Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boost The first big score - KC and HSC

Yu Karloo


Location: Avenue 5, Gambling Tables
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Domino Domino | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | George S.S Kragg | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan
Equipment: VT-Sliid Gun

Post #2

Admittedly, the loss of gravity was unexpected, though Yu had no doubt it was her marauding comrades that were behind it. provably Dedata digging her delightful fingers in the Avenue 5's systems. So, while the patrons in the gambling room found themselves and every loose item starting to float, the din of alarm rose among the startled fun-goers. But not Yu. Confident of the source of the gravity loss and born of a race of aquatic people, she remained graceful as she hovered in the grand room.

Instead, she watched with amusement as the young woman she had watched gaming with the Tradesmaster scrambled, as man did, to gather scattering credits. Yu patiently waited as the brunette then propelled her way toward the Nautolan, who did not recoil as the stranger grasp her wrist. In fact, Yu greeted the woman with a small smile.

The woman's question garnered a light laugh from the Nautolan. "You are perceptive. Stick with me and you'll be fine. And don't worry about those credits, there will be plenty more for us. This ship is being robbed." Yu added with nonchalance. Hearing the unrest moving down the hall, she knew pirates were on their way in. Who's she was not sure.

"Come on." She urged the woman, taking the woman's own wrist and shifting them so their hands clasped. The Nautolan deftly pushing herself off from one object to another, just like she was swimming, guiding them through the flailing patrons to an exit opposite intruding pirates. Along the way, she detoured past to individuals, a rotund balding man and a Gran woman. Two marks she had been casing since she arrived. Her fingers skillfully found their pockets as the struggled for stability, pickpocketing a room key chips from each. She flashed her companion a smile.

"I'm Yu." She offered as the reached a corridor and pulled them both along the wall. "I need to check out a few rooms."


George S.S Kragg



Objective Three


Tag: Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Yu Karloo

Pirates..why is it always pirates. Those were the thoughts of Trademaster Kragg Sr as a group of pirate strode into the room, 12 in total as he scanned his eyes around. One of them wielding a chainsaw weapon within his hand and demanding the valuables that they had on hand. Apparently they were from the Kraken Coalition and the Hutt Space Consortium. Anyone who was a pirate knew of the kraken coalition, a cabal of pirates and other people plundering the stars for a profit. The Hutt Space Consortium was new to himself but he had heard about the gathering at Varl Station from a few informants. One could never have too many informants within the galaxy, not least when you were a wanted man.

He scanned over the horizon as the nautolan and the lady morgan was moving to another exit that wasn't blockaded by pirates. Trademaster Kragg Sr had another option in mind, unscrewing the bottle of a boga noga and inserting a breath mint into it from his pocket. Although normally this would not create a powerful explosion, the fact that it was highly almost toxic beverage made it the perfect choice to make an improve explosive. He kicked his two employees from the counter to make some room as they floated along.

He shook the battle in his hand until it fizzled, almost ready to explode. He threw it above himself and ducked further into the counter, as the explosion rocked the room a bit. Taking little time, he grabbed his grappling hook and threw it into the room above. Climbing up the rope like an athlete despite his older frame, mainly because he had many years of experience escaping trouble and police officers on various planets. Making it safely up to the next floor by dodging any shots that came his way with undue grace. Spotting no one yet, he floated along through the hallways. Eventually arriving on the floor where his room was but he didn't enter inside yet.

The Quarter's Galleon arrived within the system with a slight boom of hyperspace following behind them. The Modified Confederacy Coreship and Mobile Shadowport would be on the very edge of the system. Sending an extraction team to withdraw him from the vessel would take time. Although he could prepare himself to snatch an escape pod and jetosin himself out towards the galleon. This all depended on the arrival of the pirates and where they would go next.

Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Tags - Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene || Cass Gemini Cass Gemini || Dispara Na'Gara || Domino Domino Viz Harridan Viz Harridan || George S.S Kragg


DEADLIFE - A Dream Drawn From the Sheath

Pushing through the vapor her path was clear. She floated through near the floor of the hallway, her hand floating close to the surface ready to do a light push to turn her body. A nudge pressed near her head caused a controlled turn to come feet first at the approaching wall. Dedata would continue to do precise moves as she pressed further on. After all the woman had came accustom to no gravity from time to time and rushing through much tighter gaps in the dark. The woman shuddered the thought of her old ship even if it had served her well for so long. So far her plan to keep security busy had worked given not one single guard had been in her path so far. There was the one or two stray passenger flailing about bumping everywhere. Though her eye for the dirty rich was a good one.

They where people she had watched so well for her whole life. A door slid open and on the other side was Cass Gemini Cass Gemini stamping along with mag boots. "So inefficient." She thought, gripping on the small gaps of the door frame she pulled herself forward at a steady pace. Taking the datapad out of her pocket she wrote a message as if the woman was care free about the whole situation. "Don't need them. Hallways like this are no issue, simple terms this feels to me like a ball room would to you.

Dedata would use Cass to stop herself, allowing the woman to read the message. It seemed her skill was in need as she had presumed. As the smaller group began to make their way. A holo image was sent to her by the lady known as Domino Domino . Of course she looked at it, after all it could be some issue she could send a message to walk through. However all Cass and the others around her would hear was an audible slap as Dedata facepalmed hard.

Summary -

The Avenue 5
Location: The Avenue 5, Guest Corridors and Staterooms

Photo Credit from The Galactic Starcruiser Hotel, WDW​

Objective: Objective 3/1 Rob People Blind
Tag: Yu Karloo George S.S Kragg
Interacting with - Above
Personality Reference

  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience
  • Poised
  • Calm and Collected

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber

Back In Business

Viz was thrilled to be back in her body, having sent Moragan back to her subconscious. Moragan was... not as thrilled but taking it like a champ.

As Yu Karloo pulled her toward an unblocked exit, Viz glanced back at the old man she'd had marked in time for her to catch an explosion of froth as he made his escape upward. She was impressed, she'd have to catch up with the old pirate another time... after all it was a small galaxy and she coveted that pipe of his for its approximated resale value.

She turned. Yu was picking pockets and had lifted some room keys.

"I'm Yu." She offered as the reached a corridor and pulled them both along the wall. "I need to check out a few rooms."
Viz stifled a surprised laugh. She'd been right about the woman and was glad of it. "First stop, mine. I need to grab my gear."

Viz twisted, leading her down the hallway in a different direction. She used her card on her own room and let the door slide open. The cramped but plush quarters smelled like corporate wealth an new paint.

The D3 Cabin Droid greeted them cheerily as they floated in. "Welcome, honored guest. We are so happy for your stay with us aboard the Avenue 5. Your luggage has been delivered and placed on your bed, your creature has been fed and remains in his crate. If you have any need of me please- -"

Viz slammed her hand into the interface and it powered off. The blast shield on the viewing window was open and she grinned, astonished at what she saw. Ships were cornering the Avenue 5, making it not only a sitting duck, but a pretty incapacitated one at that. Plus, it looked like there were pirates. She felt another thrill of excitement and urgency. She wanted to get her hands on as much as she could before the larger cohorts could.

She unlatched the crate on her bed and let Snitch out. The Kowakian Monkey-Lizard floated aimlessly for a second before wrapping his tail around her arm and pulling himself snug to her shoulder.

She flipped open the stolen luggage and stripped her stolen dress off with zero modesty, climbing back into her jumpsuit and vest, strapping her tools on. She undid her hair and threw it in a messy up-thing, strapping on her goggles and flipping the HUD interface to "on". Lastly, she opened a hidden compartment in the main trunk and pulled out her blaster and lightsaber, clipping both to her belt. Snitch let out a chirp and a cackle, flipping around as she changed clothes.

Finally, she turned to Yu, her grin even wider now that she was fully herself. "Welp. Let's swindle the bastards."


Location: Avenue 5, 5 floors above the Vault
Objective: Loot some treasures
Equipment: Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Standard Blastersx2
Blood Lightning
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Dispara Na'Gara | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino | Yu Karloo | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan


Isidor now found himself face-first into a chandelier's underside, the diamonds obscured his vision, the gravity decided to misbehave it seems. No, that's not it, the systems have been tampered with. Good, the safes will be easy to collect now by one Corsair, rather than a chain of them moving one at a time. He activated correction in his boots so that he can stay with his feet planted firmly on the carpet. Speaking of which, he is going to get Xenia and her small group to tear it up and take it back to the Lightning. Something like this will sell for hundreds of Credits. He could install it in the ship but then again, it will not be very fitting for a Pirate ship.

That chandelier on the other hand contains real diamond drops and what looks like hand-cut crystal butterflies, he used to have a wind chime with butterflies, but the thing got into an irreversible tangle, he still has it. It's very whimsical and he got it for his 13th birthday. Bringing himself back into the present he coordinated a small ambush of a very wealthy fat Human and half threatened, half asked the man to remove every single gold, silver and that really shiny pair of glasses. This is small fry compared to what inevitably lies within the vault.

<"Nikita, put your gravity boots on, you are hardly going to be useful floating away."> Isidor sighed, not angry or scolding but with amusement as the Duros unscrewed the chandelier and allowed it to float down the corridor and towards the ship's direction. They'll cut as many of the valuable crystals and use the metal for repairs.

<"The looting is coming along nicely, we will have this floor picked clean, I will join you in the Vault."> Isidor purred, always glad to hear his comrade's voice.

Cass had informed him that she was 3 floors away from the prizes, which he reckoned was 5 floors away from his location. If he moves now he could reach her in 160 minutes. Shorter if he took over the Turbolifts.

After much deliberation, he along with 21 fellow Pirates made their way to the Valt area, following directions when they go the wrong way. Isidor had to pry open a Turbolift door when it was shut in his face. Despite the growing annoyance, they were doing pretty well.

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Objective 1 - The Golden Goose
Location: Aboard the Kyber in space along flight path of Avenue 5
Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Dispara Na'Gara Yu Karloo Domino Domino George S.S Kragg Viz Harridan Viz Harridan

4th in character post

Cass looked at Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree With a grin. "well my apologies friend, don't meet many slicers who have their wings." she flinched and turned down as the corridor just as a pair of armed guard appeared and aimed down the corridor. Cass took a quick run and deactivated her boots, sailing into the air head first with her lightsaber drawn. She deflected a pair of light blaster shots into the walls before pulling her own pistol out, her Calypso's Thunder, in stun mode dropped the first, and then then second in quick succession. All was quiet by the time Cass Gemini reached the end of the hall and reactivated her boots. She picked up one of their comm chip and put it in ear, before tossing the other to Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree . She stopped for a few seconds to listen in. "oh good, they know we are down here, and I was hoping to get to the vault undetected"

She heard the voice of Dispara Na'Gara in her other ear. "Hey gorgeous, can you grab me a nice crystal watch if you spot one, I broke mine raiding the Alliance the other week. Maybe something with a pretty strap! Be good!" she was pleased to have Dizzie back in the team, she was a great pirate and an excellent friend.

She looked at Dedata "your a quiet one aren't you, making me very curious what you have going on under that life. come on, vaults this way." she smiled and raised her eyebrows before turning to walk toward the corridors. No doubt there would be more guards waiting to ambush them, but if she hadn't expected guards, she wouldn't have come armed. She looked on her tracker and Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene was also heading for the vault, perfect, the more they could get out of that huge space the better, the vault was the height of 4 decks and had the footprint of a competition swimming pool and a half, so much loot she only wish she had a could of extra hands.

In the ballroom Drysham watched as someone (George S.S Kragg ) stood up and lobbed a bottle of drink into the room, it exploded with a bank sending spray all over and more than a couple of partygoers took hits from flying glass, nothing serious as far as he could see, but it was enough to let him slip away, nice trick. He saw the legs of the bombardier disappearing out of the room so he crouched his legs and jumped, deactivating the gravity boost and flying through the air at speed toward the doorway along side another of the pirates. "get your ass back here you resourceful little bomber man, I wanna have a chat with you." he smiled, fun trick like that, the Captain might want to meet him too.


George S.S Kragg



Objective Three


Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

Kragg was just about to unlock his room and enter inside when the sound of Drysham and a few other pirates would be heard. They were no doubt impressed with his mint in boga noga trick. Improvisation was vital to piracy, he had taken that policy out of the Captain Hando Ohnaka playbook. He wasn't about to let them capture him just yet, angling his grapple hook toward the next hallway wall near some stairs. Attaching an automatic pully hook that would pull him along, opening up his coat and letting 6 small mirrors fly out of it as they floated it around the hallway that they were currently in. The Trademaster wasn't about to meet with the pirate leaders just yet. But he would allow himself to get captured if the Crew from the Quarter's Galleon would arrive.

He withdrew his blaster pistol and lined up the shot to shoot a mirror with 3 trigger pulls, which went towards the 6 mirrors floating throughout the hallway. The 3 laser bolts bounced off one mirror to another, sending them back and forth throughout the hallway. Creating a distraction and a physical barrier for the time being. Better to allow him to escape from the vessel or plunder some unoccupied rooms. Looking back at them to see if they would show any physical reaction as he was being pulled fast by the automatic pully system. He had heard about this quote from a infamous pirate although if they were still around in the galaxy. No one was quite sure.

"Gentlemen, This is the day, when you almost caught. Captain George Kragg." - Kragg said down the hallways towards them. Finally reaching his end destination and swimming around the corner of the hallway towards the stairs to the next floor. Unattaching his grapple hook and yoinking it around the railings to propel himself forward. They would no doubt attempt to follow him but he would have a few more surprises in store for them. He should really claim the title of king of improvisation. Onto the next floor by now due to swimming and the grapple. Kragg looked around for something of use, spotting some materials and beginning to craft some more traps using basic knowledge of science. He always knew that science book would come in handy one of these days.

Meanwhile the Galleon would send a small team of mercenaries to withdraw him from the vessel.


Sangromancer II
Armor, Lightsabers, Carbine, Blaster, Parabellum GL.
3rd post

Domino checked her map again now that she had a little breathing room. She'd left the room of crying children trying to wake their stunned parents while they and everything else floated in zero-g shambles. And really it was for the best, crying got on her nerves rather quickly and she wasn't sure how safe the stun setting was for small children.

She was pleased to see that she was a few levels above the main concourse which housed the 'ballroom' and the larger of the casinos onboard where the others were gathering. There was also a row of conference and activity rooms between the hallway she found herself in and the one she had left to avoid people. Though on reflection it probably wouldn't take them long to notice the mess she'd left behind. Deciding it was best to get a move on, she kicked off the floor and deactivated her boots, letting her momentum carry her forward with a few adjustments from the micro thrusters studding her armor.

The turbolifts had been something she'd considered taking, one of them would undoubtedly take her exactly where she wanted to go, but security was likely watching them like a hawk, waiting to trap an unwary attacker in one. Not that she couldn't cut her way out, but it was just as easy to 'fly' the kilometer or so to her objective.

Dispara Na'Gara



Location: Forward casino of the Avenue 5
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | George S.S Kragg

Post #4
Dispara lead her pirates through the spacious hallways. One could have forgotten one was aboard a ship by looking at the size and opulence of the Avenue 5. But the clunky sound of magnaboots ruined that illusion. One of the stunned security guard hats were passed up to the captain, as instructed. Dispara took it with a smirk, threw back her hood and donned the black cap.

As they moved, the petite pirate witch tracked the chatter on the comms. The star liner's security forces must have been going mad trying to make sense of the attack. There were teams of intruders everywhere, moving in every direction.

"Mouse... how far, my pockets feel way too empty..." Dispara barked.

In just a few steps, a very tall, fit Epicanthix woman with short-cropped hair was beside the captain. She held a mini-datapad with the ship's schematics on it. "Next left. We'll walk right into it." Mouse replied, stowing the datapad and activating a stun stick. An angry blue spark danced between the long prongs at it's tip.

Dispara knew that her friends were making their way towards the main vaults, and looked forward to reuniting with her Kraken comrades. She wanted to have a good haul to show them. The team rounded the corner and true to the map, the glass double door entrance to a luxurious casino with a white marble and gold theme greeted them. Through the etched glass, Dispara could see most of the patrons had found a way to secure themselves, seeking shelter under tables or behind slot machines. The air was filled with empty glasses and globs of alcohol. Scattered around the room were security guards in grav boots... waiting.

The half-Sephi corsair could see it in a moment, the nervous, itchy men in black were going to open fire. "Eager beavers..." Dispara mumured to herself, before she yelled. "Down!" The pirate crew crouched, seemingly in vain. Blasters erupted from inside the casino and the glass doors and walls along the front blew apart, a shower of glowing bolts streaking towards the Boudoir's boarding party and its captain. With a grimace and a steely gleam in ultra-pale blue eyes, Dispara threw up her hands. An invisible bulwark of the Force materialized before the pirates, and the blaster fire ricocheted wildly back into the casino. Perplexed, the guards ceased fire, unsure of what to do. Every pirate rose, their weapons raised and aimed at the uniformed defenders.

"I want weapons pushed this way, all pockets emptied and pretties sent this way as well." Dispara commanded. "Keep your tart holes shut, or by the 20 fekkin' moons of Bogden I'll do things that will make you piss your drawers, for those who haven't already."

Reluctantly at first, the half dozen guards pushed their blasters through the zero-G air towards the casino entrance. Likewise, wallets, jewelry, credit chips and lots of packs of stimchew and breath mints moved in a wave towards the pirates. Several of Dispara's crew moved forward to begin gathering the loot.

In the hallway behind them, grav-boots could be heard approaching.
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The Vahlacanthix lay face down on a table a little too small, her face was smooshed into the face-hole as a team of three ugnaught masseurs worked out the knots in her massive back. A pair of twi'leks worked massaging her hands. She had been half-way into a coma ever since the two twi'leks melted away her tensions with a terrific scalp massage and hair-wash.

And in the middle of it all, the dread pirate princess of the Sith had forgotten all of time and plans.

Her back made a satisfying set of popping sounds as the ugnaughts collectively pushed to relign her spine, causing the sith lord to give a sigh of relief. They were just about to do a much awaited second push when.


A familiar turning of her stomach ensued.

The lights turned off and the weight of the ugnaughts disappeared from her back. Their panicked squeals filled the space as they floated away from Joycelyn, cast only as shadows against the emergency lights. The two twi'leks held on to her hands as she pushed herself up to a crouch. A daughter of Vahl, a born spacefarer, she knew well the feeling of weightlessness.

"Oh chit."

The subtle rumble of attack and the sensation of groups of people in deep fear rippled through her senses.

"Stay here, hide, I will come back for you."

Quality masseurs for her home? Yes please. She pulled the masseurs to the bench with her great reach. They huddled behind the bench, clamoring on to keep from floating away.

Joycelyn grabbed a towel to wrap around herself as she kicked off toward the entrance. Flying deftly through the space, she controlled her path with light touches and acrobatic turns. The flexibility of her vahla-side showed as she turned and contorted to make the most of her weightless state.

The ship was being robbed, and she was supposed to be the one robbing it.



Yu Karloo


Location: Viz's stateroom, Avenue 5
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Domino Domino | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | George S.S Kragg | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan
Equipment: VT-Sliid Gun

Post #3


The damsel in her grasp was far from in distress, Yu grinning with delight with the mention of getting gear. She knew there was more to the woman than gambling luck. The Nautolan allowed the girl to take control of their direction as she guided them down the hallways to a bank of guest rooms. Carding into one, the two women were alone, aside from the cabin droid...and an animal. The monkey-lizard was quite fond of the woman, a good sign, and it curled up with her.

Pulling out her comm, Yu contacted her ship's boarding party as she watched the curvy woman change. The stranger showed no shame in undressing in front of another, so Yu showed no shame in watching. "I am in the passenger room halls. I am going to work here with a new friend. Target the suites on the map I sent you. Represent me well, we are not the common bilge pipers you may run across." The pirate noble instructed the team lead.

When dressed, Yu saw a different woman. Jumpsuit, tools, weapons. Yu had to admit she didn't know what the stranger really was, but she looked damn ready to loot a ship. She even had a lightsaber. Yu's hunch had been right, this girl didn't belong with the ritzies on board, she was one of 'her' kind.

"Well, look at you, seems like I picked up the right girl." The Nautolan flashed the stolen room keys. "I think these two will prove worth our while." She offered, opening the door and floating out. Looking back at the curious woman, Yu asked. "What should I call you, dear?"

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The Avenue 5
Location: The Avenue 5, Guest Corridors and Staterooms

Objective: Objective 3/1 Rob People Blind
Wearing: Scrapper's Gear
Tag: Yu Karloo
POST #- 5
Personality Reference

The following is a list of the multiple personas inhabiting Viz. When her personalities surface, the colors will change, and often the main personality will be pictured. Each is unique and brings a certain skill set.
  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience
  • Poised
  • Calm and Collected

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber

Back In Business

"Well, look at you, seems like I picked up the right girl." The Nautolan flashed the stolen room keys. "I think these two will prove worth our while." She offered, opening the door and floating out. Looking back at the curious woman, Yu asked. "What should I call you, dear?"

Viz held out a hand and listed lazily to the left as the zero-g's let her float. "Viz Harridan. Larcenist, mechanic, scrapper and Humble Hermit at your service. You can call me Viz. The chick in the dress was Lady Moragan, one of my personalities. TMI, I have three. Good luck with any of them when they surface." As the woman took her hand, Snitch patted it as well. "Huh. He doesn't tend to like anyone." she shrugged. "Welp, lets get at 'er. Lead the way."

They veritably swam out into the corridor. Snitch clung to her arm to keep from floating up. She tapped her goggles and reattached the earpiece so it was snug in her left ear. "Cab? You sleepin'?" She could hear ruckus from all sides of them. Cab wistled dolefully. "Don't get your ass in a kettle, I need you to stand by for pickup. Bring the Fluke up, but not into the fray. Avoid the fracas these noble thieves are causing out in the system." Viz's personas, especially Stilza the ever-restless, were trying to pop in on the action, but she continued to shove them back. She did a modified backstroke and faced Yu as they half slid half levitated through the maze of hallways, attempting to side step any of the racket. The Nautolan seemed amiable enough, but it takes two to tally and she needed to know which end was up.

"You'll need to fill me in on all in hell is going on with this ship, because here I am thinking I'm about to sneaky-steal something shiny, and then the whole galaxy turns up. You Co-opted or running your own scheme?"

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Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Tags - Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene || Cass Gemini Cass Gemini || Dispara Na'Gara || Domino Domino Viz Harridan Viz Harridan || George S.S Kragg


Dedata had stabilised herself on Cass, casually holding onto her belt with one hand as the woman began to move.. "Dee voice to text onto the data pad for me." It would be hard to type a message with one hand, still she was able to see the text on the screen. "Perks of my last ship. Thing was a mish mash pile of junk. Fact I kept it dark most of the time and cables where everywhere. Well I'll let you imagine the tight gaps I had to float through.

Honestly she was trying her best with the social aspect. Something she was trying to do better at. Yet there was no way she could think of the idea of ditching the way she communicated now. She liked only one person knowing how she sounded, how she looked. In a very weird way, she liked being the little secret. In the corner of her vision, she noticed Cass flinch as instinct Dedata let go and quickly stashed her datapad.

Her hand drew the Kopis. Not to fight but to abuse it's power. A momentary flash of the future and she saw the blaster bolt hurdling towards her, striking into the woman's gut. She reacted quickly kicking the floor hard to send herself up. Another flash forward, this one for her head. Though her helmet could take the impact, the paint job was still new. Instinctively she would not have enough time to push against another surface. Instead she raised the kopis, the bolt hit the blade, the blades face dinging off her forehead. Surprisingly that hurt her wrists a little.

By the time she recovered the Pirate woman had taken care of the two. Dedata sighed out of relief, then pushed herself towards the woman once again holding onto her belt. "Dee, Life form scanners up and motion sensors please, real both in to ten meters." A read out of living things around her began to show on screen. Blips of anything moving even showed. This restored a little confidence and carefully slipped the blade back into its sheath.

Dedata caught the woman look at her when she began to hold back after a few turns. The further in the more people. It was her own intent to stay between people that could in right passively protect her. Once more Cass spoke to the slice. Both hands free once more she would type again. "You can keep being curious. Gets me more work because I come to mind faster.
She would wait for the woman to read that before placing her finger on the chin of the helmet in an attempted cute pose. This time as the ambush came Dedata was more prepared as the ambush came. Moving slowing her movements she would widen the gap, staying back and making herself a lesser

Summary -
no new developments


Objective 1 - The Golden Goose
Location: Aboard the Kyber in space along flight path of Avenue 5
Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Dispara Na'Gara Yu Karloo Domino Domino George S.S Kragg Viz Harridan Viz Harridan

5th in character post

"Nice" said Cass as she watched Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree deflect the blaster bolts deftly with her kopis blade before Cass herself launched herself forward to deal with the shooters.

"You can keep being curious. Gets me more work because I come to mind faster.

Cass thought for a moment and smiled "Hey, i like that," she gestured at her own outfit, "The seductress and the enigma, they won't be able to stop thinking about the two of us will they."

Her train of thought was broken by a sonic grenade going off down the corridor where her pirates had advanced. The defenders had decided to make a stand at the entrance to the vault, several large synth-marble desks provided excellent cover for the defenders, and made it difficult for Cass's soldiers to advance. There was also a risk of damaging the computer terminals making it even more difficult to breach the doorway.

"Toss me a pair of them sonics" she would try something, they would not get any further if she didn't. She flinched as a blast came past and hit one of the pirates in the arm, spinning him to the ground bleeding. Feth! "everyone, open fire, full volleys, keep their heads down for me." as dozens of sonic blasts and blaster bolts flashed last her, the red and black stunner strolled forward, none of the defenders could risk taking a shot or lose their head. One tried blind firing and she deftly dodged the blast. She armed the grenades and used the force to lift the into the air, gently pushing them forward and over the shoulders of the defenders. One of them realised what was happening and jumped to try and stop them but took a sonic blast to the head. Oopsie.

Seconds later grenades exploded, a loud bang knocking the defenders flying in all directions. Hopefully they had been far enough behind the desks to keep the terminals safe, but the blast was bigger than she planned.

As the gunfire stopped, she stepped forward and looked at the desks. "KARK KARK KARK!.... Dex, I cooked the terminals, can you slice from wh.... no, hang on, going to ask my new friend here. Oh, Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree , anything you can do here my mysterious friend?"


Location: Avenue 5, Getting close to the Vault
Objective: Loot some treasures
Equipment: Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Standard Blastersx2
Blood Lightning
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Dispara Na'Gara | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino | Yu Karloo | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan

This was the second time they passed this plant, it was official they were not going anywhere fast. Nikita pulled a map off the wall and used it to get them somewhere at least. He is Isidor, he doesn't get lost, he always knows what to do. But this is not a Casino, nor is it a small munitions store. There are thousands of floors. They need to get to the Vault, lest they miss out on the fun. Isidor hated missing out on anything, then he can't also brag alongside the Coalition or weave himself into the loop as it were.

So now he was riding a fancy Turbo lift with 4 OAPs, he didn't seem to mind, after all, it wasn't a proper raid, he never hurt those that were defenceless but he did have to be wary of their mobility appliances. The music droned in a muffled monotone in a poor rendition of any music, he couldn't tell but it frayed his nerves. He regretted thinking this was the best route to take, he had been answering questions from Ivy an eldely Cathar, who was going to go to the halls to play bridge. She asked if he wanted to be her plus one.

Isidor politely declined, he was busy and he needed to get to his destination. So the music droned along muffled by a very sad speaker. For the sheer opulence they neglected the sound on this thing. The doors opened finally and he with his pirates bolted down the hall way, the elderlies bobbled the other way.

It wasn't long before they had to backpeddle away from gunfire, they returned fire. They are only a floor away and the trouble they tried to keep out of the way from actually found them. Isidor returned fire from behind a large plant.

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Location: Guest Cabins
Objective: Objective 1: Continue Robbing People and Head To Vault
Wearing: Scrapper's Gear
Tag: Yu Karloo Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Dispara Na'Gara Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Domino Domino

Another Man's Treasure

"You'll need to fill me in on all in hell is going on with this ship, because here I am thinking I'm about to sneaky-steal something shiny, and then the whole galaxy turns up. You Co-opted or running your own scheme?"

There were repeated loud bangs from sonic blasts at the far end of the corridor. Now Viz knew they were close to the vault. Yu was keeping her lips tight in a knowing smirk and Viz pushed harder as they opened one of the larger staterooms. "Seriously, you have to tell me who is doing what, I don't want to go into this thing blind. Holy Junkets."

The stateroom was absolutely huge. Snitch gave a yelp as she pulled herself in and began searching the bags left out near the night stand. The Concierge Droid once again started her spiel and this time, Snitch smacked the off button, spinning around with his tail to perch on one of the sconce lights. As Viz located a credit purse and a fine looking watch, she heard a sharp yelp of surprise.

A pale human man with a towel wrapped around his middle and tied around his head had come out of the grand size sonic shower, glistening with the artificial humidity. Viz raised her eyebrows, amused, and lifted her blaster.

"Oof, bad luck Chappy." She intonated in a sing-song way. "Don't you know the ship is being attacked by pirates?"

"I was -- in the shower." The larger man trembled.

"I can see that. Go ahead and take another one while we relieve you of your valuables"

He did as she bade and she pushed herself from where she was to the shower and hit a lock pad next to it. Interesting to have a lockpad on the outside of the shower, but modern designers were innovative to say the least. Who was she to complain. She kicked off again, this time rifling through the drawers on the night stand. She found a pair of cufflinks and a religious text. "Imagine taking a shower while your ship is under attack. Talk about bad timing." She muttered to Yu and Snitch cackled the classic laugh of his species.

She shoved what she'd found in her satchel and passed over half of the purse and the watch to Yu. "Splitzies" She winked, then made a gesture as if to dust off her hands. "Lets hit your next room, but this is small time stuff. I wan't to go where those dangerous sounding sonic blasts are. If we are casually late, they will have done all the muscle work and we can just saunter in and grab what we can from the vault."

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Yu Karloo


Location: Stateroom, Avenue 5
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Domino Domino | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan
Equipment: VT-Sliid Gun

Post #4

Yu had guided Viz to the first mark's stateroom. They could hear the ruckus of the Kraken pirates as they assaulted the vaults down the far end of that level. Carding into the room, Yu ushered the brunette in and shut the door behind them. Viz asked again about what was going on, the bigger picture. Yu clued her in as they began to go through the room, grateful that her companion's pet silenced the concierge droid.

"A unique joint effort by several entities to strip this gaily adorned luxury liner of her pretties." Yu said with a wry smile. "The sound you heard was a band of pirates. There are several on board now, along with some other elements, such as myself. I have a boarding party hitting up the business centers at the moment." The leather dress-clad pirate queen quipped as she opened a wardrobe. Then she heard the yelp.

Turning Yu saw the betoweled man. Viz, the cheeky girl, locked him in the shower. Yu pushed aside some ritzy garments to show the back of the closet. A nondescript panel could be seen. Pressing the room card to the panel, it popped open, revealing a hidden cache. She grabbed a small jewlery box and wallet and shoved them in a pursed hanging nearby. Turning to Viz, Yu nodded.

"I like your style, Viz, go for the big prize. I agree, we need bigger gains. Mind you, I am not familiar with those raiding the vault, I can't vouch for their willingness to share." Another sardonic grin touched her lips and Yu pulled herself to the door. She pulled the Sliid gun out of her clutch, tossing the small purse after tucking her comm in the stolen purse. They moved towards the sounds of blaster fire and sonic blasts.

As they worked their way towards the vault, a pair of security guards in grav boots burst into the hallway from a side corridor, heading for the vault too. Yu fired her dart pistol, a singe shot at each. The eyes of the men rolled back into their heads and they collapsed. The sound of fighting ahead stopped and the pair eventually rounded the corner where Yu knew the vault lay.

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Dispara Na'Gara



Location: Forward casino of the Avenue 5
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Domino Domino | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano

Post #5
Mouse looked back nervously behind them as the sound of boots grew nearer. "Cap'n, we have company."

"Come on, my greedy little bastards, get that loot and move!" Dispara barked at her crew as they darted around, trying to gather the spoils floating around the casino. They also gathered the guards weapons. Then she yelled into the big room. "Stay put good people. This place is crawling with all sorts of scum and villiany, its not safe." Then she turned to look up at Mouse. "Come on, we need to slow those ground pounders." Dispara was a bit greedy too, and didn't want to leave the loot in the casino for any other group. The crew just need a bit more time to gather it.

Mouse swung about the blaster rifle slung over her shoulder and armed it. Dispara drew her electro blaster pistol and began to focus on tuning her connection with the Dark side. She would do what was necessary to protect her crew and her take.

"Ready up, pup." Dispara ordered Mouse, glancing back to see the crew frantically gathering jewelry, wallets, weapons and gold decorations.
Then a squad of guards rounded the corner, hell-bent to take down some pirates. Mouse and Dispara raised their weapons. That was when the Sephi pirate mongrel saw something...something behind the armed men.

"Holy fekkin' bantha balls." Dispara murmured at what appeared to be a figure rocketing like a missile down the hall behind the guards. It wasn't slowing down. Dispara reached out and grabbed Mouse's arm, coaxing her to begin stepping backwards. Blaster bolts started to fly, and the pirates pair returned fire.

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It was surprising the kind of momentum one could build up in zero gravity.​

The disrobed half-epicanthix warlord propelled herself out of the ship spa with relatively light touches, leaving dents and cracks in the pristine surfaces and knocking over the well made copies of priceless pottery. Her fingers dug into the doorframe to the hallway as she swung her legs around. Her upper body followed the momentum allowing her a moment to kick off from the side of the wall, then the next side and the next. The towel did its best to hold on to the giantess, but it was a tall order.

Joycelyn had never skipped a leg day and it showed. If she wasn't cursing under her breath, she might have enjoyed the exercise.

Her mind was racing: Where had she left her gear?

Most of it was in her room, but it would take her much too long to retrieve them. The heavier weapons would have to remain there. Fortunately, she had the foresight to stash a little something in the VIP suite of the second casino. Fun fact: One does not need to be a good gambler to get into a VIP room.

A commotion ahead made Joycelyn redouble her efforts, adding a burst of flame to her movements for additional thrust. Black soot stains marked her impacts as she drew on the Force again, and again, steadily increasing her momentum until she finally relied entirely on a jet-like propulsion from her hands and feet. She careened around a corner to see a squad of the ship's reserve riot control group, and beyond that, the apparent robbers of the ship. A smile crept up over her lips as a flash of flame altered her trajectory.

Some of the more alert guards had time to turn their blasters in her direction, but the sudden change of direction had their shots going wide.

The vahlacanthix put her hands and feet on the floor for a final push and launched herself shoulder first into the group. Protective gear and bones alike snapped from the impact of the sith trajectory as she bowled through. Despite their mag boots, guards found themselves floating or suddenly attached at an odd angle, and now with the giant at their feet.

As soon as her momentum was spent, she changed tactics.

Through arts taught to her by her Vahla side she used her weightlessness and the enclosed space to her advantage. Kicking off the walls and ceiling with hands and feet, moving to odd angles to confuse her opponents and slip past their offensive, very much resembling a spider in its web. The first guard she hit was stuck to the ceiling and struck with an elbow, sending teeth and visor-shrapnel into a slow-motion spray. The next had its head mashed into the wall hard enough to cause a serious dent in both. Ricocheting back, she threw her legs up and around the neck of another guard, twisting them backwards with their feet still stuck to the floor until they stood like a bridge. Squeezing her legs together, the Vahlacanthix smothered her flailing prey.

Her irises, alive like molten iron, turned to Dispara Na'Gara and her crew with the ravenous hunger of vornskr.



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