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Approved Tech The FLXT-99

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Intent: War, to bolster the Sith Empire's forces.
Development Thread: (WIP)
Hero Unit: No.
Manufacturer: Reiber Manufacturing
Model: FLXT-99
Affiliation: The Sith Empire, exclusively the Empress and Lord Depravious.
Modularity: Small modifications may be added, anything more than minor modifications would overload the power core.
Production: Mass-Production.
Material: Durasteel
Description: The droid was made to do one thing and one thing only, war.. It's hulking and massive stature are attribute for that. The fact that it doesn't have any defenses is because it was meant to not only be replaceable but also to overcome with such force that it wouldn't need many defenses. This was the Army that Depravious was trying to replace. He had lost the Black Army and Guard during the war and as some call it, "betrayal." Even though these droids would not be the elite of the elite such as the black guard, they would be in mass so overwhelming that they would serve the purpose of total warfare. (Or at least he hoped.).
Classification: Fourth Degree

Weight: 150 Kilograms
Height: 240 cm
Movement: Bipedal.
Armaments: Other than the Durasteel alloy coating its it has relatively no defenses other than its hulking nature. Wrist blaster along with wrist triblasters. Small swords hidden within the arms of the droids allow for melee close quarters combat.
Misc. Equipment: Simple heat scanners are located within the droids.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
  • Can you define 'exponential modularity'? On the surface, it sounds overpowered, and I'm a little confused.
  • As we use the terms here in the factory, 'Unique' means there's one or two of'em, and 'mass-produced' means a lot of'em, so -- opposites, with 'minor' in between. Which one do you mean?
  • So you have wrist blasters AND wrist tri-blasters? How does that work?
  • What is a tripod missile?
  • Please use the 'Description' line in the template to give us at least a paragraph of explanation, backstory, description, mission role and so forth.
Edited out missles, changed modularity, and added a description. On the tri blasters, the Ultra B3 droids had both normal wrist blasters and tri-blasters. They're meant to be more of a shotgun mechanism, for closer ranged combat while the wrist blasters are a bit more of a longer ranged combat weapon. I don't believe that it's too over the top to have two types of blasters.
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