversees the Senators themselves.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs - Ministry of State - Diplomatic Affairs
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Foreign Assistance; National Development Abroad; National security developments that affect foreign policy; Strategic planning and agreements with foreign nations; Arms control and disarmament issues; The Galactic Alliance Agency for International Development; Agency relating to arms and technology export; International law; Embassy security; International broadcasting; Public diplomacy; And all other foreign matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.


The Committee on Defense - Ministry of Defense - Military Oversight & Budget
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Space activity associated with the development of weapons systems and military operations; common defense; Galactic Alliance Defense Force, generally; Military research and development; National security aspects of Superweapons; Naval tibanna reserves; Benefits and privileges of Defense Force members; Strategic and critical materials necessary for the common defense; and all other military matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.

The Committee on Finance & Commerce - Ministry of Commerce - Trade, Commerce, Financial Oversight
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Hyperlane development, upkeep, and expansion; international trade agreements; banking regulation; Regulation of consumer products and services; Domestic financial and disaster aid; Sports and other tourism attractions; Bonded debt of the Galactic Alliance; General revenue sharing; Revenue measures generally; tariff and import quotas; and all other government finance matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.
The Committee on Intelligence - Intelligence Services - SIA oversight, Top-Secret Information
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Intelligence reports; Intelligence budget; Intelligence activities; Intelligence collection Programs; Intelligence analysis; Intelligence conduct; international espionage; and various other intelligence matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly and agreed upon by the Minister of Intelligence.
The Committee on the Judiciary - Ministry of Justice - Justice System, Marshalls
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Judicial proceedings, civil and criminal, generally; immigration and naturalization; Measures relating to claims against the Alliance; National penitentiaries, their establishment, upkeep, and security; Protection of trade and commerce against unlawful restraint and monopolies; sector bound lines; Marshal activities; Benefits and privileges of marshal forces; and all other judiciary matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.
The Committee on Youth & Education - Ministry of Education - Children, Schools, Outreach
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Elementary and secondary education; Special Education; Teacher quality and training; Vocational and technical education; Higher education programs; Financial oversight of the Alliance department of Education; Educational research and improvement; anti-poverty programs; and all other educational matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.
The Committee on Health & Science - Ministry of Health - Medicine, Technology, Hospitals
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Public health; Health and human services; Disease control and prevention; Aging populations; Substance abuse; Healthcare research and quality; Exploration of space; Scientific research and development; Scientific agencies; Energy; Environments and atmospheres; and all other health and science matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.
The Committee on Agriculture - Ministry of Agriculture - Food Production, Nutrition, Ecology
The committee is responsible for oversight, legislation, and meetings pertaining, but not limited, to: Agricultural economics and research; Agricultural extension services and experiment stations; Agricultural production, marketing, and stabilization of prices; Agriculture and agricultural commodities; Animal industry and diseases; Crop insurance and soil conservation; Farm credit and farm security; Fresh food public programs; Forestry, and forest reserves and wilderness areas other than those created from the public domain; Inspection of livestock, meat, and agricultural products; Pests and pesticides; Plant industry, soils, and agricultural engineering; and all other agricultural matters not designated to a subcommittee. The full Committee may conduct oversight and investigations with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the Federal Assembly.
  • -Chair

The Committee on Rules - Internal Discipline & Rules
This committee is arguably one of the most powerful in the Senate with members sharing the responsibility for creating and enforcing the internal rules of the legislative body. This committee works closely with the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor to investigate ethical and criminal violations by fellow Senators. It has the power to punish Senators and can even recommend the expulsion of those it deems unworthy to serve.


Sub Committees (Permanent or Temporary) of Standing Committees:

Sub Committees are smaller branches of larger committees tasked with oversight of narrower topics that would normally be overseen by the larger committees. Examples of this might be a subcommittee specifically for banking under the purview of the Committee of Finance & Commerce, allowing these members to hone in on areas of expertise.

Subcommittee on the Admission of New Members (Ministry of State) - hears petitions from planets seeking membership in the GA and votes to grant them full or associate membership (with the goal of gaining full membership once certain criteria are met).
Subcommittee on Planetary Development (Ministry of State) - administers short-term funding to planets within the GA to improve the living conditions of citizens and strengthen economic growth.

Subcommittee on Galactic Infrastructure (Ministry of Commerce) - Recommends infrastructural projects across Alliance territory and outside of it where it would strengthen trade. Designates proposed budgets for these projects.
Subcommittee on Foreign Interference (Ministry of State) - Investigates reports of state-driven aggravations and seeks action to ensure national security when these issues arise.
  • -Chair


Special Committees of the Senate:

Special committees of the senate are given the authority to oversee very narrow issues and are rarely given the freedom to explore topics that are not expressly in their jurisdiction. Their position in the senate can be permanent or temporary depending on their brief.

Special Committee on Force Affairs - Provides oversight, guidance, financial supervision, and representation for the New Jedi Order. The committee provides the same for force-sensitive criminals and prisoners of war.
  • Chancellor's Pick
  • N/A - [NJO Rep]
  • N/A - [NJO Rep]


Select (Temporary) Committees of the Senate:

Select committees are temporary committees given authority by the full Senate to investigate or oversee very specific topics. Unlike Special Committees which are often permanent due to their brief, Select Committees are more often temporary due to the investigative nature of their work. Once these select committees have met their mandate or their purpose is no longer necessary they give a report to the full Senate and disband.

Select Committee on the Peaceful Transition of Kuat (Expired)
This Select Committee was charged with overseeing the peaceful transition of power on Kuat and the just treatment of the previous rulers. This committee’s mandate expired when Kuat accepted the rule of Julius Loghain in a free and fair election.

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Topic: New Primary Currency, or the Creation of the Alliance Credit.
IC Information: As the Electrum Standard noticeably fluctuates, the competitive value of the “Galactic Standard Credit” starts to plummet. For reasons unknown, the potential wealth that the Alliance has gathered over the years is threatened, with the potential of becoming worthless in a matter of years. Thus, it should fall to the Senate to seek possible alternatives for their primary currency, and safeguard their economy from total collapse.

OOC Intent: As a major power in the universe, the Galactic Alliance is not only home to many intergalactic megacorporations, but has the buying power to establish their own currency - rather than relying on an economic model from an seemingly inactive and foreign corporation. The intent here is to create some fluff that’s considerably safer and more secure for the Alliance to utilize in their RolePlay(s) and help flesh out the more corporate aspects of the faction.
Attachment(s): Not Applicable.

Motion referred to the Finance & Commerce Committee for investigation during
Denonination Doubts., who recommended the creation of the Galactic Alliance Credit.
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Topic: Establish the Outbound Flight Project.
IC Information: Csilla has proven galactic threats are not confined to known space. For the sake of civil defense the Galactic Alliance can no longer afford to remain ignorant of dangers posed by the Unknown Regions. We are however not conquerors. It would be a betrayal of our ideals to place this responsibility solely on the GADF capable as they might be. This resolution proposes the foundation of a joint civilian-NJO deep space exploration agency with military support and a mandate to expand the frontiers of our galaxy.
OOC Intent: Given the exciting implications of our push into the Unknown Regions, this resolution is intended to codify an exploratory arm of the Galactic Alliance open to participation for a variety of character archetypes. As we reach out into the farthest fringes of the galaxy our narrative as a lightside superpower should reflect that age of wonder.
Attachment(s): N/A

Motion passed during
On the Rox.
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Topic: Regulation of Planetary Militias Act
IC Information: The recent events in orbit of Byss have proven that unchecked defense fleets and rouge armies pose an existential threat to the core of our democracy. Therefore, more action must be taken to prevent catastrophe of that magnitude from happening again. It would be in the best interests of the member worlds of our mutual federation to grant the Chancellor the authority to appoint an independent Inspector General, detached from the armed forces and all political influence, to oversee a department of our government under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Defense, and exercise the authority of the Federal Government to regulate
OOC Intent
: Due to recent events at Byss, the Senate would have reason to reevaluate the measures taken already to ensure plantery defense forces don't become too powerful, therefore it would highly beneficial for the Senate to authorize the appointment of someone to oversee that, or alternatively reinforce the power of someone who does have that authority

Motion defeated during
Cormitting to Helping Others.
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Topic: Alliance Defense Enhancement Act
IC Information: The ever expanding threat of the Brotherhood of the Maw has proven to be a severe worry for the member states of the Galactic Alliance. In opposition to the Regulation of Planetary Militias Act, this act proposes all Planetary Militias be granted additional funding and resources to ensure the better defense of their worlds against Brotherhood attacks. This act also proposes the end of the anti-cloning act, to allow for the Alliance to make use of cloned troops to boost it's strength.
OOC Intent: Vel'alari is hoping to coerce the senate to back additional funding for the planetary defence forces so she might better protect her territories from the Brotherhood of the Maw and the treacherous former governor of Byss, Sularen. It's also a backdoor to allow for cloning to once more be used by the Alliance in a military fashion.

Motion passed, with amendments to remove the cloning provisions, during Triq-or-Treat.
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Topic: The Common Soldier Corps.
IC Information: In a post-war Galactic Alliance where military resources have been spread across the Galaxy in attempts to pacify Sith holdouts, prevent further Maw incursions on Alliance space, and aid in the defense of Chiss Space from the Maw, Corellia proposes the Common Soldier Law. It proposes that the Alliance allow certain licensed entities such as corporations, individual systems, private citizens, and private groups to mobilize volunteers and integrate them into the Galactic Alliance's Defense Force as fully sanctioned military units. It sites the Corellian and Durosian blockade of Byss as well as the Non-GADF New Jedi Order members who took part in the Sith-Imperial Civil War as well functioning examples. It also props the military strength of sectors like Atrisia, Corellia, Kuat, Byss before Sularen's defection, and Coruscant's own guard as an untapped resource for the defense of the Galactic Alliance.

OOC Intent: To give more interplay between the Senate, the military, and the give the systems we control more agency in the war stories and internal stories that are both admin produced and player produced.

Attachment(s): Blerg

Motion passed during Caucus.
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Topic: Southern Interplantary Linkages (SILK) Trade Route Act
IC Information: The sudden collapse of the Confederacy has left the southern systems in disarray. Vital manufacturing worlds, important cultural centres, and untold natural resources are now open to incursion and influence by hostile governments. The SILK Trade Route will reconnect these worlds to bring safety, stability and prosperity back to the region. With the GADF stretched thin in its war against the Brotherhood to the west and the SIA countering the NIO threat to the north, it is proposed that the responsibility for developing and operating the SILK Trade Route is granted to allied corporations, who have clear commercial interests to quickly and effectively open up the region.
OOC Intent: A unified story thread for the expansion of the Alliance to the galactic south
Attachment(s): N/A

Motion passed during Sharing is Kayri-ng.
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if they're watching anyways
Topic: Responding to the violent crackdown on peaceful protest by the Corporate Authorities on Denon, limiting direct corporate control over sovereign Alliance worlds.
IC Information: A peaceful protest outside Sakedo Tower on Denon turned violent, with CorpSec officers using excessive force against the protesters, who then began to fight back. The Alliance must respond to this clear violation of sentient rights. This bill proposes a response plan and resolutions to prevent anything similar from happening again. Resolutions include:

  • An official statement from the Galactic Alliance condemning the actions of the CAD and their security forces.
  • Empowerment of Alliance Marshals and SIA to investigate the events of the riot and the current state of affairs on Denon.
  • Increased restriction on corporate stewardship of Alliance worlds by any corporate entity.
  • Strengthen antitrust laws, particularly in relation to ownership of planets and property.
OOC Intent: React to a dope thread going on on Denon, build up tension between the corporatists and the coalition made to oppose them, and maybe set up some future storylines with Darkwire.
Attachment(s): N/A

Motion passed during Ophideraan The Schedule.
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Topic: Increase funding for the Federal Marshal and Sector Ranger services especially in the areas pertaining to corruption investigations.

IC Information: The Free Alliance Coalition has tendered, under Sssar Taszzn, a bill to increase the funding of the Federal Marshal service and the Sector Ranger service. The language of the purposed bill directs the two law enforcement agencies to commit significant time and resources towards a joint anti-corruption campaign. It also includes severe penalties for those who attempt to bribe a law enforcement official as well as any form of donations, gifts, or other such exchanges from any who are not directly related to the law enforcement officials. Sssar Taszzn has been an outspoken, often hardline, advocate for Law & Order reforms within the Galactic Alliance.

OOC Intent: To enact part of the plans of the newly minted Free Alliance Coalition via pressuring the Corporatists through anti-corruption campaigns.

Attachment(s): -

Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix
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Galaxy Starways

Topic: Railway construction, operation, and protection rights

IC Information: Galaxy Starways has been lobbying for federal recognition to fully operate on any planet of the Galactic Alliance without need of prior planetary authorization. They claim it is to expedite construction of new railways that will create jobs and keep employed hundreds of citizens in so doing bolstering local economies. Additionally they are asking for the right to form a limited railway police service with law enforcement authority restricted to company property. Embedded within the language of their proposed legislation is executable mandates to purchase privately owned land, no wider than required for guideways, at the lowest appraised rate by local authorities.

OOC Intent: To establish Galaxy Starways as a mainstay company in league with the faction and to flesh out a little bit of niche railroad lore. I hope that this set up may facilitate IC conversations about potential monopolies, centralization, and/or planetary rights.

Attachment(s): -
Topic: Illicit Economic Activities

IC Information: It is a forgone conclusion that members of the Senate receive information not readily available to the public. Every Senator has access to economic information that very well may prove to be the difference between rich and poor, but it would unfair, and unjust to use that information for personal gain. In order to prevent this, the Senate must bar its members from engaging in certain economic activity such a buying stock in a company which supplies the Alliance with military hardware, or other services. This would include the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, but exclude (of course) the representatives of corporations. It would also be retroactive, nullifying any trades found to be a conflict of interest by the Rules Committee

OOC Intent: The idea would be to prevent conflicts of interests, as well as bind every Senator to make ethical decisions on behalf of their constituents. Also, to limit the power of corporate leaders who represent planets in the Senate

Horcull Thorwel

Topic: Prohibiting Force Users from participating in the Senate as Senators or other delegates with political power.

IC Information: After the sacking of Coruscant from the Brotherhood of the Maw, orchestrated by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis disguised as a Senator, it brings the question of national security. There are no safeguards to prevent another infiltration in the Senate against Force Users whom seek to use their political power for their own personal agendas. It could undermine the Galactic Alliance as it was witnessed on Coruscant.

This bill will:

  • Prohibit Force Users entering any sort of political office in the Senate.
  • All Senators must submit themselves to testing for their count of midi-chlorians.
  • Safeguard against any infiltration in the Senate from Force-Users.

OOC Information: The idea would be to bring up this bill to debate in another GA dom, and to gatekeep Force Users from entering the Senate as Senators. This will not, however, prohibit Force Users acting as representatives for organizations (e.g. The New Jedi Order).

Topic: Special planetary economic zones act
IC Information: With war straining the galactic civilian economy in more ways than one, Senator Hayata wishes to push for a unique project in order to alleviate the strain put on certain core worlds that have traditionally been trading hubs. The act will provide significant tax breaks to select planets and corporations, with special grants provided for certain companies that are performing better than the others.
OOC Intent: My intent is to provide a means for the Corporatist bloc to gain influence back in the economic sector, provide a means for more corruption RP, and give white-collar criminals a foot in the door.
Attachment(s): None.

Topic: Creation of Medical fleet

IC Information: This act is to establish a medical fleet
a. Ships should be donated to the Alliance from member worlds
b. Staff should be volunteers who perform rotations of duty
c. Services to be offered to any planet suffering from aftereffects of war, lack of medical personnel and supplies on their world

d. Funding to maintain fleet should become part of the Health and Wellness budget as set aside by the Alliance Budget and through donation drives

OOC Intent: This should provide an avenue for additional stories involving the GA and other factions or would be Alliance Members. Intent to act as an organization similar to Doctors without Borders

Attachments: N/A
Topic: Establish an 'Iron Curtain' to monitor Imperial space.
IC Information: Ascendancy of Defiance
OOC Intent: Diplomacy has broken down between the GA and NIO. After enduring several regime changes the newly rechristened Empire is now waging border conflicts in the Unknown Regions. While the Maw campaign must take precedence, how long can we afford to ignore the enemy at our backs?
Topic: To declare a vote of no confidence against the Corporate Authorities of Denon, launch a full investigation and prosecution of crimse against sentient life, to promote affirmative action for the people of Denon, and to instill a more capable government body to rule over the planet.

IC Information: Darkwire, Hex Incorporated, Condemntation of the actions of the CAD following a peaceful protest.

OOC Intent: To give peeps a potential story hook or two to do shenanigans on Denon, and potentially to provide a new villain for GA peeps in the area if Braxton can gain majority influence on the planet

Attachment(s): N/A
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  • The Native Religion Protection Act (TNRPA) which enables planetary governments the right to deny the New Jedi Order from entering their planet in order to safeguard the native religions on the world from outside interference.
IC Information:
  • The concern that Native Religions within the Alliance would be under threat from the New Jedi Order whose powers could be interpreted as god like to native species not accustomed to them. Therefore the Protection Act would enable planets the right to deny entry to the New Jedi Order in order to protect the natives. Although this will not apply in times of warfare or other emergencies.
OOC Intent:
  • Give Legal Precedent to World Controlling Corporations to deny access to Jedi so they are unable to investigate certain crimes on the grounds of religion
  • No Attachments
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