Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The first strike

Nyla Bloodraven

Keeping her head down as she pressed up against the crates in the rather crowded hanger; a heavy sigh passed her lips as she hit her comlink attached to her gauntlet. A blaster bolt flew over head as she peaked out, resting her blaster pistol on the crate as she began to blind fire. The new additions to the raid was something she was not expecting, though hearing them striking at the slavers as well was something of good news.

"Captain Lex. Try to get in contact with them. Make sure they do not destroy the vessels."

Nyla quickly rolled from her cover, finding a new crate to hide behind. This one a bit towards the right of her former position. Giving her a clearer line of sight as she began to return fire. Managing to hit a couple of the guards before the rest began to fire upon her new position. Sighing as she continued to blind fire; peeking over the crate before she watched as the guards began to pull back, the ship's alarm beginning to blare as she sighed again. Carefully stepping out from cover as she moved forward. Her blaster pistol drawn as she made her way through the beast.

@[member="Janus Rogo"] @[member="Lex Matako"] @[member="Saran Drast"] @[member="Trista Nemorra"] @[member="Gobar Nass"] @[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

[Just a reminder. If you copy paste the @mentions, you need to highlight them and unlink them for them to work properly.]


Neutral Good for the Win
The suspected assault team had expected much from there raid, but one little factor had now reached the field. Out of hyper space a large frigate also known as the Azalus-class flak frigate had appeared around the fire zone, aiming it's full armaments at the vessels aiming to take the transports. It didn't hold back for even a moment, while his forty Flak cannons, forty point defense turrets and forty quad lasers fired from all directions. Aiming for every star-fighter, corvette, and anything that attempted to fire back at his crew. It approached the battle cruiser full speed, while it did it's job to deal with the others. Under and over, covering the ships entire hull and it's targeting computers were made to focus on the ships trying to knock out the slaver ship.

"Reporting for duty, don't worry. I will do the job I was hired for." He turned the com on for the slavers to know he was friendly, of course it was a lie.

@[member="Lex Matako"] @[member="Trista Nemorra"] @[member="Nyla Bloodraven"]

The captain of the ship had yelled to his entire crew, as he jumped out of his chair. The crew thirsted for battle and he was approaching the hanger to get his gunships in space right now. He wasn't some rag tag player, he meant business with his crew of over 1,000 skilled sailors, smugglers and they work together. Once he reached the hanger bay, he was barking out orders for his next chain of commands.

" Alright guys, lets get that cruiser flying our flag and cargo. Screw anyone else getting in the way, take them out now!!"

He said with a great speech of honor.


The crew yelled ready for combat, waiting for the moment to strike.
"One, barely." Saran commented. She had been sensing the room while she searched for Jacobs, and someone had cleared it. "He's dying. Slowly. Lots of pain." She looked back to @[member="Janus Rogo"], a smirk on her face. "I don't know how many slavers are left. Not many. Our attacking friends have been busy." She needed her sabers. Now.

@[member="Lex Matako"] @[member="Trista Nemorra"] @[member="Nyla Bloodraven"] @[member="Gobar Nass"] @[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Lex Matako

Smuggler and Infochant on the Side
@[member="Nyla Bloodraven"]
"Roger that, Captain."
Lex responded over comm, soon enough switching frequencies to contact @[member="Trista Nemorra"] and her Nebula front battle freighters
"To unidentified ships, this is Captain Lex Matako of Blood Ravens, we are conducting a rescue mission to help slaves captured by these raiders. Please make sure you are using ion weaponry until all of the slaves are extracted."
He left out the part where they would have to attack them and attempt to disarm otherwise, he didn't really wanted to provoke any unnecessary combat right now, but they should keep eye on those unknown ships either way.

Zooming and twirling in the middle of combat with his tramp freighter, he awaited the Front's response to his communication.
The mercenary chuckled, then gestured for her to go ahead of him into the slave pens. It'd do well to make sure the people inside knew he wasn't another slaver. Friendly fire was anything but.

"Well, then, lets get the rest of the people to somewhere safe.", he said, pulling out the remote to her collar. He looked at it for a second, then switched it off, pulled it apart, and tossed the components to the side. "Your gear's in the lockup, on the other side of the room. Probably some other cool stuff, too. 2257 should be todays passcode, unless it's been switched around, which I doubt they had time for. You should be fine. Make sure these folk make it somewhere safe, would you?"

@[member="Saran Drast"]


On board the Kaloth, he leant forward ever so slightly from the darkness of the shadows, his white durasteel mask breaking into the light. The left side of his lip broke into a small smirk.

"Insolent girl, this slave to mercy; basking in all her glory." He watched her push back the brainless guards as she made her way out of hiding and move forward into the ship.

"Ignorant girl, this brave young fighter; sharing in my triumph."

He had only been on this ship for one reason and that reason was to make sure the cargo got to where it needed to go. He didn't care for what reason or why, but he had been paid a fair amount and it certainly was a way to cut away at the rotten flesh of the galaxy, of those who tried to control others.

He craned his head out further to watch her and slowly hugged the wall, moving forward using his surroundings to stay silent.

@[member="Nyla Bloodraven"]@[member="Saran Drast"]@[member="Janus Rogo"]
Saran nodded to @[member="Janus Rogo"]. Moving forward, she entered the room where @[member="Trista Nemorra"] was opening the slave pens. Ignoring the girl, she dialed the code into the lock, opened the door, and slipped inside. In front of her, neatly wrapped inside of her mask, were the three silver cylinders each varying from the next. Calling the bundle to her hand, she pulled each of them out one by one. The shoto, short but reliable, tucked into her sleeve. The sith's saber, cold and crimson, clipped onto her belt. And finally, her own blade, a piece of her soul. She held that in her hand, the completion of who she was. Scanning the room, she noted nothing. A man, attempting to creep up on her. Activating the blade, she pointed it in @[member="Phantom"]'s direction. "Come out of hiding, scrum."

Trista Nemorra

Darkside Dominatrix
(OOC: Sorry peoples, I have been feeling ill so I have failed to post in here)

Watching as another entered into the room she unlocked the cages and let out all the slaves, looking at @[member="Saran Drast"] she smirked and then noticed another trying to creep up and glared at the shadows of the ship, when she heard the girl she smirked and sighed and watched both with keen interest, she wasn't about to move against a crazy person with a lightsaber... but she also wanted to see her get her ass kicked for pulling one.



The snap-hiss of the saber stopped him softly in his tracks against the wall. He watched @[member="Nyla Bloodraven"] move away. He sighed softly and his eyes turned to the order coming from behind him, then his head and then this body.

Standing there in front of him, another being hidden behind a mask. A young girl.

"You're brave, or you're foolish."

He slowly began to walk towards her.

"Don't worry my dear, I'm not your enemy here. But I could be if you make me."

At that point, he noticed the shape of @[member="Trista Nemorra"] watching the face off. He felt his Force 4 blaster at his thigh, but he'd be stupid to bring a gun to a lightsaber fight. He looked at the masked girl, and then at the blond girl.

"We seek the same thing. Redemption. A purpose in life. That is why we live behind a mask - to hide away from the darkness."

He stopped in front of her, not sure if she could see him or not.
"The mask is a tradition of my people, to not show something most people find unnerving." Saran replied, lowering the saber until the point barely hovered above the ground. Her shoto, however, flew to her hand, inactive. She wasn't dumb enough to trust anyone in here. @[member="Phantom"] was likely working with the slavers, and she wasn't sure what to think of @[member="Trista Nemorra"]. The blonde was most likely the reason the only living souls in the room were Phantom and the ex-slaves. She felt over into the next room, contacted Jacobs, and told him she was coming. She would have no response, but he knew.


Jacobs hunched in the back of his cell. He had enjoyed the job of carting a wandering Jedi around, even wishing she was more open to him at times. But that seemed off. Why would she go to him? Ah, well. At least the ride wasn't to bad. Relatively speaking. He had done worse time after being framed for ferrying an important artifact to Tython. But the end, that worried him. He wanted to be a free pilot, he needed to be. But he was stuck.

"Jacobs, I'll be there to spring you shortly. Just have an issue here."

She was coming? Would he live long enough for her to get there? Only time would tell.

Nyla Bloodraven

[Should have had these before now; likewise do not control another's character by saying their actions.]

Kaloth Battlecruiser
Main Corridor leading to Bridge

It had been quiet for a little while at this point; though the blaring alarm seemed to be pushing most of the guards away from the main corridor. All she could think at that moment was that they were too busy or preoccupied with ensuring the safety of their cargo and getting to their guns to find much trouble dealing with her. Likewise keeping out of the way of those few guards passing her made her job a tad bit easier. The bridge though was her ultimate goal; and with it came control of the ship. Then maybe she could keep those other ships away from the slave transports long enough to get the slaves out of there.

"Captain Lok, I'm nearly at the bridge. I'll see what I can do with any extra unwanted guest."

She quickly pressed down on the button after sending it; turning the volume lower so she wouldn't lose any hint of surprise she might gain. Quietly she crept up the corridor before sliding behind a strut that lined the wall. A patrol of guards coming down the corridor as two stepped onto the bridge. The others though quickly rushed towards the slave pens; causing her to think possibly the worst she could. The guards were going to attempt to either save their cargo or dump it to prevent it from being pillaged or saved. At that moment she resolved herself to push forward; knowing that taking control of the vessel meant saving lives.

@[member="Saran Drast"] @Phantom @Trista Nemorra @[member="Janus Rogo"] @[member="Lex Matako"] @Romeo


"Tell me, Jedi, what are you here for? This is surley an assignment out of your jurisdiction?"

He had to be sure he could talk his way out of the situation he was in; he had to make sure that the cargo got to where it was going, or else he would have failed his task. The Thalassian's had brought him along to make sure nothing got in their way of their mission, but he had another agenda and now it seemed others had agendas too.

"Who's your friend? And don't play games now, I don't have time to waste with you."

He stepped forward face to face with @[member="Saran Drast"].

"Let me pass. I shouldn't need to ask again."

@[member="Nyla Bloodraven"]@[member="Trista Nemorra"]@[member="Janus Rogo"]
"I'm not here on assignment. I'm here because a Sith sold me of in revenge for a previous encounter." Saran said, clenching her saber. "And which friend?" Stepping out of @[member="Phantom"]'s way, she looked to @[member="Trista Nemorra"]. The woman had freed the slaves, massacred the slavers, and still didn't seem to be done. What was her goal?


Phantom simply smiled under his mask at @[member="Saran Drast"].

"An unwanted being? My heart bleeds. Stay out of my way, girl."

Looking back over his shoulder, he noticed @[member="Nyla Bloodraven"] was pushing forward, but now others were present he had to change tactics.

He started to move to the side of the masked girl and and pointed a gloved finger at @[member="Trista Nemorra"].

"What right do you have to be here?"

His other hand reached down to his thigh, where his Force 4 blaster was strapped.
Janus watched the girl step into the room, before turning and heading back the way they came. She was a Jedi. Her collar was off. She'd be fine, most likely. For now, however, he had to see who the hell was attacking the ship. Could be raiders, could be competing slavers. Hopefully, however, it was those with a more sympathetic mindset. He quickly ran the areas with the most potential to cause some trouble for the scum on this ship and how to best figure out who was kicking the teeth out of this Kaloth. Weapons blisters? Too isolated. Bridge? Really the only choice, he thought, as he stepped onto the turbolift.

He checked his blaster rifle, made sure the sling was adjusted right, checked the charge. He made sure his pistol was snug in its holster. Vibroknucklers rested in sheaths at his waist. He took a deep breath as he came to his deck, held it for a second, then exhaled. Focus. Think. Prepare. The door whooshed open and his rifle snapped up, smoothly sweeping the corridor. A Thalassian recognized him, knew that Rogo was one of the mercs on this ship, one of the guys hired to protect them. He started to point down the corridor, before a pair of blaster bolts caught him in the chest, and burned him to the ground.

The sounds of Rogos heavy tread echoed through the halls as he ran towards the bridge. He paused to put a few rounds down a corridor once, firing into a trio of slavers. They yelped, then retreated. There wasn't time to pursue them here. Best to get to a defensible position, then pick them off as they came to him, or at least get reinforcements on this ship. It had to be good samaritans, if he wanted to survive. Other slavers would just kill him, once he tried to do the same to them. Rescuers h-feth.

A pair of enemies, a patrol, rounded the corner right in front of him. No time to think, just act. He cannoned into one of them, slamming her into a wall. She let out a gasp as the wind was knocked out of her, while her partner turned, drawing his rifle up towards Janus. The merc twisted around, smashed the mans rifle aside with his own, then kicked him dead in the chest. The momentum was enough to throw him back onto the Thalassian female, slamming her back into the wall. It stopped and stabilized him however, long enough to get his rifle aimed towards the male. He held the trigger down, spraying him with blaster bolts from a mere meter away. He died without a word. Janus drove himself backwards into the female one last time, then spun, and smashed the rifle stock into the side of her head. He heard a faint cracking noise as he did, then the slaver slumped over sideways, not breathing.

He'd gotten caught in thought. Should've been paying more attention. Happened too often. He looked back the way he came, the way the two new corpses had been heading. They were likely headed to the Slave pens. Hard to say why. Shields, maybe? Made some sense. Best way to figure out why was the command staff. He turned and started his jog back down the corridor, towards the bridge.

@[member="Saran Drast"] @[member="Nyla Bloodraven"]

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