Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aela stood on the bridge of the Rising Tide. She knew that in the hangar everyone else was getting ready, she knew that they were armoring themselves, tinkering with their fighters, and cleaning their weapons.​
Her fingers brushed the lightsaber on her belt.​
This would be the first strike. The first time the Covenant showed themselves, the first time they would act as a team, the first time they would move together. Her lips thinned as the blue lines of hyperspace slowly began to fold away, the massive black sails of the Rising Tide pushing them to the edge of hyperspace. Bright orange eyes watched one of the readouts, its blinking display quickly marking down.​
A hand reached over, touching one of the buttons on her chair. The green switch depressed into the armchair, and a crackle surged throughout the ship.​
“We all know the mission. We all know what were doing. Be safe. Follow the plan.” That was all she could think to say. She was nervous, but her voice was steel. There was no hint of hesitation or nerves in her voice. She knew that the others would be scared, maybe even terrified, she had to remain strong for them.​
In the hangar bay of the Rising Tide were three dropships. One would head towards the Shipyards in orbit above Tantorous, land and seek out any relevant information that the Titan Industries facility might have. Any plans, Data, or even technology that the Covenant could use in the future against the One Sith or any other faction that had benefited from Titan.​
The other two would go to the planets surface, to the slave holds.​
There they would free the slaves of Tantorus, or as many as they could. That would be where Aela would go, to the planets surface. She frowned slightly, her head shaking from side to side. A blip o the console, a bright flash, and she nodded. It was time.​
Without further hesitation Aela ran from the bridge, quick steps moved her down the spine of the Rising Tide and into the hangar, there she found the members of the Covenant, gathered and prepared. She smiled at them, reassuring and warm as she could. She cut through the crowd and moved towards the first of the dropships, boarding it just as the Rising Tide fell out of hyperspace.​
1. Free Slaves on the Planets Surface!​
2. Board the Titan Industries Shipyards and capture any information, technology, or trinkets that might be helpful.​
Location: Tantorous
Objective: Capture any information, technology, trinkets
Allies: The Covenant
Enemies: Whoever is there.

They were as ready as they were ever going to be. Well, then again, when is anyone really ready for potential combat? For the risk of death? For the chance encounter that could snuff a life in the web of the Force?

Behind the leather armor, stiffened Terentatek leather vest, gauntlets, and the metal rebreather mask, the being under the cloak would mull over the upcoming events. There was a purpose there. An objective.

What happens at the end of it all will determine the route all would go. Would they stay the course? Or will they falter?

The next hour will see children remove the rose tint from their eyes.


Location: The Rising Tide, later the surface of Tantorous
Objective: Free the slaves
Allies: The Covenant
Enemies: TBA

Indeed, other members (if not all, then at least one of them) were frightened and scared. For Lilin it was the first time she would fight in such a battle. She had no idea what was going to happen, but wasn't that what all wars were about? She had heard the plan that they'd be freeing slaves on Tantorous, but the outcome? Nobody knew that.

She was standing in the hangar when the speech was to be heard. Listening to it gave her a little bit of something else to do so that she wouldn't have to drown into her own nerves.

And then it began. The three dropships they'd be using were clearly visible and Lilin already knew that she would be going with the second one which would lead them right to the slaves. Or well, at least close to them.

She got to the ship as it was about to take off and waited with anxiety until they would get to the land. Her fighting skills were practically nothing, but she had the bare minimum knowledge of basic Force abilities which could save her at the most difficult situations. She was young and perhaps the Sith had rallied their forces to fight them, so she had to be extra careful.

If it only were that easy.
Location: Titan Shipyards
Objective: Capture any information, technology, trinkets
Allies: The Covenant
Enemies: Whoever is there.

The one who appeared to be a Mirialan drifted through the Titan Industries shipyard like any other worker. This is where she had been for the last week or so, infiltrating. She had gone back to her roots. Espionage. The former Jedi Shadow turned exile turned Grandmaster known as Selena Halcyon was no more. She had gone back to her most basic being. One who worked from the shadows to fight the evils of the galaxy. With a new face and a new name she was able to move like she never could after a time of undesired publicity. None in the complex would ever guess that the woman working alongside them was the former Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

She looked over her shoulder as she moved down a hallway towards the mainframe. No one was around as she approached the door to it, and as she lifted her bade up towards the scanner something twinged in the back of her mind. The Force seemed to be telling her that something was amiss. She could not know what but she moved away from the door. She had learned to trust the movements of the Force. She would come back another time.

Liam Quez

Location: Surface of Tantorous
Objective: Free the Slaves
Allies: The Covenant / Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs

A small clearing on the planet's surface...

Ibaris and I decided to do our own thing. As much as I trusted the group, I still wanted my own getaway plan, mostly to make sure Ibaris was safe. I know she hated how protective I was, but really she was a bit reckless at times. She’s gotten better though, which makes keeping an eye on her a lot easier. I had already lost Mira, I couldn’t find her despite being able to backtrack the message she had sent to me. It frustrated me because I had just gotten Ibaris back, if I had paid more attention to Mira then maybe. I grunted, my frustration was there, but I wouldn’t stop looking for her. She was one of us, part of the pack.

I pulled on a pack and attached a metal staff to my back, digging through the small chest I had with me, I found my combat gloves and pulled them onto my hands. I needed to develop something with a bit more umph behind it, but the gloves with the piece of unidentifiable metal across the knuckles.

Flexing my fingers I got a good feel of the gloves, it had been a while since I actually needed them. My father had gotten them made for me before I left home, they were tight which meant that I was about to grow out of them. If anything I’d re-purpose the leather and the metal to make something more to my liking. Couple of grenades lined my belt along with a simple blaster that hung off my waist, I was totally rocking the space captain look - hell if no one knew I was a Mando they’d think I was some Han Solo clone I bet. As I thought this I flashed a smile towards a shiny part of the Peregrine. Leaving the ship I waited for Ibaris, once she was out the ship was put into its stealth mode and hidden.

If things got sticky, we’d be out of here as fast as possible. Adjusting the weapon on my back I looked towards Ibaris. “You ready? We’re supposed to liberate some slaves” Pausing, I looked back at her and tried to be as serious as possible. “You know, its going to be super dangerous and stuff. We might not make it.” A hand ran through my blonde hair as I sighed softly. “You’ll make it back I promise, but if I don’t can I at least have…” Here we go. “Can I have a kiss for good luck?” I gave her a smile and waited with one hand ready to cover my nether regions.

[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]
Location: Her ship, watching the Station
Objective: Flight Support
Allies: Covenant
Enemies: Slavers

The Covenant.

They seemed cool enough. Sure, she spent her time in the Levantine Sanctum, but she’d lend her support here and there for the Covenant. They worked with what she was after, sort of. Really, Kaia just wanted people to be able to go their way, and that was good enough for her. But slavers? Yeah, that wasn’t going to fly with the emo-girl-who-smiled-and-might-be-an-alien.

She had been working hard, learning the ways of Light Side force use through the Sanctum, and how to be a decent Warden from Mara. And, well, why not put it to use, sometimes. She was still a Starchaser, which meant real power was tied into letting your mind go wild sometimes, but right now? She could handle it.

“This is Wandering Star, arriving a bit late, but I’m here to offer support to the members on the station.” She announced over a channel she was mostly sure wouldn’t get interrupted, over to the Rising Tide.

She wanted to help, but she knew her skill set was… limiting to her ability to assist. Still… She was here, and awake.
Location: On course for Titan Shipyards
Objective: Loot all the things
Allies: Covenant
Enemies: No mercy for stooges.

Her heart felt like it was being touched with icy fingers. Her breath was bated. Her fingers themselves drummed on the hilt of her lightsaber. Was this nerves coming into play? Possibly. She did not fear death as others did, or injury ... but she did fear failure. The Covenant was important to her. They were her friends. Aela, though older and aloof, was her friend. Mara was her friend. The others ... all good people. All people she cared about. She didn't want to let them down. And then there was the other thing. The reputation of her family name weighed down on her like a world on her shoulders. As a Na'Varro, she was expected to be the first into battle and an indestructible force, carving through the enemy like butter.

But could she?

As she sat in the dropship, surrounded by fellow warriors, she placed her chin in her hands and brooded. The anticipation was killing her.
Location: ????
Objective: Destroy them from within.
Allies: One Sith, My Emotions.
Enemies: My Emotions, The Covenant, [member="Liam Quez"], [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"].

Fear was a great ally but the anticipation of fear was worse than the actual emotion itself. She could sense the frustration and fear from Liam as she stood by in the jungles of Tantorous – watching idly. She stared coldly at the two of them together – it disgusted her. Part of her wanted to tear through the foliage and into the opening and rip them apart, limb from limb and leave their bloodied corpses for the Pack to find – the other part wanted to weep and run away from the sight of it.

‘No, no…’ She shook her head, the thoughts coursing through her mind.

‘How about a little game?’ She’d giggle in a most evil way before covering her mouth, snickering like a child who was playing a game of hide and seek with others and was about to be caught. She’d toy with Liam and play with his emotions. She’d focus on her surroundings – inhaling on the dark emotions that plagued the planet. The despair, the savage anger from slavers to slaves – the raw power that emanated from those around was just intoxicating. It was such a place of beauty to draw from the wells of darkness, to immerse herself within the Force. She inhaled deeply, as if she was drawing power – her hand outstretching as she crouched in the lush greens of the jungle.

She’d start to rustle a bush here, shake a tree limb there – shifting their attention in different directions as if a predator were stalking them. Then, she’d project what he sought after the most – Mira Gyndar. Depending on his view, she’d appear facing him, but only for a moment. She’d appear looking at him and then disappearing into the depths of the jungle, with her back turned to him. The next step was critical in her little game of deception - convincing Liam she was there as Mira and not as Malum. She wanted to draw him away from that vile creature Ibaris, she needed to see his face.

Her voice would echo though the opening, sounding as if she were reaching beyond the Netherworld for him. “Liam…”
The Yuuzhan Vong of Hrosha Gul had other ideas for the Titan shipyards. The facility needed to be destroyed, and their group had snuck aboard several hours ago to plant the seed of its destruction. The seed in question was a Dovin Basal that would send the facility tumbling down into the atmosphere below. Like a wooded boat turned to flotsam by a massive wave, the shipyards would crumble to a thousand pieces that would set the sky on fire. Such wanton destruction should have been more interesting than minding some shapers whilst they prepared the Basal, in Khallesh' mind.

Where Khallesh' loyalties lay had not yet been fully resolved. She had fought beside the Sith at Telti, stood shoulder to shoulder with Vrag and sent a Jedi Master tumbling to her doom. And yet here she was with a crack team of Hunters, sabotaging the facility.

Her villip buzzed against her breast, rousing her from her reverie with a start. The low thrum of the facilities' generator had been sending her to sleep.

"Commander!" hissed a quiet voice.

"Report," she ordered. There were a number of sentries around the facility, shrouded by their cloaks of nuun.

"A dropship has landed," came the almost inaudible hiss.

"Fine, watch it and..."

"There are Jeedai."

Khallesh' arachnostaff twitched and hissed quietly, sensing her sudden surge of emotion before it was outwardly displayed. She leapt down from the crate she had been resting on, coming to land lightly on her toes. A grin spread across her face, her eyes lit up.

"And it had been such a boring day, " she uttered to herself. "Weapons!" she called to her fellow Yuuzhan Vong.

Ibaris Varanin

This was a first.

Out from under the close watch of her parents, outside of the kidnapping, she hadn't yet gotten involved in any offensive action on the part of a group, an ideal. This was what they'd tried to protect her from, tried to give her as normal a life as possible and keep her from the path they'd walked. A path they too had attempted to retire from, but there was no retiring, no escaping the life this family, this name brought. The given reason for her nabbing was indication enough and she didn't want to escape it. This was why she was here, on Tantorus, her path joining theirs, in the seeming tradition of making people angry; her expression as she descended the ramp along with Adas and joined Liam was two parts contemplation one part nerves and the rest was all steel.

He'd started talking, asking if she was ready before diving into some fatalistic lines and... well, that would have made her blink if she hadn't become just a little guarded as of late.

"Come here," She said, reaching one hand to his face, fingers along the line of his jaw; she shared with him a small smile, then lifted her heels and pressed her lips to his right cheek. She lingered a moment, then two before she pulled back stood higher on her toes, "no dying, okay? I..." then she dropped away from him in a sudden pull back, provoked by the sound of rustling in the foliage. Her hand landed on his forearm, and she spread out her senses.

"Did you hear that?"

They weren't alone, but that was to be expected

Liam Quez

Ibaris did something I didn't expect. I expected to be keeled over holding my precious jewels and her yelling at me for being stupid. The scenario had run through my head several times, but like always she surprised me. When her fingertips touched my jaw I felt as if nothing else in this world mattered. She touched me differently, like she cared. I didn't dare breath, I felt that if I did I would end the surreal moment. Her lips touched my cheek gently and I continued to hold my breath, but I smiled and nodded agreeing with her statement. No dying, I couldn't do that now. I waited to here what she was going to say, but something moved.

Her hand held my forearm, she was being protective. I was supposed to protect her, but this situation was more her thing. She could sense things around us, tell where they were. I was warned about this, well more like taught to trust it by her papa. Ibaris was like her mother, they could feel things their partner couldn't. I trusted her, but something echoed in my mind. I recognized the voice and I gritted my teeth. I was reminded of the pain I felt when I couldn't find her.

"Mira, I hear Mira." As I spoke I saw the image of the girl moving in the bushes. "Ibaris come on. Mira is here maybe she's in trouble." My forearm ripped from her grasp and in turn grabbed her hand tightly. I pulled he small girl close to me. "I'm not leaving you behind. Let's go." I smiled and headed towards the rustled bushes.

[member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"] [member="Darth Malum"]
Objective: Fall From The Sky

The dropship surged forward.

They would be detected now, seen, three brilliant dots on the radar of the former Sith outposts here. She knew that, it was part of the plan. One ship would go to the driveyards, the other tow to the surface. Her heart was racing, her body seemed about to fall over, and her head felt lighter than it ever had before.

Aela had been through war. She had fought before, she had taken down Sith before, but this was different. This wasn't in defense, she wasn't helping the Jedi. She was leading a group of people, her friends, and she was taking them right into the heart of the storm. She could feel the dropship surge as a few anti-air batteries shot into the air, missing almost completely.

Her lips thinned.

“Keep going.” Aela whispered to the pilot as the dropship surged lower and lower, cutting through a canyon and nearing the dropsite.
Location: High Orbit
Objective: Situational Awareness
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: The Covenant

The Phasma-class Infiltrator slid quietly through space above the planet Tantorous. Darth Kentarch had always harbored a deep amount of contempt for the Sith Purebloods. A race of savages who's species name would come to mark those who followed the path of the Dark Side. It was still believed among their ranks that Sith Teachings were of 'pure' blood and not that of power. Kentarch found that revolting.

His arrival here earlier was purely coincidental. The Sith Lord had come to survey the planet and analyze Titan Industries's assets including the shipyards. It was just before one of the Dolos Intelligence Agents had reviewed scanners and picked up the dropships falling to the planet. "We've got three targets on sensors, dropships!" The agent shouted. Kentarch who had been looking over various reports turned to the agent looking over the sensors. "Dropships? With no support? How could they've manifested out of thin air?" Annoyance crept into his tone. The agent turned to face the Sith Lord. "Likely a stealth ship like ours sir. Nothing gets through the advanced sensor array this ship is equipped with." The Agent said. "One looks to be heading to the shipyard. The other two are going planet side." Kentarch looked over the agent's shoulder. "Republic?" He asked. "No sir. I can't get an identification." At those words Kentarch rushed to cockpit of the Infiltrator, a droid pilot at the helm.

"Get us planet-side now, follow those dropships. Keep the stealth systems engaged." Kentarch said to the droid. He muted his force signature out of habit. As the ship approached, he felt a tremor in the force. A warning, but to what he did not fully understand.
Location: Clearing in the Jungle
Objective: Destroy them from within.
Allies: One Sith, My Emotions.
Enemies: My Emotions, The Covenant, [member="Liam Quez"], [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"]

She let her hand drop as she watched Liam take the hand of Ibaris, her right eye would twitch as she stood from the foliage and moved towards the area where she directed the two of them. She’d begin to weep uncontrollably, a mixture of tears and blood coming from her right eye. Her hands would rise and come to her chest, clasping together tightly as she pushed through the underbrush. ‘He doesn’t even care about you – you’re a monster.’ She shook her head rapidly. ‘You’re the reason he’s in her arms now.’

She’d stop in a small clearing, her hands would dig against the leather material covering her chest, attempting to claw at the flesh beneath. Her weeping would stop as she looked up and ahead – staring blankly for a moment before she scowled and began to glare at nothing. Her anger would begin to build up within the very depths of her heart, she'd snarl her lips, exposing her teeth as she gritted them together. ‘No, this is his own fault – he did this and so did she.’ Her fingernails would grip tighter against her palms and her chest, to such an extent the material covering her skin would begin to form claw marks where she tried to penetrate the tough fabric and attack her own flesh. She'd stomp her feet rampantly against the dirt in a child like defiance and tantrum.

The sheer energy coming from her being, the anger would be felt by Ibaris at this point – but given the circumstances and the planet they were on – she might not be able to tell the difference between the signature of Malum (Or their perspective of Mira) and the rage across the planet. She call to him once more, a darkened tone hidden underlining her once soft voice. "Liam, save me..."

Soon – she’d show them her pain, her misery, her jealousy and rage. Everything she had become, because they took it all and no one cared.
Location: Tantorus, Planetside.
Objective: Sleep

There were days when Silara was simply a woman, a mother longing for her young but separated for their well-being, but more often she found herself to be as she had been, as she'd always been. A Sith Lord, not one of grand importance - she doubted even the current voices of the Dark Lord of the One Sith remembered her name, not that she had ever given them one beyond her first. She had arrived so many years back as a young child, hardly a teenager, when she was taken in by the pragmatic Darth Veles, a Mon Calamari Sith that had taught her patience and control. He had also taught her how to wield a lightsaber, and how to tap into the force when it was still a stranger to her. Perhaps he had been to blame for her misfortune, if he had just kept her close before he had abandoned the One Sith so long ago then perhaps she would have turned out differently. No children, no husband that she was now lightyears away from. Regret. She felt it sometimes, realizing her time was over, that tomorrow would be the same day that had been repeating for far too long.

The only family, people even, that mattered to her were Alric and their twins. One daughter that followed in her footsteps and another that.. well perhaps she had intended to follow her father's coattails, but the elder twin was never quite ready for anything. Unprepared, assuming, spoiled. If it wasn't for her unconditional love, perhaps she would have hated the girl that took her husband's name. As far as she was concerned, the child had once had greater potential than she had, but upon her short return to the galaxy at large she had discovered it squandered. No amount of heirlooms, toys, and trinkets had brought her towards the path of power, the greatness of the Sith. Certainly she was worried that it would be too much for her, but the girl hadn't even pursued any training in the force. As if she didn't want that connection, not with the force nor her mother. But that hardly mattered, this would be one of the final days for the Sith Lord to remain in the open and soon she would return to Alric, far from the prying eyes of Jedi and Sith alike. There was a last chance for her daughter, but it wasn't with her, nor was it on Tantorus or any planet the girl was familiar with. If she wanted what would push her into a life of risk then she would need to go after it herself. But enough of those thoughts, the Sith Lord needed her rest, and for once in her life she was exhausted indeed.
Location: Titan Shipyards
Objective: Keep it real
Allies: The Covenant
Enemies: 1sith scrubs ([member="Khallesh "]et al)

"Debus centre!" Laura shouted as the dropship neared its objective. A chorus of affirmatives and rogers greeted her. She may have been young, but it looked like she was leading the little mob who had joined the Shipyard Wrecking Crew. Heck, they were all young. Looking out she was greeted by a sea of pudgy, immature faces. They were all pretty tough, hard workers, believers ... but young, so young. Maybe that would be a positive thing. A tidal wave of youth to enforce change; to save the galaxy from evil.

The dropship stopped, the ramp dropped, and within seven seconds they were all out and into the shipyards with lightsabers ignited and blasters drawn. Laura herself was favouring a mixed approach, with her golden lightsaber erupting in her right hand with a standard blaster pistol in her left. And the Force within her. It was time to strike a blow for the light.

As a mass, the Covenant poured forward into the shipyard with Laura at their head. No tactics. No consideration.

Somewhere nearby in the system, Alen Na'Varro stirred in his sleep. Eyes opened. He could sense danger.


Location: Atmosphere of Tantorous, later surface
Objective: Free the slaves
Allies: The Covenant
Enemies: The One Sith

The dropship dropped and all Lilin could do was worry. She had received no lightsaber training, but there she was, about to go for a fight. She'd borrowed her father's old Padawan training saber just because she hadn't made her own blade yet. And the sword she had received from him was not suitable for such a battle.

She eyed the hilt of the saber and even before getting into battle, set it on a higher setting so that it wouldn't just hurt the ones she hit with it, but so that it would clearly damage her victims. Or even cut off a limb or so, if needed.

Even the thought of that made her feel sick, but she knew she'd get used to it. It was an essential part of fighting and she had to admit it. There was no way she could kill darksiders if she was not going to cut them and let the blood flow. Yet too much of that could lead to the dark side and corruption, she knew.

There was a need to be careful.

When the dropship made it to the ground near the slavery, Lilin came out, rather unsure of what to do next. She looked around to get a general example of what was going on, but there was not much she could understand because of the strange combination of adrenaline and bad nerves.
[member="Laura Na'Varro"]

The covenant force would round the next corner to be greeted by a line of spoken Yuuzhan Vong warriors. However, they did not charge, but stood still. Instead of a war cry, they muttered amongst themselves in their own language. These were elite Hunters, trained as warriors since birth and each of them tested in battle. Each stood tall, their muscular builds accentuated by their spined armour. These were Yuuzhan Vong that ate padawans for breakfast. At the front of the group stood Khallesh Val. Less broad than the others, her armour accentuating her lithe form, with just a few sharp angular protrusions that could be used to rend the flesh of her enemies.

"[They said Jeedai?]"

"[But those are children!]"

"[Indeed,]" Khallesh agreed, quite bemused. Whilst she had trouble telling humans apart - what with their podgy little pink faces - but she could tell younglings.

"[Perhaps the scout saw them from far away?]" Drask Val said. There was a round of snorts, but Khallesh resisted; that one had been trying all too hard to impress her recently.

Now she was unsure what to do. They were clearly not deserving of a war cry.

"The creche is back that way!" she called, sullying her tongue with their infidel language for the purposes of an insult. She surreptitiously slid a razor bug into her left hand.
Voidstalker sat with his legs crossed on the floor. He flicked between pages of the data pad on his knees. His master, Alen Na'Varro was off to the side. Here beyond of the edges of Republic space, training with an ex-dark Jedi outside of the watchful eye of the Order. He thought back to his first acquaintance at the Jedi Order and what he would have said. On that very first day he had shown distrust of Jacen's will to gain power to fight back against the Sith. But the aging trainee had a disdain common with the Master. They both saw the Republic's failings against the Sith as part of an endemic problem. Mistrust of their own, and a distinct lack of ability to take the fight to the enemy.

"Hey, you ever see this video?" Jacen asked, turning the data pad. However Alen was staring wistfully off into space. Jacen knew better than to ask when the Master was listening to the Force; he would find out if he needed to.
Location: Tantorous - landing on Titan Shipyards
Objective: Capture any information, technology, trinkets
Allies: The Covenant
Enemies: Whoever is there.

The shuttle would rumble, zipping through the first layer of defense. They would make station fall, so here was the truth of the matter. The shuttle went dipping north, entering one of the main hangerbays.

Here we go, came the thought, just as the shuttle went skidding across the hangar floor, spinning in an 180. A grip and then the rear door would slide open. From it came the leaping body of the masked figure, a flair of a cloak and the bursting light of a saber in hand.

Bolts would be deflected as a volley of red came. A surge of the Force would enhance reaction times, and a shove of a hand send a group of guards thrown back.

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