Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Forge of Alliances (Open to the Sith Order)

"Ziost is a good choice. Korriban could be as well. Would really put mud in the Silver's eye if we chose Korriban. It is a bit close to the entrance to the Caldera, however."

He shrugged his shoulders as he listened mentally to what Kith had to say. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. She made good points, but it was clear that she didn't have, as of yet, a full understanding of the galactic picture. He'd have to take some time later on to explain the full galactic situation for her understanding. Still, the argument of fighting and dying over territory, and their emotional investment in said territory, was not unsubstantiated. For his part, Leos understood the necessity for having your home in order before fighting your wars. If you had nowhere to return to, you couldn't refit or repair your ships, after all.

We need safe territory in order to strike our enemies. We also need it in order to recruit a fighting force. If you have no safe harbor to return to after a battle, you can't refit your vessels and repair damage. Without a home, we have already lost the war. That's why we need the Caldera as we do. It's the ancestral home of the Sith. It is our power base.

Leos cleared his throat as he looked at the others in the room.

"Fellow Lords this is all well and good, but it poses a problem which I'm sure most of you have already sensed. This Order that we all associate with, and I use that word intentionally as it is a mere association, is not meant to bring us together, to unify us. It never has been. What's to say that in two months time, someone like Kaine, and I'm just using you as an example because it makes sense, has a disagreement with one of the other Lords and decides to back out of whatever we are forming and we lose a substantial chunk of our power base because of it? It could very well happen.

"WHY is unification on the table. What is going to bring us all together, and drive us into the future. Without that thing, this will never get off the ground. We can stop discussing planets to base ourselves off of, or leadership, until we know the why."

[member="Darth Carnifex"] @Tirdarius [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Darth Voracitos"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Kith Verloren"]
"For our own sake and benefit," Voracitos quickly interjected in response to @Ingus's query, clearly satisfied with Zambrano's answer. I will have no need to pray, Zambrano, for should we ever 'come to blows' again... you would never see it coming. Voracitos thought to himself, careful not to foolishly stir the emotions of the only being in the room which he saw as a legitimate threat. Not an insurmountable threat, but he served his purpose greater as an ally, than as a corpse... something Zambrano seemed to understand likewise. Until now, it was an unacknowledged truth, but on the cusp of Sith ascendance, they gave the truth official power over them in this instance. A wordless truce, and a pact of non-aggression until a time presented itself that made one of them obsolete, necessitating their betrayal. An 'arms race' of influence and materialistic usefulness had begun between the two, to maintain this truce, so their rival would never gain the advantage of betrayal. Kaine clearly had a head start possessing an uninterrupted regime at his disposal, while Voracitos would be forced to rebuild and to expand.

"For the sake of status, and for the sake of power. These are three defining motives of any who are so bold as to become one with the Sith Order, and it is with these motives in mind that we seek to fortify the Caldera with our shared power, to use our allies abroad to weaken our enemies, and to use our individual powers to wrestle absolute authority and control over everything we deem to touch. Need we any other purpose to strengthen ourselves, to rise higher, and more powerful? If every Sith convenes to these goals, there is no Lord among us who would be stupid enough to break away... the consequences of which would be to make an enemy of us all, and doom all that they have built." Voracitos scanned the room, gauging the tumultuous emotions of the convened, seeking some kind of validation of his assessment. These were the reasons that Voracitos had come, to forge his alliances, to make his bets, and to be down everything on the resurgence of a Sith power base he could utilize for his own sake. Status and power, were the quickest routes to what he ultimately desired - control.

Control, domination, absolute conquest - these were all things which allowed Voracitos to feed upon the galaxy most greatly. A stabilized and militant alliance with the most powerful Sith Lords in the galaxy would provide him the unhindered ability to pursue his desire to consume, unchallenged. He was not aware, for the most part, of the personal goals and agendas of the other assembled Sith Lords, but in the large part... their goals did not matter to him, so long as their interests strengthened themselves, and thereby strengthened the order as a whole. The stronger his alliances, the greater his feast.

Voracitos had a lot riding upon this alliance, and would do everything in his power to ensure the future of it, in whatever form it came.
The host of this little meeting had remained silent for the time being, listing to what his fellow lords had to say. Yes he had called them to form alliances with each other, so they could profit from each others assets as individuals, a great opportunity for a man like him . What he didn't called for was a new empire of the sith, a centralized government that would tell him what he had to do and what not. The worst part was their dedication to fortify the Caldera, which included the Free Cities of Malachor. If the sith would return to their old structure, than what he had build would be in grave danger as the cities of chaos and anarchy had to no place in the hearts of those that believed that order was something desirable. The sith lord rose from his chair once more.

"Unification? Order? Is that what we are now? Jedi disguised in black robes?"

Like before he began to walk through those gathered on his world, soundless steps marking his dedication to the shadows that shrouded him most of the time.

"It is of little surprise to me that some of those gathered here feel more dedication to an failed empire than to our code, but I have not forgotten what it means to be sith. My days of servitude are over since I claimed the title "Darth" for myself. The scum of Malachor will fight for the glory of the sith when the time comes, but I will bow to no lord and to no empire. My chains remain broken."

The Sith lord reached for another glass of whisky from one of the tables, downing its content at once.

"My loyalty is not given nor earned. It belongs to me alone, or to anyone strong enough to claim it by force. If anyone of you feels fit to take it from me, than he or she shall meet me on Korriban. Brothers and sisters, thank you for joining me today, but I have more pressing, and less foolish matters to attend now. Enjoy the food."

And with that the sith lord was suddenly gone from sight, and his aura replaced by nothing but a faint whisper.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Tirdarius"] @Darth Pyrrhus @Darth Voracitos @Asharad Graush @Kith Verloren
"Perhaps I was wrong, there is at least one Sith Lord stupid enough among us to threaten all that they have accomplished." Voracitos quipped as 'Darth Abyss' vanished, challenging anyone to take claim of Malachor through a duel upon Korriban. It was clear that whatever Abyss intended to happen here was not to his liking, but it was exactly what he asked for: the Forge of Alliances, and a very dangerous and powerful alliance had just been tossed to the fire, ready to be hammered upon an anvil.

"It has been a pleasure speaking with you all. We should meet again, soon. I will take my leave... perhaps to Korriban." Voracitos chuckled and mused. Voracitos waited with baited breathe, for who among them would be the hammer that smooths the edges of their hardening blade, and sharpens its edge into a proper weapon.

With that, the Dark Lord of Gluttony made his leave, taking with him all of the wine he could manage to carry.

[member="Ignus"], [member="Darth Abyss"], [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Tirdarius"], [member="Asharad Graush"], @Kith Veloren, [member="Darth Pyrrhus"], @etc...

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