Travot nodded in understanding at Haywire - he hadn't heard of the Lervon before joining the Silver Jedi Order, but his exposure to them within the Order had grown appreciation for them and their culture. There weren't many species that were more mineral-based as the Lervon - perhaps the Polydroxol were the closest kin that Travot could recall - and all were rare in the galaxy proper. But despite this, he had found that many of them seemed more humane and understanding than most humans he had met - a true testament to both their individuals and the home culture that had molded them.
"I'm not certain I could handle a single youngling, much less several myself," said the bulky man ruefully, "but I suppose they all have their charms as well...at least sometimes."
That line of thought left his head as Caltin Vanagor began his announcement and the crowd roared back and forth in answers and general approval.
"Alright, who's won a few things? Who wants to win a "Carcharodon" Air/Landspeeder? Hold up your ticket if you do! Alright! The winner is..."
Travot grabbed his ticket and began to look at it. Luck was not something he wholly believed in. Perhaps that was the result of steeping in the doctrine of the Living Force - everything happens for a reason. Yet he couldn't help but wonder if some things were truly just sheer chance. What did the Force care about a pebble being blown across a road? Was that any more meaningful that the countless organisms that lived and died every minute on every single planet? What could possibly keep track of all of that across an entire galaxy? Couldn't some things simply be errant, unplanned results?