Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Final Countdown - AC/NIO/EE/GA/Enclave/BotM Junction of Dromund Kaas/Centares/Lutrilla/Aruza/Hypori/empty hex above Sposia

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Purge the Sith, and occupy the city.
Location: New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Open
Allies: AC/EE/NIO/GA/Enclave | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Open
Enemies: BotM | Open
[ Empress ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"This is their habit; they are like cockroaches." she said without emotion.

She took off her helmet and looked at the holograms. Ingrid quickly ran her gaze over them to see where it was. She had not yet gone out into the city; she had spent the previous days there and she herself took her share of the recapture of the city. Which sounded pretty ironic, especially since she had several interests, assets and building in it. The woman thought for a moment, then made one more remark.

"I handed over to your generals the maps of the city that contain the secret tunnels and pathways. They will surely benefit them."

After all, when she was here in the Sith Empire, she came as a spy, and as an agent and spy, Ingrid always does a great job. The red-haired woman also gathered a lot of useful information about the planet that they could now benefit from. As the chaplain and cardinal spoke, the woman looked at the images projected on her retina, which also contained data on troop movements and military operations. Ingrid has been using MANIAC for a very long time, so using AI hasn't really caused her a headache anymore.

The destruction of the new statues and monuments that were intended to showcase and enliven the power of Carnifex did not really interest the woman. For these she'll not feel sorry; they were made for an egoistic, powerful man who wanted to compensate for something. She did not tolerate a personal cult in the Eternal Empire either, she was not Darth Tacitus who allowed this and built it around his own person. And it nearly ruined the Eternal Empire. There is no personal cult and no religion. And Carnifex embodied both at the same time. But not anymore.

"I don’t think a lot of artefacts would have been left behind. And let’s face it, if you have to look at Carnifex statues in fewer places, no one will feel sorry about it. To avoid conflict, I will send a group of Ultranauts to a location where there is no NIO presence." she replied.

She herself had taken a lot of Adrian's things years earlier. Not that she had ever used them; she kept them closed, it was her husband's memories.

"There are no longer any workers on the planet around my own interests and assets. Nor a soldier or a civilian. Above this, those who were willing to leave the city were evacuated, but we didn’t end up everywhere. We did not reach the district where the NIO is now. And there…" she paused for a moment. "There is also an orphanage in that district, the Vandiir Orphanage. Unless someone else took the children out of there, that place is still full of young children."

The Empress looked at the man seriously and nodded. She also felt disturbance in the Force, but like Wardens of the Shroud, she didn’t pay much attention to it. Nevertheless, she felt and knew that something else was moving in the shadows, in the darkness and that would probably be the Maw. They would not miss such an opportunity when almost everyone present here on the planet, who is important and matters in the Galaxy's political game.

"As long as it doesn't count as a war crime, yes. But remember, I am a soldier; I was taught and trained to protect civilians. And not to destroy them. That was the reason I played with the Sith for years and wanted to sacrifice them on the altar of another enemy if they start to move into the Core World, and didn't want to let the civilians die. You also know that I have sacrificed the reputation of myself and the Eternal Empire to protect others, and only your ruler, Lord Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , has seen this. I know when and what kind of sacrifice and necessary movements to make and what to do, you don't have to worry about me or the Eternal Empire." she said emotionlessly.

The red-haired woman looked toward the blazing city, then back to the man.

"What is necessary… Where is my daughter? She stated that she would be present in Ashlan colours during this campaign." she asked.



Location: Steps of Dromund Kaas' Temple

The jungles of Dromund Kaas made so many former Apprentices feel nostalgic. The ones that survived, anyway. The ones that died because they couldn't cut it with a few savage beasts and specters... well, no one cared whether they remembered the place 'fondly' or not. Just one of those things you learned early on as a pupil of a Dark Master: you were either strong enough to live, or you weren't.

Now, the temple in particular brought back memories to the Lethan that stood off to one side of the main entrance to the Temple as the rain fell. The place had a long-running history of causing the possession of foolish researchers and lackluster Apprentices. Every now and again you'd even finding expeditions sent to return artifacts to the Temple so they could be retrieved again! The Dark Lords would mutter something about returning the baubles to their 'rightful place' or to 'placate Lord so-and-so' to handwave questions from ignorant pupils. Really it was just to perpetuate the cycle of training. Why build a fancy arena when people in ancient times had already done through all the hard work, and literally died to fill the chalice full of the black blood of hatred and ravenous hunger for slaughter?

Zlova herself had sent a few clueless youths off to 'return' a trinket to the Temple. Most of them even survived and forced Darth Siron to find more work to test whether they'd survive being Knighted. In their world being called Knight or Master was no mere title reflecting a perceived capability or knowledge of the person using it. No, those called Knight or Master of the Dark Side earned that title by spilling blood (for better or worse). There was no place for the 'weak' as you ascended in rank.

If an Apprentice ever complained about their life being hard, every Master had only this to say to consul them: "It gets worse here on out."

So, when Zlova heard through the Enclave about an upcoming 'festival' of Light and Retribution, she was naturally concerned. Not about the Mandalorians killing Sith or those that dutifully supported them as useful serfs -- no, again, you were strong enough to live or you weren't -- but about some Jedi chatter surrounding the Temple. Not that the Enclave went to great lengths to learn about the voodoo of Jedi in comparison to their preparation to kill Sith. Vexing, but a sinful Twi'lek like her made do with what was available. So, the very idea of 'purifying' the Temple rubbed her the wrong way.

Zlova might have been nearly assassinated, wandered into self-exile, and ended up with the Mandalorians as their mentor in Defense against the Dark Arts, but that didn't mean she didn't have some fond memories of places amidst the Fallen Empire.

Worse, though, was the arrival of the Brotherhood. The earpiece relayed allied comm chatter and there were signs remnants of the Old Empire might not be the only thing everyone was excited to kill. Probably meant some of them would saunter on up to the Temple thinking to 'claim' it. One side wanted to purify it, and the other wanted to swallow it. Neither was particularly satisfactory to Darth Siron.

The temple had stood for thousands of years. It would stand for thousands more. Even if by some unholy miracle either side got what they sought, Zlova knew it would be a short lived victory. Like the Sith, you could temporarily 'purge' a place of the Dark Side, but inevitably it would return.

The worst part about that? It was true for the Light Side as well.

Zlova's golden eyes peered out into the sea of darkness that clung to every stone, vine, and skull that dotted the land around the temple. Lightning cracked over head and flashed in the burning rings of her eyes as she waited to see who sought to defile the Temple first.

Tag: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis | Open
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Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco: Big Chillin.
Y’know, dropping feet first into hell like this… wasn’t the first time it’s been done. A simple drop and dip the fuck out for her corvette, for her the mission was more complicated. She observed the Neutralizer team straying from their designated path and approaching an encamped orphanage. She had to step in. A drop pod designed for high impacts into the surface would prove perfect, originally used by the republic during the galactic civil war to drop vehicles as large as AT-TEs, they had time to be perfected to be relatively safe, with their size proving perfect for what she was going to do. Draco would use these to slam into 3 of The Fool The Fool ’s transports as she deployed from atmosphere. Upon impact, only one of the drop pod doors would open via the force, she used this as a shield while she ignited her dual bladed red lightsaber and threw it out, having it act like a boomerang as she held the door in place to take any blaster or rocket fire while she chilled inside and connected to Percival Io Percival Io ’s comm system.

“Your mission was to stay on target and reach the safe house, sir! Why are you attacking an orphanage? I could be enjoying a engineering plan, but nooooooo, I need to kill Vietnamese soldiers!”

While she sounded not that thrilled about this, she enjoyed the time of committing a good assault and ambush. The combined forces of both her and Percival were enough, with the Neutralizers drawing enough of the enemy’s fire, or her taking most of it, and the enemy suffering heavily casualties from the neutralizers having free reign to deploy high accuracy fire as they pleased. Either way, man’s was fucked.




Dromund Kaas, the last point on the long decline of the Sith Empires territory, once the capital of the Empire, now it was the final testament to the long decayed and ruinous rubble that was the Zambrano domain. Like dominoes, they had all fallen to the might of the Imperial army and its cohorts, be in a field of fire or by deception and rebellion; they all came crashing down just as hard as it was built up. For this Empire was born from the fields of ash and ruin, and to ash and doom, it went down. Belkora knew he'd see the seat of the Zambrano majesty, but never this soon or even in its current state. Some lackwits in the garrison had held true to the Sith banner and made their stand in the hollow halls and ruins of what once was. Now all that was left was fighting, something he and many other agents were intimately familiar with.

The ship made an impact in the ruins of the former financial district, embarking and dropping off its precious cargo of armed COMPNOR personnel whose destination was the archives of the palace. Belkora and several others including the likes of Rika Hiro Rika Hiro , Jordi Massad Jordi Massad and Kazimir Tragovic Kazimir Tragovic , all veterans of the Third Imperial civil war and hardened killers.

<<"Belkora to headquarters, the team has made an impact and are securing the area before moving to the target over.">>

<<"Copy that.">>
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Location: Some old ruins, nothing to see here
Objective: Retrieval of artifacts
Allies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex (even though he's in the city)
Enemies: Jedi, Imperials, the Maw

Equipment: In signature
Forces: 12 Ravenscar Adepts (four teams of three), some NFU archaeologists and scientists

So Dromund Kaas was finally being put out of its current misery as a combined force of the galaxy descended on it. She couldn't say she was surprised. Since the fall of the Sith Empire, the crusading forces and other marauding enemies had been slowly whittling down the remaining belligerent redoubts of the power that once dominated this region of space. Demiurge was in the city, empowering and throwing the desperate and fanatic into a last stand to cause as much death and destruction upon the Ashlan Crusade, the Eternal Empire, the new Imperials, the Alliance, and anyone else that would show up. The plan was to make it as bloody a battle as possible.

She had other plans.

Quieting deploying to the planet in some cloaked Vyraals, Arcanix and several of her Adepts along with a retrieval team had used the cover of the battle to slip onto the planet to study some ruins in the jungles and swamps of the planet. She definitely missed when the planet was suffering under the perpetual winter caused by the asteroid drop from several decades back. It was her hope that she would be able to retrieve some knowledge from Millenial and Kadann from the ruins. They would prove immensely useful to a project she was beginning to work on.

The Adepts had formed a perimeter while the Lady of Secrets and her team combed the half-submerged ruins for what she sought. The Force told her it would only take some time.





The landing zone had been annoyingly close to the part of the jungle that had been waterlogged and turned to salt marsh. Their first few minutes on Dromund Kaas had been spent traipsing through wetland in silence.

With the entire planet saturated in darkness, and conflicts blooming up in tiny pockets here and there, it was tricky to keep alert, refined, and in tune with The Force’s guidance. Any sensory distractions on top of the marshy sloshing would have made it all the easier for any Sith lingering in the jungles, or other predators, to get the pounce on the pair. Ishida and Valery for the most part knew where they were going and didn’t have to confer over navigational details.

It was impossible to ignore the repulsion of the dark nexus that was the Temple. It was so intense it was almost magnetic, and it was painful if Ishida was aware of it for too long. Like a headache that dimly thrummed at the nape of her neck.

Finally, the ground transitioned to the expected druxiness composed primarily of dirt, ferns, roots and fungi, but so dense in spots as to resemble an alive sea that rippled softly in the breeze which served only to push the humid moisture around the cloud bound world.

Sizzling through the clouds, bright lines skittered across the sky. The residual flash of lightning overhead filtered through the sheltering leaves like silver ichor. The constant rhythm of the clouded, but rainless atmosphere, made it difficult to tell what time of day it was. It was just constantly suspended in shadowy grey. This was the entire planet: verdant, disquiet and primeval.

It would have been Edenic, if it weren’t soiled in darkness.

Ishida drew in a deep breath, a rich loaminess filled her senses and staved the headache from the encroaching darkness once more. For a moment’s relief, she rubbed two fingers against the side of her head and dropped the mask from her face to hang around her neck, forcing in a fresher inhalation to fill her lungs.

Coolness spread through the air, prickling her throat. After the next set of bushes, they’d be at the temple’s perimeter. Even now, she could see the incredible towers of the ziggurat poking up unnaturally high to the skyline.

“Is this the first time you’ve left her?” Ishida asked through the silence, not looking toward the Master within the shared proximity, but keeping her eyes fixed ahead as she folded another branch that intercepted their path to the temple.

ALLIES | GA | AC | ENC | Valery Noble Valery Noble | PROXIMITY: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis
FOES | SITH | BOTM | MAYBE Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch | PROXIMITY: Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | PROXIMITY: Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf


Location: Dromund Kaas, above Kaas City
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Rowena | Open
Foes: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Open

  • The Mongrel approaches Kaas City on the same troop ship as Rowena
    • The Scar Hounds have brought a force of vehicles to harass and terrorize their foes
  • The Mongrel gives orders to Mercy, and is distracted by memories of her prior actions
  • The Mawites prepare to drop

He did not care about this world, this relic, this ruin.

The Mongrel stared out the viewport as Dromund Kaas expanded to fill it, a planet of dark greens and deep blues so intense they were almost purple. It was a place of shadows, a throneworld of the ancient Sith, a stronghold to the empire that the Brotherhood had helped to break at Thule. To the followers of the ancient traditions set down by the dark lords, it was a hallowed place, its temples and tombs laden with nearly as much history as unholy Korriban itself. To the warlord of the Scar Hounds, it was irrelevant. Its legacy had no meaning for him.

But the Maw was not here to take territory, or to seize resources, or to execute a tactical maneuver in the grand game of war. It was here simply to kill, to swoop down on the clash between its countless enemies and destroy as many of them as it could while they were crowded together. So while he afforded Dromund Kaas itself no respect, attributed it no worth whatsoever in his mind, The Mongrel could respect their purpose here. They had come to murder civilization's profligates, a cleansing by fire and blood that would usher in a new galaxy.

He was good at killing. The Maw had made him so.

And then remade him, again and again, each time he fell. The warlord flexed new fingers, sharpened at the end into piercing talons, and looked down at the fresh chassis his tribesmen had built for him. After that Mandalorian had nearly killed him outside Citadel Caelitus, his body had been fully redesigned. Gone was the transparent brain case (which had proven to be a structural vulnerability), replaced with a heavy and menacing helmet, surrounded by spiked pauldrons. This new form struck a balance between his prior designs.

Not so heavy as Nirauan's, not so light as Csaus's.

It remained to be seen how it would hold up, and there were few harsher crucibles to test it in than ever-contested Sith space. The last time he'd been in the region, his tribal honor guard had been slaughtered to a man at Mongrel's Hill on Korriban, the warlord himself surviving only thanks to the fluke of a hyperspace rift generated by an unstable hyperdrive. His apparent rebirth from the carnage on the tomb world had truly forged his legend, giving him the influence he'd needed to break off from the Bloodsworn and form his own tribe.

But he had suffered for that, and it wasn't the first time this region had taken something from him. It had been on Thule that he had lost both arms to a Kainate elite trooper, his first full dismemberment, starting him down the cybernetic path that had led him to this: becoming nothing more than a brain in a metal shell, endlessly resurrected to fight the enemies of his dark gods. So many empires had risen and fallen out here that bloodshed and despair seemed to have soaked into the very fabric of space, creating a black hole of misery.

A black hole that the Maw would only deepen.

The Brotherhood had come in force... but it was a harassing force, not an invading one. They could never have held this distant planet even if they'd wanted to. No, their goal was simply to add to the carnage... and as The Mongrel stared up at Rowena's towering Throne Breaker-class Assault Walker, he was confident that it was goal they could easily accomplish. Though the ranks of the Scar Hounds were still being slowly replenished, new warriors being harshly trained back in the Maw's domain, he had enough troops for this.

Around the titanic assault craft were smaller Mawite vehicles: war skiffs, raider walkers, even a number of small but deadly Razorghasts, all ready to be unleashed into the streets of Kaas City. It was a heavily mechanized force, with only token infantry support; they could get away with it because they had no need to take or hold anything, only to fight and kill. And the brutal truth was that the Scar Hounds could presently spare their ramshackle but effective vehicles far more readily than they could their few remaining veterans.

A voice crackled in The Mongrel's ear, drawing him from his thoughts. It was Mercy, reporting in from her infiltration position, as usual. Also as usual, she had plenty of valuable information to share. The warlord listened carefully as she spoke, noting which forces were already in play, beginning to strategize... and yet he found himself continuously distracted. His mind drifted back again and again to what had happened on the Alliance flagship Momentous Triumph, high above debris-shrouded Adrathorpe, just before the Mawite withdrawal.

To this kiss she'd planted on his half-severed head.

He knew he should not let it linger in his thoughts. It was not only distracting; it was pointless. He was a creature of metal now, not of flesh, and the passions of flesh were lost to him. Her twisted devotion, the "love" of a victim to the one who had tortured her into obedience, ought to be nothing more than a usual tool for him, a way to keep her under control. And yet he could not banish the memory of it. It stirred emotions in him that he had not felt in years, yearnings he had buried, desires he had thought severed as surely as his organic body.

Had her voice always been sultry? Was he just imagining a change?

"Very good, Mercy," he finally transmitted back, trying to wrestle his wandering thoughts back under control. He had to admit that his strange and impossible craving had helped him in one way: it had dragged him back from the precipice of utter despair. For a long time, imprisoned in his metal shell, he had wanted only to finally be martyred, released at last to the paradise of the Avatars. But now... now he found himself wanting something else, something tangible. "Proceed with your infiltration, and keep me updated." He hesitated.

"Report to me in person when your mission is complete."

The Mongrel cut the link, cursing himself. Why was he letting her get in his head like this? Such pathetic organic desires were something to be cast aside as he served his dark gods... and yet for once he found his iron will bending rather than standing firm. Damnation. Such distractions would get him killed, and it would be a pathetic, unworthy death. "Prepare to drop," he commanded the vehicles and support troops around him, as the troop ship hurdled in toward Kaas City. "Kill everyone who crosses your path! WAR! DEATH! REBIRTH!"

They hurdled toward the besieged Historical District...
A Light Shining in Darkness
Location: Some Old Ruins
Objective: Capture or Kill Darth Arcanix
Allies: Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire // Romi Jade Romi Jade // Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Enemies: Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

The rest of their team, notably Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and Valery Noble Valery Noble , were already occuped in their own struggles across the planet - but the thankful information given to them by the former along with their own patience had given them a clear avenue through the chaos to their target. The planet of Dromund Kaas ate at Wyatt's nerves, likely tore at the others in the party - but they were the best of the best, focused singularly on their objective. Each and every one of them knew exactly what they came for today -​
To end the tyranny and enact justice for the crimes of one Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf .​
Wyatt was crouched on the precipice of the cliff - overlooking the ruins below. Besides him, the others who had come to back him in his efforts. He let the macrobinoculars slip from his face as he spoke of what was to come;​
"Inside that temple is Darth Arcanix. I need not introduce her to anyone here - her name alone has been a mark on the Jedi for years. Likely with her are trained killers, no doubt Sith. The plan should be simple - we enter, we find her, and we take her down. Be it captive, disabled or..."​
He adjusted to stand, letting his master's robes fall into the grass. Grabbing his lightsaber, he held it's hilt tight;​
"A more permanent measure,"​
"Are there any questions?"​

Location: Dromund Kaas, Storm-Wracked Skies
Allies: Open
Foes: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Mylo Thorne

  • Tu'teggacha and a group of Heathen Priests try to use the storm against Revenant Squadron
  • Mawite fighters prepare to try to ambush Revenant Squadron and the troop transports


Amid the crackling clouds that hung over Dromund Kaas, the Mawite attackers waited.

These pirates and marauders had no grand fleet to match the Super Star Destroyers and Battlecruisers of the Ashlans; still struggling to rebuild after the catastrophic damage during the retreat from Adrathorpe, they did not dare deploy such valuable craft so far from their territory. The desperate flight from Korriban, which had nearly cost them the Fatalis, still loomed large in the warfleet's collective memory. Let Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and his Final Dawn allies throw rank upon rank of star destroyers at the enemy, risking it all in a titanic clash of fleets. Those under Tu'teggacha's command would take a more... reserved approach.

The Taskmaster himself sat in the passenger compartment of a cloaked Ommin-class Infiltration Command Shuttle, a far cry from the titanic dreadnought he usually preferred to command. Today, however, stealth would be of far more use to him than massive gun batteries or meters-thick armor. Gathered around him in a ritual circle, their hoods drawn down over their faces, were twelve Heathen Priests of the Maw. Kneeling amid runes drawn in the blood of sacrificed captives, they hummed and chanted, channeling the power of the Dark Side. The Ebruchi was the thirteenth, joining their minds with his powerful telepathy.

With their vile power focused, the Heathen Priests mastered the storm. They whipped up fog and electrical static, concealing the presence of the Mawite ships - Samaels, Spider Cruisers, Doomsayers, Thornwaves, all patiently lying in wait for the enemy vessels that would soon descend into firing range. They intensified the wind currents, buffeting the craft of their foes, threatening to throw them off course... or even smash them against tall trees or pillars of rock. Most directly, they called the lightning, wielding the unstable discharges of Dromund Kaas's atmosphere like crackling javelins from the hand of a god.

As Revenant Squadron and the transports it escorted made their way down, ready to drop off the soldiers that would help secure this benighted world, it was these thunderbolts that began the attack. They lashed out at Tren Chaar Tren Chaar 's pilots, trying to overload the electrical systems of fighters and transport ships alike, to fry them and send them crashing down to the dark jungles below. Between the lightning and the high winds the priests conjured, flying conditions were about to get a lot more challenging for the Alliance aces. But that was just the beginning. Tu'teggacha smiled as he watched it start to unfold.

He was going to have his revenge on the Revenants at last.

"Fighter squadrons, prepare to deploy on my mark," the Ebruchi transmitted. With any luck, the Alliance pilots would be too busy dealing with the unexpectedly terrible atmospheric conditions to detect the hidden Mawite starfighters. Soon the Thornwaves would dive down on them, providing covering fire for the Doomsayers while their ion cannons disabled and crashed those precious transports... but not yet. First he and his little council of priests would use their ritual to the fullest, doing their best to scatter and divide Revenant Squadron, and perhaps even damage them or their charges. And then... they would pounce.

"Welcome to the unfriendly skies," the Taskmaster burble-chuckled.

Hallowed Ground
Dromund Kaas | Dark Force Temple | Defended Hallowed Ground
Through Hell's Gate
The Ground Shakes
The Forgotten One Waits
A body lay face down in the muck, a cauterized runnel through the dead man's back. A Jedi, clothed in green and golden robes, his lightsaber cut in two. There was no reason for the man to be here. He died for nothing, except the hope he may loot something of value from the temple.

There were more coming. Valery Noble Valery Noble and Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina . They would find the telltale signs of their fallen Jedi brothers and sisters, a vanguard force that arrived earlier, butchered and left to rot in the jungle. One body floated in the swamps, a large horizontal cut across the chest, turning the waters of the salt marsh red as the corpse still bled profusely. Another lay slumped against the tree, the body cold, yet no visible signs of a lethal or mortal wound. Yet the face was twisted in an expression of horror and the eyes and mouth were gaping open in fear.

First came the sound of slogging. Footsteps. With the Dark Side Nexus amplifying his powers, the black-cloaked Sith Lord could sense anything. For those who could sense the force and those of the Light, the strength of the Dark Side could be overwhelming to the senses. Yet for Kentarch his senses, strength, and power in the force could only grow. His gaze shifted to a bush line, he could hear speaking. Two more Jedi had arrived, although the pair made a terrible attempt to arrive unnoticed. After slaughtering the Jedi advance team earlier, he hoped the Jedi would redouble their efforts elsewhere. But this was not to be the case.

Kentarch had hoped he would find remaining loyalists and agents sent by Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . Alas, all he found were the vanguard of the Jedi, which was most disappointing. Nonetheless, they needed to be stopped. Few were worthy of stepping foot on the hallowed ground of the Sith, to learn and find the secrets within its temple. Jedi were not worthy.

A red lightsaber came to life, stark against the darkness and the black form that was Kentarch's silhouette. He would not hide here. No, the Sith Lord stood a few steps away from the first steps of the temple, out in the open for all to see. His gaze bore into the position of the two approaching Jedi. Yet he did not approach, instead, he remained still like a silent sentinel.


Location: Outskirts of the Dark Force Temple
Attire: Standard
Loadout: The Harbinger, Lightsaber
Adversary: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

It was beginning to downpour. Traden ignored the rain, letting it seep into his leather jacket and hair as he trudged forward through the water undeterred. He had come to Dromund, the former Sith capital, on his own volition… not as a member of the New Jedi Order, which was surely in question at this point… Simply as a force master of the light, intent on returning a form of retribution upon the Sith and the Maw for their desecration of Coruscant and the Jedi temple.

But even more than that… He desired revenge for the life that had been robbed of him that dreadful day on Coruscant… He desired for them to pay for the death of his wife… the death of his squad… the death of his daughters innocence…

Traden's eyebrows furrowed deeper with solemn resolution as he trudged forward through the ankle deep water, moving steadily closer to the Dark Force Temple. A darkness itself had seeped into his heart… like an unwelcome guest, yet while Traden acknowledged its presence, he was not inclined to show it the door. He let the dark guest remain in the corner of his subconscious, like a watchful observer, searching silently for deeper inroads into Traden's soul.

Whoever crossed the Rogue Masters path would be truly unfortunate, considering his current state of mind.

As he drew closer, he sensed another. It was obviously a dark presence… unlikely a dark master, but strong with the force indeed…. Traden's demeanor remains unchanged, yet a spark began to glimmer in his eyes at the prospect of finally being able to release his form of justice upon those he held responsible.

He was the Judge now… Him and him alone… no more circle… no more Jedi code to hold him back… Now he was truly unleashed to be a true and swift sword of justice. To do what must be done.


Traden emerged from the mist, rain, and darkened sky, becoming visible to the enemy as his silhouette began to form and grow more distinct. The only sound was the steady drone of rainfall, and the sloshing of the Masters feet as he approached through the water. It was truly a perfect setting for such an encounter, one could not ask for more.

Traden raised his head to look upon the subject that would bear the brunt of his pain and wrath. He stood there before him, the water dripping down his face. His gaze hardened, his focus narrow, his soul ready for whatever might come next.

Olly Piblarian


REVENANT SQUADRON: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Mylo Thorne
ALLIES: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Olly pulled out of hyperspace on Tren Chaar Tren Chaar ’s command, immediately flooding his view with the mass of warships and diverse fleets.

“Chit… is everyone here?” Was this a party? And he didn’t bring his party hat…. Olly pouted to himself as he flicked the Yoda bobble head that was attached to his dashboard. It bounced around playfully. Olly smirked, his mood already improving.

“Party with you, I will.” He said in his best Yoda impression.

“Aww... thanks buddy.”

He pulled his B Wing into formation around the transports, looking down at them below.

“With the transports, I will stay!” He replied loudly over coms to Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , instantly cringing to himself as he realized that he had said it in Yoda-speak. Chit.

This was his first mission with the Squadron. While he was not terribly experienced, Olly was... on all accounts... a rather gifted pilot, which was ultimately the reason he had been recruited to join the notable Revenant Squadron. He was still learning the ropes and general vibe of the group... not to mention everyones names. He had not fully picked up on how intense his leader truly was.

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Maestus Stuffffff

Dragon Shield Talisman
Maestus Fury
Shield V1.0

Tags: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust


Dromund Kaas. Ancient world of the Sith. How fucking quaint.

Truth be told, it was a long overdue visit here. One Maestus would have preferred under different circumstances. But such is life. Rarely are circumstances ideal. It is up to the individual to take those circumstances and use them to their advantage. Such situations often led to defining moments in a person's life. As a shiver ran down her spine, she sensed some definition in her future.

From the time the Praedo Mundos dropped out of light speed and entered orbit, something had wriggled in her subconcious. Like an insatiable itch, nothing she tried would satisfy it. As she boarded her shuttle and descended to the surface, it intensified. Now, standing on the surface, this gnawing ate her. Demanding she find....what? What was she here to find? Would she be in the dark until she found it?

It maddened her. Primarily because she had no apparent control over this feeling. And one thing, above all others, that Maestus would not accept, was not being in control. For years, as a child, she had been out of control. With the Force, at least. She had no Master when she was young. No one to guide her, teach her. She had to learn on her own, through many trials and errors. It was only when her Master, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis found her that she began to truly understand. Understand her capabilities. Her strengths and weaknesses. And yes, understand and execute control. She had proven a quick study under his harsh eyes. Then again, she wanted no quarter and none was given. She would have killed him if he had displayed weakness or sentiment towards her. Under his tutelage, she grew strong, in amazing ways. Her mental prowess was second to none, having met few with the strength of will to withstand her mental assaults. She had such a deep and profound command over the Dark Side of The Force. And her will was strong as durasteel or Beskar.

Hence why this uncontrollable gnawing was driving her insane, truly madder than she already was. Hah, many called her crazy. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps today, on this planet, the call of madness would prevail.


Standing meters away from her shuttle, she lifted her face to the skies and allowed the rain to wash over her. True, it lacked the cleansing power of fire, but there was something calming about standing in the rain. Every drop a delicate caress on her crimson skin. It didn't take long for her robes to become soaked through. Realizing they would be more of a hindrance than anything else, she slithered out of them, dropping them in the mud. Wearing a belted flowing tunic, black leather breaches and her boots, she lifted her arms out, fingers wiggling as water dropped from the tips.

The gnawing in her mind turned into the staccatto pounding of a bass drum. Beating methodically. Unceasingly. As the rain pelted her, she turned. The pace of the mental drum beat quickened. She turned a circle again. Something was breaking with Maestus mind. Was it for better or worse? Time would surely tell.

The drums beat faster yet. By now, Maestus was spinning. It was what was happening within her that was most intriguing. Her heartbeat pounded. Her blood sang. Every inch of her felt alive. Alive in a way she hadn't felt since Mustafar. But how? There was no fire, no lava. There was only the storm beating down on her. Mayhaps it was cleansing her. Not something as trite as physical cleansing, no. But her very soul. Things were being washed away. Things that had been holding her back, unknowingly. Things such as self doubt, overconfidence and frustration. As these things left her, she was perplexed. For all her life, she had carried those burdens. To have them gone was invigorating. What was happening to her?

She soon came to realize simply spinning would not release the energies building within. A crazed smile took hold of her lips. Maniacal laughter erupted from her mouth. The spinning gave way to wild, uninhibited body movements. Dancing, in some strange sense of the word.

And so, Maestus danced with the storm.​


Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren




The skittering of light ricocheted into the distance, flickering behind enormous statues of Sith Lords long passed. The air was dry, the earth barren, the Citadel foreboding, none of these impeded the Ren from coming here. Nothing could stop him before, nothing would stop him now.

"When I found you, you had lost your purpose.."

The Throne Room was empty, the Sovereign Protectors dismissed, the crowds of cultists left behind, only two figures remained within. His hand rested against the smooth surface of the throne, the Dark Voice laid his back against it and looked on at the Master of Ren before him.

".. you had been left to haunt the ruins of the past like a ghost. But now.."

The Dark Lord of the Sith leaned forward, his stained eyes glistened as a flash of light illuminated their amber glow with haunting brilliance.

"Look at you."

His right hand rose in gesture, his eyes remained fixated upon him with a terrible glare. A wicked grin cracked along his face, a smile filled with dark grimace and vile intent. The Voice of the Maw rose, his robes flowing to his feet from the mighty throne.

"You are the Wrath of the Avatars, the Champion of the Voice. Where you go, legions follow. You bring death to every world you set foot on, spread discord to every corner of the galaxy, and spark fear into the hearts of every sentient being that knows your name." The Sith'ari slowly approached, his robe flowing along the ancient stone, "Rise my Wrath, Master of the Knights of Ren. Lord of the Crimson Hands. The galaxy is ripe for the taking, you must only reach."

The dark shroud of the Voice halted but a step in front of the Master of Ren, the twin orbs shining bright in the darkened shadow cast over them as light left their presence. "Bring down the wrath of the Hidden Maw upon our enemeis, they gather for the final stroke of a dead empire, a broken people."

"Take. Your. Revenge."


Crimson blades tore threw fabric and flesh, the thick jungle brush was littered with the bodies of those who would resist, of those who would impede their arrival. A bloody swath was carved from the shuttle clearing to the Dark Force Temple itself. Half starved acolytes, depraved cultists, and would-be Sith were all that stood in their way, the remnants of a once-glorious empire turned to ruin. This was their last stand, their final holdout, their once glorious capital. They had nowhere left to run to, only the New Sith Order remained from the schism, only the strong.

The Dark Voice continued in stride ahead of the pack, he made way for the temple proper to begin preparations. The Dark Side was powerful here, the nexus all consuming in it's enthrallment as it spread it's tendrils over the land.Much had changed over the vast millennia, empires came and went, the landscape had changed and so too had the temple. As he approached he could see the renovations and restorations made to the once bustling Sith temple, nearby the still smouldering ruin of the Mandalorian bombardment remained decades after it's devastation over the region.

They entered the swamp, moving towards the edge of the temple mount, the sacred hill upon which the Dark Force Temple sat.

Much had changed.

The Sith'ari approached the temple doors, he would enter with his followers. The ritual would begin in earnest, but it would do so without their Dark Lord. He had a date with destiny.

Smoke You Will Have
Noel Strasza Noel Strasza

Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



OBJECTIVE: I - Once More Into the Breach
TAG: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Open
LOCATION: Imperial Forward Operating Base, Northern Outskirts of City

<< Overseer, this is L'lerim! How are the preparations going today? >>

The comm unit within Overseer Ström's command center - namely a mobile durasteel container dropped via airship flanked by modular barricades, other containers containing support staff, and defensive emplacements - crackled to life with the Empress's voice. She was at the Ashlan Crusade's position, while he focused on leading the Eternal Empire's forces from their own forward operating base a few clicks to the north and west. The Eternal Empire's forces would move in concert with the Crusade's, taking the north flank of the Ashlan's advance. The Empire's forces were comprised of elements of the Empress's personal army, along with the Overlord's personal 1st Sondheim Army Korps. 2 artillery divisions would be deployed near the FOB, supported by a bataillion of ultranauts. (4) armored divisions moved in concert with (2) more infantry bataillions from the far north, serving as the Eternal Empire's main thrust southward, while a lighter but no less capable force of (2) armored divisions and (4) infantry bataillions moved in from the north-east, along the Ashlan Crusade lines. Several more divisions and bataillions were in reserve, but not in infinite numbers.

Peace-keeping forces had already been hard at work, attempting to evacuate whatever women, children, and elderly ones needed assistance. Unlike the barbaric Mandalorian Enclave, the Eternal Empire did not slaughter innocents in the name of purging the broken remnants of the Sith Empire. The Baron's gaze turned into a scowl at the Enclave's presence in this operation. Why the Crusade chose to align themselves with such baseless brutes was beyond the nobleman's comprehension. Granted, during this operation, both he and the Empress herself had issued orders that Eternal forces were not, under any circumstances, to fire first at Enclave forces - or any non-Sith or Maw forces - during their deployment here on Dromund Kaas. Even still, based on how those tin-cans comported themselves on Panatha, Ström had a feeling he would have justification before the day was out to bombard Enclave forces to kingdom come. He couldn't quite place it, but his intuition screamed that this powder keg of an operation - with all of the nations being represented - was primed to burst with such a loose cannon as the Enclave involved. Was it rational? Probably not. But given the man had survived the planetary bombardment of Panatha's capital by the skin of his proverbial teeth, within a bombed out tunnel underneath the capital building, only to be rescued from the wreckage after what seemed like an eternity, one could understand and perhaps forgive the Overseer's 'bias' of exactly what happened on Panatha. But that battle was in the past. At the present, he had Dromund Kaas to worry about.

The Baron's gaze poured over the movements of his forces. After a few moments, he was satisfied enough with their movements to break his attention and reply back to his Empress.
"Your majesty - our forces are advancing in concert with the Ashlan Crusade's. I am monitoring the situation in live time within our forward operating base. Our artillery support is in position, and our close air support should be fully operational within fifteen minutes. We have evacuated as many civilians we could, working in conjunction with Princess Eina who has already made her way into the city's shelters. My men are making their way to her location now."

After giving his update, the Overseer glanced around his 'room'. This base was well guarded, by a company of veteran 'Ghost' Ultranauts, along with two platoons of reserve armor. Engineers within the center of the compound set about getting a shield generator going, which would render the base all-but completely protected against potential ranged ambushes. He observed artillery crews getting their emplacements getting sited in, and platoons of self propelled howitzers moving out to position themselves at pre-selected deployment zones, so as to avoid concentrating too heavily in one sole location. After a few moment's pause in observing the movements of his forces, the Baron turned to his comms officer. "Send an update to our forces, and our allied forces. Artillery strikes are at the ready for those who need support." ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Pietro Demici Pietro Demici and any other EE or Ashlan forces on the ground).


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Alternate Location: Abandoned Sith ruin near southern Pole
Objectives: search for information
Tags: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol
Rappelling line
FC-20 Speeder bike

The woman looked at the approaching figure and squinted her eyes. Something wasn't right here, he walked with a purposeful gait and towards her. Had the Crusade put out tracking fobs on her? Gods, maybe it was the hut Republic or the previous owner of Marzanna. The interloper was now between her and the last of the towers that might contain her dish. She would lay low for a moment and watch him, if he came to close she might need to try and blag her way out. She pulled her cloak up a little, she didn't need it, but being the only person without one in a blizzard was fairly conspicuous.

She waited for a few more minutes, remaining still and silent allowing the snow to fall around her, but he was still coming. "Kark it! A mandalorian." she said quietly to herself as he got closer. If he wasn't here for her bounty she would be a monkey-lizard's aunt. If he had her fob, there would be no point hiding.

"Good morning friend!" she shouted down from the tower. Still hoping that the unknown person was just a lot traveller. "be of any help to you? I can fix your ride if you like?" she gestured towards the landed xwing in the distance. She was really hedging her bets now as she could feel the trouble brewing for her. She loosened her saber on her belt and stretched her back. Ready to pounce on this man.

The air around her was beginning to take on an unnatural chill as her heart beat faster and her passion fuelled powers began to bubble to the surface, snowflakes landing on her bare skin refused to melt as her temperature dropped. "keep calm Mairéad, this may be nothing to worry about." she spoke softly, knowing she was lying to herself.
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective I.: Doing her job and follow the warlord's commands.
Location: New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Open
Allies: BotM/NIO | Rowena | Open
Enemies: AC/EE/GA/Enclave
[ New Order ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I continued to watch the flames in the distance; if I am lucky, it will be the easiest job of all time. I can walk in easily as Ziare as a COMPNOR agent. After all, I can lie to soldiers at any time, yes, those are my codes. I didn’t have to talk to them about my duties anyway, for the sake of ease, I could send them the NIO some data too, so as not to be too suspicious, but the majority would go to Maw. Of course, even before the city completely collapses and becomes a prey to the flames.

I had no doubt that this would happen. Sometimes I wonder which side I should be on. I mean, I get the right devastation in both places. Oh, no, it wasn’t about betraying Maw, it was just about wanting to act like Ziare several times. This whole thing is too strong for his stomach anyway, which is what the NIO is doing. However, I definitely liked it. This is why I stood on the Maw's side.

There’s a growing urge to actively spy and take my share of the fun. This could be my return for my service, isn't it? I always get my due. Last but not least, it would be a really damn challenge to be able to get as high as possible within COMPNOR by playing her part. Within Nite, it worked, but maybe it was easier because it was easier there to shroud in anonymity. I heard some explosions and shots from a distance. I tilted my head slightly as I watched the flaming city.

And the next moment I heard what I was waiting for. The answer. I even grinned involuntarily under my helmet. It took a little longer than usual now. Is that dog Iggy distracting him again? If he were here, it would have been a special jackpot for me, not only could I have done my job, but I could have even killed him. I acknowledged the order to myself, nothing special.

<< Copy that, warlord! I act as usual! >> I replied.

I would have just disconnected the connection when he was still resuming. I paused for a moment and raised my eyebrows. In person? This was a novel! We only met twice on the battlefield during my missions. First, on Coruscant, I saved them, I mean, they came to my position so they could leave the place. The other was Triumph; where in the heat of the moment that kiss also took place. I mean, I kissed him on his brain's jar, because without a physical body, there couldn’t have been more. Maybe he liked that he wanted to see you again? Why else would it not be enough for him that I just leave the planet after my task? In the shadows, as the good agent did this.

If he still had a body, what would have happened then? I shouldn’t think of things like that, I’m his soldier, my job is to serve him, nothing more. Or serve him in every way? But still, that moment, which was born by the excitement and anger, the wrath in that situation. I laughed bitterly, but he couldn't hear that, and no one else could. It was for the air. That moment, which Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha referred to earlier or just between exercises. Although not literally, I was able to read between the lines. We are all slaves. If not literally, our desires and feelings clapped us into chains. Now I was who hesitated…

<< Understood, warlord! When I'm done with the job, I'll join you! >> I tried to answer as normally, in an average voice, but maybe I even discovered some longing in my voice for the pleasure of seeing him. I was interested in the sequel…

Feth! I shot into the roof with the grappling hook, fastened the twine to my belt and then jumped off the roof. I was on the ground in about half a minute. I untied myself from the string and sat on my speeder biker. Moving between my allied troops with my codes, I arrived in the northern part of the city very soon. One or two minutes; I wasn't too far from the place. If all is true, it was a camp for the Eternal Empire beyond the northern part of the city, though it was not interesting to me now. I parked the vehicle in front of the building and then entered the seemingly dead building through the huge gate.

<< I arrived at the building, starting the task. Warlord, do you have any special requests for what information you need? >> I asked, there was something in my voice this time that made the question ambiguous, as if it related not only to my task but to myself as well.






ALLIES: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis | Maestus Maestus | Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch | NSO | BOTM
Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Ares Atrius Ares Atrius | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Traden Avarice Traden Avarice | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | AC | GA | NIO | Enclave | EE | TSE
Faison Kelborn Faison Kelborn {Soonᵀᴹ)
GEAR: In Bio

Vestar - 48 hours before contact:

"Mistress, I'll be accompanying you - no more staying behind."

The Lady of Conquest glanced back as the General of her forces spoke behind her from where she was gliding to the shuttle that would take her to the Fortuna in orbit.

She came to a stop to face Samron fully.
"Graves has the matter well in hand, darling. We'll be fine." she told him as she referred to his second-in-command, Legate Nathan Graves.
In truth, she feared to let him onto the battlefield again after Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri in his feral state had nearly killed the Falleen on Coruscant. He was her closest friend and confidant - even more so than her Hand-in-training Marek Silvanus Marek Silvanus .
"I have spoken, my lady. I will not stay behind again like a craven child." the large man said coolly before he started to march past her, fully armoured, toward the shuttle.
"Are you disobeying a direct order, General?" Danika asked his back icily as the rest of the Legion bustled around them to get supplies on the dropships.

The Falleen stopped and turned slowly, his back rigid.
"Yes, my lady. I am." he said, his blue gaze meeting her eldritch one head on.
Danika was silent for a moment, the air around them frigid, before she glided forward. "You're lucky I value you too much to have you executed." she told him as she glanced up at him as she passed. "Very well, come along."


She was not there just to pillage.

The arcane knowledge held by the Dark Temple beckoned to her. Danika would learn what she can from it before others destroy it.

Not that she would refrain from cutting down those that stood in her way.

The Herald of Death and her forces moved through the jungle, nearly vaporising those remnants, zealots and allied forces that dared to bar the way. The dread-helms of the company of Legionnaires were a haunting sight as they appeared from the shadows of the foliage - the gaunt face-helms the last thing many saw before meeting the eternity.

Hardly impeded, they moved through the marshland alongside the sheer force of the New Sith Order. The strength of Nexus thrummed from the central structure within the marshes.
"There will be much to gain from this. Can you feel it, Samron?" the Lady remarked, a sinister smile curling her mouth.
"I do feel something, Mistress - hungry." the Falleen quipped as his own dread-helm scanned their area.

Enemy forces were all around, engaging whoever they could.

Yet a foreboding battered at the Lady of Bone.

"We'll have worthy company soon." she told the General.



Objective 1 : Hunt Sith
Location : Dromund Kaas, New Kaas City
Equipment : Signature/Profile
Writing With : Enclave + Open
Allies : Enclave
Enemies : Sith + Anyone who interferes in Mando business
Neutral : Others

The trip out to Dromund Kaas had been quiet, not much banter or talk between the Mandalorians of Clan Gra'tua. They all knew the stakes, this was their first operation as a unified aliit, and the eyes of the Enclave and their vode would be watching. A freighter's hold was sufficient for the spartan needs of the Marines and the Supercommandos as they quietly awaited their arrival. Once the ship was down, the Alor led his squad of four out, followed by a mixed battalion of Supercommandos in more traditional Mandalorian armour, and Marines in their heavy AV-1A Assault Armor. The Clan were going into a war zone, and had come prepared to fight their way through.

Weather on DK as the warriors of Clan Gra'tua called it, was typically crappy, with rain sheeting down from grey skies lit up by the intermittent lightning of the near constant storm weather. Clan in their beskar'gam, the warriors ignored the falling water, intent on their tasks. Already the techs were working on slicing into encrypted comms that they were picking up. The support units were scanning the skies and high places for targets, covering the small units of commandos who moved out more swiftly. Stone spoke orders across Gra'tua's own encrypted squad link. "We're here for Sith. Don't go looking for fights with Jedi or anyone else, but if they get in your way, take them down. Keep moving, pick your targets, and bring them down hard. Vengeance for Manda'yaim!" He spoke the last three words as the new Clan's new battle cry was taken up and echoed back across comms.

Stone moved out with only his squadmates for company, he and Vansen toting rifles, while the larger Tank and Angry carried heavy repeaters. He was grateful for the familiar weight of his pulse cannon, and kept it ready to sight in on any red blade waving crazies if they made themselves known to the Mando'ade of Clan Gra'tua. The Mandalorians had come for revenge, something well understood to most of the galaxy, a concept the Mando'ade took close to heart. There was much bad blood between Sith and Mando, and today was just a new chapter in the saga of violence.


Objective I: Help secure the City
Location: New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Lightsaber, Voidsaber
Allies: BOTM, NIO
Enemies: AC/EE/GA/Enclave
Tags: Open


Dromund Kass, a planet rich with Sith history was now a battleground. Each Faction wants a piece of the pie. No matter, this will not be a fruitless battle. Superious took to the city as it would be a likely target for enemies. He would have gone to the temple and then to the city. Superious would deal with business here first and then head to the Temple Mount. Knowing how fractious war can get, he knew the city won't remain intact for long. If anything, it would be mostly rubble.

So he carefully picked his way across the streets, keeping as low key as possible, best keep a low profile as it would benefit him in the long run if and when he runs into enemies and then he can use his newly acquired weapon he won from the Auction a week ago. He has not had a chance to use it up to now at least.

Each street was deserted and the markets were closed, well if it was Uba IV everything would stop as the civilians took cover as masses of combatants took to the streets looking for a punch up or in this case a sword and blaster fight. If they wanted a fight, he will certainly give it to them. So far he hasn't run into anyone, pity, because he wanted to at least use an enemy to test the VoidSaber on. Anyone would do.

Dodging several stray Civilians dashing by to get to the safety of their own homes, he pressed on, using the force to get over dead-end alleys. The fin part for him now is finding a worthy opponent, win or lose, he will not make it an easy victory. Besides who do they think they are, coming here and washing away the culture of the planet?

Fortunately, he made the call to leave Thierry behind, simply because, it was not a good place for an apprentice to be, not at the stage he is at anyway. Thierry shouldn't be sacrificed in something like this, because he truly liked his apprentice.

Auction link:
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