Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fox's Earth.

"Fair enough." Having spent quite a bit of time among the one sith, he could still remember the constant plots and back stabs that awaited around every turn. Once both of them had been dressed and cleaned up, Vulpesen opened the door to allow Ra through. "Sorry. Wasn't expecting her to be so quick about things. And my father's pretty easy to get along with. Be polite and he'll probably help you out. Just pay attention to my mother." Walking up to her side after closing the door, he took her hand in his, attempting to give her some feeling of backup.
Giving Vulpesen a truly sith looking smile, Ra felt she was prepared to meet his mother. Taking the time offered, she did get herself better dressed and cleaned up. He opened the door for her to go out first and then took a hold of her hand after shutting the door. Giving it a slight squeeze, Ra waited for him to lead the way to where dinner was going to be.

"I'm usually pretty polite."

Making a mental note of what he said, she hoped things went smoothly. However, she pretty much expected the worst.

"Then you shouldn't have nay problems from him." Vulpesen walked close to her side as they went down the stairs towards the fining hall. Upon reaching the main entrance room, they would take a left. As Vulpesen had suggested, a zorren feast hall was far different from any other dining room. Rather than a few tables, the hall featured one massive wooden table at the end of which sat a pair of humanoids. A woman with dark hair accented with bits of crimson. Behind her, a ruby red tail waved back and forth, flicking on occasion as she observed Vulpesen and Ra with a predatory look. Carliah Torrevaso, matriarch of the Torrevaso's and mother of Vulpesen. Beside her was a well dressed man. His expression was pleasant through bordering on passive, a polite smile on his bearded face as he welcomed the two. "Good to see you son. Sorry for the intrusion, but you know how your mother is."
Vulpesen said she shouldn't have any problems from his father as long she was polite. Well, most of the time for her it was business before being sith anyway. Well sort of, that code came first, but that didn't mean she couldn't be polite. Getting tired of running her own logic through her mind, Ra focused on route they followed so she could find her away on her own.

Walking into what looked like a dining all, there was one table with his parents at the end. Ra glanced between the two of them and listened to the apology his father attempted to provide.

The look his mother gave was quite predatory and caused the hackles to rise on Ra. She may have more difficulty than she though dealing with her.

She kept quiet though and waited to be introduced.

"Not a problem. And this is Ra'a'mah." Vulpesen walked over and pulled out a seat for Ra before sitting in another. At the head of the table, he was between his parents and Ra who sat on one side while they took the other. "We met on Vjun, and kicked it off fairly well." Along the table, there was a large selection of foods, and in front of each person a single large empty plate with some silverware. As Vulpesen spoke, both he and his parents started to take food from the center to fill their plates.

"Its nice to meet you miss Ra'a'mah. We'd heard news that Vulpesen was bringing someone home, but we didn't know that you'd be so close to each other." His father spoke cordially and calmly while Carliah simple sat and ate, her golden eyes looking between the three other people, quite commonly resting on Ra. With each time her gaze passed over the woman, the tail behind her would flick out just a bit.
She nodded as Vulpesen introduced her and took the seat he pulled out for her. He sat between her and his parents which was probably for the best as Ra was still a bit nervous about meeting them. Observing that they had started picking up food to place on their plates, Ra did the same thing.

Their names hadn't been provided and she didn't know how to address either one, so she just kept it simple.

"It is nice to meet you as well, please just call me Ra. Everybody else does.'

The further comment about them being so close caused her to blush slightly. His mother remained silent, but when she looked at Ra, her tail flicked a little bit.

The elder Zorrens smiled as Ra introduced themselves, and as before, his father was the one that spoke first. "Garen Torrevaso, former Valde of the Veran people. A pleasure to meet you miss Ra." He spoke in a measured tone before returning to his food. At this point it would become fairly apparent that unlike when Vulpesen had eaten on Vjun, now that he was at his home, he and his family ate quickly, demolishing their plates in order to satisfy the heightened metabolism of their race. Though, the speed didn't necessarily mean that they would be rude about it.

"Carliah Torrevaso. A pleasure to meet you, dear." The voice was easily recognized as the one that had been raving at the door just a bit earlier, but now it held a much calmer tone, almost purring out the words as a knife, held delicately in her hand cut through the meat on her plate. There wasn't any malice in the introduction, but there was something int he tone that made it a bit... off.
They each provided their names as they all ate. Ra, of course appeared to eat as slow as a snail compared to them. The food was differently spiced, but good in its own way.

With his tone of voice calm measured, Ra liked Vulpesen's father. He stated he was former Valde and she nodded. His son had that position now and the respect of their people.

When his mother introduced herself, that hackles rising feeling came up again even though Ra didn't hear any malice in her words or tone. There was just something odd about her.

"Thank you for the welcome and allowing me here."

This was said to all three of them.

"We're happy to welcome anyone that Vulpesen sees fit to visit our world." Garen reached over and took a glass of wine before enjoying a long sip, during which his wife spoke up. "And we really must find more time to talk dear. I noticed that there's a certain... presence to you." Carliah's chesire grin peered up from over her own drink s she swirled the crimson liquid in her glass. "Its nice to see another who's learned the virtues of passion and drive." At that point, Vulpesen was shifting in his seat as he looked between the duo.
With what his father said, Ra did feel him.

Taking her own glass of wine, she took a sip as his mother spoke. Expressing the desire to speak with her more, she only nodded as a reply. The look on her face was carefully neutral, but her eyes would show what she felt. A bit like an ant or bug under a magnifying glass and getting hit by the light of the sun.

"Thank you, now sure how often I'm going to say that."

She looked at Vulpesen and the way he was moving around, it seemed maybe he felt the same way.

"I'm not sure what he has planned for our visit, but I'm sure something can be figured out."

"I hope its quite often. And I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to speak." After a bit, Carliah grinned and lifted form her seat, a hand lightly tapping her Husbands shoulder as she left, her ruby tail swaying and flicking behind her. Garren, after finishing his drink, set the glass aside and nodded to Carliah and Vulpesen. "Good to have you back, son. And miss Ra, it was a pleasure to meet you."

One the couple had left, Vulpesen slumped a bit in his seat and let out a soft sigh. "Well, that certainly could have gone worse." A hand lifted up to pinch the bridge of his nose, massaging it. "But that wasn't exactly in the day's plan if I'm honest." Waving his hands, Vulpesen started to stack the empty plates left by his family before floating his own to the top. "Perhaps the next meal you have here will be a bit more relaxed."

After only a few minutes more, his parents left and Vulpesen visibly relaxed. He also stated the meeting could have gone worse and Ra just lifted an eyebrow at him with a shake of her head. Giving him a bit of smirk mixed in with a half smile at his comment about the day's plans, she let out a small snort of laughter.

"And what were the plans for the day?"

Taking her last bite of food, she let him take her plate away too.

"I didn't think this one was that tense."

Vulpesen lifted up from his seat, his tail flicking behind him. "Perhaps not. But it still wasn't what I had hoped for." Setting her plate into the pile, he offered a hand to help her from her chair. "I had thought a walk through town or through the forest. Unless there's something else about us that you're interested in." Feeling an approaching presence, Vulpesen lowered his tail, allowing Ace to leap up and crawl his way up to his bondmate's shoulder.

Taking his offered hand, Ra stood up with him and gave him a confused look.

"What had you hoped for? Honestly, I generally behave myself."

She gave him a light elbow to his ribcage and listened to what he had planned for the day.

"Yeah introduce me to the people eating trees. That sounds like fun..."

Ace came up and joined them and she gave him a bright smile once he was on Vulpesen's shoulder.

"Wasn't you I was concerned about." He pecked her cheek and started back towards the doors of the castle, his tail moving to curl around her waist. "Not sure if you're being serious, but unless you pipe up with another idea, that's exactly what we're going to do." He passed her a wide grin while Ace curled up on his perch. As they walked out, a few servants hurried past to fetch the dishes and clean the dining area.

"Ah, I see. Your mother is who you were worried about. What do you assume she thinks of me?"

Leaving off the fact she didn't want to speak to her alone, Ra figured he may figure that out on his own. They walked out of the dining hall together, hand in hand with his tail wrapped around her waist.

"As long as we're together, I really have no other ides."

It wasn't meant to come ​across as an indecent proposal and Ra hoped he didn't take it that way.

"Probably wondering how she can use you. Or if you're trying to sue me. Though, it does seem like you've made a good enough impression for her to not write you off." Turning to one of the servants bustling by, Vulpesen tapped his shoulder. "Have shadow readied, we're about to go riding." With a quick, 'Yes sir.' he was off. "Just be careful. I'm sure she'll be looking for other ways to test you."
"True it is ever the way of a sith to figure out how to make use of others."

Even Ra was prone to this, but didn't admit that to Vulpesen. He may or may not figure that out on his own. More likely he would, if he hadn't already and just accepted it as part of her.

"Is the impression good then, I wonder? With my parents dead or so I assume from what I was told, you don't have to worry about meeting them."

He stopped one of the servants and requested Shadow made ready for them to go for a ride. Looking at Vulpesen for a moment and then around them.

"Where did Akata and Ankhaara get off to?"

Mentioning of testing her in other ways brought a rather dark smile to the face of Ra and she looked forward in a way to this test.

"Well, she didn't attempt to pick you up and hurl you out with storm of lightning. So you didn't make too terribly bad an impression... unless your next drink tastes funny. Then you might have cause for concern. And who knows, I might have met them anyways. I did spend some time in the afterlife." Despite the implication of his words, he fixed her with a grin. He was after all, joking... kinda. "And who knows, I might have met them anyways. I did spend some time in the afterlife."

As she asked about their four legged companions, Vulpesen glanced around. "One second..." Reaching out into the force, Vulpesen searched through his home until he finally found two familiar bestial presences, somewhat following a few other more sentient beings. "Currently wandering our rooms with a few servants trying to lure them in with something. If I had to guess, i'd say nerf steak."
"Huh. I don't think I would pick anybody up and hurl them out with lightening. Well, maybe a couple people, but not when I first met them."

Listening to what he said, Ra tilted her head slightly.

"How is it you did that and yet here we are walking with your tail wrapped around me?"

Vulpesen answered where the nexu and Vjun fox were and she nodded.​ Luckily she had trained Ankhaara not to attack unless she gave the command or something provoked her so she wasn't worried about the safety of the servants here.

"As long as they aren't getting into any mischief, they should be fine to stay here right?"


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