Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Final Countdown - AC/NIO/EE/GA/Enclave/BotM Junction of Dromund Kaas/Centares/Lutrilla/Aruza/Hypori/empty hex above Sposia

Final Countdown
Objective: Prepare to receive casualties​
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
Feeling strong hands hoist her up, Lana felt some of her energy return. Hearing the words of her friend, she steeled herself, letting out a small sigh, and rolling her shoulders, Lana had to step up. It made her a little sad that she couldn't spread the joy of life day around, but such were the times they found themselves in.​
Truth be told, her mother would have been better suited for this sort of work. Mama Kala was an actual doctor, but Lana felt she could at least get by as a nurse. Seeing that her friend needed her, and that the day was just starting, she took in a breath and flashed the best smile she could before jumping to her friend's help. "Yep! I got you Ana!" She would tall behind the woman, eager to try and do a little more good in the galaxy before the day was done.​


"Do with them what you must, kill them, maim them, but make sure you dispose of the aftermath," he nodded at the replicant, silently acknowledging what he expected Yubari would need to do to maintain the sanctity of the mission and its goals and importance to the Empire. Sure the SIA were ever a thorn in their side, and with recent developments in the outer worlds of the order proving to be troublesome and concerning, they were not the existential threat they might prove themselves to be. However, history was a cruel mistress and to underestimate your own enemy was to sign your own downfall and demise.

Belkora moved casually at his own pace, flanked by his armed men as he strolled down the street toward the palace grounds. Unlike the rest of his team, he was not heavily armed nor wore a protective vest, choosing to dress in his suit and shades and carry his trusty sidearm for protection. Whoever was out there, be it Sith, their teenage conscripts or anybody, would not bother or take note of the smartly dressed Tetan and his bodyguards. Not if they wanted to die, that was.

He stopped at a crossroad, pulling out a cigarra and flicking open his lighter before lighting the cigarra and inhaling and exhaling a large cloud of smoke. Belkora had time on his side, the Sith certainly didn't.


Alternate Location: Abandoned Sith ruin near southern Pole
Objectives: fight the bucket head
Tags: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol
Rappelling line
FC-20 Speeder bike

"COME DOWN HERE COWARD!" she yelled at the flying mandalorian as he continued his blaster barrage, Mairéad continued to block the bolts with her lightsaber, bolt after bolt? Had he not fought force users before, she grinned, but her grin quickly faded as she realised he was delaying her so he could steal her quarry!

She unclipped the rappeling line and fired it up the the tower. It slammed into the wooden support on the second to top floor and went taught. She grabbed tightly and it launched her into the air. She swung around the tower, trying to get the structure between her and the bucket head. More blaster bolts came in, peppering the tower and showering her with splinters, she swore as a bolt hit her saber hilt and disabled in, she ducked into the open archway and took cover.

She could see the mandalorian flying around outside, he had the mobility advantage and she needed to shut it down. She held her hand out and felt for the mandalorian, trying to drop the temperature of his jetpack, her first ever taste of her powers was the tragic disabling of the slavers cargo ship, now she wished to use the same cryogenesis to disable that accursed jet pack, if it didn't work she was going to struggle in this fight.


Objective: 1 Destroy the camp behind enemy lines
Allies: BOTM
Nearby: Morrow Iris Arani Iris Arani

The time of the Sword and the Axe was indeed nigh as the camp consisting of Alliance and New Imperial forces were assaulted. Thunder periodically drowned out the screams, the battle cries and tearing of flesh from bone. The rain mixing in with the blood that had created puddles of crimson mixed mud while the troopers kept steadily massacring through both New Imperials and Alliance alike, some troopers went as far as to feast down on as many soldiers as possible. When the occasional blaster shot wasn’t fired then mighty battle axes were used to practically cleave a being in twain. Through the mud there had seemed nothing but carnage for the cannibal horde that had descended upon the enemy.

Even the rain didn’t stop fires from burning into an inferno across several tents including those too badly injured to fight or even move. In desperation many seemed to try and flee while still burning only for them to fall dead on the ground. The bloodlust of the cannibal troopers was just as potent as the Master that led them. Some even went as far as to throw razor wire like nets out to stop anyone from trying to flee the carnage. It had seemed as if troopers from all sides started to pour out from the trees and encroach into the camp.

Kyrel himself had seemed overwhelmed at first, but grew to find the carnage nothing less than perfect. It was a perfect sight to behold, the madness and the fury mixed in with utter confusion as if they didn’t expect the Maw to get so close to enemy lines. While the rest of the Imperial and Alliance forces were too distracted by both remaining Sith forces, and reports of Mawites popping up all over the former Sith Throneworld Kyrel gladly took the fight straight to the heart. With glee each heavy handed stroke of his saber had cut down his enemies with ease, and yet he felt something here.

The signature in the Force was familiar and yet different. He couldn’t seem to wonder why or who it was, as he kept wandering through the lines of burning tents. As he carved a bloody swathe his own troopers were not far behind from him, moving in after him to deal with some unfortunate wretch that had escaped the thirst of his blade. Then in that moment he felt the signature again, only this time what had felt like it had doubled in intensity since arriving. Was it a Jedi, or an Imp Knight? If so why did it feel familiar to him as if he came across it before?

The search for these answers had only quickened his pace. At first the newly anointed Wrath of the Maw had kept a slow pace. Anyone the Wrath saw he would cut down on sight, but the signature was bothering him to a point he was looking inside the tents. Matters didn’t prove to help much when those that had started to panic tried to muster a fragile defense in the midst of all the chaos that had threatened to consume them all.

Going from tent to tent he started to increase the slaughter. No longer was he treating it as if on a leisurely whim. Instead with the signature so close he started to slaughter anyone he could find until he found the source of his irritation. Each time he came out he said his voice booming. “Come out wherever you are… I know you are there! Come out and I give my word I’ll save you for last!” He said as his words echoed through the force implying in such madness that they would watch the entire camp burn. His pace turned quickly into an even more frantic search.

Not only had the Wrath of the Maw found the signature irritating, he also could not escape the same old words that echoed. The words that constantly spoke of devouring his enemies by the nature of his design. As if he was a carnivorous hound hellbent on sinking his teeth on the one he felt so unique in the force. His anger rising he called to his troops.
“There is a Jedi here! Bring him to me alive or else suffer like the rest of these infidels!”







Lord Letifer | New Sith Order

Joint Allied Forward Operating Command
Spindle Spindle | Darth Saevius Darth Saevius | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


It had all come toppling down. The remnants of a dead empire corralled into their former capital city, besieged on all fronts by those who sought it’s final obliteration. The hungry tidal wave of darkness that was the MAW had come to devour all it’s enemies so foolishly gathered together, it’s marauding hordes unleashed unto the enemy like a flood and yet, in the shadows like boogeymen in the night, the New Sith Order lurked in silence. Preying upon the Sith-Imperials, the Jedi, and the Imperials. They would strike true, strike with hatred coursing through being. They would show their enemies why they had so viciously hunted down their broken counterparts, why Only The Strong survived.

Soldiers cleared through the rubble, scattered out amidst the rock and ruin. The sky lit up in flowers of emergent fire, brilliant lights and immaculate flame as ships torched the sky. The sounds of war were ever present in every corner of the region, the spearheaded effort by the Ashlans and their Allied Powers was making short work of the Sith remnants. The area would soon be clear, the enemy would move on to the next, but they would remain, they would lurk in the shadow, they would kill those they sought.

Lord Letifer rose from the remnants of a shattered building as dust and duracrete rolled off his body and cloak. The patrol had passed, the enemy moving away as the former Sith assassin came to his feet.

“We are nearing their command post. Let none survive, the priority is the priest. Pietro Demici Pietro Demici .”

The Lord of the Sith stopped mid stride, his gaze rolling over his shoulder to his compatriots at his back.

“I want his head on display for all to see, make it so.”

With that said the Sith Lord resumed his stride briefly before taking off into a sprint. His boots spirited along the surface of the ground until he came upon an outcrop, leaping off he brandished his saber. The hot plasma ignited, springing to life in a crackling roar as he landed in the midst of the forward operating post. Two hands grasped hold of his weapon, immediately unleashing violence upon those nearest to him with a unrelenting rage.

He would cut a swath to this holy man, he would have his head.


Objective: Only the Strong
Location: Ashlan Crusade Forward Operating Post
Tags: Spindle Spindle Lord Letifer Lord Letifer Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Saevius had spent more time than he cared to admit trying to 'prove' himself amongst his newfound 'Brothers of the Maw'. He must have gained some measure of traction, as he had been asked to join Lord Letifer Lord Letifer in the mission to cleave the head off of the proverbial serpent that was the Ashlan Crusade. It had reached so far, what was more poetic than to lop off its head here - on Dromund Kaas itself. It had been many long years since he had laid eyes upon the keystone world of the former Sith Empire. To be here again; to feel the dark energies pulsing through the air, it was... envigorating.

The former Sith Inquisitor moved through the rubble of the city silently alongside Lord Letifer and Spindle, using his abilities to mask their presences in the force. He remained silent, stalking through the ruins of the city up until the very moment they sprinted to the outpost. Saevius' blade ignited with a violent snap his, cleaving an unsuspecting Crusader from shoulder to hip in one swipe. His powers were amplified here - all of his brothers were. He could feel the presence of their target, as well as a truly powerful being at his side. There was no time to bask in their presence - to savor the impending kill he was about to play party to.

He cut his way alongside his companions through the camp until he was able to make eye contact with Pietro Demici Pietro Demici himself - and none other than the Eternal Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim at his side. A feral grin lined his features. Finally, a worthwhile specimen to bend to his will.




Enemies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
"The Grand Admiral wishes for us to probe the enemy.", the Lietuant offered Orys. He rubbed at the small amount of hairs prickling to the surface of his chin, and readjusted.​
"Then it seems we'll do exactly that.", he replied.​
Standing, he walked forward on the bridge of the Allyiesa to stand before the holoprojector. It scanned him, created a small duplicate of himself engrained in a blueish hue that glitched every few moments, and then sent it off to the ships before him. Hands were held tight behind his back, his posture was wide yet even - a powerful pose that signaled to his professional acumen.​
His voice was stalwart and stoic - showing no fear, no anger, no pride.​
"This is Commodore Orys Draste hailing you on an open channel. I speak with the authority of Grand Admiral Caarlyle Rausgeber and the Imperator Rurik Fel. You are asked to stand down, stand aside, and depart. This airspace is hereby claimed by the Iron Sun of the New Imperial Order until military activities planet side cease.", he said plainly, simply. There was no accentuation to his words.​
"Proceed to depart, or face overwhelming force. It is your choice."​
The message would send, and he would move to the transparisteel windows of the bridge. Before him was a fleet massvie in size - battlecruisers, frigates, escorts of every size. He doubted they would retreat simply because he demanded it so - no matter who he attempted to speak on behalf of. It would matter not - his fleet was bringing its shields to maximum for an opening volley; a predictable endeavor from an enemy given an opening.​
It was after that he would make his move.​

Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Draco Miles Draco Miles
Objective: Kill, Maim, Burn!
Allies: BotM
Enemies: Everyone Else
Links: Weapons | Chosen

Where Eina didn't believe in gods, nor thought of the Avatars as real, Zachariel was far different. For all intents and purposes, the entities he had faced, and one he had fought, were gods. They may not be the text book definition of gods, but how else could you describe creatures of unimaginable power? They weren't living creatures, came from realms ill understood, held the fealty of thousands, and had power next to none. They were gods, for they could shape all around them to their will, and had followers across the galaxy. But he knew Eina would never agree to that view of life, just as he would never agree to her views.

Still, they could trade words and verbal jabs, even if they would never see eye to eye. In a sense, Zachariel saw people like her as naive, for they refused what was true in the galaxy. And yet, Eina surprised him, and showed she was even more naive than expected. Her words illicited more laughter from the warlord, even as their battle continued.
"No dear child..." His laughter interrupted his words, even as she rebuked him. "So young and naive, tell me, how long have you been out of the Nether? Has Ingrid truly kept you cooped up in there for so long? It wouldn't surprise me, you young, naive thing."

He completely ignores her comment about respect, he'll address Ingrid as he pleases, especially when it annoys others. Besides, their secret status together afforded him freedom in that regard, something he would gladly abuse. However, seeing Eina as she was, Zachariel's grin remained. She didn't understand, couldn't yet, for she was too young for it. At his first words, she believed he had underestimated her. Perhaps now she would realize how false that was.

Meanwhile, where Zachariel faced Eina, the Chosen came under attack from another source, an unknown enemy. The door swung flung at them did knock them back, bowling over a few of their number and halting the others advance. Yet, as soon as the door had settled, they continued on, weapons raised to find any target. Advancing forward, those knocked over slowly rose to their feet, shoving the door to the side, bearing only a few superficial scrapes upon their armor.

In this time, they were struck once more, though by lightning this time. Bunched together as they were, the lightning spread out, even as they were pushed back. Claws in their boots extended, slamming home to keep them in place, as mag clamps wouldn't work here. However, here the similarities ended in their reactions. Yes, the Chosen were more standardized than most in the Bloodsworn, certainly more than the Maw, but they were each unique warriors. This was most reflected in their weapon choices, though their armor was similar. They had a base model, but each Chosen was unique, and many had protections against their metal adornments, or simply used other materials.

As such, though the lightning scorched their armor, only two of the Chosen were truly affected. And even then, they still lived, burnt and twisted beyond belief, but alive. By this point however, the Chosen had grown annoyed with a foe who wouldn't show themselves, and simply opened fire. Their advance continued as weapons fire shot in every direction, except towards Eina and Zachariel. Regular blaster bolts and heavy bolts flew, missiles were shot, grenades thrown, and other weapons were unleashed. Should a target be spotted, fire would be shifted towards it, but otherwise it was simple blanket fire that heralded their advance.

Their focus and direction remained steadfast, until Eina's Force Light took effect. For one eternal moment, the light activated, blinding them, before shades kicked in. But it wasn't the light that had stopped them, it was Zachariel's sudden roar. He himself had roared in sudden pain and fury, once the Force Light kicked in, blinding and bringing him pain. It wasn't physical pain, but spiritual, because it targeted his Dark Side. He may not consider himself a Sith Lord, nor was he particularly versed in the Force, but he was still connected to it. As such, being forcibly disconnected hurt him, even if he could fight on without any issues.

However, this didn't prevent Zachariel's snarl, nor did it dim the rage he felt then. Raising his blades to block any attacks coming towards him, Zachariel felt worse for wear. But it was pain, something he had dealt with his entire life. As Zachariel spoke then, voice a low growl, his Chosen turned once more, seeing their liege was perfectly fine for now.
"A shame, it means you'll have to live as the gift." Natural senses flaring, Zachariel snarled once more. "I think she would hate me for it, though your supposed allies may hate me more." Lurching forward into anything, he laughed as he spoke. "You claim knowledge, little, naive Ingrid. Knowing something and experiencing it are very different. And you have never experienced anything for yourself. So, let me enlighten you to EVERYTHING!."

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
missiles were shot, grenades thrown, and other weapons were unleashed
Exactly what Draco needed, explosives. They could aid her immensely as she can remain in cover, hidden from the force light and not using much of her power as she halted these projectiles, which allowed her to send them back to their sender. She’d love to cut these men down and in half, but currently she needed stealth and surprise attacks such as the rockets and grenades to keep herself from being seen and directly attacked. Though a bright idea invited itself into her mind. The heavy bolts, rockets, and grenades were all remote detonation devices by charges being sent through electrical signals or direct impact… to which she could activate herself. Each man would find his grenades now active and about to detonate, much like their rockets, and even their own Ammo with explosive ordinances and self propellant in them. Their technology was their downfall!

Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Percival Io Percival Io Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood
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Pietro Demici: Cardinal of Ashla

Engaging: Lord Letifer Lord Letifer , Spindle Spindle , Darth Saevius Darth Saevius

Allies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Rurik Fel, DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran , Noel Strasza, Siv Dragr Siv Dragr , The Fool The Fool , Baron Reinhardt Ström

Enemies: Darth Solipsis, The Mongrel The Mongrel , Rowena, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Personal Loadout: lightsaber, armorweave priest's vestments

Sanctus Dominus


Pietro simply nodded in response to Ingrid's comment on war, keeping his eyes on the projection of the city as she spoke. The coming hours on Dromund Kaas would indeed be trying for all involved, but the cardinal was prepared to do whatever was needed to see it through. His gaze shifted as a transmission from Eina came through, mentioning the NIO's attack on the orphanage.

"What in the name of Ashla do they think they're doing?"

He turned toward Ingrid, furiously motioning for one of the chaplains of the Holy Guard to join them.

"Apologies, empress, but it appears we have hit a bit of a snag at the orphanage. I trust Eina will do all she can, but it will be best to send some help. Things are about to get more complicated."

There had been discussions of the rules of engagement before the allied forces had landed on the planet. The NIO had been given freedom to conduct their forces as they saw fit, but they were not to interfere in Ashlan business. This attacker was either a spy, a traitor, or a madman, and would be treated as such.

"Chaplain, take as many of the Holy Guard as you can spare and begin pushing toward Eina's location. You are not to fire unless fired upon. Now get moving."

The chaplain immediately left, taking most of the nearby Holy Guard with him. As they departed, Pietro turned his attention back to the Eternal Empress.

"Looks like we've reached the hard part of the fight. Things are going to get messy."

Suddenly, there was that familiar feeling, that tingling sensation in the back of the neck that reeked of danger. Someone was beginning to close in, stalking them from the shadows...

"We have company..."

It wasn't long after that the Sith struck, cutting down several crusaders as they pushed toward Pietro and Ingrid. The cardinal's hand reached for his lightsaber, igniting the azure blade as he turned to face the enemy.

"So the Sith dogs are finally loosed. I suppose it was only a matter of time until the Maw came for my head. Unfortunately, the only heads that will roll today will be your own!"

Reaching out into the empyrean, Pietro lifted the holo projector into the air, throwing the large device across the forward camp and straight at the enemy. It would only buy them a moment, but when fighting the treacherous denizens of the Bogan, every moment would count.






As Above, So Below


They were here, she could feel it. The stale wind that moved through the trees, the humidity that refused to cling to her, and the hatred that permeated like a fog beneath the leaves - the confused wretches that had come chasing after her because of an image crafted in their mind with all of the wrong colors. There was a crunching of wood as she swept her hand across her front, from right to left, originating from a tree being ripped from its foundation in the ground to remove it from the path she'd steadily been carving out for herself as she approached the outer limits of the dark temple. The closest she had been to this, in recent memory, was perhaps for a fleeting few moments on Nirauan, but even that had been little more than the truth peeking out from behind a façade - this was the real deal.

There, though removed from her line of sight, was Felix Aquila Felix Aquila and another, Scyllias Aventor Scyllias Aventor , preparing themselves for a fight with a woman that had never existed.

The beast that Felix had hunted, that he thought was real - a woman whose limits still seemed within the realm of reason to challenge without the sorts of measures that the likes of Solipsis or Caelitus might invoke. To the unaware, perhaps even to the very men she deigned to give her respect, she was just another angry woman, a harpy on a vindictive quest for power and maybe something a little more; she was much more than that. There was no ambitious journey for power, no fantasy forming in her mind of her in the place of her supposed betters, only the burning hatred for the status quo and the ravenous desire to consume. Life, power, love, and whimsy - all of it paled to the hunger that welled up within her.

Plants she strode near withered and shrank, trees stripped of their leaves and their bark grayed with what resembled age, animals that flew overhead fell from the sky, those that crawled underneath never returned to the surface to feed, as everything died.

Nearly a decade ago she swore to the girl of her dreams that she'd overtake the stars, make it all hers, and set her upon it as the queen the galaxy deserved - years later, now, and plans had changed, bridges burnt. She saw the people that scurried to and fro for what they were, saw through the people that ruled them, and knew that they didn't deserve anything, least of all the woman they had wronged to be their ruler. There was no life left throughout the great expanse of the galaxy that could be redeemed, even herself, and the only way forward was to start over. To destroy it all and make it new.

She had that strength, that power, with the anger that flowed through her veins, the hunger that lived within her, and the beating of Typhojem's heart within her chest.

"You should have accepted your survival and moved on." She said from beneath her white hood, fiery eyes framed by pink smears of color across her eyelids and the sides of her face. Maybe he thought that he would have gotten the drop on her, that she would have been taken by surprise - could have been taken by surprise - but what he had been looking for had found him instead, and the monster he feared was much larger than he had remembered. There was no warmth wherever she stood, no color anywhere in the world around her except that which marked her flesh, and dread manifested from her in a manner nearly as palpable as the visible miasma that flowed to and from her. "Instead you've chased after something you do not understand."

She lifted her left hand, its flesh marked with black ink in the same way that her right was, and gestured with wagging fingers for him to come.

"If you desire your death so badly then come and take it from me - you and he can whet my appetite for the meal that will follow."

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Location: Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex (Enemy)

Jax continued to go deep into the city making sure to evade any civilians driven mad by the device. He had a good idea where to find amplifier Jax could feel a lot of Dark Side energy coming from the north. However, Jax also sensed a presence no, a catastrophic disturbance in the Force. The Jedi Master's knees began to weaken as if it were a flimsy piece of wood. Something or someone was up there an echo of sorts the Dark Side runs strong in that area. "I feel cold," Jax continued to approach the place feeling that he was back in that cave in Ach-To with Master Oda informing him that a Jedi's greatest enemy was themselves.

Yet sometimes Jax wondered if that was the case because based on what he was feeling, there was something that was beyond comprehension. Taking a deep breath, Jax continued to move. Despite the sensing the corrupting presence, Jax needed to keep going he is a Jedi one sworn to protect the weak and innocent. He has endured death, fought the Dark Side countless times, this was just another obstacle that Jax needed to overcome. Yet the Force was whispering something that there was more to this disturbance.

With the thunder and lightning cackling above creating as much noise as the explosions from afar, Jax crossed the threshold seeing the device in sight. "There we go," Jax took out his Lightsaber about to make his move. "Time to get rid of this thing."


Objective 1 : Hunt Sith
Location : Dromund Kaas, New Kaas City
Equipment : Signature/Profile
ALLIES | NIO | AC | TE DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Nukth Kelga'an Annor E-059 Hoken Stryte The Fool The Fool Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Don Belkora Don Belkora Jerec Yularen Siv Dragr Siv Dragr M I R A Morrow Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Djorn Bline Thonn Rokkal Julian Qar Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt
ENEMIES | TSE | BotM | Ziare Dyarron Rowena Percival Io Percival Io The Mongrel The Mongrel Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood |
Engaging : Erion Justeene

Gotcha! The Shi'ido's mind rang with a success he knew he could exploit, focused totally on this deadly game of combat. The whipcord entangled the Ubese Sith's legs, right on cue. As would be expected, the Sith's blade cut through the whipcord before Stone could yank it, and pull his legs from under him. Fast as a whip, the glowing orange-red blade whoomed back, deflecting Stone's strike into Superious' arm, the vibrosword of good Mandalorian Iron cutting the Sith, drawing first blood for the Mando'ad.

"Oya!" Stone exploded into motion, exclaiming loudly, exulting in having cut his opponent first, and instead of pulling back for another swing, pressed the beskad towards Superious, using it as a sharp battering ram, and putting his own strength behind it, blade against arm. He shoved hard, trying to knock the Sith backward, and off his feet. The Mando's right hand was on the hilt of the weapon while his left was on his own forearm, pushing, but ready to react if the lightsaber came at him from that side.

The Mando'ad's technique would appear unorthodox to a lightsaber master, though it was a well practised form with the beskad. Using it like a hammer that also cuts when you pull it back, to overwhelm with power and unexpected movements, always with devastating and deadly force.

Clan Gra'tua was making a mess elsewhere in the city, fighting their way through Sith and other enemies, lending aid to Enclave forces in their surgical but devastating strikes on the enemies of the Mando'ade. Their Alor continued, oblivious, locked in mortal combat on a rooftop, trusting to his vode to get the job done while he did his, and ended the reign of this one Sith Lord, here and now.


The Unchained

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr

Allies: SCAR SCAR , Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr , Raus Garrat, Arron Starstrider Arron Starstrider

Enemies: Faison Kelborn Faison Kelborn , Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam



The city had fallen, burning all around as the devoted faithful of Death's Hand cleared their own path, breaking the last of the misguided Dar'Manda that had foolishly chosen to serve the Sith Empire. If they had a modicum of sense, they would have abandoned the planet long ago to follow the true path of all Mandalorians. They lacked that sense, and had opted to remain slaves to those that didn't even share their culture. They were shackled, chained... but not Death's Hand. They would be the figurehead of true Mandalorian strength, and as such, they would continue purging those that proved themselves unworthy to wear their beskar.

One of the Dar'Manda bolted from the front doors of the burning embassy, attempting to ignite his jetpack in a futile attempt to escape the wrath of death itself. He didn't make it five feet away from the door before he was caught mid-air, forced to remain in place as his jetpack continued to split flame. Out of fire and shadow, the silouhette of Khamul Kryze appeared, his left hand outstretched as his cold, masked gaze looked at the man that dared sully the Mandalorian name. As he emerged, his new mask came into view for all to see. The forgemaster Jhor Vizsla had crafted a thing of true beauty, piecing together the shattered remnants of the ancient mask worn by Mandalore the Ultimate himself. The red cracks of Sarrassian iron glowed with power as Khamul made his way to the Dar'Manda, never releasing his hold on his prey.

The man begged for his life... he even attempted to pledge his fealty to the Hellhound of Mandalore. In exchange, Khamul tightened his grip around the man, breaking bone after bone with each little movement of his hand. Finally, once the Dar'Manda could no longer cry out in pain, Khamul flicked his wrist, breaking the man's neck. It was only then that the broken corpse was allowed to fall limp to the ground.

There was no room for such weakness in the ranks of Death's Hand.

Khamul looked out toward his faithful, raising Mandalore's Lament high in the air as the fires raged around him, their reflection flickering on the Hellhound's beskar'gam. Today would be another victory for Death's Hand. They would see these Dar'Manda eliminated from the history of their people. Through their purification, they would see their people become strong once again...

They would become truly unchained.


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Post: 2
Objective: Crash
Location: Kaas City, Histroical District
Equipment: Orange Lightsaber (Fire) | Blue Lightsaber (ICE) | x8 throwing daggers | Poison Dagger | x5 thermal detonators | x8 Smoke Grenades | Brown MidNight Duster with Hood
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ziare Dyarron | Rowena | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Erion Justeene
Enemies: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Baron Reinhardt Ström
Special Tags: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

Blade made his way through the city streets towards the historical district. Take the occasional puff the death stick between his lips. All around him skirmishes were breaking out against various forces, he didn't pay them much mind and for the moment they seemed occupied enough hat they didn't notice him. Though he did look out of place as he didn't wear any fancy armor in fact, he seemed to be lacking in the area of self-protection for a man walking in a war zone. Yet his stride and movement was casually walking like he felt nothing could touch him.

It wasn't long though and his orange glowing orb's saw soldiers ahead poised for a fight. He eyed them his stride did not change as he kept moving in their direction. He was expecting them to pull their blasters and open in fire but instead they were brandishing melee weaponry. His eyes glanced to their military marking that on the Imperial Order. Blade left eyebrow raise quizzically as his pace slowed. Were they god damn serious? They had fire power at their disposal, but they wanted a fucking fist fight.

They soldiers didn't charge him at first, they just stared back at him just as quizzically. Other then his orange eyes that were eerie to be sure nothing distinguished him as maw possibly sith but then even those with he darkside taint walked among Jedi these days. The soldiers tried to figure him out as he was also trying to figure them out. Imperials with their superior weaponry wanting to fight masters on the melee arts. Even lowest of sith had enough training in melee to defend themselves against a soldier who had to learn so many other aspects of weaponry.

Blades left hand reached into his coat and soldiers tensed. Smoke then rolled from his lips where the death stick was perched. "Well, I'm the sith you be lookin for." He said as the smoke rolled forward. "Let's see what you idiots got." With that they came charging him like fools ready to paint the street with his blood. Yet before they could even reach them Blade pulled a round object from his coat, pushed the switch on it and tossed in the soldier's direction.

A loud explosion rang out through the Historical direction as the Thermal detonator went off killing the group of soldiers that dared to charge the Rebel Sith Lord. Blade just shook his head as bodies were vaporized and parts fell off the those on the outer edges of the group that dared to fight him. Blade's combat boots moved forward into the carnage where the explosion had gone off. A crater had formed in the street and buildings had been ripped apart and were beginning to crumble on all sides of him. His eyes scanned about between the small fires that had ignited in the area because of the explosion.

His boot struck something in the dust that had probably been someone's son or daughter. He peered down and then knelt down pulling a set of Beskar Knuckledusters from the dirt and ash. "Nice." He remarked as he placed them in one of his coat pockets. He then kept moving hoping the explosion would draw in more soldiers as he surveyed the aria around him a little more. Behind some crates that still remained he caught site of head peeking up. Slowly he made his way over to them and there he saw a female soldier her left clearly blown off by the blast and she would have been bleeding out had the blast not vaporized her arm cauterizing it instantly. Blade's eyes then looked about as she stared up at him knowing he was probably going to kill her. Not seeing any soldiers except her yet but knowing more would arrive soon he knelt down by her. "Barren?" His tone demanding an answer, but she averted her gaze from his orange eyes. "I can rip it from your mind, but I would rather not." She continued to look away and Blade sighed heavily. His right hand reached out and he put the palm of his hand on her forehead.

He didn't mumble a single word as his hand laid on her forehead, yet she screamed out in pure agony. As he ripped from her mind everything, he needed to know. Like a grunt she didn't know a whole lot but enough that Blade could piece a few things together and even the general whereabouts of the General. The process of taking one's memories wasn't always painful, but Blade purposely made it, so her body writhed in pain as she began to con convulse. He not only ripped the memories from her mind he erased them from in return making her mind a blank. He then placed a single memory of the General and who he was to her. Then implanted a false memory one that said she must deliver a message to the General of the up most importance and once she got to deliver it, she would attempt o kill him.

Blade knew the girl wouldn't be able to kill the General, but it would send the right message that the sith and Maw could get to him through his own soldiers if need be. He then let the woman go and she ran off in the direction she knew was safe from the memories Blade allowed her to have. Blade then began to prepare he knew more soldiers were coming, they were rioting after all.
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Asa Yubari|Dromund Kaas|Hunt
Tags:// Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Don Belkora Don Belkora


She bluntly replied, almost to the point of indifference at the idea. No doubt they were being monitored; Yubari wouldn't put it past them. But to directly attack a servant of the Emperor? Foolish, idiotic even. The replicant stared Belkora up and down, studying the man's body language and mannerisms with curiosity and interest. Unlike her previous commander Jaeger Harrsk who had been martyred for the Imperial cause, Belkora was not a man of legal origins or good morals. Rather he'd been a resourceful criminal that her handlers had picked out of a damp cell in Coruscant because he had skills that were useful to the orders ever-evolving ideological war against the enemies of the state.

Yubari, in her own limited way, questioned Belkoras own loyalty to the Emperor, but he'd proven loyal to the cause and took up the reins in the wake of Harrsks own death. He'd be essential to the plans in the core with his contacts and criminal origin, he was the right person to enact the ties with criminals and undermine the pillars of the alliance.

"Where is Massad."

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: New Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Objective I.: Save the Children
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
Allies: AC/EE/NIO/GA/Enclave | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Draco Miles Draco Miles | The Fool The Fool | Percival Io Percival Io
Enemies: BotM | Open
[ War Music ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

From this point of view, Eina was really very strange. She understood almost nothing of the behaviour of the living, or even of their habits. For her, these were not usual, they were strangers. Yet even in the Nether, she met those many times when new souls arrived there after their deaths. But everyone there quickly learns that their priorities are different than before. It’s all about eternal struggle, and war is much easier, simpler, cleaner. Gei very much agreed with her. They both move more homely on the battlefield than anywhere else.

However, when it came to souls, help, or physical and spiritual healing, Eina was not incomprehensible and naive, but her true age seemed. In this case, she did not look like an incomprehensible young adolescent, a child. No, she was a mature woman at the time, a little motherly, caring, infinitely selfless. Someone who can relieve almost any pain can bring comfort and heal to any deep mental injury and can save almost anyone. This was her, the Matriarch of the Valkyrja, the Light of Ashla.

Eina was able to save Geiseric from the dark side, twice, making the man's faith in Ashla stronger than ever. Eina was the living example, as thanks to dyad she was as strongly present on the Light side as the other half of her soul, her beloved crusader. The other bigger result was that she helped Heinrich during their conversation after Ession and the man also found peace, she managed to accept the situation better. She wasn’t naive, she just didn’t fit into this world. She was too pure.

"She didn't keep me anywhere. I led my people and we built a civilization. I am six years old according to the years of the living world, but I have lived in the Netherlands for three hundred years. I'm not young." she said as firmly, intolerantly as Ingrid used to command her own people, like a soldier, rather a leader of her people.

The Valkyrja did not answer the other question; she did not know since when she was here, among the living. The years did not matter to her; optimally, if Eina was not killed, she would live as long as the Force exists. Of course, she wasn't immortal, she could be killed in a lot of methods, she just wasn't getting old. And that's a very big difference. The Force light helped; she heard the man screaming. She couldn't pay attention to the other fights, but she could hear their voices, lightning, shots. She was able to imagine how the battle was going.

The light didn't stop the man, but Eina didn't want to kill him. At least for now; she also told the knights she'll give everyone a chance. This was her statement even then when she was only Neutral in the Force. Ashlan Crusade accepted all this from her, as did Gei. She only kills those who are inescapable. And she hasn’t given her opponent a choice yet. Tilted her head slightly to the man's words again.

"I can help you if you want, the pain can go away. I'll take you back to Ashla's path; you no longer have to follow the delusions of Bogan and the Avatars. Just let me help you… please!" she offered; her voice was caring and kind now, radiating serenity as well as her full presence. It was something that Zachariel may not have seen from Ingrid before. "You can find peace, your soul too. You no longer have to fight in a senseless war."

She gave the laughing man a choice, but apparently the madness was much more overpowering on him than it should be. Eina, in her thoughts, asked Ashla for a moment for the goddess to enlighten the man's mind and steer him back on the right path. Meanwhile, as the man approached, the grip of the spear slid together, then Eina put the melee weapon into the sheath on her back in a quick motion and pulled out her two swords. One more thing that made her completely similar to Ingrid. Two normal swords.

If the man arrives and attacks her, she is just defending herself for now.

"You still have time to stop and change your mind… Ashla forgives you, but if that doesn't matter to you, I'll forgive you for your past sins if you're ready to change." she said one last time.







Revenant Squadron

Ashlan Crusade | Allies

New Imperial Order | “Allies”

Brotherhood | Enemies

- B-wings are hit by
the Force lightning attack
- Believing it's a lightning
gun, the B-wings try to
locate it
- TIE's clear the B-wings
six and taunt them
- Chaar tells the TIEs to

Olly former up on Chaar’s wing as the four B-wings started their attack run on the Brotherhood frigate. “Stand by,” he warned the three other One Flight pilots. “Fire!” Each heavy starfighter loosed a pair of high yield proton torpedoes. The warheads streaked toward the enemy ship as Chaar pulled up in preparation for the explosion.

The torpedoes detonated halfway to the frigate.

Chaar’s B-wing rattled as the premature shockwave hit.

He quickly regained control only for the lightning attack to find its mark.

Blue energy arced across his console and along the walls of his cockpit. The Umbaran cursed as his hand was shocked while slapping the shield boost. Vidscreens flickered on and off as lightning short-circuited subsystems. In desperation he threw his body weight forward against the yoke, diving toward the planet’s surface and away from the Brotherhood formation.

Fleet Intelligence had failed to mention that the Brotherhood had lightning guns in their armoury - the beam was too focused and sustained to be a natural strike. Looking at his status board, the three other B-wings were likewise struggling to regain control, with Revenant Four not responding to comms. Whatever the Maw had hit them with, if it wasn’t for the B-wings strong ionic shielding, they would have been fried to a crisp.

“Break by pairs,” he ordered. “Find where that came from.” While One Flight had survived the hit, the shuttles wouldn’t. Chaar switched over to active scanners - the enemy already knew where he was - as Mylo reported six kills and called for Leon to support him. If they kept the transports safe and One Flight knocked out the lightning weapon, it would be another successful mission for Revenant, and another step closer to colonel.

A flight of enemy Doomsayers formed up behind Chaar and Olly and began pounding their shields with their heavy weapons. The B-wings could take a few hits and keep going, but they needed to find the source of the lightning attack, and fast. “Two, Lead. Got anything?”

Another explosion dimmed Chaar’s cockpit flash tinting, and he braced for another electrical surge. A quartet of TIE Outlander cleared the B-wing’s tails and dropped into formation with the B-wings.

“Revenant, Leader, I’ve got Eyeballs,” he announced over the squadron comms, using the Alliance reporting name of the NIO starfighters. “Watch your scopes, they might be a play.” Under the rules of engagement, each of the ‘allies’ had a dedicated invasion lane they were responsible for. Straying into another governments lane, especially when tensions were running high, was strongly discouraged.

Not that Jon Kovacs cared much for orders.

“Stay in your lane Kovacs,” he called over the shared invasion comm. Kovacs had been a pain to fly beside during the Stygian Campaign, saved only in Chaar's eyes by his impressive Sith Imperial kill-count. But that was a long time ago now, long enough for the NIO to turn their back on the Alliance during their hour of need.

Chaar cursed. The last thing he needed was a pack of highly armed starfighters with dubious allegiances on his six. Every second he wasted on these traitors was one wasted in his hunt for the Brotherhood lightning weapon.

“Don’t make me tell you twice.”



Atmosphere I.

Traden Avarice Traden Avarice


Objective II: Clash of Light and Shadow


Orlov's first verbal challenge had achieved the desired effect. The Jedi ahead appeared angered – he had indeed seemed to have taken the first step. An uncharacteristic half-smile appeared on the Fondorian's face, a facial gesture that was ambiguous enough to perhaps plant further seeds of doubt and uneasiness in his opponent. The Jedi's stance and choice of words all hinting towards emotional imbalance, Orlov felt somewhat vindicated, yet still cautious, for he knew how much power the darkness could lend should the young Master indeed fall, right here, right now, before him. However, if they arrive on common ground – namely the Dark Side of the Force, he should have the upper hand. The Dark Side was treacherous, and favored only the strong.

The brilliance of the Jedi's royal blue saber stood as a stark contrast to their immediate surroundings. The overcast sky projected a grim shadow over the watery terrace, and the jungle around them appeared none the brighter. The blue light that was so representative of the Jedi way travelled along the flat pond's minute ripples in bent shapes, framing the strict warrior of the light in a halo of righteousness. The unique and rare weapon's hum drowned out his previous attempts at illusory discombobulation, gradually fading out the demoralizing whispers cast by the hooded stranger. It was a truly remarkable piece of technology and a deadly armament. Something that demanded respect, and one that does not respect their enemy is doomed to fail pathetically. Regardless of the futility of the Jedi way, the Force they possessed gave them bountiful strength, and this is what the spiritual aura of the man in front of Orlov reminded him of.

“Be careful what you wish for... Whether I kill you through the restraint of the light or through the passion of the dark... your fate will be the same regardless.”

As the unknown Jedi talked, Orlov slowly curved his encircling trajectory so that he slowly began closing the gap between him and the steadfast Jedi. At this point, the Jedi raised his saber to point at the Sith apprentice, who slowed down to halt, letting the barreling thunders that carried news of a great battle far away pass over them. They stood motionless for a second, the apprentice almost blending into the blackness of the jungle behind him. Then, the shadowy figure's gloved left arm emerges from beneath his cloak and extends in the direction of a wooden branch sticking out of the water a few meters away from him. – Good. Give me your hate, Jedi. – The flexible stick breaks through the water and detritus under which it had been buried; rocks and pebbles splashing back into the pool as it flies fast towards the apprentice. A wet thud is heard as the stick lands in the Fondorian's palm; simultaneously, an ornate dagger is quickly unsheathed by the man and with two swift slices he removes any diverging sprigs from the branch, resulting in a makeshift staff that could become useful in keeping the distance during his fight against the Jedi, since the dark apprentice lacks a lightsaber of his own.

The Sith apprentice grasps the staff in the middle, creating a horizontal line of defense between him and his enemy. His left arm – holding the staff – still extended, now points at the Jedi in front of him, while his right hand returns the silent dagger into the scabbard on his thigh following a quick spin. He stands silently one last time, bracing for a clash of the fates, and then, without a single foreword, begins charging at the man. His movements are blurred as he flies straight at his opponent, white foams in the water generated by his uncanny speed. At the same time, he lets out a blood-curdling scream – the shriek of the damned.

In case he is able to get close to the Jedi Master as he intended, he tries to perform his first set of combat moves. An empty right arm is thrust forth, droplets hurtling onward with momentum, as Orlov glides effortlessly toward his nemesis. The hooded stranger unexpectedly slides low towards the man, water sprouting in his wake, drawing back his arm as if he were violently dragging on an invisible chain, whereby he creates a vacuum in his clenched fist, attempting to pull the Jedi towards him. He subsequently reorients his staff to open up the possibility of delivering a blunt crack to the underside of the man's jaw.

TLDR: Orlov takes up a wooden staff to fight the Jedi with. He rushes forward, sliding in, attempting to pull on the Jedi and subsequently hit him square in the jaw.

Nearby: Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Valery Noble Valery Noble Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Ally: Anja Doreva Anja Doreva & BOTM
Hostile: Everyone.
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Location: Rehabilitation clinic Tanaab

Equipment: State of the art medical facility

Objective: Prepare to receive casualties

Tags: Lana Lana
and anyone that doesn't want a direct fight but wanted to thread

Anashja led Lana Lana to the patient, a tall human male lying with on a bed unconscious. "Lana, we have a jedi here, Ashlan I think, took a vibrowound to lower abdomen, signs of systemic toxicity which we are treating with aggressive anti infection agents. Significant blood loss from the wound, opening the bowel now." Anashja cut into the skin and through the muscle with a laser scalpel as Lana watched on, there was a tray of other tools beside the bed which periodically Anashja would ask for.

"So anyway my Lana, how are feeling? its nice to have you on Tanaab, where are you staying? You should join us for dinner at my apartment tonight, my husband will be cooking something and Ti'zan would love to play games with you, you could show him that teleporting trick you impressed us with at the ball?" Anashja spoke as she performed the surgery, barely looking up at Lana. "Got you you little ass! Hand my the little clamp with the green coating, looks a bit like half a crocodile." She chuckled at her own joke as she sliced away the ragged edge of the damaged tissue to provide a better healing surface and began to suture the wound. The patient was stable and would likely go on to make a complete recovery. A medical droid came close to her and offered assistance, she preferred to do this part herself, but she could pass on to the droid for closing up the wound.

Outside, the first of the corvettes were landing and unloading their first waves of casualties, their orderlies took on a dozen before the corvettes took off and moved to the next clinic, spreading the casualties about so no one hospital was overwhelmed at once. The injuries ranged from walking wounded to Explosive amputees. "Want to throw some lifeday happiness about?" She said to Lana, "I suspect the guests coming up the path outside might need some cheer." Even in the beautiful surroundings of the Boolan Murr medical centre, the trail of wounded was a very humbling sight.
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Objective I: Engage in a fight for Sith Ruins!
Location: Dromund Kass, Southern Pole
Equipment: Sword, M.I. Beskar'gam Mk.1 M.I. 'Sunstroke' jetpack M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol, M.I. Model 12 shatter rifle x2, Thermal Detonators, Magnetic Detonators, Perun's Call
Tag: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus


The game of cat and mouse continued, Vulcan chasing Mairead from the skies and raining blaster onto her, however in the heat of battle he had little success as she frustratingly deflected them away, but he was stubbornly firing anyway. It took little time for the ruins to loom from the snow fog, they were here and now, the race is on to get there first. Mairead has the head start but Vulcan was gaining on her at a decent pace.

Mairead beat him to the tower, but he had the aerial advantage he lost visual and shooting at rock did nothing for him. So he rockets around, actively searching for the woman. HUD stretched with the effort of trying to get a visual.

Vulcan will be using his flamethrower because he was wanting to try it out for quite a while now. Then suddenly, his jetpack began to strain, and he was losing altitude, panic set in at this point. Within 20 minutes he was falling more rapidly, his heart skipped a beat, two if he counted.

Thus, he had to think fast, but he was able to think through his panic and deployed the whipcord on his vambrace, it stopped his fall and he bumped into the stone. He lost his offence and now can only tactically be defensive.

Maybe going at this alone was a terrible idea, but he can't turn back now, not when he is in a battle. He was taught better than that. Besides it's not like he could get to his X wing from here, not while his jetpack was cold shocked into inactivity. Now he must get inside and on solid ground again and that was what he did, he was able to get through an open window, as there is no glass there.

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