For the Bryn'adul taking part in the objective 'Siege is Begun'.
It was brought to my attention that there may be some unclear aspects as to what the Bryn'adul are facing - and I can say that is due in part to my lack of getting a proper location sub and definitive information on Sentinel set up prior to the Skirmish. Something that I'll be rectifying after the Skirmish is completed.
For now, the following information is what can be utilized as the standard for the 'Defenses' of Sentinel.
Sentinel is described as being a large city, the primary citadel of which is constructed on a large rocky out-cropping. It has a series of concentric walls - each being larger and taller than the last as the walls ring the city. Spreading out from these walls are additional walls that connect to smaller Fortresses, Keeps, and minor cities forming a large eight-path wheel-like design (these are the outskirts, just inside the outermost walls, though not directly inside of Sentinel itself) where the Bryn'adul have landed.
As for defenses and opposition, the Bryn'adul would be facing your run-of-the-mill NPC Lastwall militiamen equipped with non-descript armor, slugthrowers, and likely some heavier defenses such as cannons and emplacement weapons - along with non-descript Battle Droids.
Again, I apologize that this information wasn't codified prior to the Skirmish as I understand that it's made responses a bit more difficult. If further information is needed, please make contact with
Gerwald Lechner
who will be the primary point of contact for the 'Siege is Begun' objective as I focus on the Fleeting objective.