Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The First Step


"How kind."

Sofiel flashed the same cold smile she had prior as she did, indeed, sit down. Vorthruz soared back to land on her shoulder, it's black form once more no bigger than a raven. And she watched. One leg folded over the other, hands calmly in her lap. A calm smile on her face, same as always. Fascination, curiosity, and just.. Passive disinterest in anything else. For her to be made, to exist, there had to be destruction and death. People had to kill one another.

So now she could see, first hand, just the type of people who could create more. Monsters, as he said. For the briefest moment, her smile turned more genuine.

This would be fine.

Danton Danton
Dispatching the rest of the mob had been relatively simple.

Sofiel had destroyed most of the speeders, so only two remained, each filled with men armed to the teeth, brandishing blaster rifles and rusting weapons. Whereas most people would have balked at the sight of a Sith, these men at least had the spine to stand their ground. Which was great. There was no need to chase them down. All he had to do was cut through them like still trees.

His lightsaber sang with murder. When two men tried firing indiscriminately his way, Danton swatted the shots aside like flies, deflecting them into another poor fool, littering him with smoking holes. As a hulking woman charged at him with what looked like a titanium scythe, he leaned back and then, shooting forward, leveled her shoulders with a single slash, sending her head flying.

Death had long been Danton’s closest companion. He was accustomed to it, welcomed it even, and now, it was the only company he kept. Among the gods in the Maw, the Avatar of Death had always been his most revered, because it was the one he felt understood him the most. And, of course, perhaps because he enjoyed dispensing it.

By the time Danton was finished, he was covered in blood and smelled of burnt flesh. Like Sofiel, he clearly was not leaving this settlement without a few stains on his outfit. A part of him expected this, though. There would always be people out for him, for Sith, and for what they believed were monsters. But like the monster he was, Danton would not let them win.

So, with his performance complete, he turned to Sofiel and bowed.



And in an instant, it was over. Silence was all that was left. Silence, and the Sith bowing towards her. She clasped her hands in her lap, her yellow eyes watching him closely. He was.. Thrilled. Wasn't he? Fascinating. Was this the exact type of person? People who were thrilled to kill?

"Tell me, Sith. Why do you enjoy killing so much?"

Danton Danton
Danton lifted an eyebrow at Sofiel's question. He wasn't sure whether she was asking him out of uncertainty, or curiosity. He strongly suspected the latter.

"Why not?" he answered. "Sure, you may call me a sadist. Some of us do take pleasure in watching the life bleed from someone's eyes. Others enjoy the power it wields, to have a person's entire existence resting in the palm of your hand. Who wouldn't thrill at the feeling?"

He deactivated his lightsaber and attached it back to his waist. "But I suppose you could say I am a little different. Even if I do take pride in my kills, as an offering to the Avatar of Death, I don't always enjoy it. It's often messy." Danton smiled, dusting off his cloak. "What I enjoy is the satisfaction in it. Because the people I kill are deserving of it."

Smoke continued to waft in the air. He gestured to one of the charred bodies stretched out from the remains of the nearest, overturned speeder. "These men came to kill you. To kill us. I merely dispensed the justice I thought fit. They meant to wrong me, so why shouldn't I enjoy murdering them?"

He walked towards the girl, a towering figure. "What about you, Sofiel? You vaporized half of them in an instant without thinking. Did you not enjoy watching them turn to ash?"



"I care not, one way or another. Mortals will die, violently or not. Their souls will pass on. And when they do, we will be waiting for them. That's all that matters with Mortals."

Her cold eyes remained on the Sith for just a moment longer before she turned her gaze back towards the stars above. She certainly was pleased to finally be able to see them with her own eyes, rather than through the memories of those who had created her. After just long enough for her to recover from her earlier power, Sofiel stood. Reached up to scratch under Vorthruz's chin as she turned her attention back towards him.

"Shall we go, now?"

Danton Danton

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