Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The First of Many...

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"And by cheaper, what are we talking about price range, i really need to keep it as low as i can considering i also plan to build some factories elsewhere like on say Mayferria or on Eclipsta." She was doing the math in her head, adding the costs and the benefits of being off the grid and having a self sustaining power-source for her factories, tapping her foot silently as she moved into a bit of a thought process.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"I can provide you an energy crystal or two of sufficient power to power this factory for decades for a fifth the price of building a power plant and purchasing the fuel. And all you'll need to do is connect it to the power grid with high gauge enough wire that it can handle the current being run through it. The last thing I want you to do is blow yourself up with it."

A sincere thought... Circe did care for Alex, after all.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"Hmm, intriguing... I was already planning for the best equipment and this is a grand idea, cheaper and self sustaining at the same time... what are we talking credit wise, im going to need atleast 5 pairs of the same grade crystals you are talking about, and two of the highest grade you have, i may be also creating a shipyard for fighters and ships of my own design."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Check the prices on power plants. I'll sell you each lower-grade crystal for 20% the price, and each high-grade crystal for 40% the price. Suffice to say, you'll be getting the power output of over twelve factories for less than the price of three." Circe wasn't entirely sure what power plants went for these days, but she would certainly undercut their prices. Energy crystals were the way of the future.

She was sure of it.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"Perhaps indeed.... you still aren't giving me a number though Circe, only percentages." She smiled and moved over to the crystals and studying them very closely as she was not able to truly tell just how powerful they were.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Well, I haven't checked prices on power plants recently, and I assume that you would be able to give me a price." She crossed her arms, frowning. "Come now... It's an opportunity for you. View it as that, will you?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

She sighed and rolled her eyes once before hugging the woman and laughing as she broke away. "Ok ok, you don't need to be all pouting and such Circe, ill pay for the crystals, i was just trying to keep my budget updated in my mind. I didn't come here expecting to buy Crystals from you after all."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Well, it'll be beneficial for you." She smiled. "The crystals will be delivered to you soon. That I'm sure of." She paused. "So... would you like to know more about what I'm working on here at this laboratory?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"Thank you and your payment will be received the moment the crystals are received.... and very well. Show me what the great Circe savan has been working on in her laboratory, im sure i will not be surprised seeing as i have met most of your experiments already, hows your daughter by the way?"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"She's quite good, last I heard. She was working on business affairs." Circe smiled, taking her deeper into the facility. "How are your children doing?" She smiled, briefly glancing at Alex's stomach before continuing on.

In the next room were several skeletons mounted on tables. Their bones had been dipped in adamithium, but before that, crystals had been impaled into their skulls. Circe smiled, motioning for the two of them to stand in the middle of the room. "These are my latest experiments. Undead warriors, able to reassemble themselves despite being disassembled, highly resistant to energy weapons, and able to use a wide variety of weapons themselves. I call them adamith skeletons."

She paused, eying two of the skeletons. "I would like for you to speak the words on this scroll - give these Sithspawn life."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"Right, im curious, do you then want me to fly around using my ears and speak in Rodian for the next Decade. You know i can no longer use the dark side, at least not effectively. So in short, i cant raise your dead for you Circe... why don't you just do it, you are the one skilled in alchemy here." Her brow rose slowly as silvered eyes look onto Enigma, studying her.
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[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"A fair point... but as you live on a Sith-controlled world, I believe that you require Sithspawn to protect you from the Sith who might try to harm you and your children." She smiled, giving a soft grin as she looked over the skeletons. Standing in the middle of the room, she raised her hands, bringing them higher up in the air as she prepared to bring spirits into the skeletal bodies. Soon, though, the skeletons would appear to slowly sit up, rising and standing up.

"Take a pair, Alex. I insist."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"You really are not letting this go are you... ok very well, i will let those things accompany me Circe, but do not expect me to use them on a regular basis. Though i feel like this is not the only gift that i should expect to recieve from you, is it?" Her brow rose as she looked at the woman, curious as to why she was giving her the skeletons, her eyes drifting to them once more.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Well I do have much more I'd like to give you, but I feel as though now is hardly the correct time." She smirked. "If you'd like, I'd be glad to show you something else I've been working on. I've taken nebular gas from the Colluctari Nebula in order to synthesize a substitute for tibanna. If you'd like to help me with that, I'd be glad to give you a discount on the price once it's mass-produced."

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