Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Freedom Fighters [Open]

"Thanks for understanding. How long you have be-" Harrip was cut off by the build of Force nearby. He coughed for a moment, he had a hard time breathing. "Sorry, allergens in the air." He tried to take deeper slower breaths, but it didn't help too much.

[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Watch out" Iris warned [member="Harrip"] looking towards the menacing men. "They look Sith" Iris guessed, either that or they were just trying to look plain evil. "If you have a problem with them, we can leave?" Iris suggested, since these two had entered the bar, Harrip looked unnaturally tense.
"It alright *cough*, I will be fine. Just give me a moment." He took a few deep breaths, coughed a couple times and looked at the Sith. "Why *cough* are they back *cough* ? You have any idea?" Harrip asked Iris. He wondered, something was wrong. Why would they come back after damaging the place, unless there was something here they were looking for.

[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"I don't know a lot about Sith, apart from they like trouble and inflicting pain" Iris' gaze drifted to avoid the two Siths getting suspicious of him looking in their direction. "Maybe they're he to join the Freedom Fighter?" He suggested, though that did sound stupid, why would Sith fight for Freedom?

"*cough* Hehe, I doubt it. Maybe they are here for *cough* the Freedom Fighters, to take them out. *cough*" Harrip was jumpy at this point. He remembered meeting a few other Sith. They had all been quite similar in the regard that they did something for a reason normally it was not good. "I will be back in a minute." He said to Iris before slipping away outside for a moment to get clean air, or at least cleaner of the Force influence as inside. He took a breath or two and walked up and down before coming back inside. It felt refreshing, to have been out of the bar for a little.

[member="Iris Tyrad"]
"That is alright... Finding him will prove to be difficult..." There was no need use scare tactics against the boy for he knew he was trying the best he could. Though in the midst of his conversation, something caught his ear... Like a buzzing gnat it annoyed him to his care... "If you have something to say [member="Iris Tyrad"] do in while in my presence... I don't like to hear people saying bad things about me and my friends, especially when I am in the same room..."

He never got up from his seat but his displeasure was made known, he'd simply continue about his business awaiting a response.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Iris watched as [member="Harrip"] walked of to the outside, he was then assaulted by the Siths words "If you have something to say Iris Tyrad do in while in my presence... I don't like to hear people saying bad things about me and my friends, especially when I am in the same room..." . Iris backed off slightly holding his hands up as if he was surrendering "Woah, woah ,woah," Iris started, taking a pace forward to be sure the Sith ( [member="Maleus"] ) could hear him "I was simply wondering why a Sith, such as yourself, would be in a Bar. It's not you guys to socialise 'others' " this was a blatant lie to anyone who had listened to his conversation with [member="Harrip"]
Harrip walked beside Iris. He stood there and waited for the Sith replied, he would be a support to Iris against the Sith. Whether in combat or in oral argument.

[member="Iris Tyrad"]
"What is that we Sith do exactly, pray tell?" The Sith stood upright pulling his hearty form the depths of his seat bringing his full height to measure.He tugged at his ravenous cloak which swung with his movements as he walked closer to Iris. "The Jedi themselves are responsible for the death of many.... There is saying that my father used to tell me when we lived on the broken terrain of Taris... He told me when elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. What do you know of the Sith, you spend your days wasting your liver away with some acrid drink... And you may wonder all you like, but keep those ideas of longing to yourself... You Freedom Fighters work for me now... Isn't that right, Caden?"

Iris Tyrad

Carden Lorps

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Iris thought that the Sith's terror tactics were hilarious, though the Sith did look menacing, it was nothing Iris hadn't seen before A force user thinking he was above everyone else. If a fight did break out, it wouldn't be the first time, but Iris would prefer to keep it civil. "I didn't say I liked the Jedi," Iris smirked, slipping a hand on the grip of his sword, ready for the worst "I was just saying that Sith are known to be particularly destructive, but I also believe the Jedi are very much capable of this as well." If anything, Iris disliked Jedi's more than the Sith, but at the end of the day he didn't like either, always fighting for power, and making innocent do their dirty work. Disgusting.


[member="Carden Lorps"]
"Out of many, you're the first to speak his mind and actually have something intelligent to say... I will admit with Sith have their tenancies but it is the world we live in..... There are far worse things than us Sith.. Despite what you may hear.." As he spoke to the Mercenary he would watch his body language for any signs of discomfort, perhaps looking for facial gestures which were a very accurate reading of someones disposition. Tell me, why is that you reach for your weapon, do you fear me?" He'd wriggle his fingers into the air, almost instantaneously his hilt whizzed into his fingers. "Or do you just want to fight?"

Iris Tyrad

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Oh no, nothing like that," Iris reassured the Sith "it's just I have trust issues, also me and [member="Carden Lorps"] here, have already met." He was referring back to the time in the bar, where the two didn't get along so well. Even though he had just explained his actions to the Sith, Iris decided to remove his hand from his weapon, partially to show he trusted the man, to a certain extent, but he also didn't like the tension it raised.

"I see, I can understand your position as well, for we Sith frequently betray one another in the pursuit of power... Luckily though Zabrak's have honor.. You will not be harmed by me, I can assure you." He'd angle the hilt back into it's compartment. It is strange, you do not break like the others, you do not cower in my shadow.. You must have dealings with the Sith before.. The audience that once looked on with stares slowly went back to their business. Soon the environment was back to it's cheery facade. "And you must know Jedi as well.... I'm looking for one, perhaps you've seen him?"

Iris Tyrad
Harrip listened to the interchange, if he had a weapon his hand would be on the trigger ready to shoot. But as it was he didn't have a weapon... he was a weapon in a sense and his muscles were tensed to the point of aching. If the Sith tried anything Harrip told himself that he would let the Rakghoul take over and attack him. He could think of all the gory details that allowing the Rakghoul out would entail. Put simply, he wouldn't want to be around to clean up.

"Sith, cowards, one in the same. As long as he has more power or more men he would gladly attack." He thought to himself. He didn't trust the Sith's question.

[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Breathing out, Iris' muscles relaxed, he hadn't even realised how tense he was during the conversation, but apparently, according to the Sith, it wasn't very noticeable. "Actually, I have yes, I've fought a couple of Sith, nothing to serious though, just personal incidents. But then again, I have also worked with the Sith in the past, like during the terrorist attack at Alderaan." Before continuing Iris looked to [member="Harrip"] who was looking very anxious, and looked as if he'd rather be anywhere, but here.

Before he attempted to relax his newfound friend, Harrip, Iris decided to answer the Sith's second question "what's the name of this Jedi you seek?" Iris probably wouldn't know him, but this could always lead to a bounty, and bounties lead to credits. Iris needed credits.

Brought the com-link from the ends of his cloak, he'd whirl around a few dials and press a few buttons until a three dimensional HUD was projected from it's surface. "That's the thing, I do not know his name" The projection came to life as it continued to re-create the image that it had shown many times before. The boy was possibly in his twenties, with brown hair and a brown sports jacket. He seemed all together normal enough, nothing out of the ordinary which could possibly make the task seem easy. But this was not the case as Maleus continued.

"I don't know his name, I don't know where he lives, and quite frankly I don't even know if he's alive anymore... Have you seen this boy?"
Iris Tyrad

Tugoro Taidarious

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"I can assure you I've never seen him before him my life," Iris replied to the Zabrak, still staring at the projection "however if you ever do find out more about him, I do bounties." Iris felt cheap for advertising his services, but there wasn't any other way to get the word out, for he wasn't recognisably famous as a bounty hunter.

Remembering his manners, and how he wanted to set a good impression, Iris held out his ready for a handshake "I apologise for my lack of manners, my name is Iris Tyrad, and who may you be? If you don't me asking."

Maleus extended his hand as he returned Iris's handshake with one of his own but one of the first things he would notice when shaking the young Zabrak's hand is how strong he actually was. "No need to apologize, there is strength in speaking one's mind.. My name is Maleus." ​As the two exchanged handshakes his countenance fell as he heard the issue of money come up. He himself had surmised a rather moderate income due to his current dealings with the Sith but even still he budget was stretched as it is.

"As of now I'm hiring out a Mandalorian and a storm-trooper, I do not have the necessary resources to pay you but I can provide you with something more valuable than money.... That being prominence.... If you work with me, you will be fed, clothed and armed well.... That is what I can promise.."
He'd cease speaking as he let the Mercenary consider what he was saying, perhaps he would refuse and they would go on their way. Or maybe he would accept his summons and work by his side, only time would tell.

Iris Tyrad

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