Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Orbitting shipyard
Objective: Support role, because spaceship.
Allies: Covenant, Brat Pack
Enemies: Scrubs, people shooting at her.

Kaia ran her hand through her hair, sitting too far out would make her not able to come to aid in time, sitting too close to the shipyard? Yeah, she didn’t want to cause any trouble. So what was the girl to do? That was simple. She could bug out, but… nah, she wasn’t going to bug out.

She’d head in. Yep! That was smart. Nice soft landing on the outside of the shipyard? Did they have windows on the outside? She knew Star Destroyers didn’t have windows on a few decks. She also knew she caught Jared and Lia doing something in those halls once. That was unsightly, even for the curious girl of then 17. Now she was… older.

Not by much, but she had a ship. And might need to scurry down to the planet.

She’d listen in for the radio, but this was not her battle. Well, no battle was really her battle, but people going in for the right reasons? They’d get her support! Obviously.
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Alen came out of his deep connection to the Force briefly, looking at the datapad. After a few seconds of pondering, he broke into a deep chuckle.

"Yeah ..." he said wistfully, breaking into a sheepish grin. "I have seen that one."

Looking back out into space, he once more delved into the Force and followed the action below.
Location: Tantorous - landing on Titan Shipyards
Objective: Capture any information, technology, trinkets
Allies: The Covenant, [member="Laura Na'Varro"], @???
Enemies: @Khallesh

The Force pulled at the agent further and further away from the database she had just been about to break into. Eventually the alarms began to ring and she really started wonder what was amiss. For a moment she thought they could be onto her, but raising an alarm over her would have been absurd. The smarter play would have been for them to simply try and apprehend her quietly. So then what must it be... she wondered.

As she rounded a corner she was immediately aware of the mass of Yuuzhan Vong. An enemy she knew well but also never would feel comfortable fighting. They were exceedingly dangerous dangerous. Beyond them she could see a back of rather young face soldiers. Who are these people? She wondered. A group of young, brash individuals going and attacking a dangerous Sith installation was quite out of the norm. Could this be why the Force was pulling me away from my mission... to help these ones in theirs? She was hesitant to jump into a conflict. She had worked hard to cultivate this other persona, and while she doubted one conflict like this could ruin it the potential was there.

Her mind raced through the plans of the shipyard. She admittedly did not know it well but she believed there was a pipe for waste running over this hallway. If only she had telekinetic force powers at her disposal maybe she would be capable of ripping it out and covering the Vong in waste. Her lightsaber was currently in a couple pieces in various pouches around her waist. She did not want to put it together just quite yet. Then she remembered one of the access shafts running through the station. An entrance was not too far away, she decided that was where she would go for now. She could help these attackers from the shadows.
Location: Tantorous - landing on Titan Shipyards
Objective: Capture any information, technology, trinkets
Allies: The Covenant [member="Laura Na'Varro"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Selena Halcyon"]
Enemies: Whoever is there. @Khallesh

"Fewer people will be hurt if you just get out of my way,"

The phrase was said through the metallic breathing mask, robotic in tone, but a warning none the less. The figure would rotate their wrist, moving the saber blade in front and around in a pattern vaguely reminiscent of butterfly wings. Another step forward, and they were one with the Force. Awareness of the surroundings were heightened, to the oneness of every life around that was attempting to quell the mask figure's own.

More red bolts were batted away, the scent of burnt flesh a sulfuric reminder that this was not a hologame. There were no other chances.

There were no saves.
Location: Tantorus, Slave Pits
Objective: Free Slaves
Allies: Covenant Folk on the Ground
Enemies: Sith

It was time.

The dropship shook one more time, and then suddenly the bay doors opened. The ship floated a few meters above the ground, Aela drew her lightsaber from her belt, twirling it once, twice, then a second time before running through the back of the dropship and jumping out.

She landed with a harsh thud.

Before her lay a canyon, dotted with buildings and cages made of limestone. She heard the rustling sound of weapons being drawn, the loud obnoxious roar of klaxon alarms. Her head whipped to the side, and she saw a Masassi Sith standing there. The warrior observed her for half a moment gauging who she was, then he roared.

A massive blade was drawn from his back, and the creature charged. Her lightsaber flashed into life, a bright beam of pink. The warrior charged, swinging his sword wildly. Aela ducked below the edge of the blade, pushing the hilt of her lightsaber up and into the wrist of the massassi. His sword went flying, and the alien let out a scream of rage.


Location: Slave pits
Objective: Free the slaves
Allies: The Covenant, [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies: The Sith

Thank goodness somebody else was coming to be freeing the slaves. She looked at the girl stepping out, Aela, and nodded. She'd have to fight, too. A warrior of Tantorous was already coming towards her with great pace, making Lilin feel slightly uneasy. Now was her moment to either shine or feel rather ashamed when somebody had to come to save her from a pathetic little slaver.

She took a deep breath and took the lightsaber she had brought along. As soon as the warrior was close enough, she pressed the red button of the silver hilt and it released a blue buzzing blade of energy.

The warrior was coming, getting closer with every moment. And then Lilin started running towards her, holding the lightsaber in front of her, ready to charge. When the two made it close enough to each other, the other duelist attacked with a horizontal slash towards her left hand.

The Rogue Padawan would then block the hit with a simple vertical parry and then kick the warrior in his stomach with a quick motion. It was a combination Lilin had seen a Zahati'i druid use, but had never thought she could do anything like that. Of course the kick was followed up with the victim being either kicked over or pushed backwards.

The warrior was strong, he managed to survive the hit rather well, taking just a simple step backwards and able to attack the fragile girl with a brutal motion again. This time, it was a vertical slash towards her head. The only thing the girl could do that moment was to take a step to the left and, even as a surprise to herself, swing the blade to the left so that it would go through the warrior's stomach.

After realising what she had done, she dropped her weapon which then, making contact with the ground, shut off. She was speechless.
Location: Shipyards Hangar Bay
Objective: Destroy Titan Stuff as per this bounty:,
Allies: The Covenant, @Aela Talith, @???, [member="Lilin Imperieuse"], [member="Selena Halcyon"], [member="Liam Quez"], [member="Kaia Starchaser"], [member="Laura Na'Varro"], [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"], [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Alen Na'Varro"]
Enemies: The Sith, [member="Darth Malum"], @Khallesh, [member="Darth Malum"], [member="Silara Kuhn"]

+1,000,000 Credits Per Facility Destroyed in One Sith space & Video Confirmation.
+200,000 Credits For Destroyed TITAN Assets & Video Confirmation.
+200,000 Credits For Destroyed TITAN Ships & Video Confirmation.

Total Credits on Successful Mission: +1,400,000 credits

That was the hope at least, as she wasn't really sure if Tantorous counted as One Sith space, but figured, that it might be close enough right? Besides, the other two conditions didn't state in what territory the destroyed TITAN Assets or ships had to be in, just that there be video confirmation. That would be why she had rigged a system of droid remotes to follow her, and have Mr. Follow also do his thing and record. Her HUD was also set to record. Basically, anything that happened in the next several hours, was bound to be recorded in some fashion.

The only element of her cadre that wasn't on recording duty... was her pet Dark Jedi, the mostly harmless Zeltron veteran Crol H'hurut. She figured, that he'd probably be a big help in this mission, since his speciality was so fine tuned for crowd control, something that she expected to see on this mission. Mr. Follow would of course, be on overwatch for her, the droid remotes acting as both her video confirmation and also as her general advanced reconnaissance information recovery and surveillance.

Triam had nothing to do with the group of kids that was hoping to free slaves and what not, but it was probably a good thing that their destiny seemed to be intertwined. Her prerogative here was to destroy as much of the station as possible, bring it down even if she could. Their prerogative had similar goals, though due to different motivations.

At any rate, her Light Freighter was on approach towards the station, and did her best to maneuver the thing as best as possible so as to avoid the defense that seemed to be going up immediately.

"What the kark, I'm here for two seconds and they're already shooting at me!" Triam swore in frustration. Her piloting skills were subpar at best, and her hunk of junk didn't like getting hit, truly a bad combination.

Luckily, Triam had a thing for unorthodox entrances.

Similar to how she landed in her first entrance into the galaxy as a Treasure Huntress, Triam slammed her ship skidding across the hangar bay as she snuck through past the laser fire and into the shielded area. After a moment recovering herself from bracing the impact, she stood up and ran out of the back ramp. Her ship was smoking pretty bad, but she'd worry about that later.

There seemed to be a drop ship docked here.


"What do we do now? Just start wreckin' stuff." Crol asked her as he pointed his slugthrower all around. Mr. Follow was close behind, still silent, but awaiting to be told what to do. Her swarm of Droid Remotes surrounded them, recording every action, and prepared to deliver stunning blasts should Triam find herself becoming overwhelmed by an enemy, as a last resort measure of means to escape a hairy situation.

Triam looked around to see where to go.


Location: Slave pits
Objective: Free the slaves
Allies: The Covenant, [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies: The Sith

She had to continue. She couldn't stop because of killing this one person. People had to die, her brain told her. Enemies were killed every now and then, the Sith take life mercilessly with no reason for what they do. But Lilin's heart told her she had done something completely wrong. Were they supposed to kill? She had no idea.

After taking a deep breath in, she looked ahead of herself and decided to continue doing what she had came for. Her hand tilted so that it would be parallel to the ground, she used the Force to pull her weapon's hilt back into her hand.

She walked on. The slaves had to be freed.

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