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Faction The Force Our Guide

Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor Jolyu Heuleum

The Force, among many things, was odd. Sure, it was the Cosmic and Unifying Force that bound all things together across time and space, resided in all living things, and gave the Jedi their powers, but it was still... odd. It was what amused him so much about the fact he was a Jedi and the seriousness by which so many others interacted with. Or at least, considered it. Yet he had learned to trust it implicitly and without question. Which, for many, was the ultimate test when it came to the Jedi path, especially those who came to it later in life. But he had followed it here, to this forgotten world. Bogano. One he had never heard of and existed on no charts. Yet the Force had guided him as surely as anything could.

He knelt on the rock, looking across the shattered plain towards where a great tower pierced the sky. It wasn't far, but he shaded his eyes and could see that great chasms separated it from him. Yet it was not there that the Force had called him. Instead, it was leading away, down a narrow rock pathway. And more so, it wasn't calling him alone. No, he had reached out to his students among the Circle. Some he knew already and had taught, or attempted to, but two others he was prompted to reach out in the Force to send a message across the galaxy. They were summoned as he had been summoned to this place. He would proceed no further without them, despite the danger he detected from some creatures that lurked below, cloaked in the shadows of the rock. Which meant there were things he needed to do before he could proceed on the journey, especially with these students, one of whom was very young. There were those who considered him eccentric, but he was in no rush to lead those into danger who were not prepared. And Kat had a long journey ahead of her before she would be ready to trust and embrace the Force.

Fortunately, he had brought supplies and had set up a small encampment in a cave in the cliff. Rations were stockpiled in the back, while a canvas awning was stretched above the entranceway. It was just behind him now. And, for a first location for the Circle of the Light Hand, it would do well enough. In fact, it would be a great boon teaching them to embrace the elements and to find their comfort solely in the Force. A chance to remove distractions and center themselves fully in the Force. It would allow them to progress on their journey into the mysteries of the Force.

For now, he would wait for them to arrive to begin their training to prepare for the next steps.
Kat was new to all this...force stuff. After-all all her life she assumed she was just like everyone else. Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. But she certainly didn't believe she had the potential to be a Jedi of any kind. And even if she did she didn't think someone would actually accept her into it. Until she met Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun who explained it to her. Not only that she was force sensitive, but that her way of life was not something that would deter them completely. Yes she did seek out situations that commonly involved combat, but because it was done for betterment, it was not going to dissuade them. Nor would her traveling so much make her ineligible.

That's why being summoned by the anzati was such an unusual experience. Something so new, and yet, not completely foreign. She came to the planet on her ship, old though it may be, attempting to make her way down to the planet and land it where she could. She was adorned in her Beskar'gam as normal. Two cortosis weave vibro blade daggers at her side, and a Beskad was attached to the Swoop bike as she exited her ship. She was really rather lightly armed, she was hoping there would be no combat.

Her travel there would be extremely fast, as a result of the fact that Swoop Bikes were ridiculously powerful. She managed to make out a small camp made by the Jedi. She'd try and slow her arrival but she'd still end up having to veer off so she didn't get the camp covered in dust before managing to slow to a stop and get off the thing.

Once doing so she'd leave the Beskad where it was and take in a breath, setting to approach the Jedi Master.

Jolyu Heuleum

Location: Bogano grassland
Tags: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid

I am surrounded by a black metal egg.

It is the cold that comforts, the chill that warms and the emptiness that fills my body.

It is the darkness that gives me light.

Kneeling within the sea of grass, Joylu’s form remained unmoving as all around him the grassland flowed and ebbed, waves of motion swept across only to break as another gust skimmed the planets surface. His was the only constant in the area, a single, fixed piece in amongst the streaming motion around him.

Give freely of your knowledge but wrap it like a precious gift.

Remaining unmoving, within, the young man’s mind was slowly going through the ruminations of the Matukai order, the various sutras and mantras of the order gifting him with clarity and serenity. It had been years since had found the first manuscripts that had highlighted the teachings, but he still practiced daily, maintained his holding to the traditions.

But it is time for a new path, a new teaching, a new beginning.

Opening his eyes slowly, Joylu rose to his feet, his mind refreshed from the meditations. His bones creaked in protest from being held in position for so many hours but he wasn’t prepared to appear before his new teacher without taking the time to purify his spirit and mind.

The call from Tiland had been irresistible, as much a physical call as spiritual and he could no more deny it than he could deny his need for oxygen and as such, had arrived to the planet with an uncharacteristic haste. Clad only in blue robes of a learner, he enjoyed the peaceful walk to the encampment, the whisper of the breeze in the grass his only companion.

Just as he made it to the encampment, the roar of an engine split the peace. Cocking his shaved head in curiosity, he gave a respectful bow to the encampment proper before walking in, hoping to avoid the dustcloud that would follow whomever was piloting the craft.
Location: Bogano
Wearing: White Robes

The grasslands of Bogano were quite tranquil. It was a planet Kresslyn had never been to before, but he liked exploring. The force led him here. He wanted to get away. Get away from the conflicts of the Major Factions such as the Silver Jedi Order, The Sith Empire, The Mandalorian Groups, The Outer Rim, The Republic, whatever they called themselves. They were all the same. He tried the Jedi Order thing, but once he had sufficient training from his master and enough experience in the galaxy as a Pathfinder/explorer, he went off the edge.

He no longer desired combat.

He desired peace within himself.

He no longer sought for a false eye to reboot his vision

He sought to learn how to do so naturally.

At this point, Kresslyn's vision was way below average. It was unknown what had triggered such a loss: it did not run in the family. Doctors at the Silver Rest had no clue what had happened. This disqualified him from being any sort of formal pilot, a Jedi Ace if you will, from retiring his force abilities and joining a normal local military, things of the sort. He always heard stories of healing through the force, but he never got to see it in action. Only through small snippets of seeing apprentice sages heal minor wounds. He wanted to see the real thing. Masters healing each other.

Most of all, he wanted to help other more.

When he got off of the ship that took him to this planet, he closed his eyes and used the little knowledge he had of force sight to find what he was looking for. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he felt the presence of others. One presence stood out amongst the other few, the presence of Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . Kresslyn never met the man before in his life, but the feeling was familiar. That of a tranquil and knowledgeable being. It wasn't common. You knew it when it was before you.

After hours of walking towards the presence, the others found themselves there as well. One came in the form of an extremely fast speeder bike that went past him moments before ( Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid ) and the other on his feet as well. They all came in silence, and Kresslyn quietly broke it with a few words.

"Greetings. It is nice to meet you." he said to the Master.

"It is nice to meet you all, as well." he said, briefly turning to the other pair.
Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor Jolyu Heuleum

Tiland opened his eyes as heard the sound of the approaching swoop. That, he expected, would be young Kat. One new both to the Circle and to the Jedi as a whole. It would be very interesting to see the way she interacted with his other students, who were more Jedi and leaned more along the spiritual side of the Force, compared to the more Mandalorian approach. But that was part of the process of balance. They would need to learn to embrace their differences and create a harmony within those differences.

The swoop came to a stop and Tiland stood. "Hello again, young Kat. I am glad you could make it. This world is not an easy one to find." He moved to the fire in the center and added more wood, so the flames leaped up for a moment before settling again. "Kat Kenrid, Kresslyn Cantor, Jolyu Keuleum, welcome to Bogano. This world was inhabited long ago by an extinct species of Force users with their own tradition. History remembers very little of them. Yet I feel that this is not the reason I have been called here."

He let the words sink into his listeners before continuing. "There is something in this world that the Force means us to find. By us, I mean the Circle. And more practically, it is a good world to begin your training. We are isolated from the broader galaxy here. There are few distractions and the lack of development means we will have to rely upon ourselves and the Force rather than anything pre-existing infrastructure."

Tiland considered for another moment, rubbing his hands together. "This is the way of the Light Hand. Technology, tools, implements, buildings, society can all be lost. We must be prepared to act and live without them. Only the Force cannot be taken away. It is all we have, and in many ways, all that exists. Come, join me. First let us reach out and connect to the Force that surrounds us in this world. Then we can begin. Danger lurks on this world as well, so we cannot pursue whatever it is that the Force wills us to find until you are all ready."
As the group gathered and surrounded the Master Jedi Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , he exited his somewhat meditative state to turn and speak to them all. They seemed like a different character all inside of the same shell. Each had different personalities, but all came with the same purpose, even the Master. They all came to learn and expand their knowledge of the force, adapting a more passive lifestyle. The true Jedi lifestyle.

Perhaps the force users he mentioned were extinct because they were solely passive and incapable of defending themselves. Like he said, history remembers very little of them, so it was likely no one knew why they were wiped out or what wiped them out. The silence was once again broken by the Master greeting each one of the disciples individually. Afterwards, he described Bogano to them and explained their purpose in being here.

"There is something in this world that the Force means us to find. By us, I mean the Circle. And more practically, it is a good world to begin your training. We are isolated from the broader galaxy here. There are few distractions and the lack of development means we will have to rely upon ourselves and the Force rather than anything pre-existing infrastructure." he said, pausing before continuing.

This seemed like a somewhat daunting lifestyle, abnormally peaceful, but Kresslyn smiled at the thought of it.

"Will do. I appreciate the isolated, almost distraction free lifestyle. Where will we do this 'connecting with the force' at?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun | Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid | Jolyu Heuleum
Kat glanced around, she noticed that Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun was not the only one here by now. Another man, who absolutely looked like he could be seen drinking tea with Master Tiland, was also present at this encampment. (Jolyu Heuleum). And soon after yet another individual approached ( Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor ) really she found it likely she was probably the least knowledgable one here.

She smiled underneath the helmet as Tiland greeted her, "I'm new to the force definitely, but worlds are at least a little closer to my way of expertise." She responded, "Thanks for....calling to me?"

Yeah explaining exactly how all this worked was still very much new to her. She just didn't have the experience to figure out how to word things let alone know what they were in the first place. He spoke to each of them by name, which she'd remember. Including Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor who arrived after her it seemed. "Pleasure." she said simply to them in general.

Then Tiland explained more about what they were doing here. He talked about acting without any of the technology that existed. That was a hard thought for her to contemplate. Because the last time she was the one without technology she was a slave. Not the most promising lifestyle. Still, she didn't know she had the force then, and she knew that now. So things were different.

He prompted about if they were ready and she rubbed her fingers together in thought, Kresslyn was the first to speak. Seemed quite ready to begin,
"What do you need us to do?" she asked willingly.

Jolyu Heuleum

Walking into the encampment proper, Jolyu felt a deep sense of calm and serenity radiating from within, as if all the winds of the planet had chosen to slow to a gentle breeze here only to continue at their extreme speeds upon passing by. Smiling at the feeling, he felt what could only be described as the same feeling as standing at the edge of a great canyon or waterfall an extreme gulf that stood resolute and beautiful as he came before Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun .

To stand before The Great Teacher was an extreme honour for the young man and he bowed before him, then once again to all the others gathered around.

As he placed his heavy bag down, he took note of what could only be his fellow learners coming to sup from the well of knowledge that Tiland was. All were separate, their paths varied but leading to coalesce at this focal point.

One, a young woman mentioned her new coming to the ways of the force and it brought another smile to Joylu’s face. ( Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid )

The first steps upon such a path were often the hardest and to undertake them was something to be proud of, it speaks to a strength of the spirit and depth of ones character.

The other, asking about where they would begin their meditations was also very different. The way he moved and carried his body informed Joylu that he was no newcomer to physical combat and the way he crossed his arms and stood before the Great Teacher spoke to his eagerness to learn. ( Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor )

Turning back to Tiland, Joylu awaited his response, as curious to the answer as the others.
Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid Jolyu Heuleum

Tiland's mustache quirked at the first question. That was always such a foundational question for the Jedi. For many who were not of the Order, the Jedi Temples were the sacred places in which the Force dwelt, and where the Jedi resided to meditate and connect to the Force. But that was a faulty understanding of the Force. He knew of no Jedi who held to such a belief, but there was often such a misunderstanding. "That is an excellent question, Kresslyn. You tell me where you will connect to the Force."

He turned slightly to face his newest and least experienced student. Kat had only recently discovered her Force sensitivity, due to Tiland's own observations and comments. He had given her exercises and some foundations. "Close your eyes, Kat. Breathe deep and find the rhythm of the world around you. Stretch out with your feelings. Feel the pulse of all that lives around you. The grasses, the small creatures, insects, and whatever else there might be. Become one with your surroundings."

The old Jedi returned Jolyu's bow in return. This might indeed be the most difficult of his students in the circle. Tiland had been out of the temples for far too long, had never been in any that really called home. Certainly was never raised in one. Instead, he had lived for centuries along the Outer Rim, Wild Space, and the Unknown Regions. There was no refinement in the old Jedi, none of the formality of the Coreward empires and their emphasis on diplomacy. Negotiations and diplomacy could not exist in places where there was no society. All were equal in the Force and its movement left little room for formality or structure. These too were things that needed to be let go. One had to learn to live and rest in the flow.

"It is for all of you to do the same. It is the way of the Jedi. The Force exists within us, within the galaxy, within all living things. Jedi and those who adhere to the Force seek to live in balance and harmony with these things. To be in harmony, we must first be aware of these things. That is the most fundamental aspect of the Jedi. We seek enlightenment. Harmony with the Force and all living things." He gave a short nod. "Begin."
Kat heard Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun give his answer to Kresslyn Cantor Kresslyn Cantor which she didn't exactly fully understand but chose not to question really. Then he turned to face her, giving her instructions on what to do. She gave a nod underneath her helmet and chose to sit herself down to make this a little bit easier so she had less to focus on. She started attempting to focus while Tiland spoke to them again including Jolyu Heuleum.

She tried to focus. No, don't think of it as focus. It's not like sniping or waiting for a kill. It's freedom. It's letting things flow not going tunnel vision. Breathe deep. She started with that. In and out, just in and out. That's all it takes. Next came letting things move. The ground beneath her. The way the air was moving around her, even with the armor on. The way the people around her were, the flow of their bodies, the flow through, around and from them.

Movement, life, peace. So many of them. The way the plants slowly but steadily kept their life, kept it growing. The way that the little creatures moved and ate. It was all alive. It was all with the force. It was hard to keep freedom sometimes, to keep herself from focusing on a single thing. Just let it all flow, don't force yourself to do anything. Just let the force guide you.

Strange that that itself was a struggle. She didn't exactly meditate often until now. So this was still very new and hard to manage. Often drifting out of it and having to adjust and get back into the meditation.
Tiland paced slowly around the small clearing, watching his students as they set upon their chosen paths. Chosen? Or destined? It was hard to tell. There was such ambiguity in the relationship between the two, especially for a Jedi who followed the Way of the Light Hand.

They took orders from no council, no organization, and beyond teaching, from no one else. Rather, they followed the Force itself. Wanderers. Nomads. Ronin, according to an Atrisian he once met. But that wasn’t right either. They served the Force itself, in its many manifestation. The Living Force. The Cosmic Force. The Unifying Force.

It was these that he could sense Kat Kenrid Kat Kenrid beginning to get in touch with. It wasn’t constant, not yet, or steady. He didn’t expect it to. Some students raised from childhood with this skill never got the hang of it. If anything, he was more surprised at how quickly she was picking it up. Tiland was pleased at the thought, but kept it hidden. This was the most fundamental skill for any Jedi who followed the Light Hand. And it took true mastery to advance into the rest of the skills. Some students never got far enough.

“You are doing well,” Tiland said softly from behind her. “Remember when I said it was counter intuitive. You must relax to focus. See broadly and deeply. Not one or the other. A Jedi must know both themself and the world around them to understand the myriad connections between them all in the Force.”
The Force works in mysterious ways.

The constant byline of his childhood reverberated inside his head, as it had for every moment of this trip. The hyperspace coordinates were unfamiliar to him when he'd entered them, but they had felt right. Felt was an odd term for Jerek when it came to hyperspace, he'd flown too far and too many times to stray far from the known routes and lanes, the perils of mistakes at that scale were too much. But the computer at least confirmed that the coordinates were correct and plotted a way that didn't land him inside a star.

Exiting hyperspace to gaze upon a grassy world also felt right, even though the boy didn't recognize it. The computer called it Bogano, and Jerek was sure that had been a name he'd seen on a chart somewhere. Sometime. What mattered now was that it felt right.

The tower on the horizon felt like a landmark, though one of a waypoint. Still, something told the padawan that he was meant to land near it and continue the rest of the way on foot. Sure enough, as he approached the point in the Jedi starship he'd borrowed, he found other ships waiting on the ground. If there had been any anxiety at all about his path at this point, that fact quieted the rest of it.

"We're here, I guess," the boy mentioned to his furry companion, the Cathar had been another piece that felt right. Jerek was surprised that Micah had accepted his suggestion of a field trip, the kit usually liked to stay cozy in his stacks of holocrons and books in the library. Nonetheless, his inclusion had at least made the journey...interesting.

Peeking under the canvas awning, which felt right, Jerek found several others assembled around an old, bearded sage.

Oh. Of course.

Well, now he knew why it had felt right to bring along a pack of fizzyglug, which was now down to five bottles of the original six. The padawan found a place for the remaining bottles among other supplies, and then moved to join the circle around the Jedi Master who taught the way of the Light Hand.

"At least it isn't a tea shop this time," Jerek muttered to himself before giving the man a short bow. "Something tells me I'm supposed to be here, Master Kortun. And I brought someone else with me."

Glancing around, the boy nodded to the rest of the group assembled there, before asking, "What are we learning today?"




[ darth lolcat theme ]
For the last three months, he'd been racketeering a Jedi Academy scandal, doing the homework for the Jedi Jocklings that were sure to become the finest of Jedi Temple Guards, or whatever it was that Jedi did with their menial laborers, in exchange for those poor saps doing favors for the captive Cathar. Nothing scandalous, to be sure. At first it had started innocuously enough. Math homework cost an extra dessert from the cafeteria. But had it ended there? Of course not! As demand had increased, the costs had spiraled beyond the kitten's expectations. Soon, he was at the top of a complex Ponzi scheme that was costing kids their lunch money from across the Jedi Academy Network.

With demand spreading across different classes and grade levels, soon the kitten was dragging in a cadre of nerds and geeks in order to try and keep up with the escalating cheat scandal. Which was where things had started to unravel. When he'd been doing other kids' homework, the Cathar had been careful to ensure that the fraudulent product was carefully arranged so not to invite attention. He couldn't exactly take a D average student straight to the Dean's List. No, it had to be a gradual slide toward C's and B's.

Once this had turned into a more mass endeavor, however, it seemed that some of the Jedi Consular wannabes were truly terrible at that level of deception.

...the Jedi Sentinel wannabes, on the other hand? They totally belonged in the Brotherhood of the Sith. Complete pragmatists. Definitely his favorite of Jedi kids on the playground.

In any case, the adults had gotten wind of what was going on, and now the heat was on. One of his so-called Geek Squad had just been copying his homework and passing it around. How was that not going to get noticed? And, of course, once it had, Nerdy McConsular had started diming out everyone from the cafeteria lunch lady that gave people more than their daily dietary recommended amount of apple crunch to the Cathar Badawan who had set up the entire scheme.

So when all of Micah's associates had started getting hauled away to detention, and he'd been tipped off that the Temple Guards were looking for him, of course he'd been eager to get off Kashyyyk. He'd run into Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu and been asked if he wanted to go for a joyride?

Ordinarily, the boy would have said no. In this particular set of circumstances? Feth, yes.

...did this idiot even know just where it was that they were going?

From the back seat of the Jedi's starfighter, Micah had the impression that Jerek was just flying. Probably one of those Jedi things. Much stretch out with your feelings. Many let the Force flow through you.

Sticking his head out of the starfighter canopy, the tawny colored Cathar's ears were flattened back against his head as he viewed the backwater landscape before him with a hefty amount of skepticism. This looked like the kind of a planet were one was going to find naught but inbred, banjo-playing Mandalorians. "Oh, yay," the boy uttered vapidly. "What an exciting planet you found."

Hopping down from the cockpit of the starfighter, the kitten wandered close behind the Jedi pilot as the blond teen pulled back a curtain to reveal a group of people gathered around. The Cathar's ears perked up, even as his tail moved from side to side, curious at the fact that Jerek seemed to know these people.

Perhaps this turn of events was not as random or clumsy as his Jedi overlord had led the kitten to believe...
Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Micah

Tiland raised an eyebrow as he felt a familiar presence in the Force. He didn’t turn around, but spoke instead. “Young Jerek. Just for that, I will make the tea house the next project.” Despite the apparent sternness, there was a tea sense of warmth in his voice. “And a friend, I feel, is that correct?”

Now he turned to the new arrivals and gave a vow of greeting. The Cathar, he gave an odd look, but said nothing out loud.
“And we are practicing the most fundamental skills of the Jedi. Meditation. Connecting with the Force. As you grow more comfortable with it, we will branch into some new thing more difficult. The ancient art of alchaka and its integration with the Way of the Light Hand form of teras kasi.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “After tea, of course.”
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