Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Folly of a Rouge Padawan

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira

The first holocron Sanna had left her was little more than her final parting words to a life she had shed. Escaping from a past that threatened to undo the work she did for the galaxy with a tiny hint to her previous hiding place that she had stewed over with Makko Vyres Makko Vyres .

Eventually figuring out that the place she cryptically alluded to was Phaseera.

A strange stopping point given how close it was to Hapes. But she also hadn't lived the experience of being hunted down as her grandmother haf, and she sincerely hoped to never understand. The Skiptown was on the far side of the little settlement that had been her starting point. Silently sending a homing signal across the stars to inform the New Way of her location. Watching it settle and remain on the planet for more than a day, they contacted an outside hunter to help in their task.

Paying a premium for their speedy arrival to catch the lone jedi by surprise.

Preparing a small team with heavy weapons in case their contracted help didn't give over their prize and loading themselves in a vessel to hasten their own arrival. Odium Ira Odium Ira arriving ahead of them and beginning the hunt.

Her only sense of time passing was the shift from day to night as she traversed the jungle, trying to match up the description of a rocky outcrop that led into a small cave system.

Sanna had made herself scarce on the planet and no one had remembered her presence that wasn't deemed senile or similar in the small settlement. A load of help, but this had been her final task before Jakku became the prominent thing in her life. Her thoughts straying away from the small bag that she'd tied like a Sling across her back. Full of little mementos from the caves that she hoped would make it back to the ship intact. Her bracer computer finally catching enough signal to connect with her ship as she began to record her success.

<Phaseera was a good guess. Found Sanna's holocron in a little cave she stayed in while she was in hiding. Lugging some things back with me before I head back to Susevfi to make heads of tails of it.> The helmet mic making the message clear even with her labored breath, clearing away vines and undergrowth along the jungle floor as she made for the outer edge to orient herself.

<All in all a quiet little trip. Almost to the forest edge now. I'll message you again when I get home.> The recording stored aboard the Skiptown, on board systems beginning to encrypt the recording to send as a burst transmission to Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren . Meanwhile, Lossa stopped to take a short break and look around. The light was failing, and the critters wouldn't stay away if she kept dilly dallying. Her helmet slid back enough to let her drink, pausing to listen without the stuffy helmet covering her face.

"Wouldn't be so bad. If I'd brought that stupid bike." A final huff as she took another swill from the canteen.

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Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Odium peered from his high up vantage point in the trees. There was his target. The Vanr smiled a bit, thinking about the chance to hunt his favorite prey. Jedi. He was getting payed good for this too. Someone else who really wanted Jedi dead. His wings would spread as he dove down, looking like a bird or prey coming down to try and catch the young Jedi off guard. As he got close, he’d let out a yell, going to slash at Lossa with us claws.

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira

The vessel arrived in system, beginning to check the jamming system they'd hastily added before their departure. Once they pinpointed the Transponder signal, the charted their course and began to circle before finding their point of entry into the atmosphere. Lossa's ship still processing the small burst message as it began to filter through the different available connections.

The message nearly sent when a localized jamming signal began to disrupt those threads of communication. The New Way's ship touching down near enough to the settlement that they could watch and prepare.

The Jungle

The sounds around her quieted.

The cap to her canteen held still before she'd been able to finish capping it as a foreign sound filled the air. Like a sail caught in a breeze. She didn't remember anything of the flying variety being on the planet during her search but-

Then the yell alerted her to something else as she heard the slicing of air. Helmet caught by the claws that would have caught her by the jaw.

An awkward screech from her as the helmet pulled free, the moment of feeling airborne gone as the canteen fell with a clang. Swatting at air in a panicked flurry before squatting down and pulling a Blaster from beneath robes.

"The feth! I-" The setting sun threw shadows all across the trees, and even with the pillars of light shining through, she was struggling to see what had attacked her. Blaster held high enough to aim as her other hand reached for Turmoil.

"Had to open my FETHING mouth!" Taking a few shots at shadows that seemed to move.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Odium looked at the Padawan, curious as he quickly darted to avoid the blaster fire. He looked back from a tree, keeping hidden before he called out.

"A blaster? Not fitting for a Jedi usually. Perhaps you're something different.... No matter." Lossa would possibly feel pangs of a chill in the Force, the rage in Odium building up in him as he soon came out of his hiding place, using his wings to propel himself forward more quickly as he went to attack wanting to close the distance to make the blaster less useful, and clearly trying to slice into her shooting hand. He had hoped for a good fight, but maybe this would just be easy?

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira


Leaving their ship and one setting up to watch over the ship Lossa had left behind, the other members of the strike team began to get their gear sorted. Heavy armor and weapons donned to make their betrayal of the contractor they'd sent to take down the padawan.

If they had guessed right, he'd wear her down enough to make snatching her easier.

They just needed to find them before he killed her. The faint sound of Blaster fire gave them a decent guess as to where they might find them. Their pace into the jungle hurried as they put caution to the wind.

The Jungle

The scathing comment about her being a jedi making her grumble.

"You learn some tricks when you don't rely just on. A Lightsaber!" The voice seemed to come from everywhere in her current state. Adrenaline pumping through her as the white blade of her Lightsaber blinded her.

Enough time for her attacker to close the distance as her arm shot up to shield her eyes. His claws made contact, sinking into the fabric and yanking her right arm aside violently. The blaster sent flying as her other arm flailed, trying to strike at him.

“Tricks you say?” Odium could’ve laughed as he jumped back with his wings to avoid the strikes, the Force Rage he was in heightening his reflexes and strength. He then laughed, looking at Lossa as he darted above the canopy. “Or crutches?”

Odium looked from above, slowly continuing through the trees, waiting to strike. He’d see what he figured was his chance, diving down quickly again and going for a strike.

“Won’t need your toys to face you.”

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira


The Five members of the New Way made haste, loosing the sound of Blaster Fire as their guide. Gear noisy as they kept close to each other and kept their own weapons ready.

The slowest of them hauling a heavy chainblaster while the rest carried a variety of Blaster Weapons. The sound of a scuffle caught their attention.

Faint at first and as quickly as it could be heard seemed to dissappear. Each of them scanning fervently.

The Jungle

The figure disappeared, and her eyes struggled against the light of the white blade as it hit nothing. Her assailants words making her scowl, grinding her teeth at the pain in her arm.

"Everyone's got their own way." As snappy a reply as she could muster, feeling a tree against her back.

Not sure how much that helped as she turned to run. Spun around and out of sorts as she heard the rush of air. Eyes wide now as her right hand leapt out to gauge distance. Left arm brushing the tree, poised to strike as the blade highlighted her face.

She heard the words before she felt the impact.

Odium would move to try and avoid the the lightsaber, but would aim his claws carefully as he noticed where the Padawan was. A hard surface behind. No give. He took a slash right into her arm, going full force as he landed onto the forest floor behind her.

“You fight well for a younger Jedi, but I know you’re kind all too well.” He said as he quickly turned back to look at Lossa, faintly noticing something coming closer.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira

Closing In

The closest of them watched the scene play put.

Their target holding a defensive stance that didn't stand a chance against the quick predator they'd hired. The sound of a tree splintering as the large beasts claws found something solid making them hesitate to move forward.

Through the electrobinoculars, they watched the girl drop. Confused and shaking. This was becoming too close to losing their target.

They raised their blaster, taking careful aim as they drew in air and lined up their sights. The sound of the other four picking up their pace around them the only distraction available as they let the breath go, and squeezed the trigger to let loose a bolt at Odium Ira Odium Ira .

At their range, it was a hope and a prayer shot. But they needed to push him away long enough to capture their target.

The Jungle

His claws didn't pierce the material at first, pressing a fine point into the tree behind her. Pain overwhelming her senses as the Lightsaber flipped into the air and free from her hand. The sensation of pain only growing as the material in her sleeve finally gave way with a sickening crunch.

She didn't hear him land, shock from the wound as the world seemed to stand still and silent around her.

Mouth ajar as her whole body trembled, trying to process what had happened. Left arm limp at her side as she stared at the red smear that grew along her side. The thing spoke to her, slowly appearing in her peripheral as she shakily dropped to the ground.

The tattered edges of her sleeve hiding the worst of it as she tried to say something. A choked sound coming from her instead. Looking slowly back and forth from the bloody gouge and the being stalking closer to her.

"Ah. I. My." Her thoughts running in a circle as fear clenched her heart. Where was her lightsaber? Why couldn't she move her arm? She had to fight. She couldn't fight. Had to run. Get back to her ship. Could she run? Where was her ship?

Why couldn't she feel her arm?

"Arm. My arm. Why-?" Staring and gibbering the same words as a blaster bolt sang through the air and smacked the tree above her head.

Debris filling the air above her head, unable to process what was happening. Numb to the dangers around her as she tried to glance up at the impact, her right hand blindly grabbing the sleeve to wake up her arm as her eyes moved to the her left side.

"My arm?" Voice rising to a keen shriek as the feeling didn't return. Shock still gripping her while she leaned in to figure out what happened.

More blaster bolts began to fill the air, all aimed waist level and higher to avoid hitting the girl sunk against the base of the tree as the five armed bodies moved with a frantic pace and began yelling to one another.

Odium gave a sharp breath, looking at the Padawan. He smiled a bit as his anger from earlier finally seemed to subside.

"You're lucky my...." Then the shots rang out, and the anger in him returned as he quickly turned behind a tree, darting back up above the canopy. Who did that? He looked down from above, not entirely sure who just shot at him. For all he knew they were friends of the Jedi. he kept circling above, hoping to spy them soon.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira

The small team from The New Way lost sight of their hired helper.

Blasters held at the ready as they began to close in, trying to radio back to their ship to warn them of what was going on and only being greeted with static as they moved closer to their intended target. Left grasping at something beside her and crying aloud. The closer they got, the more they heard, and the more worried about their success they became.

"Medpack and stretcher. Form a perimeter."

The Heavy Weapon user began to scan the treetops, figuring it to be the only space that could allow for their hunter to disappear like they had. The rotary blaster held low, the barrels aimed upward to the treetops as the first human to reach Lossa stripped off a backpack. Their hands faltering as they finally noticed what she was trying to grab for.

'Loss of limb. Take it?'


The matter settled within moments as Lossa still tried to reach across herself. The field medic tried brushing her hands aside, finding the effort nearly impossible. Her babbling as her eyes remained fixed on the sleeve. Mumbling about putting it back, needing to get away, all making the man irritable as the coagulant package was pressed into the remaining stump.

A sharp jab of pain seeming to shock her enough cease speaking. Form rigid and still as everything seemed to process.

The medic cringing against the shrill scream she let loose as she was brought out of her stupor, trying to bat him away with her good arm. Pink skin having grown paler by the second as the man tried to hold the coagulant patch tight to her wound. One of the others with a blaster rifle calling out the shape of Odium above as the four raised their weapons. Squinting into the dark that aided in his hiding as they began to light up the forest with blaster bolts aimed where they believed him to be.

The rotary blaster spinning before letting loose a short burst of bolts before quieting only to repeat the attempt at shooting down Odium with each burst of light from the other three.

Confusion settled in behind the pain as Lossa drew in a hissing breath, trying not to scream again as the coagulant began to work. Not sure who was helping her now, but knowing full well that the one tending to her wasn't entirely concerned about her comfort.

"What-Who are-?" Feeling a jab into her right arm, whipping her head around to stare in confusion at the familiar sight of the tranquilizer injectors. Even with the jab, her elbow rose to push him away, already feeling the world blur. "Nononono-"

Her heightened pulse carrying her to sleep as the medic began to unfold the stretcher.

Odium would've gone down and given them a piece of his mind, but he wasn't some animal, despite how he fought. He was out numbered and clearly they weren't scared. He growled to himself before quickly flying off. Aiming to get back to his gunship. He'd have to contact the person who hired him about this. He hadn't expected this kind of firepower, and he suspected they did.

Once he got to the gunship, he'd flip a few switches, turning on his comms to get in touch with the one who hired him. Once he got through, whoever answered or not, he'd be ready to talk. "Something happened. Heavily armed group. Know anything about that?"

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Phaseera, Jungle
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Only, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter, Glitter Bombs
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira

The dark formed vanished, the faint sounds of wing beats on the wind giving them some ease as they ceased firing.

One moving to assist the medic before they secured their target along with their ligthsaber's before they began to exfill. The walk back hurried in case the hunter returned as the comm beacon on their ship pinged. The jamming signal stopped functioning to let the outside contact through as the ground crew returned with their prize.

The Skiptown sent a tight beam transmission during the time, the message to Briana sent finally as the Skiptown remained stoic in the night. Waiting for its captain to return.

The New Way crew securing their target to the bench and stowing their belongings. The pilot listened to the conversation between Odium's handler and their hired help. Kept in the dark about their betrayal, and apparently none the wiser about it. The line connecting them muted and allowing them to only hear the conversation rather than contribute.

"A heavily armed-There was interference with your task?" Odium's contact with the New Way let shock slip into their tone. Playing the part of an unaware handler well. "I will check with my contacts, but it may have been a competing contract. I've heard rumblings but... one moment."

The sound of a keypad being swiftly used filled the line, the pilot shaking his head as he shared a laugh between the crew around them that had gathered to listen in.

A pause on the line as an annoyed groan came from Odium's handler.

"Seems someone put together a team with the chatter I'm seeing. Someone with money."

Odium's contract had been half paid to get him started, and now the handler was trying to figure out how much the Jedi Hunter could be pushed. Clicking their tongue as if in thought.

"Did you get anything from them? A lightsaber or something?"

Odium sighed, folding his wings against his shoulders. "No. I...." He then stop. There was some mention of a severed arm, and leaving it. He gave a huff, looking to the console. "The target wasn't so willing. Had to take some... aggressive action. She lost an arm. Sounded like the team that was send didn't grab it either. Perhaps there's more still there as well." Odium tapped in a few commands to the gunship, cause it's boot up sequence to end as he looked at the contact. He tried to figure this one out. It was hard to say. They hired a Jedi hunter though. He closed his eyes. "Unless you'd like me to forget about all this." The winged being added, noting his own policy. Silence, no matter how the job ended.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Phaseera, Settlement
Tags: Odium Ira Odium Ira

The handler sighed, tapping his desk with audible clicks of what was likely a pen against the tabletop. Trying his best to sell how he was supposedly weighing his options. The crew sent a silent alert to headquarters, a greenlight on their end as the Handler cleared his throat.

"Best to forget it for now. I don't need attention trying to steal someone's prize."

The team secured, the engines spun up, kicking up dust and debris while the village settled in for the evening. Those living their watching from their windows and the corners of their homes to watch the ship lift off. Their gaze eventually falling to the Skiptown, now left silent and foreboding in their little grouping of homes.

"Anything comes up, I'll reach out again. Good hunting out there."

The final words the signal the ground crew needed as the Skiptown erupted into fire.

A hull panel separating and trying to break atmosphere as the hull opened up to the twilight sky. The bright light blinding those staring at it as the blast sent a few prone. Scattering anything loose and sending metal shrapnel out and up.

Odium would let out a slight growl, crossing his arms. "Fine. It's your mark after all. Just let me know if you have more work needed." He shut off the feed before flipping some switches on his gunship, taking an annoyed breath before starting to take off. Another day in the life of a bounty hunter he guessed.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

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