Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost The first big score - KC and HSC


The first big score - Plunder of the Avenue 5

Kraken Coalition and Hutt Space Consortium

Pirate Lord Captain Cass Gemini had watched this hotel ship make this route a hundred times, mocking her with its fat cargo, its rich occupants and unfortunately its huge size of nearly 3km long. It was too much for her amd the Krakens alone. But now she had more allies, the Hutt Space Consortium were also ready to strike and make their presence know to a galaxy that had forgotten about its own underbelly. There were insiders already on board having secured passage, the kraken fleet was already in position waiting for the interdiction trap. Everyone had a place.

The plan

  • Interdict the Avenue 5
  • Disable its engines and comms
  • Everyone takes what they want, be it treasure, information or bounties.
  • The hotel is sent on its way, if it behaves.
  • Cass gets the Kudos for throwing this whole shindig together.


Objective 1 - The Golden Goose


The Avenue 5 is a monstrous hotel ship nearly 3km long and filled to capacity with rich guests travelling in opulent style. And with rich guests comes fabulously expensive goods, some of the travellers have brought luggage and jewellery worth a Kings ransom on board. Much of it is to be worn in an ever present competition to look the wealthiest.

But the real treasure is kept in the ship's main vault. A secure room the size of a Hangar in bowels of the hotel ship. Some important guests have a million credits of jewels, bonds or other variables aboard the ship. Being transported for whatever reason. And she ships own funds, enough cash to honour every single chip on its many casino floors would set a bold pirate up for numerous lifetimes.

There is a reason Captain Gemini has been eyeing up this vessel.

Objective 2 - The Numbers Game


The Avenue 5 is an advanced ship with powerful computers and state of the art encryptions protecting everything from its emergency transponders, through its financial systems all the way to the dinner plans if important guests. For this to work, the ships systems need to be under control of the attackers. Are you the slicer for the job?

The ship processes millions of credits of financial transactions every hour, maybe skimming some cash off of the top is for you? That is the smart man's treasure these days right?

Or maybe you just want information? Very wealthy and powerful individuals travel on these hotel cruises, and they often come with valuable secrets. Some of it could be taken online remotely, but the really good stuff might be in a brief case padlocked to a hutts arm. Skills in espionage are a must here.

Objective 3 - Part of the ship, part of the crew


This objective is about the people on board and is a bit BYOO. You might just be some gambler, caught up in the days events. This would be the place for someone hoping to catch themselves a bounty, there are bound to be wealthy and wanted men aboard the luxury liner. There is also room for hired guns aboard, hired to keep the wealth in the right place. (See OOC notes)

First of all this is meant to be a PVE crime event for members of the KC and HSC. Any PVP should be consensual and of limited scope.

Nobody should blow up the ship or render it otherwise uninhabitable, the plan is for the ship and most of it inhabitants to leave and head on their way.

For those who think they can drop in with one or two 2 sentence posts for the UC. the judges will probably be watching out for this. And so will Cass.

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Objective 1 - The Golden Goose
Location: Aboard the Kyber in space along flight path of Avenue 5
Tags: OPEN

1st in character post

The Midnight Kyber moved gracefully into position towing the gigantic bulb of an imperial interdiction generator behind her. She had stolen the hardware from an imperial breakers yard and her crews had spent the past 3 weeks repairing it and testing it. Her usual interdiction mines didn't have the power to stop the 3km long hotel ship.

She was nervous, this was a big mission and it was her chance to make a name for herself as in the HSC, to stick her head above the parapet as the go to pirate for a big score. She knew Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Was out there in the Blood Lightning there was noone in the galaxy that she trusted more and she was glad to have him along.

But heck, she wasn't really nervous, she was Cass Gemini for Ashla's sake, she was just excited. The idea that she had pulled together this plan was already something was pleased with. If it went horribly wrong, then she would have to deal with that. She could always disappear into space never to be seen again if needed. It couldn't go THAT badly wrong? Could it?

She opened comms to her ship, she knew that each and every one of her crew was ready and had a shot of rum in their hands.

"To my crew! You are the finest raiders in the galaxy and you will once again make me proud. For your captain! For your crew! For the Kraken! Yaaargh!" she didn't need the comm to hear the reply from her crew reverberating around the hull as the downed their rum and got to work.

..It was here...

The Avenue 5 lurched into the system with a thud, its hyperdrive overloaded by the fake gravity well. Now was the time for the attack. They would have at most a couple of minutes before the hotel ship was able to break the digital interference and send a distress signal unless someone took out the Comm. Dex was working fast, but she was one hacker against their security team. She needed the support of others.


Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Bridge of the Witch's Boudoir
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini , Open

Post #1

Vengeance brought the closure she had needed. Dispara had left her friends, rather suddenly, desperate to quiet that fekking thorn of the past that festered in her psyche. To silence that haunting, she needed to silence the Jarvashquiine. They had killed her family, they had taken her and raised her as their own. Dispara was one of them, and she hated them. So she had returned to Antamont and unleashed upon her former adopted family the very power they had given her. She had killed them all, alone. Her crew had waited aboard ship in orbit, ignorant to the ghost their captain was exorcising below.

The last vestige of her past avenged, Dispara had sought again to join the Captains of the Kraken Coalition, and just in time it seemed. Cass had concocted a new venture, a bold and bawdy endeavor, and to complete it, she invited new friends. Friends that were their kind of people.

The Witch's Boudoir lingered a ways to the Midnight Kyber's port, assuring the corvette was well out of the space where they hoped the Avenue 5 would be brought to an abrupt halt. Dispara, the Pirate Witch, glanced out of the viewport of the Boudoir's bridge at the Kyber. She knew Isidore and the Blood Lightning were nearby as well. Others floated about too, all waiting to pounce like wolves.

Tyra, Dispara's beloved first mate, leaned close to the seated captain. Her cybernetic arm leaned on the arm of the captain's chair. The Twi'lek had lost her arm to Mandalorians during a Kraken job gone wrong. "Cap'n. Kyber crew says any minute now." She reported.

Dispara leaned closer, "Is the crew ready?" She asked her XO.

"Yeah Cap'n, its been too long for them, they want to get their hands on some booty." The Twi'lek replied.

"Booty, eh?" Dispara replied, giving Tyra a wink and a wry grin.

"Not that kind... Cap'n." The Twi'lek smirked. It was a typical sort of comment from the half-sephi pirate witch, especially in a tense moment.

"Good, greedy bastards." She quipped. "Lets give 'em the talk." Dispara's finger flipped a comm switch on a console next to her chair.

"Alright you randy darlings, our pretty prize is almost here. I expect you to do right by your captain, we have new friends watching. This is a theft job. I don't want to see anyone going in like a fekking Mando with guns blazing. You know the drill, kids, you only hurt those who make trouble for us, and the one's you love, if they're into that. Any hotheaded, trigger happy meathead who doesn't make me look good... well, I don't have to tell you. Your team leads have my authority, follow them." Dispara didn't have to mention the punishment for disobedience or breaking her few rules. The crew had all heard the whispers about the witch's power of Waking Nightmares.

Just then, a sleek, hulking ship slammed to a halt outside the viewport, snatched up by Cass's stolen interdictor. The fun was about to begin.

"Bring us around, ready the force tubes. Ion batteries charged. Let's have some fun!" Dispara ordered.

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Location: Blood Lightning, circling Avenue 5
Objective: Loot some treasures
Equipment: Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Standard Blastersx2
Blood Lightning
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Dispara Na'Gara | Open

Isidor put his helmeted head in his hands, they tried to correct one of their failed projects, Nikita the Duros had become stuck within the wooden panels and his low growl said it all; This was stupid! The Ashlans had indirectly got him snookered with furniture. Go figures, his flights of fancy ended up costing time and patience.

He wanted to lop off the heads of those who invented such objects of utter frustration and he had taken his sword to one of the flat packs before, it didn't help his frustration, it came back again.

But this was not the only thing that was being felt across the board, the coffers were running dry, the crew had to ration food, wear the same clothes for months on end and the bedding began to disintegrate. Isidor never let his crew face all this alone because he promised to be a different kind of Captain, firm but fair.

But still, something has to come that will rebuild the vault and his crew's wages, which he had been paying from his own pockets to at least tide them over. He had also been thinking of Cass, his beloved. Then as he was thinking of her, the messages came through, a Hotel Ship was in the area and from the description it was a high market one too. Plenty of rare items, he may get his hands on a highly sought after egg. He'll use it as a paperweight.

Avenue 5 it was called and if he gets to hyperspace quickly, he will not be too late to help with the heist. There was an almighty render of wood and screws as Nikita was finally freed, a good thing too as they needed to get a move on.

Which is when they arrived they forwent the usual cloaking and snapped into realspace with a crack, very much present and ready to grab as much as they wanted and will not be taking any hostages or press-ganging anyone into their ranks. His Corsairs do not work like that. The Lightning prowled the periphery as a tiger does to its prey. Not firing a single laser, they were sizing up the whole ship for prime boarding spots. He will be boarding within the next 30 minutes as his crew prepared to head in and take everything even if the loot was indeed tied down. After stagnation, this was a blessing.


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Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Tags - Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene || Cass Gemini Cass Gemini || Dispara Na'Gara


N O W A V E - CODE-3


The Shadow broker trailed along with the slowly growing group of ships ready to pull of this grand theft piracy. Of course Dedata being an Info broker and slicer she had gotten a quaint little invitation. It was hard to pass up a trove of credits hoarded by the rich and corrupt as well as gather information to later sell on for the extra pocket money for the legitimate businesses she had just set up. Though If anything she came to represent the family as well as test the new ship to see if it would someday blow the legends of the Hyperspace Marauder out of the water. Course the tech she was using was an upgraded version, but it was so much more in her hands.

The woman sat in her info den surrounded by screens. Each one showing information but also the video feeds of a three sixty view. Not entierly happy about it Dedata knew who she was working with for this. Almost all of them where deemed as a risk to survival and her own opperations, but it was not about her and she wanted to continue to show her worth to the family. She trusted Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , and she felt like Ivory trusted her too, but now she needed to earn the trust of everyone too. That she can be reliable that she is willing to stick a foot out. "Dee, send a Message to that Cass lady who gives and the others." She would go on to tell Dee what to say.

"Dear Cass Gemini and other, I am Dee, Dedata's personal VI assistant. I was asked to relay the message that Dedata will be jamming long range and local com's in the area. You will be sent a message of a private and secure com line to use between each other, Thank you for your understanding."

With that message sent out the family's Cyber-intel specialist wanted to show off the new toys. She would began to move through her systems at the central console, fingers moved fast across the keyboard, the other hand dedicated to keeping control of the ship. There was a reason that she had made sure the shadow broker could be remotely controlled and this was it. She did not like to be in a cockpit, there was a lack of screens that she could use to the fullest potential.

As Dedata looked around at the other screens she could not help but notice everyone was in much larger vessels than her own. Though she speculated that the size was to accommodate machinery like large weapons. That was not her forte, the smaller modified IGV-55 surveillance vessel packed a lot into its size. The ship's two cloaking systems whirred on the moment the Avenue 5 dropped into the space. Her ship broke away a little just in case an escort would soon follow to protect the mark. Last thing she wanted was to be caught in the firefigt.

Using the Hyjinks Hack's system to slice into the Avenue 5's comm systems, her eyes looked at the screen zooming it into the mark. "Okay test one, lets do it like the Marauder shall we Dee." The vessels ion thrusters would fall dark in moments as the sub system was shut off. It's inertia being the only thing propelling it forward. If others wanted it stationary, they would need to work together and use tractor beams to pull it to a stop.


The Avenue 5
Location: The Avenue 5, The Atrium
Objective: Objective 3, BYOO, Would like to be a part of Objective 1 if team up is possible.
Wearing: THIS DRESS but like a size 18 .
Tag: Open
Interacting with - Open to Interactions.
Personality Reference

  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience
  • Poised
  • Calm and Collected

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber

Sheep's Clothing

Viz - Erm- Lady Moragan- checked her luggage with the concierge and entered the grand atrium. The Avenue 5 was spectacular, as she had imagined. She was too scruffy for it, but that is why Moragan was in charge currently. Her conscience walked with an absolute poise Viz envied as she hovered outside her body, watching the action like a holotape.

Moragan retrieved her room card and positively glided to one of the plushly cushioned seats. Her dress draped around her plump figure delicately, her waist bound and snatched in an intricate belt, her hair coiffed and her make-up pristine. Again, when Moragan was driving, the level of charm was undoubted by any onlooker. Today was no exception.

"Don't kriffing forget what we are here for, Miss Priss" Stilza snapped and Viz rolled her eyes (kind of? she wasn't currently inside her body).

Moragan smiled pleasantly. Of all the personalities, she handled the outward appearance of not talking to herself the best. Viz, Stilza and Naobi just didn't care what people thought of it.

A staffer strode past and paused, presenting a beautiful Tatooine Sunset, non alcoholic, and Moragan tilted her head in appreciation, removing the drink and sipping lightly.

"You are zero fun" Stilza muttered.

"I want a sweet". Naobi interjected

"Shut up, Stilza." Viz repremanded and the personality did as she bade. Moragan studied her drink casually. "Time later, Naobi. let's do a recap shall we? I feel like we are getting distracted" She (metaphorically) sat next to Moragan and repeated their objective slowly and clearly so they were all on the same page.

Viz'd used a fair amount of their saved up credits to buy passage aboard the Avenue 5, had dusted off Moragan's ID papers, cleaned herself up and stolen this lovely gown and a baggage set enough to fool anyone into thinking she was, in fact, a high born lady. She'd docked the Iron Fluke somewhere inconspicuous and taken a shuttle up to hide the last vissage of her... well... scrappiness and sell the show. The passengers on board were sitting ducks, and she could easily pick a Hutt's ransom off of them over the course of the next few days... what really intrigued her was a rumor that there was a vault below deck. She liked vaults. She liked them very very much.

Moragan chuckled into her drink, watching the finery of the people passing by, enjoying the prospect of a little skullduggery followed by, perhaps, the fruit of a potential heist. Thing was, and Viz knew this for a fact, she couldn't be the ONLY person on board with nefarious intentions. It was just a matter of looking out for others, be they enemy or ally.

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Objective 1 - The Golden Goose
Location: Aboard the Kyber in space along flight path of Avenue 5
Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Na'Gara Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree

2nd in character post

Cass saw the Lighting and a very interesting looking digital warfare corvette arrive in system. Excellent, the hunting pack was growing. "welcome to the party Izzie, ready to dive in and grab yourself some loot? I am boarding here" she tapped on a holo of the target ship which transmitted to Isidor. The holo floated in front of her as she stomped her way to the hangar, jumping up her skinsuit ready for combat. "feel free to meet me there or find your own spot. Good hunting honey."

Just as she was getting into the cockpit of the lead Sciss fighter next to Pix, another comm came through.

"Dear Cass Gemini and other, I am Dee, Dedata's personal VI assistant. I was asked to relay the message that Dedata will be jamming long range and local com's in the area. You will be sent a message of a private and secure com line to use between each other, Thank you for your understanding."

Excellent news "Thanks Dee, let Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree know she is a babe and I will steal her something cute if she can keep their systems down while we raid. Boarding in five, hook up with Delta Kanus on my ship if needed." she cut the comm just as the four fighters blasted out of the hangar of the Midnight Kyber each fighter carried 6 of her well trained pirate marines including her mawite raider, Dryshan, with strict instructions to avoid unnecessary violence. Cass was the 7th on her own fighter sitting next to the force sensitive Zeltron pilot Pix Tellisha. By Ashla she loved her crew. Aelex Reddman and Thrace Jackson were manning her bridge and Kniknik was somehow keeping the jury rigged interdiction working.

There was a dull thud as her ship and the four others attached to the outer hull of the Avenue 5 and lasers cut through to allow them access. They dropped inside entering into a maintenance corridor. This would allow Cass to get her bearings before confronting any panicked passengers or foolish security personnel. She was heading for the vault. For the cash, but there was a specific piece of loot aboard that she had not told anyone she had her eye on yet.


Sangromancer II
Armor, Lightsabers, Carbine, Blaster, Parabellum GL.
Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Na'Gara Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree
1st post

The Sangromancer wasn't as new or specced out as some of the others in their little flotilla, or as heavily armed, but the decades old ship had seen Domino through more than its fair share of scrapes and it had served as her home for longer than most of these kids had been alive. Besides, it was comfortable. Right now Domino had a bowl of salad propped up in her lap, the fancy kind with bits of some avian chopped up on it along with grated parmesan cheese and other little 'extras' that really made it. She leaned back in her chair and propped her feat up on the cockpit console as she chewed through a bite.

This sort of thing was old hat to her and while she didn't really need the money, this was also about making impressions of the right sort on her erstwhile allies. To that end she was running a full combat load-out though she doubted she'd touch half it. Others in the group had crews of pirates, and while Domino had her own security lurking unseen, she would be going in solo.

A proximity alarm blared right as she took another bite, silenced by a booted heel flicking the toggle over. The target ship had just fallen into their laps and the Sangromancer sprung into action firing its turbolasers four times in succession to hamper and damage the Avenue's shield as her twin ion cannon opened up on rapid fire. After the turbos fell silent the gun continued on, tracking its ion fire over to the ship's engines. Hopefully keeping it disabled. She was about to order the sensor jammer on but decided against it, not wanting to hamper the electronics ship they'd brought with them.

Not wasting anymore time, Domino took the lift down to the main deck, ditching the bowl with the galley droid to return to the chiller, and continuing on to the airlock as she placed her helmet on. A notification lit up with her HUD, seemed that her pilot had forwarded it to her while she was moving. Opening the message from Dee she was glad of her earlier decision and plugged into the frequency. "This is Lotus, making my drop now." She was all business as the boarding ramp opened to reveal the expanse of ship slowly passing under them. Then it was out into the black, letting her armor know where to take her almost by reflex as its ion drives flared. Soon enough, she was outside an airlock.

George S.S Kragg




Tag: Open

The Avenue 5 certainly lived up to its reputation as a luxury liner unparalleled anywhere except for the shining capital of coruscant. Trademaster Kragg had to agree as he sat there at the gambler's table near the bar. It was a low stakes game of "Corellian Spike" sabacc that should be easily winnable if one knew how to play the game and could correctly guess their opponents move before they made them. George puffed on his glitterstim smoking pipe as he looked over to the other people around the table. Each one of them had enough fortune within their pockets to make even a merchant prince weep. He disliked gambling due to the possibility of going broke during the game.

However this game of chance would be quite difficult to lose due to the two employees that he had watching from across the hall, peering at his opponent's cards without being suspicious. Some might call this cheating but he called it a reasonable bargain. His gaze shifted from his hand to his main opponent an ore baron from a nearby system. Smirking to himself as the baron would lay down his hand to almost a full sabacc.
"Full Sabacc, Ladies and Gentlemen." George said, puffing out some glitterstim spice into the atmosphere. Laying down his full sabacc hand onto the table. Collecting the credits on the table and sliding them to his side of the table. He picked up the slight grumble from his opponent as he had lost major this round. George wanted to clean him dry without a second thought. He waited for the dealer to begin the next round.
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Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Tags - Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene || Cass Gemini Cass Gemini || Dispara Na'Gara || Domino Domino Viz Harridan Viz Harridan || George S.S Kragg


Most Evil - Infraction

Dedata could hear every word that Cass said, though she had every intention to get onboard herself. Ships began to make their move on the now drifting ship. The Midnight Kyber Launched several fighters meaning everything was green and ago. With her one hand she began to take the Shadow Broker in a wide birth around. Though who ever was in command of the Consular-Class designated as Sangromancer II made her nervous with their twitchy trigger finger the first two came close to hitting her own. Each shot that blasted from those Ion cannons hit their mark and pushed the ship enough that its trajectory was changing. "Fething arsehole." She muttered under her breath and rolling her eyes.

Making the best of the situation she moved the coms hack on towards their gravity sub system now that the Avenue 5 engines had been fried. "Always one Dee, every time. Ivory probably wonders why I avoid people, this is one of them. Make sure to send them a heads up" Dedata sighed and took another look around at the screens to see the movements.

"A new message from Dedata, the Gravity subsystem has been disabled." The voice spoke in its unnatural tone and inflections. Still everyone was warned and what to expect. Either way no one would struggle hauling full containers down a hallway, security personnel would be trying to stop passengers floating about. Everything inside that ship will be utter chaos.

She would turn off the Vidhar cloaking device to make sure the ship can be seen as the IGV-55 moved forward. "Take over, dock at the nearest port to where Cass's team dropped in. I will work out how to meet them once onboard. Priorities first would be good to get everyone updated with a map of the ship. Less time wasted, less risk of anything nasty scuffing the paintjob." Dedata knew she was talking to the VI, but that was normal. Though her machines did not respond like a normal person, she knew they listened, even if it was just waiting for some kind of command.

The woman stepped away pulling her jacket from the corner of the couch and put it on. She would then next make sure her datapad was tucked away in the Large bag attached to her thigh, and both weapons she had no idea to use was on her person. Then the final piece she religiously made sure to put on was her helmet. As Dedata began walking to the door it would automatically open, taking the first left she ran down the first set of stairs then leaped down the last set. Had she be landing in some kind of hanger, the ramp off to the right would suffice though this was not that day.

The HUD of her helmet updated showing six video feeds across the top of the screen. She could see there was only meters left between her and what could be on the other side of the doors. Though she liked the chances that Cass might have pulled most of the attention. A thud and clicks rumbled from the door as it connected. A hiss of white vapor flooded the airlock docking port as it pressurised. Reaching out to the panel her thumb hovered near the open button her other on the Kopis blade. A slight movement, a bleep, the door hissed open. Taking six steps back Dedata rushed forward knowing once on the other side she would be free floating inside.

Summary -
No gravity inside the Avenue 5

The Avenue 5
Location: The Avenue 5, The Gambling Tables
Objective: Objective 3, BYOO, Would like to be a part of Objective 1 if team up is possible.
Wearing: THIS DRESS but like a size 18 .
Tag: George S.S Kragg
Interacting with - Open to Interactions.
Personality Reference

  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience
  • Poised
  • Calm and Collected

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber

Sheep's Clothing

"Look" Viz directed Moragan to the Sabacc tables where a grey-ish gentleman of uncertain age was cleaning house.

"Think he's rigged the game?" Stilza asked.

"Hard to be sure." Viz answered, letting her eyes sweep around the room. If he did have shills placed, she couldn't make them out, so that meant he wasn't a poseur about it.

"I'm joining the table." Moragan muttered into her drink.

"With what to bet, chick?" Viz floated around her trying to get her to sit back down.

"There's still a little in the coffers." She replied her lips barely moving, her eyes downcast. She stood and started sashaying toward the tables. "Besides, we need a mark, he's as good a one as any."

"Are you kidding?" Viz looked at the man. He was grizzled, hardened and sitting in a fog of smoke. "That is a terrible idea. Are you trying to pick the most difficult person in the room to rob?"

Moragan put a hand to her mouth, looking like she was stifling a yawn. "I'm looking for a high roller, Viz. That is a table full of them, and he just took the entire pot. Do you have any better ideas?"

Viz didn't. Moragan strode confidently up to the table where a vacancy had opened. She perched there, nodding to the others in acknowledgement of a last minute deal in and tossed two credits in the pot. Low stakes, Corellian Spike. Easy.

"Lady Moragan." She introduced herself with no preamble and set her drink down lightly.

The cards came their way. Moragan glimpsed hers with barely a flash of face-up, in case Stilza was correct and the walls had eyes. A ... surprisingly good hand.
+2, +3[
The other's at the table, specifically, her grizzled gentleman compatriot whom she suspected was rigging the game, were studying their hands well, glancing about with very little pretense at being covert.

She gave a sigh that could only be described as lovely, and began the betting round. She placed another two credits forward, conscious of how steady her hands were to the others around her as she raised. They were, in fact, quite steady. She took a sip of her drink and eyed the others through her lashes demurely. The dealer finished betting phase, and pushed a spike card to each of them.

"Will you buy?" The dealer said lightly. She shook her head, passing with an attitude akin to sweet compliance. Once more, she waited for the dealer to round, pretending to mind her business as the others at the table bought or didn't bother. The next part was up to dice... and she already had 2/3 of an idiots array.


Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Bridge of the Witch's Boudoir/ Force tunnel between the Boudoir and the Avenue 5
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino

Post #2

The eccentric corvette sidled up to the quiet hotel ship. on its bridge, Comms had been switched over to the channel given by Dedata, and Dispara listened as the list of systems shut down on the luxury liner grew. The Boudoir had lined up with one of the dozens of entry locks on the giant vessel.

"Kyber's fighters are enroute." one of the bridge crew called out. Dispara turned to Tyra. "Alright then, the bridge is yours. Behave." The pointed-eared blonde pirate slipped from the captain's chair, giving the Twi'lek a brief caress on her mechanical arm as she stalked from the bridge. "Activate the force tunnel." Dispara called out over her shoulder as the lift closed behind her.

Emerging and making the short walk to one of the airlocks, the plucky pirate witch met the main boarding team from the Boudoir. The corvette had a small crew, but they had been carefully recruited by Dispara. Diverse in race and skills, they awaited eagerly for the word to board the floating treasure trove. The band of pirates looked the part, there was little uniformity to their appearance or weaponry, and most of it showed signs of wear and use. Dispara was no different, in her hodge-podge fiber armor and the crude vibromachete strapped to her back. The only shiny new thing on her was the electro blaster strapped to her hip, a gift from her comrade, Cass.

There was a loud click and a low droning hum. A blue light within the airlock indicated the activation of the force tunnel. With a twitch of her finger, one of the boarders hit the hatch release and the heavy door slid open. Outside was the hull of the massive liner fifteen meters away. Between them was the void of space. An occasional shimmer ran across the invisible force field corridor between the two.

Dispara stepped out onto the invisible bridge, casually striding towards the hatch across the way. Behind her was a stocky Saurin with a power spanner and other tools to crack the hatch. Behind them, the rest of the boarders followed. Looking out into the space around them, Dispara could see others of the gathered forces converging on the ship, like carrion birds descending on a carcass. She could see the Sciss fighters from the Kyber cutting into the hull. A brightly colored ship, Dedata's she assumed from the comm arrays, was glimpsed drawing in also. "Nice paint job." Dispara murmured into the comms, then halted for a breath as she swore she saw someone simply jump from a ship towards the crippled liner. She shook her head and grinned. She loved someone with guts.

The Saurin began working on the hatch, and in no time, it was ready to open.

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Yu Karloo


Location: Avenue 5, Gambling Tables
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Domino Domino | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | George S.S Kragg | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan
Equipment: VT-Sliid Gun

Post #1

Yu glided among the tables, wine glass in hand. Her all-black eyes glistening as she soaked up the opulance of the elite patrons of the gambling room. Head tendrils, adorned with designs and neatly organized, hung to her mid back, two larger ones being draped over her shoulders and decorated with bronze bands. The sensitive tendrils tasted the chemistry of those reveling in the room. The Nautolan could interpret those hormones. Greed, lust, arrogance, carefree. They had no idea what was coming.

Over her shoulder was a small black clutch that matched her leather dress, tucked inside were a VT-Sliid Gun and a comm pre-set to the channel Dedata had given her days ago. Yu had been on the Avenue 5 since its last docking, casing the 3km long ship for choice targets, intel which she shared with those of the new and exciting consortium to which the Family had associated. The info included high roller's rooms and other potential targets aside from those already identified by Cass Gemini. Yu also knew she was not the only one aboard interested in cleaning up.

There were many people of note aboard the liner. Yu could see one at a sabaac table, Trademaster Kragg, a man of notorious reputation. She caught his eye for the briefest moment, flashing a faint smile. At his table was someone else that caught the Nautolan's eye. A compact, buxom woman with a charming face. Yu couldn't place the source of her own curiosity in the woman. But she lingered to watch the game play out at the table.

The massive dampeners on the starliner made the capture by the Consortium interdictor barely noticeable. Inside Yu's purse, the comm chirped. A mischievous grin slid across her feminine lips. She lifted her wine glass and drained it of its fine content. They would be here soon.


Outside, among the Consortium members pouring towards the giant starliner, was a TIE/es Assault Shuttle from the Pharaoh III. Inside, the uniformed boarding party from Yu's command ship approached the docking bay in which Yu's yacht was berthed.

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George S.S Kragg



Objective Three


Tag: Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Yu Karloo

Trademaster Kragg would look around the vessel for just a minute, spotting the normal crowd of people. Bankers to Nobility, all of them had something to gain by being here. Making connections was important even if you were the highest of the high class. His brown eyes shifted away from the people to a certain women who introduced herself as Lady Moragan. Kragg Sr had figured that this noble lady had wealth within her pockets.

Puffing his glitterstim spice as it flowed around him, probably choking the atmosphere due to its mere potency. His demeanor changed instantly to emotionless, as he overlooked his hand. The small blink of moose code within his smoking pipe would be a signal from his employees he had watching the game. The Lady had (+2, +3) within her hands. Kragg Sr knew that theirs was a possibly that they could get Idiot's array the only thing beating pure sabacc within a traditional game.

He currently had a (+2, +9) within his hand. Keeping them covered with his hand to avoid anyone else from cheating. He moved his hand without emotion to throw down 10 credits on the board. His poker face was firm and without even the slightest hint of joy at his hand. The dealer asked him if he wanted to buy and he declined. He caught the glimpse of the faint smile of the nautolan (Yu Karloo). Kragg Sr returned the smile with a slight break of his poker face before returning back to full concentration. "I'll raise 500 credits." Kragg Sr said to everyone at the table, this low stakes game raised up to new heights.

Sliding the 500 credits from his winning jackpot into the middle of the table. Anyone too squeamish or pressed for cash would no doubt withdraw from the table. He picked up the four sided dice and rolled, landing on 4 which meant that he could withdraw another card from the deck. Picking up the card and putting it within his hands. He now had (+2, +9, +9). exactly where he wanted them to be.

Waiting for his opponents to make a move.
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Location: Blood Lightning, now inside Avenue 5
Objective: Loot some treasures
Equipment: Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Standard Blastersx2
Blood Lightning
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Dispara Na'Gara | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino | Yu Karloo

Then as he thought more about Cass, his comlink crackled to life and the cheeky voice of Cass filled his ears. His grin widened into a mischievous grin, but no one saw it under his helmet. He took a sweet at the Captain's Chair, giving his Moth-Cat some fuss after moving her from her favourite spot. He pressed the Comm button in reply.

<"You know me so well, yes we are going to fill our vaults with valuables and prizes."> He replies to Cass, glee evident in his voice. His expression did falter at being referred to as "other". But he will let it slide as there is far bigger fish to fry.

The Lightning was in range to attach to an airlock and begin to board to claim their prizes. The doors opened and his Corsairs were let loose on the Hotel, opening doors, and pocketing all the loot not nailed down, as for the safes, they were transported down chains of pirates back into the lightning. Isidor had gone for the main chunk of the booty as it was called. Gems, clothes, and credits were abundant and they helped themselves, as the passengers in this sector stood and watched.

But the less orthodox goods were pilfered such as the silken Hotel linens, enough to restock bedding for 2 years. He nearly broke a foot getting out of bed as his sheets had holes in them. He did have to pop a finger back in place because he did fall out of bed only once this past year. He was very embarrassed.

He had reminded everyone that they are to capture the loot and keep the passengers unharmed. Nikita worked to keep the lights on and get bank details from the booking databases. Why not drain their accounts too. Rich people do have many accounts. This will be divided between the other Pirate Lords as per the Code. He guarantees it, he even offered to give any successful flatpack to them.

Xenia had directed the Ubese's attention to the tableware the Hotel has in their inventory, these were made with gold leaf and the finest porcelain. Hand made too, perfect, he also enjoys the unorthodox things. The operation was going well, everything was going smoothly, and no one got hurt.

But still, this was only one area, and this thing was huge, his fellow Pirate Lords will make sort work of it as they too will board. He needed to figure out where they are going to meet up once they are within their depths.


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The Avenue 5
Location: The Avenue 5, The Gambling Tables
Objective: Objective 3, BYOO, Would like to be a part of Objective 1 if team up is possible.
Wearing: THIS DRESS but like a size 18 .
Tag: George S.S Kragg Yu Karloo
Interacting with - Above Tags
Personality Reference

  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience
  • Poised
  • Calm and Collected

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber

An Idiot's Folly

The three of them blanched as the man raised a whopping 500 credits.

"No Kriffing Way". Stilza muttered.

"Back out." Viz Pressed.

"This SUUUCKKSS" Naobi whined,

But Moragan stood her ground, politely, almost coily taking the dice in her manicured hands. She rolled a 2, allowing her to take up the spike card to her hand.

A shift caught her eye and the Nautolan who had just joined them was watching her intently. Viz knew that the Nautolan most likely could feel her apprehension, but the beautiful individual did not let on. Viz/Moragan said a silent prayer and added the card.

It was the idiot. She had an Idiot's Array.

"I cannot believe what I am seeing." Stilza breathed.

"Me neither..." Viz whispered.

"It's cute." Said Naobi.

"Lay them down." The dealer said.

But before she could, there was a shudder and without any warning, the gravity in the ship fluctuated, sending the patrons at the table and all associated levitating from the deck.

"Kark!" All three of them interjected as one and Moragan attempted to clutch the table, her drink floating up and the liquid inside following suit. Both pots also rose from their resting place and even among the chaos of suddenly drifting nauseatingly above the deck, Viz's thief's instincts took over. She rammed herself back into her body, replacing Moragan and started gathering the chits, the money she had rightfully won through sheer other worldly luck but that nobody would ever know about because they were kriffing FLOATING and all was suddenly chaos.

She must have grabbed somewhere around 200 credits, nowhere near the amount on the table when a thought suddenly occurred to her. This wasn't an accidental shift to Zero G's for the fun of it. This was planned

She swiveled around, the momentum of her torso working to send her lower half in the opposite direction, and located the Nautolan and before the individual could disappear, Viz kicked at the table, propelling herself to her. She seized her around the wrist with more force than she meant to, her sense of urgency derived from a need to know who or what was going after the vault she knew was on board. If there was a plan, and especially if it involved doings by The Family, she wanted in on the action.

She patted her pocket, attempting to show goodwill, even in her desparation. "I know you aren't just here to drink and look pretty, tell me what's going on and half these credits are yours."


George S.S Kragg



Objective Three


Tag: Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Yu Karloo

The Lady certainly had good fortune as his employees alerted him to the fact that she had an idiot's array. Unless he had his own array then the sabacc game would be lost although the money wasn't exactly his. One should never use their own money when it comes to gambling. Kragg Sr had to admit that he was beaten but before the women even had a chance to collect her reward. The gravity shifted inside the room and kragg began to float up into the air of the cabin. He grabbed his smoking pipe as it was being dragged up into the air, stuffing it away into his pocket. The Trademaster looked through the chaos to find that the women was stealing from the overall pot by using the chaos as cover. Something was foul here and he suspected a pirate attack on the vessel. He dug deep into his pocket, finding a grappling hook within it. One could never know when you needed a grapple hook for piracy.

He swung the long rope around in his hand throwing it to the boltdowned bar counter. Hearing it snatch on the counter's edge with an extra boost from his foot, reeling himself into the counter with some simple hand movements. He looked down upon his belt where a small control panel was hidden within his belt buckle. Hitting the switch upon it that would send a evacuation signal to the Quarter's Galleon. His mobile shadowport and fortress where he resided, having stationed it nearby to let the customers enjoy some planetary atmosphere. The Modified Confederacy Core Ship had served him well and made the Northern Run Merchant Guild able to ship large amounts of supplies. Once the signal was finished transmitting to the core ship's communication tower. Kragg Sr would peek around the bar itself. Looking to see what kind of action was taking place.

His two employees would soon join him behind the counter, swimming their way over to him. They would be vital meat shields in the event that pirates were actually attacking the ship. Some might call this cruel but it was better their lives and not himself. Besides he had a record 10x long with everything from murder to arson. Although having good lawyers helped in getting those charges dropped. They were still there to be viewed by a competent slicer.

The Quarter's Galleon would arrive within the hour

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Objective 1 - The Golden Goose
Location: Aboard the Kyber in space along flight path of Avenue 5
Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Dispara Na'Gara Domino Domino Yu Karloo George S.S Kragg Viz Harridan Viz Harridan

3rd in character post

Cass felt her muscles gently relaxing as her weight reduced, someone had clearly hit the gravity systems, probably that hacker from the Family, that would make things more fun. She instinctively activated her mag boots and saw her teams going the same, no pirate worth their salt would board a ship unprepared for zero-g.

She clipped her way along the corridor, one of her teams noted that Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree had docked only 30 metres further down the ship, it would be useful for them to link up. "teams one and two with me, Dryshan, take teams two and three to the the main ballroom. Make a scene but don't kill anyone. The fewer guards between us and the vault the better." She really did not want a bloodbath today. Dryshan followed his orders and ran in the direction of the ballroomwhere George S.S Kragg , Viz Harridan Viz Harridan and Yu Karloo Were located. Nmhe had his chainblade put but had not revved it yet. The Amonid knew the brutal weapons sound was a great way to shock a room.

He burst in and revved it loudly, there were some shouts of horror, but the attention was on him. He shouted "This is the Kraken Coalition, and Hutt Space Consortium, this ship is under our control. Do as I say, and you will all be a lot poorer, but unharmed. Try anything and I start ripping. Your first instruction is to remove any jewelry and wristwatches and push them towards this door, chop chop" he laughed as he waved the small chain saw. Already small but valuable jewelled items were floating gently through the air towards him.

" Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree ! Cass called as she saw the young slicer floating freely. Did you turn the gravity off and not put mag shoes on? Your going to hurt yourself. Get down here and let's head for the vault." free floating was fun, but ultimately very risky unless you had practiced as much as her crew did.

" Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene , Dispara Na'Gara , I have hooked up with the data girl from Ivory's lot and am about three decks from the vault. Hope you guys are doing well. My mawite has headed to the ballroom to cause a distraction."

everything was going to plan so far.


Sangromancer II
Armor, Lightsabers, Carbine, Blaster, Parabellum GL.
2nd post

Domino's helmet pinged as she landed against an airlock, her own mag boots holding her firmly. Acknowledging it, a map of the known ship with her location on it popped up in the HUD before minimizing again. It was a simple hack for the codebreaker and Domino flipped into the ship's hallway. Ahead there was an opening to the left, lights, loud voices. She pushed from the wall and took a door on the right hoping to avoid confrontation until she was deeper inside. That's when she came face-to-face with another pirate crew. They barely had time to get a cry out before Domino leveled her carbine and opened on full-auto, thankful that she'd set it to stun before ever arriving in system.

It was only after the last had fallen that she paused to take a second look at them, they were from an eclectic mix of species, but all wore a variation of striped shirt, black vest, and some sort of curved vibro-sword through their belt, no scabbard. And every last one wore a silly hat with the brim folded up in three places. Taking a step back, Domino looked about the room with her low-light vision. It seemed they'd been hiding out in a room set up for a celebration of some sort. Two things in particular stood out to her though. The first was a banner saying 'Happy Birthday Timmy, You Arrrrgh A Treasure!' The second being one of those cut-out signs for 'Captain Dan's Pirate Adventure! *For ages 6-12' "Oh Feth..." Whelp, there was nothing else for it. She took a picture of the twitching pile of entertainers and sent it to the group's hacker Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree with the caption '"Competition" delt with'. They should get a laugh out of that.

She'd barely made it half way between the slightly floating tables and the door to the next room over before some shew of a woman poked her head into the darkened room. "Is the gravity messing things up in here or will things be ready for the birthday a little after they get things fixed? Hey you're not Captain Dan!" Domino answered by pointing the carbine in her face. "And that looks rather realistic." "Correct, on both accounts." Her modulated voice was practically cut off by the sound of her firing another stun blast into the woman before pulling her into the room too.

Deciding that stealth was overrated anyways, and that the Goddess was laughing at her today, Domino walked through the door the little fuzzy alien had come from and proceeded to shoot every adult in the birthday party full of people loosing their minds in zero-g. Actually the kids had been loving it until she showed up.

Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Hallways of the Avenue 5
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino

Post #3

Dispara and her boarding party were soon through the airlock and roaming the starliner, engaging their magnaboots. Dispara hated magaboots, they felt like trudging through sucky mud. Cass's voice came through the comms, giving a rise to a grin on the half-Sephi. "Peachy here, girlfriend. We are going to meet and greet some passengers. Haven't seen your beau yet." Dispara quipped. She lead her team to one of the forward casinos, closest to their boarding point.

The former Jarvashquiine shaman slowed as she drew upon the Force, peering down the corridor as the neared a corner. In her minds eye, she saw through the corner, the faint images of armed figures lurking just around the turn. The ships security teams were out and about. Dispara's hand shot out, instantly halting her crew. Two fingers flipped up, a signal to ensure weapons were set to stun. A full hand warned them to wait.

Slipping closer to the corner, Dispara stepped around the bend to find a team of six security guards. It was obvious to them that the pirate witch was no passenger. Before one finger could brush against a blaster trigger, Dispara's hand shot out and a wave of Force energy burst forth, slamming into the guards so hard it disengaged their magnaboots. They were flung backwards violently. The cries of the men summoned the pirate boarders and they came around the corner behind Dispara, a barrage of stun beams incapacitating the fallen security.

"Bind them, gather their blasters." Dispara ordered as she stalked forward. A pair of crewmen lagged behind to execute her command. A small group of panicked passengers clawing their way down the passageway walls rounded the corner behind the pirates. The sound of stunners filled the hall again and some very nicely dressed people were plucked clean of jewelry and credits as the floated unconscious.

"Oh," Dispara paused as she looked back, gesturing to the pile of stunned guards. "Grab me one of their hats." She added before turning to make her way to the forward casino.
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