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Approved Location The Firemane and Guild of Hammers Coallition Mining Outpost

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The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Name: The Firemane and Guild of Hammers Joined Mining Outpost on Bespin

Image Source: HK Secret Art Compartment

Intent: To create a steady supply of Cortosis for both Firemane and Guild of Hammers with possibilities of expansion into greater supply and a military base.

Classification: Mining facility

Location: Lower gasous layers of Bespin

Affiliation: Half belongs to Firemane, Half belongs to Guild of Hammers

Description: The design and creation of the mining outpost was a joint effort by Firemane and Guild of Hammers, together they planned to set up a new operation on Bespin which will supply them directly with reliable source of Cortosis for weaponry to be used against the Sith forces. As such the Outpost is separated into three main section, the Firemane Command Base on one side the Guild of Hammers Command Base on the other side and the main Furnace Section in between. From each of these branch out smaller platforms for landing purposes and walkways to connect the whole structure together.

Firemane and Guild of Hammers Command Bases govern shipping of the Cortosis to their respected factions as well as managing human resources and communications aboard the Outpost while the Furnace does what furnace does best and refines Cortosis from its ore mined and gathered by crews of mining droids.

The Outpost has also basic means of defense. Among the garrisons of Abregado and Firemane guards aboard the structure there are also defensive anti-aircraft cannons, both smaller caliber rapid-fire cannons as well as few larger turbolaser turrets in case a larger target would attempt to have a shot at the Outpost. While these means of defense are absolutely basic and do not make it a fortress in any way, there is room for improvement and expansion in the protective sector, leaving opportunity to perhaps make the Outpost more militarized in the future.

History: The plans for creation of such an Outpost begun when HK first took a look on Delila and so charmed he was with her foxiness that he decided to create a statue fully made from Cortosis to woo her.

But not really, HK does not think about Dells as much as the writer would indicate nor his every action would be dedicated to her glory.

In all seriousness the plans of drafting such an Outpost begun when HK received clearance from Lord Protector Hatter to expand his operations to Bespin in order to obtain Cortosis during the formation of Guild of Hammers and expansion of Abregado industry into military technology production.

Since Firemane and Abregado had a history of friendship and cooperation, both in business scenarios as well as between its leaders Kerrigan and HK, the droid extended an offer to conduct the mining operation together, splitting the cost of the structure's maintenance and construction while allowing greater production rate to be achieved.

The Firemane agreed to the prospect and so the Coallition Mining Outpost on Bespin was constructed.

Links: Setting Up an Outpost- A thread describing how the Outpost was set up.
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