Whether the two decided to follow the young Sith pure blood was their choice alone, Ballen-Ist's figure turning from the shady bar to advance on the exit. Extending a hand, he would press it against the door, pushing it open in order to enter the dark streets of the lower levels. As he exitted, [member="Maleus"]' voice would ring out to him, before the transport made it's appearance. A light would begin to shine on the bottom of the ship's metallic surface, it providing a guide-line for the trio to follow. Bending his legs at the knees, the young warrior would leap from the ground, soaring through the air in order to make it to the boarding ramp that had lowered itself. Surely this was one of Maleus' connections, though the teenager was unsure as to who it was. However, that would have to wait as his hands gripped upon the cold ledge, before he pulling himself up to his feet. Gripping the bar that attached the ship and the ramp, he would watch from below until all three had made it on assumingly, his cloak flowing in the wind as he remained elavated amongst the city. Turning from the open air, he would head within the ship, his arms lifting to allow his hands a hold against the hood he wore, pulling it down to reveal his true identity.